Materia Medica Course on Shameless Remedies with Dr Manish Bhatia
Clinical Cases Homeopathy Papers Veterinary Homeopathy

Studying Homeopathy in Aotearoa, New Zealand

A recent graduate of homeopathy in New Zealand describes her school experience, and four recent graduates present cases.

New-ZealandI’m a proud graduate of the College of Natural Health and Homeopathy in Aotearoa, New Zealand. Formerly known as Bay of Plenty College of Homeopathy, it was established in 1989 and has campuses in Auckland, Tauranga and Christchurch. Students can choose to study to treat humans or to gain a Diploma of Homeopathy (Animal Health) where they will go on to treat animal clients – leading to the (strange to those passing by) question between students “Are you animal or human?” In order to gain a Diploma of Homeopathy NZQA Level 7 (human or animal) four years of study are required.

Students meet with teachers once a month for a fascinating weekend jam-packed with engaging lectures ranging from material medica; anatomy and physiology, pathology; homeopathic history, philosophy, theory and therapeutics; self-care; and business and marketing. The college teaches classical homeopathy – exploring various methodologies (from Eizayaga to Sensation) and introducing master homeopaths. Some students travel more than 150km each way to attend college weekends. There is also a large student base studying by distance learning (where DVDs of recorded lectures supplement coursework). Supportive staff are always available to help with any questions or problems.

The teachers (all qualified homeopaths) are very individual in their background (doctors, nurses, a physiotherapist, animal homeopaths etc), life-skills and approach to practicing homeopathy and teaching – with their professionalism, excellent lecturing skills and enthusiasm providing a common thread. The atmosphere is supportive and congenial but standards are high and students are challenged to extend themselves and to gain the myriad of skills necessary to be a good homeopath.

Aside from this we are given additional reading, study, research, assignments and paper cases. It’s suggested that we study approximately 20 hours per week at home. Students also attend clinical training days where they watch DVD or live-video footage of an experienced homeopath taking cases. Afterwards the homeopath discusses the case in depth and talks about case-taking, remedy selection and posology. Once the student homeopath has a certain number of clinical training hours (along with completed assignments and coursework) they are able to take their own supervised chronic cases.

I opted to study via distance learning for my first year. I had a number of family commitments at the time that often meant I’d be away on a college weekend and I needed greater flexibility. I loved being able to pause the DVD multiple times per lecture and go off on a study tangent – often using the internet to look more into the facts or philosophy behind the lecture before resuming. Also, it was great to be able to work at my own pace. The following year I began attending college weekends – which brought a whole new dimension to study. Along with being able to get to know your fellow students and participate in class discussion, it is great to be able to spend time with the teachers who are all inspiring in their own way.

I graduated at the end of 2013 and am now setting up my practice. Homeopathy is not mainstream in New Zealand, so it can be a challenge to make a living as a homeopath – but many of us are working to change this. Along with the college (, other organisations that support New Zealand homeopaths are the Homeopathic Society of New Zealand ( and the New Zealand Council of Homeopaths (

I love using homeopathy. I love the way so many skills must come together with relaxed, non-judging focus. I feel privileged to have studied at the College of Natural Health and Homeopathy and to be a homeopath.

I’ve asked some recent graduates of the college to share one of their student chronic cases (condensed, see below). I will end with a brief, acute ‘case’ of my own that was treated therapeutically – and affirmed my choice to study homeopathy.

Case : Baby with bronchiolitis

In my first year of study, my 5 month old grandson Te Rawhiti became ill after coming down with what started as a cold. He was extremely unhappy, crying and agitated, having difficulty breathing, was exclaiming on every out-breath a loud, moaned “Ah!” sound, had asthma-like wheezing and his chest was rattling. When his mother Moana brought him in that morning, I didn’t take his case but instead said “I think you should take him straight to the Accident and Emergency Centre”. He was transferred from the centre immediately by ambulance to (allopathic) hospital and I was relieved as I thought it was the best place for him. Later that afternoon we called in to see them. Unfortunately, he appeared almost exactly the same (only more exhausted). Moana said that he had bronchiolitis and doctors expected they would be in hospital for three more days. She was understandably stressed and tearful. I was shocked that Te Rawhiti’s condition had not improved after several hours of hospital treatment.

