Materia Medica Course on Shameless Remedies with Dr Manish Bhatia
Clinical Cases

Malignant Jaundice in a Boy of 10 Years

Malignant Jaundice in a Boy of 10 Years

A case of malignant jaundice in a boy of 10 is shared by Dr. Azizur Rahman. Merc Sol  M/5,Natrum Sulph 6x Natrum phos 6x, and Crotalus M/5 effected a total cure. Jaundice ended and nausea, appetite and sleep normalized.

The patient was a boy of 10, the son of a surgeon, who was treated in May 1999.The father and I use to reside in the same building while my posting was in Bogra Cantonment (1997-98). Once the surgeon approached me for his dysphasia which resulted from a dog bite. He was cured by two doses of  hydrophobinum. He met me in Army Headquarters Dhaka around the middle of May 1999. He informed me that his son was suffering from severe Jaundice (Homeopathy Treatment for Neonatal Jaundice) and had been admitted in Dhaka CMH for two and half months ago. The jaundice could not be checked and was increasing every day. The bilirubin count then was 29.5mg/ dl. He enquired whether there was any effective treatment in homeopathy for such malignant jaundice. They were planning to leave for Singapore in 15 days and he gave me that time to try homeopathy. I gave him one condition,  if the bilirubin level starts reducing after administration of homeopathic medicine within this 15 days, then they had to give up the idea of going to Singapore. He agreed to my condition. Then, I visited the boy in Family Ward of CMH Dhaka, his mother Major B Rani Das was beside him.I recorded the case.

Important symptoms:

Despair of recovery


Sclera fully yellowish.

No desire for eating

Nausea &vomiting tendency

Itching of body


Salivation especially during sleep

Offensive perspiration

Urine dark& bloody

Gums bleeding

Stool- pale, sometimes with dark blood.

Count of bilirubin – 29.5ml/dl


The boy was suffering from a malignant form of Jaundice, type E. I decided to use Crotalus Horridus for the case. But before starting Crotalus I wanted to test the effectiveness of Merc sol and the Biochemics Natrum Sulph and Natrum Phos. Simple forms of jaundice quickly respond to this combination. My intention was to check whether this combination was effective in malignant jaundice.

Selection of MedicineIn two groups as following:

  1. Group-1. Merc Sol M/5& M/6. Twice a day, One tea spoon from second glass of water; and Biochemic Natrum Sulph 6X & Natrum Phos 6X. 4 tab each in hot water,4 times a day.
  2. Group-2. Crotalus H. M/5 onwards.


First Prescription:Merc Sol  M/5 & M/6.   Each 2 times a day total 4 days, from the 2ndglass of water one teaspoon only.  Natrum Sulph 6x and Natrum phos 6x, 4 tab each to be taken twice a day in hot water. Bilirubin to be counted after finishing the medicine.(For1st 08 days)

Result after finishing the medicine :Appetite better,nausea less, bilirubin Level- 27.5ml/dl. Salivation less. The level of bilirubin has reduced by 2 points, which in such an obstinate case was encouraging. However, after testing the efficacy of Merc, Nat s and Nat phos, I decided to use Crotalus Horidus.

2ndPrescription:Crotalus Hor M/5.For 8 mornings, one tea spoon from 2nd glass of water.  Bilirubin to be counted after finishing the medicine.

Result After finishing the medicine: Nausea less, mentally better, hopeful of recovery, appetite better, sleeps better.Bilirubin count- 24.5, which was astonishing. Then I suggested the father give up the idea of going to Singapore.

3rd Prescription:Crotalus Hor M/6. For 8 mornings, one tea spoon from 2nd glass.  Bilirubin to be counted after finishing the medicine.

Result after finishing the medicine: Mentally much better, no nausea, appetite better, sleeps better. Sclera much less yellowish.

Bilirubin count- this stage they left the idea of going to Singapore.

4th Prescription:Crotalus Hor M/7. For 8 mornings, one tea spoon from 2nd glass.  Bilirubin to be counted after finishing the medicine.

Result after finishing the medicine: Better in all aspects.Appetite better, sleeps better. Does not want to remain in CMH bed.Bilirubin count- 08mg/dl.

5thPrescription : Crotalus H M/8.  For 8 mornings.

Result: Patient was discharged from CMH, Dhaka, they went back to Bogra Cantonment. He was cured and has remained fine to this day.

Conclusion Normal jaundice,even when a large population is suffering an epidemic form of jaundice due to water pollution, can  effectively be treated by homeopathic medicines. By the grace of Almighty,I could treat and check such an episode in the then Bangladesh  Rifles Training Center, Satkania Chittagong, in January 2007, where about 2500 Trainee and staff were affected. A sewage line got united with the damaged water line. Merc Sol M/5 was selected as genus epidemicus in this case. The result was100% rapid cure. Like many countries of the world, the problem in our country is that people at upper levels of society do not have much confidence in Homeopathy. So, you have to try hard to get a chance at applying your skills. If necessary, agree to apply homeopathy along with their ongoing allopathic medications.

About the author

Azizur Rahman

Lt. Col Md Azizur Rahman, Psc,G,(Retd)MSC,MDS, DHMS(Gold Medalist) joined the Bangladesh Army 1n 1979. He started practicing homeopathy among the Army officers and troops since 1988. He had the opportunity to treat & check a mass escalation of jaundice cases, in the Rifles Training Center. In January 2007, as a Zone Commander, he treated thousands of cases free in Polashpur Zone and verified the efficacy of Nat mur in old malarial cases. He retired from Bangladesh Army on 10 January 2010.
At present he is serving as the Managing Director of” Mirpur Defence Officers Housing Society, Dhaka , Bangladesh.

1 Comment

  • Its great to have such good and honest homeopaths who share their experiences so openly – Here this doctor has stated the importance of bringing Homeopathy to the masses – its good to sometimes know that our “pathy” is not exclusive and as complicated as it is being impressed upon especially on neophytes fresh out of college.

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