Materia Medica Course on Shameless Remedies with Dr Manish Bhatia

Tinkering: Computer Techs and Allopathic Doctors

I have a number of serious skills but solving computers problems is not one of them. I consult two different companies for tech support on a continuing basis. The techs connect to my computer and fix whatever is wrong.  However, over the last couple of years, the quality of the service has declined.

Many of the techs are now poorly trained and missing basic knowledge required for the job. When they don’t know what they’re doing, they start randomly (desperately) clicking or unclicking those little boxes three levels down in the bowels of the computer.

When those attempts don’t work, they neglect to undo the changes they’ve made. So, in the end, even if they fix one problem, they create others that will be harder, sometimes impossible to fix.

What does this have to do with allopathic doctors?

Allopaths also do a lot of tinkering, and in the process, they break things. People often go to a doctor for a minor problem but end up getting invasive diagnostic tests, or drugs or surgery they didn’t need. Many are harmed.

One problem is that allopaths are always looking for some “thing”as the source of the problem. However, many symptoms are due to subtle mistunement of the vital force, with no “thing” to be discovered. Since allopathy lacks the tools to restore homeostasis, they keep testing and probing to find the elusive (often non-existant) structural item that they can treat.  In the process they often, inadvertantly cause more harm. That is not a rare occurrence, as these examples demonstrate:

 Deaths from drug side effects: J. Lazarou’s study published in JAMA 1998, found 106,000 people died yearly from drug side effects. However, that only included people dying in hospitals. Furthermore, researcher Dr. Jay Cohen and others have concluded that only 5% of adverse drug reactions are actually reported.

CT Scans:  A 2013 Australian study of 680,000 people who had CT scans as children found that those scanned had a 24 percent increased cancer risk, and each additional scan boosted risk an additional 16 percent. Research has shown that the risk of a fatal cancer from a CAT scan with 10 mSv of radiation is increased to one in 2,000.

Yet, studies have revealed that about one-third of the CT scans serve no medical purpose. Some are just for legal reasons to protect the doctor from lawsuits. Others, simply to to run up the bill.

Unnecessary Surgery: A U.S. Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations estimated that, there were 2.4 million unnecessary surgeries every year resulting in 11,900 deaths.

Medical Errors:

A study in the Journal of Patient Safety found that between 210,000 and 440,000 patients each year who go to the hospital for care suffer some type of preventable harm that contributes to their death. A researcher also found that only a fraction of patient harm is recorded!

Hospital Acquired Infections:  The U.S. Center for Disease Control (CDC) estimates that there are 1.7 million hospital acquired infections each year, resulting in 99,000 deaths.

Gary Null ND in his research paper: “Death by Medicine” crunched the figures through meticulous research and concluded that conventional medical treatment is responsible for 783,936 deaths per year, making it the leading cause of death in the U.S.

Now the U.S. FDA is trying to sell the idea that people need to be protected from homeopathic remedies.  Please click this link below and tell your legislators what a huge lie that is. Tell them to protect homeopathic remedies from the FDA, which is threatening to ban the remedies.

Send a pre-written message to your legislators at this link.  It takes about one minute:

 January 2023  – IN THIS ISSUE


–– Tinkering: Computer Techs and and Allopathic Doctors –Alan V. Schmukler

–– Letters to the Editor – Feedback from the December 2022 –


–– Molly Caliger – founder of the Tropos School of Classical Homeopathy and Midwifery in St. Petersburg, Russia – interviewed by Alan V. Schmukler


––   Americium Nitricum – The Last Journey  – Maja Letić

 ––   Prophylaxis Against Deficiency of the “Sun” Vitamin D –Joachim-F. Grätz

––   David Bohm and the Implicate Order of Homeopathy – Doug Brown

 ––   A Lightbulb Moment in the Treatment of Language Delay in Infants – Elizabeth Adalian

–– Kalium Arsenicosum – P. I. Tarkas & Ajit Kulkarni – excerpted from their book,  Absolute Homeopathic Materia Medica

 ––A Homeopathic History of Cholera – Sue Young

––  The Homeopathy Health Radio Show  – Atiq Bhatti

–– Message No. 4 from the International Hahnemann Center Torgau (IHZT)  in Meissen – Siegfried Letzel

