Materia Medica Course on Shameless Remedies with Dr Manish Bhatia
Case Quizes Clinical Cases

Revisiting: Driving Me to Despair; Thank You Very Much, Mrs. Mondarissi Gandhi!

Elaine gives the answer to the April Quiz.

Shana, how many people do you suppose remember last month’s quiz?


That’s what I thought!  Time to rewind and press Play!

Okie Dokie!  And……..Action!


Hello, everybody, Shana is here with an urgent report on violence on campus.  Take it away, Shana!

Wait a minute, Mom, I’m posting on Facebook.

Could you possibly post faster????

OK, OK!  Violence on campus:  Yesterday a huge bird—a falcon— swooped down in front of my dorm and flew off with a squirrel!  I was horrified!

A falcon?  Attacked a squirrel?  That’s it?  That’s your report about violence on campus?  (OK, that does sound horrible.)  But do you realize that back in the ’60’s….

Oh, here we go again, the ’60’s….

Richard Nixon called out the National Guard to shoot anti-war demonstrators at Kent State University in Ohio!

kent state_tear gas

Hence, the name of Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young’s hit record from 1970, “Ohio”.  Back then you could make a hit record about politics, and nobody stopped you!  Today, of course, that’s impossible.

Click here and watch the video:


Mom, I’ve already heard “Ohio” and it’s a great song, I love Neil Young!

You must have had good parents.  Who are they?  Not that your report wasn’t interesting also.   Anyway, here’s what I had for dinner:

What, pray tell, is that?

It’s a stir-fry, Shana, and the whole thing took less than 15 minutes!  I put butter in a pan, I dropped in some chopped onions, a sliced mushroom, some chopped broccoli and sugar-snap peas.  It’s important not to over-cook the vegetables!  Then, when they were done, I poured them over whole wheat angel hair pasta and voila! dinner-for-one is served!  What did you have for dinner?


Yeesh!  You’re kidding!  Doesn’t that school have any real food?  Never mind, let’s just start our case.

Good idea.

This is the case of…OMG!  I need a fictitious name!  And I’ve used practically every fictitious name in the English language!

Here’s one: “Mondarissi Gandhi”.

What the heck kind of name is that???? 

It’s Indian.

Well, it sounds stupid.  Never mind, it’s getting late and my brain is fried.  Actually, it’s a most unusual case so it’s just as well that you picked an odd name!  The symptoms were all over the map!  Every time I thought I knew the remedy, I’d hear something that contradicted it!  I was in despair, despair, I tells ya! (Thank you very much, Mrs. Mondarissi Gandhi!)



1. Describe the complaint or complaints in your own words.

I feel like I am getting sick.

I have a sore throat – it feels worse at night.  I don’t notice it when I eat.

The roof of my mouth has ulcers near the back – they are sore.

I am getting a headache tonight (9pm).

And have had some ongoing upset stomach – usually in the morning between 10-12, sometimes in the afternoon.  I get stomach pains that feel better passing gas or with a bowel movement.

2. Etiology–this means the CAUSE

I did a lot of travel (family stuff) and my kids were sick.  I think I was worn down from lack of sleep.

3. Sensation–

In the morning, I need to clear my throat.  I feel like it is hard to get stuff out … and it is kind of stringy.

4. Appearance– anything remarkable? 


5. Location–

Throat, stomach

6. Modalities– What makes your complaint better or worse?

The upset Stomach /nausea – better eating.  It goes away around lunch.  But I have never tried eating earlier than noon.

Also, the stomach pains – better after going to the bathroom.

7. Concomitants (other symptoms that are “along for the ride”)


Headache … my eyes seem tired.

I have a hard time waking up in the morning.  I am the person who, before having a baby, leapt out of bed in the morning.  But I am struggling to get up.

8. Discharges–color, odor, consistency and sensation

Only when I hawk it up out of my throat in the morning – stringy.

9. Generals–these are all the symptoms that begin with the word “I”: I’m hot, I’m cold, etc.

I am thirsty, I drank cool water non-stop today.  As soon as one glass finished, I poured another.

I chose cool water, over room temperature.  It appealed to me more.  I normally drink room-temperature water.

10. The mentals:

Some apathy/indifference.

11. What have you been saying?


Maybe something like (can you get dinner)? – hubby is home this week.

I have been telling him to whisper/ speak softly.  He is a loud talker.

12. What are you doing?

My teeth hurt last night while I was reading – I found I was clenching them.  I do not know why I did it and had to try to think of not doing it.

13. Describe your thirst and appetite–

Inconsistent appetite.  I have opted for healthier foods (but not because I wanted it).  I did it intellectually.

