Materia Medica Course on Shameless Remedies with Dr Manish Bhatia

Editorial – April 2022 – Another World of Healing

Editorial – April 2022 – Another World of Healing

Dr. Sandeep Jauhar’s book “Heart: A History” was published in 2018. In it he describes a couple cases that evoked an epiphany for him. One involved a woman who suffered tremendous grief when her husband died. Her heart then developed a pathological shape and dysfunction referred to as Takotsubo cardiomyopathy. When she recovered from the grief, the shape and function of her heart returned to normal.

Another case involved Dr. Jauhar’s father, who lived in India and was bitten by a snake. He returned home and was feeling well. Then someone brought a cobra into his house, claiming it was the snake that bit him. His grandfather looked at the snake, fell over and died.  The cause of death was not snakebite, but heart attack from fright.

Dr. Jauhar concluded that “Emotions and the responses that they engender can have a direct effect on the heart.”  He now lectures on the relationship between emotions and heart disease. He noted, that during his three-year training in cardiology, no one ever addressed the effect of stressful emotions on the heart.

This is an important commentary on the current state of conventional medicine.  It’s still in a nascent period in terms of understanding the mind-body connection.  The situation is very different with homeopathy. As we all know, such understanding is essential knowledge for all homeopaths, all of whom have encountered pathologies caused by emotional trauma. And all have witnessed those pathologies reversed by remedies that addressed the trauma. Two hundred years ago Hahnemann wrote (§ 213):

Therefore one will never cure according to nature—that is, homoeopathically—unless one considers the mental and emotional changes along with the other symptoms in all cases of disease, even acute ones, and unless for treatment one chooses from among the remedies a disease agent that can produce an emotional or mental state of its own similar to that of the disease as well as other symptoms similar to those of the disease.”

During patient visits, conventional doctors take notes on physical symptoms but gather only the most rudimentary information on the patient’s inner state. They just don’t have the orientation to search further, and with nothing but antidepressants and anti-anxiety drugs, their tools lack the precision to address complex emotional states.  What could they give for ailments from humiliation, guilt, suppressed anger or abuse?

Furthermore, how well can a doctor assess a patient’s history of trauma when the average length of a doctor visit (U.S.) is 17.4 minutes, and the median time  patients speak is 5.3 minutes. 1

I’ve known very fine allopaths who were exceptions, and were caring and empathic listeners. They all had extensive knowledge of physiology, pathology, anatomy etc. and I would always think “He/she would make a wonderful homeopath!”  If only they had been taught the concepts of homeopathy, they would certainly have embraced it and found its potential.

The door to homeopathy is always open. There’s an entire other world of healing, for any who wish to enter.

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–– EDITORIAL  –  Another World of Healing – Alan V. Schmukler

–– Letters to the Editor – Feedback from March 2022 –



–– Cornelia Maute -author of  Naturgesunde Pflanzen durch Homöopathie” (Naturally Healthy Plants with Homeopathy) is interviewed by Katja Schütt.



–– Online Homeopathy Course by George Vithoulkas

–– 50% Discount on Homeopathy Foundation Course

–– Lectures on Organon of Medicine VOLUME 3 now available!!



–– ”Sweet Homeopathie” Excerpted from: If You Knew What Animals Have Taught Me  – and what their masters have told me – Jean-François Royer

–– The Symbolism of the Remedy Lachesis Muta – Dragana Blagojevic

––  Early Attempts by Homeopaths to Relate the Remedies – Sue Young

–– Materia Medica of Radium Bromatum – from Absolute Homeopathic Materia medica – P. I. Tarkas and Ajit Kulkarni

–– The Soul of Remedies – Hura Brasiliensis –  Rajan Sankaran

–– My Experience at Glasgow Homeopathic Hospital – Fiona Chaff

––  Analysis of Homeopathic Clinical Practice from a School for Mentally and Physically Challenged Children in Kenya – Richard Pitt

––The Covid Pandemic Causes Confusion in the Way We Prescribe – Filip Degroote

–– Stop Chemtrails and Weather Manipulation Initiative -Elbert Westerbeek

–– Tidbits 90: “Wonder Boy” Has A Pilonidal Cyst – Elaine Lewis

–– Homeopathy Tips – April 2022 – Alan V. Schmukler



–– Free Homeopathy Books Online

–– Best Homeopathy Course for Beginners

–– The Best Book to Study Organon!



