Materia Medica Course on Shameless Remedies with Dr Manish Bhatia

Letters to the Editor February 2007

Letters to the Editor February 2007

Dear Manish
I liked the edition very much especially editors page and your article on the Organon.
We like to have people like you who are fighting for the real Hahnemannian homeopathy in our ranks!

Best regards,
George Vithoulkas


The multi-media issue is fantastic, the visual components of the articles greatly enhances recall for those of us who are ‘visual’ learners. I am sure I will make frequent use of the power point presentations from Dr. Kulwant Singh (Sinusitis), Marc Van Wijk’s ‘Hahnemannian Case Management’ and – Dr. Gabrielle Traub’s ‘Fingernails and What They Reveal’, these are all wonderful tools. My thanks to you all for a great publication.

Sarah Berry



Well Hpathy newletter is wonderful So far I am happy to read most of the articles and comments by readers. It is really nice to learn many advances in Homeopathy as against the conventional prescription medicines

But I did not find any where any reference of FDA approval of any of the homeopathy medicines even though the Physicians specify various homeopathy medicines which definitely cure the disease and the people are very happy.

Is there any one one in the group who will be able to take up the matter to speak to FDA to recognize homeopathy as the definite reply to solving various medical conditions with no side effects.

My experience with homeopathy is wonderful for I treated for Prostate, high blood pressure, diabetes, energy, tonsilities etc

I hae now one quetin Do Homeopathy prescribe any medications for Paget’s disease? I would like to her from any one who is aware of this disese and solutions from homeopathy

Thanks for help

Yours truly

hare krishna mani


Dear Dr. Manish Bhatia

Your issues have been wonderful right from the outset , and are improving with every month. This time I am compell to to write to you because of the concept of power point presentations. I have never found any ppt on homoeopathy though I have tried it searcxhing online many times. It’s not the ppt but the idea of ppt which I liked most.

I appreciate your work and I am proud of you.


Dr. Nancy Malik


Dr Editor

this month multimedia issue is fantastic
i am so excited
my wishes to all …..
thank u
dr balaj



I find it very helpful. The big advantage is the PICTURES that can accompany the remedy descriptions. E.g., I took a look at the snake presentation and I find that seeing the animals very much helps in my understanding of the topic. I also happen to love snakes, and never get enough of a chance to see pictures of the various kinds. It is particularly helpful that you allow printing of the various presentations.

I don’t think you should devote the entire issue to multimedia, especially since there are topics that are adequately covered by text only. But the graphics are interesting for understanding remedies themselves.

Thanks for the experiment! I really enjoy your newsletter, and never have enough time to read all of it.

Yocheved Desnick


Dear friends,
The quiz is very interesting. The answer to quiz is that as the child is suffering from diarrhoea for a long time at different times at present he requires “Veratrum Alb 200”
As the age of 8th month to 12th month is the period of dentition, the child should be given Chamomile in infrequent dozes with supportive medicine Calcareaph 3X or 6X. In the Long run he may require being the child of a gout parent For diarrhoea the type of stool play an important role.
S.C. Kursija


congratulations on publication of new multimedia issue.
all the articles r good ,presntable & in easy language.please continue with power point presentations.pps on bowel nosodes & cerebral palsy r good enough.please include some more real cases & use of flash in upcoming issues.

dr neelesh saggar


I loved the ppt presentations thatcan be saved and used for clint/public education.

Great issue! Keep it up!

Paul Fitzgibbons, ND


I am very very grateful for your kind letter. I have read the whole issue it really the marvelous job you done in this multimedia issue. Every multimedia/PowerPoint file is really very beautiful, colorful and informative. God may bless you with prosperity and reward you for what you deserve.

With best best regards,

Dr. Abdul Sattar


Dear Sir
I like very much this way of exchanging of views, and also good efforts for biggerner/learners , I appreciate for this efforts.

Imtiaz Ahmad Joya


Dear Neil,

Very good comments in the last e-zine. You and Dr.Bhatia make the most interesting comments there.