Later that evening I gave his other grandmother some Ipecac 30C (a remedy I had studied earlier in the year) and asked her to put 2 drops in his bottle when she visited. After his bottle Te Rawhiti fell asleep at last, he relaxed and his breathing improved. He slept well that night, woke up chirpy, still with a congested, rattling chest, but much improved. He was discharged that day. A dose of Ant tart 30C helped to clear his chest a few days later (thank you Margaret Tyler, ‘Pointers to the Common Remedies’pg32).

Graduate: Levonne Kelly

Veterinary case : “Shadow”

Chronic Case Taken As a Student


I recently had the pleasure of catching up with Leanne, the owner (and fellow student at the time) of my very first chronic case patient, taken in the course of study for my Diploma of Homeopathy (Animal Health). Shadow is a de-sexed female Border Collie X Labrador Retriever, and was aged between 3 – 4 years at the time. She presented with urinary incontinence, which had been an intermittent problem for about a year. She dripped urine frequently but not constantly. It was much worse after exertion, and she left a large puddle on the floor after sitting or lying down. There was no particular odour and it did not appear to cause her any pain or discomfort. She had been spayed at 6 – 8 months of age and had never had a heat. She had also suffered from stiff, sore hips for about 2 years. This was worse at night and in cold weather. She did not appear to be sore to touch.

She loved to play, and could be “jumpy” and mouthed the children (play biting) in hyperactive play. She was suspicious of arrivals to the house until reassured. She “went silly” if walked beyond her usual boundaries and then chased cars. She had no fears to note. She slept outside even in winter and liked shade. She had a good appetite, normal thirst, normal bowel motions and her urine was clear. She was slightly overweight, and had been going grey since the previous year.

I used the Kentian “totality of symptoms” methodology, and Lycopodium scored highly, with the most “bold type”. The urinary incontinence, stiffness in the hips of a young dog and early greying were all signs we might see in premature aging. Lycopodium has an affinity with the urinary organs as well as the keynote of premature aging. Shadow’s mental/emotional aspects such as suspiciousness and “silly” behaviour portrayed an animal that lacks self-confidence but puts up a bit of a front – classic Lycopodium characteristics. The “mouthing” she exhibited with the children may be an indication that while she was not head of the house, she would like to be dominant over them – typical of the Lycopodium animal who is bossy and domineering but seldom top of the pecking order.


Lycopodium 30c was prescribed, once daily for 7 days.

Follow-up took place 3 months later (delayed slightly so that my supervisor could be present). One week after the first prescription, Shadow’s incontinence greatly increased. Following this, it started improving and 3 months on it was not as noticeable. Her hips were not quite as stiff and she was not lame after activity like she had been. Behaviour-wise, she had started pinching shoes, blankets etc and “loving” them – behaviour she had displayed in her first 2 years of life. As gradual improvement was in progress (including return of old emotional symptoms and initial intensification of incontinence), no further remedy was prescribed at that stage.

Two years down the track, Leanne (now a qualified “human” homeopath herself) tells me that Shadow is doing really well. There is no longer a problem with urinary incontinence and her hips are good. Over the last couple of years she has been given the odd dose of Lycopodium from time to time. Further improvement was also accomplished recently with the removal of all processed food from Shadow’s diet – a good reminder of how important diet is to the overall health of each and every one of us!


Levonne KellyLevonne Kelly (DipHom Animal Health, NZCH Intern) has a mobile practice based in Katikati, Bay of Plenty. She treats all animal species and has a particular interest in horses.Case first published on Levonne’s website on 6th April 2014

Graduate: Leo Hommel

Case of Sinusitis

Chronic Case Taken As A Student

Initial Consultation 28/8/13: Female in her 40’s. Starts by saying she cannot breathe properly, always only one nostril at a time. She’s well when she does body type work, for then she is centred. Other times she gets thrown off centre and gets blocked up. Sinusitis: <change in temperature, >movement, > cold application. Irritated feeling behind the nose and eyes. Heavy feeling, sensation of pressure. Itchy eyes and nose. When in the woods, she feels uncluttered in the mind and feels clear in the nose.

