Materia Medica Course on Shameless Remedies with Dr Manish Bhatia
Clinical Cases

Lumbago Successfully Treated with Homeopathy

Homeopath Mansoor Shafi shares a case of lumbago in a man of 47.  A remedy for emotional trauma proved to be the simillimum.

On an overseas visit last year, I stayed at a doctor’s home. He asked me to treat his housekeeper who was suffering from severe lumbago, which was interfering with his work. The patient, a 47-year-old male, had been seen by a surgeon who did not find any abnormalities. Pain killers only had palliative effects.

I interviewed the housekeeper privately. He appeared to be downcast, in a lot of pain, and I saw sadness as I looked into his eyes. He stated that his pain was severe, and nothing relieved the pain.

After making him feel comfortable, I continued my interview. I asked him when his pain started and if he had suffered any trauma. I could see a ray of glimmer appear on his face, as he told me that his wife, whom he loved dearly, passed away about six months ago.

He explained that after his wife’s death, he went into deep mourning, and then the lumbago started, initially mild, but over time it became worse, and he felt that he is declining. He also had been crying a lot. I asked if he was sighing, and he replied in the affirmative. I asked him about his desire for salt, and he said it was normal. He liked to be alone as he grieved.

Treating patients from countries whose organisms have not been corrupted by an indiscriminate use of allopathic medicines is relatively easy, as stated by Professor George Vithoulkas.

I selected Ignatia Amara. As I was visiting for a short time, and wanted to see expedited results, I placed a few drops of Ignatia Amara on top of his tongue in the 200C potency. On Day 2, I gave him a single dose of Ignatia in a 1M potency and on Day 3, a single dose of Ignatia in the 10M potency.

I returned to Colorado after administering this treatment.

I performed a follow up over the phone after three weeks and was told the patient was not complaining of any pain. I checked three months later and was again told that the patient had not complained of any discomfort. The other day I called to check; six months having passed since giving him the remedy.

I was delighted to learn that not only does the patient feel he is completely cured of lumbago but he is now considering remarrying. This is perhaps one of the easiest cases I have treated showing a remarkable difference to the patient’s quality of life by treating him homeopathically. His decision to remarry is significant in that he is at peace.

Conclusion: This case highlights the successful treatment of lumbago using Ignatia Amara, a homeopathic remedy. By considering the patient’s emotional state and personal history, homeopathy was able to provide long-lasting relief and improve the patient’s quality of life. Further research and clinical studies are warranted to explore the efficacy of homeopathic approaches in addressing musculoskeletal conditions such as lumbago.


Vithoulkas, George. Essence of Materia Medica. 2nd ed., B. Jain Publishers (P) Ltd., 2016.

Vithoulkas, George. Levels of Health: The Second Volume of The Science of Homeopathy. 3rd Revised Edition, International Academy of Classical Homeopathy, 2019.

Vithoulkas, George. Materia Medica Viva. Volume 12. International Academy of Classical Homeopathy, Alonissos, Greece, 2009.

About the author

Mansoor Shafi

Mansoor Shafi, a classical homeopath, discovered his passion for homeopathy in his mid-twenties after dissatisfaction with conventional medicine. Facing numerous health challenges including infections, allergies, anxiety, depression, and panic attacks, he found curative hope in homeopathy. Shafi trained himself and received ten years of mentorship from Homeopath Dennis Kay, MD. He furthered his education at the International Academy of Classical Homeopathy in Greece, considering learning a lifelong pursuit. Shafi, residing in Colorado with his wife, Zarina, finds homeopathy a divine gift and enjoys reading, camping, motorcycling, adventure travel, and deep thinking. He offers a free 30-Minute consultation to help clients understand his approach. Contact him at 719-671-4327 or [email protected]. To visit his user-friendly website, click on


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