14. Fever?


15. Sweating?

I was cold today and that made me sweat

My armpits were stinky … I cannot describe the odor – but it was not sweet.

16. Odors?  Are odors an issue?


17. What is most striking, peculiar or identifying about your condition?

Ulcers in the mouth?

18. Is there a diagnosis?

[no answer]

19. Describe your energy

Energetic in the morning and that wears away.  Dull in the early evening

Rx: ____________________30X (it was all she had) every half hour, in water, 10 succussions before each dose.  Take less often as you get better.


I was doing every ½ hr for the 30x dosage last night.  This morning the mouth ulcers are better

(one is gone, the other has no pain)

No headache.

I woke today and the left side of my nose was stuffy, but that left as I got moving around.  The throat still feels like there is drainage, but no longer sore.

I was nauseous around 5pm.  As a matter of fact, I wanted to lay on the couch and take a nap … and not play ice hockey tonight.

But that all cleared up and I went and played anyway.

So, the nausea came at 5 pm but went away on its own.

I ate dinner.  Felt better.

I am thirsty, but less so.  I am doing water but do not need to refill the glass as soon as the other one is empty.

Well, gang, that’s it!  What do you think the remedy is?  Write to me at [email protected] and let me know.  The answer will be in next month’s ezine.



Kali bich.-2


Nux vomica-2





Antimonium tart.




Is the caller there?  Hellooooooo…………..

Elaine!  You are kidding, aren’t you???????

Um… let me check….

I repertorized the symptoms, and I wish I hadn’t!

I told you!  Hence, the title of this quiz!

All the small rubrics I loved in the case, indicated Carbo-an!  But it lacked the generals.

All the other general rubrics indicated, let me see, oh!  Just 10 remedies!  And they lacked the small weird rubrics.

The case smells like a bunch of remedies!  I am trying again and again, but I can’t decide.

I will vote for Phos – of course wrong, I know it already – and I will get back to you with my other wrong votes!  Don’t forget to put on your helmet.

OK, and guess what the remedy was? Phosphorus!!!!!

What?  You mean I’m right?  I can’t believe it!

PS. I thought of etiology too, but she doesn’t seem sure of it either.

Exactly, that’s why I had to ignore that.  Here’s what I did, I asked myself what was the most striking symptom in the case, and to me, it was the constant drinking!  I mean, she literally said that as soon as her glass was empty, she poured another glass!  So, I knew that whatever remedy I picked, it was going to have to cover that!

So, if you start from any other premise—that it’s kali bic or Cocculus or Nux vomica, etc.—you have to ask, “Do these remedies have excessive thirst?” and actually, no, not really.  BUT, if you start, instead, with our most famous thirsty remedy, Phosphorus, and work your way back, and say, “Does phos. have mouth ulcers?  Yes!  Does Phosphorus have stringy mucus?  Yes!  Does Phosphorus have aversion to noise?  Yes!” and so on.  Furthermore, the other symptoms aren’t very characteristic–except for the sore throat being better on eating, with Lachesis and Ignatia being the main remedies; but, they’re not known for having the kind of thirst we see here; so, after much despairing, I finally realized that Phosphorus actually did cover more of the case than I would have thought.

The thirst made me to vote Phos too eventually, but it was hard to rule out some other symptoms, ie, worse at night, amelioration eating, sweating after chilliness, the passing gas amelioration.

Maria, some of these are so general (worse at night? Practically every remedy is; and Phosphorus is a 3 for night time aggravation!)  Phosphorus is also a 3 for “eating ameliorates”!  You see what I mean?  It actually covers nearly the whole case!

I struggled to rule out Lachesis and Ignatia!  If it wasn’t for thirst, I would have voted for Lachesis probably.

But does this even look like a Lachesis case, really?  The sore throat wasn’t left-sided.  There was no aggravation from sleep.  In fact, do we even think of Lachesis in stomach viruses at all?  Same for Ignatia.  Dr. B,….It’s time to bring out the Hpathy Brass Band.

brass band 2

and congratulate our one-and-only winner for this month, who is…..(drum roll, please) none other than…….Maria From Greece!!!!  Speech-speech!

I would like to thank…

Oh geez, we’re out of time.


See you back here again next month for another great and exciting Hpathy Quiz!!!!!

About the author

Elaine Lewis

Elaine Lewis, D.Hom., C.Hom.
Elaine is a passionate homeopath, helping people offline as well as online. Contact her at [email protected]
Elaine is a graduate of Robin Murphy's Hahnemann Academy of North America and author of many articles on homeopathy including her monthly feature in the Hpathy ezine, "The Quiz". Visit her website at: and

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