She was born overseas and the family moved from a dry, sunny climate to one damp and cold room in the UK at the age of 6. Her mother was not happy in the UK and said to her “this is not your home”. She says she still does not feel at home and feels more like a snail with her house on her back. She was in a separate room as a child “so as not to be heard crying”. A local woman was her caregiver. She was fearful of sticking her feet out of the bed as if someone would come from the wall and grab them. She had a sheltered, overprotective upbringing as an only child. She has problems with boundaries. She said that as a teenager she was suppressed by her parents and could not express herself. She felt stupid when debating or arguing with friends. She was sporty, playing golf, tennis, swimming and horse riding but mostly not competitively. While swimming, she likes the quiet space by herself, like when she was alone as a child. She says it is a challenge now to find a quiet space like when she was a child, in a world full of distractions.

She travelled to several exotic countries before settling in NZ. She is a mother, an artist, healer and manages a business in the arts. At times in her life she has felt too busy. “I get distracted by this, that and the other and energy goes in all directions. There’s no container”.She does not sleep well and thinks too much. She is very sensitive to other peoples’ energies. She had dermatitis with her pregnancies with itchy, irritated, red and flaky skin at the top of the back of her thighs, a symptom she still has.


Mind, desires to travel

Mind, homesickness

Mind, anxiety for others

Mind, delusion, body scattered about

Mind, delusion, sees something coming out of corner

Sensitive to all external impressions

Nose, obstruction, alternating sides

Bathing, face, cold bathing ameliorates

Breathing, difficult inspiration

Nausea, on motion

Remedy: Phosphorus 1M, 1 tablet when there is some space and time for herself to “sit” with the remedy.

Follow Up 17/10/13: She took Phosphorus 1M at the beginning of September and this is a summary of her feedback:

–         She was clear from congestion when she went home after the original consultation and slept better than she had done for ages (this before she took the remedy).

–         Feels clearer in everyday life and has more direction, manages things well. Is less easily distracted. Says: “I burn less pots!”

–         Feels more grounded and has stronger boundaries, gets less caught up in other people’s dramas. Is more aware of her boundaries. Says: “I have a thicker skin maybe”.

–         Improvement to the skin on her thighs, eruptions hardly visible now but still itchy with certain fabrics, especially wool.

–         But, her sinusitis did not improve, in fact she thinks it may have gotten worse.


Remedy: No further remedy – wait.


Follow Up 31/03/14 (phone)

–         Sinusitis is a lot better, generally the nose is clearer, but still has a discharge. Before the treatment she would give the severity of the sinusitis as 8 out of 10. Presently it is more like a 4 out of 10.

–         She feels a lot more grounded, is standing her ground better and is more expressive about what she wants.

–         Skin rash is a lot better but not quite gone.

Leo HommelLeo Hommel– Previously a special needs teacher, as well as a (hospital) clown; now a qualified classical homeopath, with 2 years of study at the School of Homeopathy in the Netherlands and 3 years at the College of Natural Health and Homeopathy in New Zealand.I have a passion for children’s health and wellbeing in the context of the family; I am fascinated by people’s life stories and feel often humbled by them. I will study and learn for the rest of my life. Homeopathy is a fascinating discipline with an amazing potential for healing and growth.

Graduate: Eugenie Kruger

Examination Stress

Chronic Case Taken As a Student


Initial Consultation 06/11/12: My client is a 36 year old student and mother. She has come to see me about the stress she experiences before writing exams, continually being tired, as well as needing support with fertility. The central issue of the case revolves around her fear that she may not be able to conceive a second child. It took her 18 months to become pregnant with her son, during which time she tried several natural therapies, but ended up having to use fertility drugs for three months before becoming pregnant. She is still breastfeeding her son and her menses have not yet returned. She unexpectedly became pregnant and had a miscarriage at 9 weeks, about two months ago.