–– Repertory Round-Up, part 9:   – Elaine Lewis

–– Homeopathy TIPS and Important News – January 2023 – Alan V. Schmukler


–– Multiple Ailments in a Woman of 68 – A Life Transformed –Kathrine Dehn

––  Cryptogenic Fibrosing Alveolitis in a Man of 62 – Keith Souter

 ––Atopic Eczema and Depression –Petr Zacharias

–– Cerebral Atrophy, Lumber Degeneration, Annular Tear, and Cervical Spondylosis in a Man of 37 – Kavita Chandak

–– Iris Versicolor as Anti-Migraine Remedy and Utility of MIDAS (Migraine Disability Assessment Questionnaire) for Pre and Post Treatment Assessment   –Rakesh Gupta  & Vismaya Verlekar

––Chronic Joint Pain in a Man of 62  -Angelica Necula

–– Angioedema in a Woman of 40 – Vipul Shastri & Avani B. Patel


–– Homeopathic Treatment of Vitiligo: A Report of Fourteen Cases – Seema Mahesh, Mahesh Mallappa, Dionysios Tsintzas, George Vithoulkas

–– The Role of Homoeopathy in Typhoid Induced Leucocytes Count Variations – Chandramoni Patel /  Sanjay Gupta


–– Little Angels, A Clinical Manual of Homeopathic Remedies for Infants and Children by Dr. Mayur Mahajan, MD – reviewed by Vatsala Sperling.

–– The Kintsugi Moms by Haseena Chokiyil – reviewed by Sreedevi Raghavan

–– The Homeopathic Treatment of Beef and Dairy Cattle by Christopher Day -reviewed by Vatsala Sperling


–– Ask the Holistic Vet – Deva Khalsa – January 2023


Ask the Plant Doctor – Radko Tichavsky – January  2023


––Need a Brain Scan?  – Alan V. Schmukler


–– Homeopathy Crossword – January 2023 – Alan V. Schmukler


–– QUIZ –The Choking Kind – Elaine Lewis

–– Revisiting: – A Giant Pain in the Neck – Elaine Lewis

About the author

Alan V. Schmukler

Alan V. Schmukler is a homeopath, Chief Editor of Homeopathy for Everyone and author of ”Homeopathy An A to Z Home Handbook”, (also in French, German, Greek, Polish and Portuguese). He is Hpathy’s resident cartoonist and also produces Hpathy’s Tips & Secrets column and homeopathy Crossword puzzles each month. Alan is a recipient of the National Center for Homeopathy Martha Oelman Community Service Award. Visit Alan at his website: Here.


  • Alan, great editorial, riveting. So true what you said and well-written! I went to and sent my letter to my representatives and donated to Homeopathy Choice. I hope everybody else will do the same!

  • very good article, Dr. Alan. In any field, when possibility for a filthy commerce enters, medical ethics cannot sustain, and modern medicine is no exception to that. Most people are stuck with “technology advancements”, when what every patient actually needs is “stuff that works”. It has become a fashion nowadays and I know a few patients in India itself (I say India itself, because, India always supports Homoeopathy and is legalized long back, and many here follow homoeo) stating that “this multispeciality hospital”, “that senior doctor”, “these therapies, tests and facilities” in “fully air conditioned environment”, since they think its quite prestigious for their “financial status”. 🙂

    • Thank you Giri. Yes, money runs medicine these days. My wife was once coerced into getting an unnecessary CAT scan for no reason other than to make money for the hospital.

  • Thank you Dr. Schumkler for your very insightful editorial. What you have written conforms exactly to my daily experience as a Homeopath, working with members of a spiritual community North of Kolkata, India. The sheer quantity of antibiotics prescribed for medical conditions that do not even require antibiotics amounts to malpractice…And this is just antibiotics. Parents who refuse to give them are told that they will be the cause of death for their children. One parent of a child with a scraped knee after a scooter accident was told exactly this. Being my patient she came to me for advice, I told her that for this serious problem my mother would have given me a lollipop. A few applications of Calendula cream and no problems! And now so often people run to hospital for every little ache, pain and sniffle. It is more or less an addiction…. Addiction kills many people slowly or quickly. I am not a USA citizen. If I was I would certainly write to my local representative as you have requested.

    • Thanks for your comments Giri. Yes, my wife was once coerced into getting an unnecessary CAT scan for no reason other than to make money for the hospital.

    • Thanks for sharing your experiences Joanne. Drugs are pushed on everyone. A nurse tried to give my mother a cholesterol lowering drug even though her cholesterol was low. The nurse said “Everyone gets these pills”. Idiots.

    • Thanks Rochelle. Yes, I wish we could let everyone know, so they don’t keep becoming victims of standard medical practice here.

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