Materia Medica Course on Shameless Remedies with Dr Manish Bhatia
Clinical Cases

Revisiting: Kellys Daughter, “Unstoppable”, Is “Unbelievable”!

Does Anybody remember last month’s quiz? Here it is again with the answer to follow.

Here’s the latest installment of “Homeopathy saves the day!” at my house.

My 12 year old daughter, “Unstoppable”

Excuse me, Kelly, I hate to interrupt, but, is that her real name?

No, it’s a name I made up.  Do you have a problem with that?

Me?  No.  It’s a beautiful name!

I thought so too.  I’ll just go on then, shall I?

Please do!

OK…. As I was saying, my 12 year old daughter, “Unstoppable”, injured her left foot the other day… while trying to step on a coin.

Excuse me! Time out!!!!!!  I’m officially changing her name to “Unbelievable” because….. Did you just say she injured her foot stepping on a coin?

Yes.  It was spinning.

Oh, it was spinning!   Well why didn’t you say so!  Is this the daughter who plays soccer?


I just did a whole article on sports injuries, for your daughter’s sake!!!!!  And she injures herself indoors on a spinning coin????????


Can you possibly explain that?


Is that the whole case?

Oh, no; there’s much more!

Well I certainly hope so!  

It will get better, I assure you!  She said that the outside edge of her foot hurt, especially when she walked. Unfortunately, she had soccer games to play later that day.  If you’ve been following her previous antics in other articles here, you know that she rarely complains of pain and frequently ignores it!

Fast-forward to later that evening after playing in the first game.  She seemed okay and mentioned that her foot hurt a bit but that it was not a problem. During the first half of the second game, however, it was obvious that her foot hurt.  She was limping and cringing as she ran!  Known for her speed and aggressive play, it was noticibly absent at this point.  She finished out the game still limping.

By the time we returned home later that evening, she was limping badly and complaining of much pain!

I immediately gave Arnica 200c and she went to bed.

The next morning the pain was worse!  She explained that it hurt alot when she walked and was worse when she turned it on the outside edge. The only other complaint was that her foot felt weak.

I went through Murphy’s Repertory then his Homeopathic Remedy Guide and I gave a total of 3 doses of___________ 30c throughout the day.

By the time she went to her game in the afternoon, she had No Pain at all and played well!

Elaine- I have to tell you that this case was amazing!!  By the time we left in the middle of the afternoon for her game, “Unstoppable”…


…had no pain whatsoever- none!  She played with her “second team” on this massive astro-turf field which is not her normal sized field; so, she ran and ran and ran on her once-injured foot!  The second team is an older team so her opponents were also older (bigger!) she scored ALL the goals for her team (3 of them) and the coach took her out only twice! I kept watching her and she’d give me the “thumbs up” sign to say she was OK. Oh, she was knocked around (like to the ground!) a few times too. I know you don’t “get” the whole soccer thing but it was pretty cool!

Hey, I played soccer!  What I don’t get is this new reckless teenage fad of coin-spinning!


Well, gang; what can be said about RUTA that hasn’t been said a thousand times?  Apparently everything since nobody bothered to say anything about it, even our one winner who only said, “Ruta”!  Thank you very much, Miss Lily Rafik of Casablanca!  Even Kelly would not condescend to explain how she came up with Ruta!  (“I went through Murphy’s Repertory, then his Remedy Guide….”  Well, what more could we possibly need to know?!!!!!)  As usual, I’m left with all the explaining to do!

Let’s look at this case.  What was the first clue for Ruta?  Kelly’s daughter said that the outside edge of her foot hurt.  Now, feel the outside edge of your foot. What is there?  There’s a very prominent bone there!  I’m suspecting that what we have here is an injury to the periosteum, the outer covering of the bone!  Ruta has an affinity for the periosteum…trauma to the shin, the forehead, etc.  These are all Ruta injuries!

What’s the next clue?  At first this injury wasn’t too bad.  In fact, this young lady played a whole game of soccer and was showing no overt signs of injury.  It wasn’t until the second game that now the child is limping and cringing in pain.  What do we have here?  Another keynote of Ruta–ailments from over-use.  Think of “repetitive stress syndrome”, the person uses the same muscles over and over again and now there’s a weakness or pain or easy dislocation; this is Ruta.  Even over-use of the eyes–in studying, sewing and the like, with a resultant headache from eyestrain, that’s Ruta too.  So, here we have a case where the pain didn’t show up until after considerable over-use; so again, we can think of Ruta here.

What’s the next clue?  By the time she gets home, she’s complaining loudly!  This is the child who never notices pain, keeps on going; so, this pain must have been pretty bad. The Ruta pain is quite unbearable!  Ruta is actually a combination of Arnica, Hypericum and Rhus tox: the achiness and soreness of Arnica, the stiffness of Rhus tox and the sharp pains of Hypericum.  Kelly thinks her Arnica 200C didn’t help, but I think that Ruta, like Rhus tox, is so restless, so unable to be still, that if Kelly hadn’t given Arnica, I doubt that her daughter would have been able to sleep that night!

Now, what’s our last clue for Ruta?  Actually, the last clue was my first clue because as soon as Kelly said the word, “weak”, I said Ruta! (“…her foot felt weak.”) I have notes, taken years ago, that say, “Ruta weakens, Rhus tox stiffens.”  People with Ruta complaints have backs that go out, ankles that give way, knees that buckle…in short, weakness.

So again, when you think of Ruta, think of injury, pain–you already tried Arnica, maybe you tried Rhus tox too, the pain is still there; then you notice it’s an injury to the periosteum, or a strain or a sprain, or a case of over-use; think of Ruta.  Are you done thinking?  I know I am! Dr. B, what is our lucky winner, Lily, entitled to this month?


This month’s winners will get a special 30% discount on one order of books from Hpathy Mall. Click Here for Prize Guidelines

Elaine Lewis, DHom, CHom.  Elaine takes online cases. Visit her website at:

About the author

Elaine Lewis

Elaine Lewis, D.Hom., C.Hom.
Elaine is a passionate homeopath, helping people offline as well as online. Contact her at [email protected]
Elaine is a graduate of Robin Murphy's Hahnemann Academy of North America and author of many articles on homeopathy including her monthly feature in the Hpathy ezine, "The Quiz". Visit her website at: and

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