The client also finds exam times very stressful – she gets irritable, snappy, eats chocolate and says that her house turns into a pigsty the days before an exam. Her main concern is that she will not be able to remember the information and it is a huge relief for her when the exam is over. She deals with her exam nervousness by wanting to be on her own and getting annoyed by distractions. She describes herself as usually being cool, calm and collected.

She is the eldest of four daughters and said that she always had to lead the way and be a good example. Her mother has always been very involved in her life, being her Girl Guide leader, netball coach and rowing coach. She feels that this put a lot of pressure on her and she does not want this for her own son. She is very goal oriented and feels that she has to work very hard to get good marks – it doesn’t come naturally.



Rubrics selected for the case:

MIND-ANTICIPATION – examination; before

MIND-DUTY – too much sense of duty

MIND – COMPANY – aversion to – desire for solitude



ABDOMEN – PAIN – dull pain

HEAD – PAIN – dull pain

GENERALS – EXERTION; physical – amel.

GENERALS – WEARINESS – forenoon and afternoon

GENERALS – HEAT – lack of vital heat

GENERALS – FOOD and DRINKS – water – desire


Kali-c was the third remedy to come up in the repertorisation and it was this remedy which prompted me to look into Scholten’s method, as I recalled the Kali’s theme of ‘duty’. Morrison writes that it is very hard for the Kali-c patient to express their feelings as they have such a strong control over their emotions. The classic picture of the Kali-c patient being ‘conservative, loyal, moral and proper’ certainly applies to my client. Her sense of duty came out very strongly when she spoke about the expectations that were placed on her as the eldest child. She does not know what would have happened if she had not gone to university, but that it would not have been good as she had to set an example for her sisters.

My initial thought was that Kali-c would be the correct remedy, however after considering Scholten’s method, I decided that the Kali-mur picture, which combines the “sense of duty” of the Kali’s with the issues surrounding “mothering/ nurturing” of the Muriaticums, is more accurate. The client brought her son to the consultation and it was very clear that she had an extremely close bond with her son, which also made me think of the “mothering” theme.

Remedy: Kali Muriaticum 30C, once a day for a week, then wait and see. My reasoning for this is that I experienced the client’s vitality as low, hence prescribing a low potency. The client has just gone through a miscarriage, had her exams coming up and said she felt exhausted from not getting enough sleep. I do not want to risk using a higher potency and possibly causing an aggravation during such a stressful time.


Follow up 20/12/12: The client’s initial consultation was on 6/11/12 and she took the remedy for the first time on 11/11/12. Two hours after taking the remedy, she got her first period since giving birth to her son 18 months earlier. She was absolutely delighted with the response and to top it all off, she got pregnant straight away and was 5 weeks along when she came for her follow-up consultation.


Postscript: She had a healthy baby girl in August 2013 and a natural, drug-free birth.


Eugenie KrugerEugenie Kruger graduated from the College of Natural Health and Homeopathy in 2013 and runs her own clinic from home.


About the author

Jill Tuwhare

Jill Tuwhare lives in Auckland. She is continuing to learn more about homeopathy and natural health through her experiences of working with clients, reading, doing research and from study groups. For more information go to


  • Hi Jill mam,
    My name is Sai Manasa and I am from India. I would like t know about the prospects of studying in New Zealand as my family is likely to get shifted there in Jan 2015. I am pursuing I Year M.D in homoeopathy in India and my exams are in the month of May-June 2015. So how can you suggest me in pursuing my career further? Should I continue or Stop my M.D in India or continue in NZ straightaway by writing any clearance exam? Will I have to again write any clearance exam again after returning to India in the future? Please help me in this regard. I have read your post and you have mentioned about the college of Natural health and homoeopathy. And also please convey to me about the fee structure. I would be much thankful to you. If possible please mail me at [email protected]

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