–– A Personal Story – David Johnson

–– Homoeopathic Treatment of Severe COVID-19 with Uncontrolled Type II Diabetes – Niva Shirke

–– Covid-19 Omicron Variant in a Man of 75 – Kathrine Dehn

–– Sub-Acute Thyroiditis – Post Covid  – Rajiv Peres

–– Non-Verbal Autism in a Teenage Boy – Maria Helena Rossi

–– Ulcerative Colitis Treated with Autopathy –  Jiri Cehovsky

––  Varicocele 4th Grade Cured with Homeopathy – Ravi Singh

–– Hypoplastic Uterus in a Woman of 17 – Kavita Chandak

–– The Constitutional Remedy in Covid-19 – Sudhakar Reddy Tirupathi

––  Asthma in a Woman of 62 – T. Geetha Reddy



–– Summary of a study by Lennart Hardell demonstrating harmful effects of 5G – Devra Davis



––  Structure Volumes 1 & 2 by Dr. Rajan Sankaran – – reviewed by Vatsala Sperling

–– Reverse Repertory of the Mind – Words to Mental Rubrics, by Dr. Muhammed Rafeeque & Dr. J. P. Salini, is reviewed by Dr. Joe Rozencwajg



–– Ask the Holistic Vet –– Dr. Deva Khalsa – April 2022

–– The Role of Hypericum in Veterinary Medicine – Dr. Gautam Unny



–– The Plant Doctor  – Radko Tichavsky – April 2022



––– First do no harm  —     Alan V. Schmukler



–– Homeopathy Crossword April 2022



–– QUIZ:–– What Remedy Is Bobby Rydell? (Another Famous Person Quiz) – Elaine Lewis

–– Revisiting:   COVID Again (Snatching Defeat From the Jaws of Victory)  – Elaine Lewis

About the author

Alan V. Schmukler

Alan V. Schmukler is a homeopath, Chief Editor of Homeopathy for Everyone and author of ”Homeopathy An A to Z Home Handbook”, (also in French, German, Greek, Polish and Portuguese). He is Hpathy’s resident cartoonist and also produces Hpathy’s Tips & Secrets column and homeopathy Crossword puzzles each month. Alan is a recipient of the National Center for Homeopathy Martha Oelman Community Service Award. Visit Alan at his website: Here.


  • I have a raised area on the side of my foot, on the bottom.I have rhumatoid arthritis.
    I banged it on a rock last summer was painful and more swollen.Seems to be filled with fluid.
    Anything I can use to have this go away.

  • Comment on “Another World of Healing” – Alan V. Schmukler

    Happy to hear there are allopathic practitioners worth converting.

    From a different perspective? In my experience, unfortunately, a highly educated iridologist still stuck to his ten-minute consultation (for a chronic condition) to prescribe one of two incorrect homeopathic remedies based on a total of three perceived rubrics.

    The same practitioner told me to repeat the (incorrect) remedy for at least a year, regardless of any perceived improvement.

    I have had magnificent results from single doses of the correct remedies and always note a vast improvement within three days, even with lower potencies. So this makes no sense whatsoever.

    Even more disturbing is that it seemed he realized it was the incorrect remedy yet made no attempt to change it. I paid for both consultation and misfit of a potion in case I was mistaken, but kinesiology confirmed it’s not what was needed.

    Needless to say? Two heads are better than one, and I had high hopes of help as I could not finish the treatment myself, HAHAHA.

    Yet, it is of no comparison to allopathic intervention. Never mind a problem for every solution? There seems to be this remarkable tendency to diagnose and suppress life itself as some ghastly error.

    Thank you for all the articles and newsletters over the years!

    Kind Regards,

    • Thanks for sharing that story. There needs to be certain level of competence in any medical practice. That’s why we constantly work at educating our readers. The allopaths are often competent, but are using crude and dangerous medical tools to attempt healing.

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