However, I said to Dr.Bhatia for the last number that although the epigenetics looks as the place to search for more clarifications, that will still not explain too much. The scientism need to practically put the weapons down and recognize they created a system where things can not be explained in full as they search for a beginning and their whole phylosophical approach will never be successful as it does want to have success, considering that life is an accident.

The vital principle is a virtual entity, that cannot be touched. It can just be used in uor benefit and can only be accessed by the One that made it.

Have a great day,


Dear Sir,

It is an excellent magazene this month. Wow, So many subjects, So many topics. I am thrilled by the presentation on Reiki, Sinusitis and how to assess the patients.

very good job. Go Ahead.

S Narayanan


Dear Sir,

The Multimedia Edition, is very good in All the “N” Dimensions. However, we will not be able to go through all due to net-trafic and I therefore request you to make availbale the CD itself so as to view the same in the personal PC’s with speed and multimedia effects.

I also understand, that mailing CD’s and other arrangements invloves labour and correspondence.
As such it may be priced reasonably.
Downloading , waiting page fault connections, etc., are the painfull exercises.
We await favourable decision in this regard.

Chokka Raja G


Dear Editor,
The article by Dr. Gabrielle Traub is very useful.
It would have been much better if she had given pictures of the nail deformities/deficiencies.

Thanks and regards,
Pankaj Varma


Dear friends,
Thank you for all the messages you sent me.
I am happy to announce that I posted the link to your site on that is adressed to romanian homeopath physicians.
Kind regard,
President of the Romanian Society Of Homepathy


Dear editors,
the snake overview nicely done,
Peter Stevens


Prefer usual print presentation.. Spent so much time getting the
Power points and to check one had to restart and go through again.
My computer literacy and computer not quite up to it.
Material excellent as always. Thank you, Jean


Dear Editor,

How are you sir, hope fine. I am really enjoying each & every items of H.pathy.

However do you have any Online course & International certificate from Hpathy with a resonable fee so that people like me can get an internation certificate from you & to be a nice doctor as you know the teaching process here is not up to the mark than that of other countries. If you start it can be a revolution.

Would you please help providing such service?

Waiting for your reply.

Thanks & best regards,

Md. Mazharul Haque Mamun


Your emagazine is really a wonderful resource for Homoeopaths. I haven’t read all the Jan issue yet but did have a quick look and it seems very interesting. We would like to be regular contributors if you are interested.

Louise Barton
College Administration
Victorian College of Classical Homoeopathy


Dear Dr.

Its Fantastic!
No words to praise your New Years’ gift.
May God be with you and bless all your future endeavours.

Wishes & Regards


I saw the jen 2007 edition and i felt a breakthro’ in the magazine getup.
It must be painstaking to design. Good and i thank you for thaT. DETAILS I AM YET TO GO THRO SIR, due to pre-occupation.

Thanks and BEST OF 2007 for all the Editorial team members sir


interviw with Mr. Marc Brunson was very convey my congratulatios to both.
Dear Dr. Bhatia

I will have to see how to use it .I am so glad you told me this. I did tell you at The new Ezine Layout that I simply love the way it is formatted and also the style and colors. I look forward to reading the stories now I can go back to my copy and read about the diseases diagnosed by finger nail. I want to encourage you all and tell you what a great job you are doing. I have many Friends from India who have relatives send them homeopaty products from home and I was recently lucky enough to have my friend share some herbs for indigestion from India .It worked great. His Father is a doctor in Kandipur,and send him traditional medicines. I also did not know that these is a treatment for Diabetes without insulin.You must still check the blood sugar but diet and herbal remedies have kept him off insulin shots. Keep up the good work. Your faithful Reader Christian Ryan DO. I also am a Doctor Of Osteopathy in the USA. We train almost like the MD does but we have our own medical schools. We also put more empathis on the physical Body and not just writing prescriptions all the time. I peosonally do not like allopathic Medicine all the time as the drugs are so toxic and they kill thousands of people every year in the US. Thnks again DR. Christian Ryan DO
dear sir, your jan.2007 multimedia is really a superb issue . i read and enjoyed it , kindly continue giving mulimedia contents regularly as one can eaily and more effectively grasp and remember things . i congratulate u for such awonderful issue please keep it up. thanks.
yours – A. P. Shukla.
Dear Sir,
January Issue is realy very good. Your innovation i.e. P.Point presentation is very good.

