Materia Medica Course on Shameless Remedies with Dr Manish Bhatia

What Have They Done to the Rain

What Have They Done to the Rain

Just a little rain falling all around,
The grass lifts its head to the heavenly sound,
Just a little rain, just a little rain,
What have they done to the rain?

Malvina Reynolds

Recently the French radiation watchdog agency CRIIRAD, found significant levels of radiation in the milk there and suggested that mothers of young children not let them drink milk, eat certain vegetables or drink rain water. The radiation was due to the fallout from Fukushima.1

Just about the same time, in the U.S., the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) found unacceptable levels of radiation in some U.S. milk samples. One batch registered at six times the EPA maximum safety threshold. 2

The EPA however, didn’t issue any warnings. Instead, they proposed to raise the acceptable levels of radiation by somewhere between 3000 and 100,000 times.3. To make matters worse, the EPA also announced that since the Fukushima radiation is not really a problem, it didn’t need special monitoring. Now, they won’t even check the milk again for another three months.4 If asked, they can say…”We have no recent figures on that”.

Rather than protecting the populace, regulatory agencies in the U.S. often protect the industries they’re supposed to regulate. For instance, the U.S. Department of Agriculture permitted almost the entire U.S. food supply to be genetically engineered, based on a 90 day rat study. They also allow in our food, residues of antibiotics, hormones and numerous chemicals, all of which are designed to increase profits for the food industry.

It was already getting difficult to buy wholesome foods, and now the radiation issue is added to the equation. In a better time we could write letters to our legislators and hold protest marches. That actually worked for awhile, and some bad pesticides were banned. It doesn’t work anymore. Our lawmakers now openly take money from Agribusiness, the pharmaceutical industry, the nuclear, oil, biotech and chemical industries, the military industry and the banks.

I was thinking about all of this, and the general state of the planet, and it was getting me down. It all seemed beyond fixing and I wondered “Why keep fighting?”. At that moment the phone rang. “The pain is gone…you asked me to call you”. One of my patients was reporting that the remedy worked, relieving the pain that had forced her to stop working. “Thank heaven” I said.

Outside the rain had stopped, and the sun was peering out from the clouds. I remembered the words of Jacques Cousteau, the famous Oceanologist. He had spent a lifetime studying the oceans and seeing them gradually polluted. He was once asked…”Is it too late to save the oceans?” “Yes”, he said.

“Then why do you keep trying?”

“I might be wrong”.

In this issue:

Hope is necessary for life, and for me, it comes from each new generation of young, passionate homeopaths. This month we have a presentation from the highly regarded Irish School of Homeopathy. They were the first school in Ireland to be accredited by the Irish Society of Homeopaths, and I’m continually impressed with the level of their students’ work.

Our Hot Seat interview this month is with Declan Hammond, a co-founder and a director of The Irish School of Homeopathy who is also a transpersonal therapist and shamanic practitioner. Declan also gives us three presentations, including three cases of “soul recovery” with a mind altering remedy.

From the Irish School : Bernie Smith presents a serious case of failure to thrive in a young child. A case of vaccine reaction and its treatment is offered by Grainne Adams. We have an end of life case, treated by Anne Marie O’Bradaigh. Michael Farrelly talks about autism and his own son’s struggle with it. Rhóda Uí Chonaire presents a fascinating history of the people who brought homeopathy to Ireland and kept it going. Rita Garland describes the work of a clinic in Dublin that provides affordable homeopathic care.

* Congratulations to : Gabi (Canada), Steven (U.S.) and Deb, winners of Elaine’s April Quiz!!

Also this month…..
Dr. Rajesh Pradhanang tells us about the annual celebration of Hahnemann’s Birthday in Nepal (with pictures! ) Fukushima Fallout offers herbs, nutrients and remedies for radiation exposure. Elaine Lewis presents a new toothache case. Robert Medhurst offers keynotes of remedies for asthma. Dr.Jacques Millemann presents two veterinary cases and we have a Curare vet case from Dr. Claudio Martins Real. Dr. R. Gnanasambandam takes us on a photo tour of Hahnemann’s House in Koethen, which is now a museum. Dr. Traian Stanciulescu offers part V on Biophotonic Resonators. Dr. Atul Patwardhan presents a case solved with the sensation method. Dr. P.B. Kader discusses impotence and prostate problems.
There’s much more, including : Elaine’s famous Quiz (try it!) , Tips and Secrets, The Plant Doctor (send your questions), another homeopathy crossword puzzle and a new Cartoon. Pull up an easy chair and find what resonates to you. Keep sending your questions, comments, cases and articles to: [email protected]



About the author

Alan V. Schmukler

Alan V. Schmukler is a homeopath, Chief Editor of Homeopathy for Everyone and author of ”Homeopathy An A to Z Home Handbook”, (also in French, German, Greek, Polish and Portuguese). He is Hpathy’s resident cartoonist and also produces Hpathy’s Tips & Secrets column and homeopathy Crossword puzzles each month. Alan is a recipient of the National Center for Homeopathy Martha Oelman Community Service Award. Visit Alan at his website: Here.


  • Hi,
    Your magazine is on my ‘must always read’ list. A well designed, user friendly and informative journal. Great stimuli.
    I simply had to comment on the editorial. The conclusion of the article is so uplifting. Hope is such a bittersweet part of humanity. As long as we hold that, there is always possibility. The article has reminded me of how fortunate I am to be in New Zealand. Not a perfect place, by any means, but still a relatively unpolluted place. And today the sun is shining.
    Thank you

  • Already about 25 years ago i read in a newspaper that scientists found more than 200 chemicals in the rain.

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