Materia Medica Course on Shameless Remedies with Dr Manish Bhatia

Reflections on Progress


Editorial Sept 2017

Progress has produced a polluted, over-heated planet that seems to be winding down prematurely. It has spawned greed so extreme that millions live in poverty while eight men own half the wealth of the world. In medicine it has resulted in a reductionist, toxic approach that is a leading cause of death, yet will permit no alternative. Progress has also brought us genetically modified food, toxic vaccines, electromagnetic pollution, and soon, entire populations monitored by microchips and retinal scans.

At some point, this progress becomes degeneration but where do you draw the line? If you were starting the world over, where would you have stopped this thing called progress? Near where I live there is an Amish community, a religious sect, whose members made that decision long ago. The Amish live off the land through holistic farming. They grow their crops with seed from previous crops, and are not beholden to seed companies. They forsake automobiles and mechanized tractors, doing their traveling and farming with horse-drawn carriages and plows. They don’t use electricity and have no televisions. The Amish educate their own children in one room schoolhouses. In each generation the young are given a period of time to experience the outside world, in order to decide if they wish to remain in Amish life. Most remain.

They have a close knit community based on honest work and cooperation. If one family needs a barn, the entire community builds it. They have no crime, no drugs, no wars. They use homeopathy and herbal medicine for themselves and their animals. They dress plainly, avoiding the trappings of fashion and vanity. The Amish have deep spiritual beliefs that they live by daily, and which sustain them. Some years ago a man from outside their community gunned down five Amish children in their schoolhouse, and then committed suicide. The Amish responded by visiting the killer’s wife and children to console them, and donating money to them.

The Amish inculcate their children with the values of hard work, honesty, humility and generosity of spirit.  No community is perfect, but their lifestyle and philosophy would certainly have led to a different world.

In this Issue


Interview:  This month we present an interview with homeopath Dr. A. Dwight Smith (1885-1980) which took place in 1968. During his almost 60 years of practice, Dr. Smith served as President of the International Hahnemannian Association and was editor of the Homeopathic Recorder for thirteen years. He was also editor of the Pacific Coast Homeopathic Bulletin for over forty years.


Tidbits – Elaine Lewis

Benoit Jules Mure  –The Story of a Great Enthusiast – Dr. J.H. Clarke

HRT Withdrawal Support Strategies for Homeopaths – Lynne Russell

The Soul of Remedies – Fluoric Acid – Dr. Rajan Sankaran

Staphysagria – Victimization vs Aggression – Allyson McQuinn

A History of Homeopathy in Malta  – Angela Sapienza

SRP Symptoms of Sulphuricum Acidum  – Dr. E.A. Taylor

Is Homeopathy Quackery – The Theory of Dilutions –  Ron Harris

Homeopathic Study of the Beast from Disney’s “Beauty and the Beast”- Christina Donka

TIPS & SECRETS – Tips from the Masters and Important News  – Alan V. Schmukler


A Morphinum Case  –  Katharina Riedener 

Stomach tumor in a woman of 53 – Dr. J. Compton Burnett

Three Medorrhinum cases  – Dr. Arshi Tank

Cancer of Right Breast – Dr. J.H. Clarke

Multiple warts in a boy of 6 – Dr. Jaya Srivastava

Cough in a boy of 4  – Dr. Neha Rajput

Clinical Experiences of Some Lesser Used Remedies – Dr. Fergie Woods


Ask the Holistic VetDr. Deva Khalsa, holistic veterinarian answers veterinary questions from readers. Send your questions to [email protected]


Ask the Plant Doctor  – Agrohomeopath Radko Tichavsky answers readers’ questions about houseplants and crops. Send your questions to: [email protected]

Book Reviews

The Summum Bonum Of A Repertory – by Dr Mansoor Ali – reviewed by Dr. Muhammed Rafeeque

Dreams In Homeopathy by Dr. Prakash Vakil  – reviewed by Vatsala Sperling.

An Insight Into Plants Vol III by Rajan Sankaran – reviewed by Harry van der Zee.

Homeopathic Mind Maps by Alicia Lee 4 Volumes: Remedies of the Animal Kingdom, Mineral Kingdom, Plant Kingdom and The Class Aves – Birds – reviewed by Rochelle Marsden

The Amazing Power of Homeopathy by  Drs. S.M. Gunavante and Sharddha Bhat – Reviewed by Dr. Daisy Katarmal

QUIZ – Elaine Lewis – Sharpen your skills with this monthly quiz from Elaine Lewis. Also, see “Revisiting” to learn the answer to last month’s quiz.

There’s more! Remember to see the new Cartoon and Crossword puzzle. Get Involved!  Send your questions and comments, cases, articles, book reviews and interviews to: [email protected]

About the author

Alan V. Schmukler

Alan V. Schmukler is a homeopath, Chief Editor of Homeopathy for Everyone and author of ”Homeopathy An A to Z Home Handbook”, (also in French, German, Greek, Polish and Portuguese). He is Hpathy’s resident cartoonist and also produces Hpathy’s Tips & Secrets column and homeopathy Crossword puzzles each month. Alan is a recipient of the National Center for Homeopathy Martha Oelman Community Service Award. Visit Alan at his website: Here.


    • best pain killers in homoeopathy[A.B.C.D]
      pain reduce depend on severity of pain and multiple doses and depends on potency and also underlying cause

    • Dr. Gupta, I would have to guess that if your remedies aren’t working for pain, you either haven’t found the correct remedy or you are giving it in too low a potency.

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