Many thanks
Dr. A. Kasem
I thought that the new format and magazine is fantastic. I was impressed with the layout and please keep them coming chris ryan



dear sir , i read your mag. jan 07 issue for the first time . it is really v. much informative. i enjoyed fingernails multimedia presentation picture presentation is very helpful to understand and remember it . philosophical presentation is also superb.icongratulate u for such a nice effort to make hom. more meaningful .please keep it up. thanks A. P. Shukla


I really enjoyed this issue – the Lecture on the Organon was particularly educative as was the interview with Dr Schepper. Each of your issues provides fresh perspectives and learning.

Thanks a lot



Understanding ‘Aphorism One’
The article is well written. The aphorism is explained very well in a simple language. The aphorism is very appropriate in the present situation where treating the patients is rather a business than a calling or a mission. I hope the aphorism will go a long way in curing the ailing humanity, human beings motivated by greed and material benifits alone rather than the well being of the huanity as a whole. – Anoynymous


Multemedia is individual’s performance and they may come occasionally and seperately unless it contains extraordinary matter concerniong Homoeopathy propagation .

The article/editorial is MUCH too wordy. All of the points could have been made in half the length, perhaps with greater effect.

Dear Manish Bhatia,
I appreciate your hard work and “work together” AS a reader I am in favour of “add lot of multimedia” editions.
But you are the better judge, because you know that how much time you can spend for the ezine and how much it cost as we are not contributing any money.I am ready to pay as a membership fee or contribution in any other form to run the ezine. I will like to add that it should not be a theoretical magazine, but a practical magazine containing article from practice of members. I shall cite an example. A patient of mine, living at Faridabad 50 km or so away from my place.He gave me a ring, stating that he was suffering from Herpes zoster on chest. He took allopathic medicines for two months. Herpes Zoster have ameliorated, but pain is present.But the main trouble is that he is not passing stool. He is not having any urge for the same. No appetite. He has to remove the stool with mechanical add. The enema or suppositories have become useless.Since last five days he has not passed the stool. He is having agonizing pain in the abdomen and writhing with pain. Please help. The stool is hard, knotty and dry. Keeping symptoms of the stool and no urging, I advise on telephone to take “Opium IM” and use suppository for grease. He passed with pain hard, Knotty dry stool.
There was no urging for stool next day again. I advised him to repeat the medicine. His appetite improved. He passed the stool regularly, but still pain in abdomen. According to him, this pain is due to gas. There is rumbling in abdomen and pain.I advised him to take “Collonsonia Q” Since then he has no trouble in the abdomen. This is the case of last week.There were three medicines in my mind for stool. Nux.v, Alumina and Opium. Nux.v has ineffectual urging, Alumina has no power to expel the soft stool; Opium has no urging. Similarly there were three medicines for pain. Colocynth, Dioscorea, and Collonsonia. The Colocynth pains are relieved by pressure and bending double. The patient is always irritable; The Dioscorea is a bilious medicine, paroxysm of pain, better by rising up and walking, worse by bending double.
Collonsonia is for dry stool,obstinate constipation; flatulence colic.
In this way we can improve the knowledge of our readers and utility of our magazine. Moreover there should be a forum or penal of doctors to advise patients and doctors seeking advise, so that more and more patient and doctors may visit Hpathy.
I appreciate the Jan,2007 issue of magazine. The editorial, interview with Dr.Edward De Beukelaer are worth reading. I appreciate Dr.Kulwant singh’s Sinusits slides. But I will like to comments on the case of Cerebral Palsy. In my practice since 1968, I am unable to cure a single such cases with a single medicine only though I practice classic homoeopathy. I can alternate medicines but does not appreciate the mixing the medicine. Other normal and regular features, such as Materia Madica, Philosophy, Quiz are good.
With thanks and warm regards.


Comments on Editorial Jan.07

As far as homeopathy is concerned,it has proved its worth whether we judge it empirically or statistically.The allopaths have no business to judge other pathies with their own yardsticks.It is the people who are the real judge.let us now stop giving weight to what the allopaths have to say about homeopathy.


Doctr Marc Bunsun, I am much impressed by your attempts to clear the dog of its ill conditions. You have been lead by both Hahnemann and Kent. Masi could have bifurcated medicines in terms of their nature abstract and concrete sufferings. Does that attempt to help Homoeopaths to decide remedies? Hahnemann and Kent are the stalwarts. Hahnemann has divided under Psora, Psychosis and syphlisis. But this is only an understanding of the ailments. But remedies are selected only according to the totality of symptoms.K.V.Natarajan.


Dear Dr. Bhatia,
Fabulous, absolutely fabulous, are words that probably do not completely describe your January issue with all that multi-media material. I was thrilled with the contents and the illustrations, charts and diagrams. The telephonic interview of Dr. Luc De Schepper was truly amazing not only for the educational and understanding values but the simplicity and
clarily in style. It was like hearing a master speaking in an uninterrupted flow that can only come with deep understanding of the knowledge. Congratulations to you and your team, Dr. B for the marvellous job done.

As for your poll, I was first inclined to vote for “Develop special multi media issue occasionally” to make it a rarity that needs to be enjoyed at intervals but then my preference fell to “Add one or two multi-media files to the existing format”
Thank you for the joy that you have given to your many subscribers.
Nisar Shekhani.


Dear Editor,

I feel pleasure to send you my feed back about multimedia edition of your eMagzine. My comments are as under:

1. It is good attmpt.
2. Quality of material presented is not satisfactory .
3. Necessary editiong errors were found ,several textboxes in power point
files were noted.

Please continue asking people to share their work.

Finally I want to submit my complaint to you about your website rules, i have submited my website to be added in urdu homeopathic websites direcotory listing but no response has been received from your office. My website is .

I hereby request you to please add this link into websites diretory section
under urdu websites where results are 0 .

Looking for reply,

Dr. Mumtaz Ali Riaz


I loved the power point presentation of sinusitis, great visualization and information, especially in regards to location, modalities, extentions and main differential diagnosis points. I find that visual presentation enhances my understanding – well done.
I do not use real player however and I would like to see a format that can be read more readily buy other multimedia players with plugins or uisng a codex. examples .avi, divx, mpeg, wmp formats.

Nick Mazzoli DS Hom Med


hello.i show your multimedia issue of hom4 was very will help to many doctors n student of was very good.wish u all the best for future


Dear Editor,

I love ‘Homeopathy for Everyone’, until now! I used to be able to read and print the articles so easily, now it was become very complicated and so far I have not managed to access these marvellous teachings nor print them. I am an ‘old girl’ and not a young computer whiz. When you are in your seventies you do what you can!

Please help me to access these marvellous teachings. They are helping me so much. I live up in the North and you are one of the very few contacts I have with other Homeopaths. I count on your help in this matter.

Thank you and keep up the good work,
Take care,

Pat McCabe


As you promised, the issue was good. The sinus presentation is par excellence.
Convey my congratulations to the author and hope that he will continue his wonderful work of sharing his knowledge with us with even better presentations.

love and best wishes Sir



Generally it’s great, although I’d prefer it without too much audio programs.

One article which needs improvement IMHO is the (otherwise beautiful) ppt presentation on sinusitis: it seems as if portions of the work are lacking. For example: slide number five in the third file is the exact condition I was interested in, but there are no remedy suggestions to it in all the 3 files! Very frustrating…

Keep up the excellent work, best regards,



Send us your feedback, views, comments and suggestions about various articles published in Homeopathy for Everyone and in general to Dr. B at [email protected]. Your feedback is very important to us!

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