Materia Medica Course on Shameless Remedies with Dr Manish Bhatia
Homeopathy Papers

A Notice on a Bulletin Board

A brief remembrance of Hahnemann Medical College.

The door of Hahnemann Medical College

The door of Hahnemann Medical College

The following notice with a hint of humour was posted on the Hahnemann Medical College’s Bulletin Board on October 15 of 1927 in Philadelphia.


Notice – Attention Seniors:  “Wanted five intelligent seniors to volunteer for drug proving. A new drug has been discovered and offered to the Materia Medica Department by Frank Kennedy, of the Senior Class. This drug promises fame and honour to our institution; for, after all symptoms of the drug will have been proved, then people will be able to outlive the first hundred hard years. Only those students who neither imbibe in tantalizing drinks nor smoke “Camels” nor chew tobacco need apply. The name of this drug is “BARLEYCORN,” of the species Alcoholis Americanensis.” – Signed by Dr. Garth W. Boericke, M.D., Head of the Department.


In response to this notice, Paul A. Shaw and Everett Reynolds offered their services, together with several other senior students; but they were the only ones accepted, the rest of the applicants did not qualify to participate.


A week later at the Hering Laboratory, two selected representatives, each received a material dose of the tincture of Barleycorn as a preliminary test. About ten minutes later one of the symptoms sought for became distinctly evident in both subjects—that great symptom of Euphoria!


Dr. Boericke and Dr. Hepburn, were smiling with optimism, and dismissed the two students, instructing them to remain at home for the rest of the day and record every change in their constitution, mentally, physically and otherwise.


This school, the Hahnemann Medical College, was one of the proud institutions of homeopathy in the United State. It was founded by Dr. Constantine Hering, and it was one of the best medical schools in Philadelphia. The first American institution for the teaching of homeopathy was at Allentown, Pennsylvania. By the great efforts of Dr. Constantine Hering, in 1835 a charter was obtained in the State of Pennsylvania for the North American Academy of Homeopathic Healing Art, with the privilege of granting the degree of Doctor of Homeopathy.


In 1844, the homeopathic physicians of the United States formed the American Institute of Homeopathy. In 1848, Dr. Hering met with Dr. Jacob Jeanes and Dr. Walter Williamson. The meeting resulted in the founding of the Homeopathic Medical College of Pennsylvania.  A few years later, the Hahnemann Medical College of Philadelphia was opened, but in 1869 the two institutions were merged together.


In the school’s historic records, the dean of the college, in the year 1928 wrote: “It has been my good fortune to be actively connected with the Hahnemann Medical College for over twenty years and to have seen many classes pass through the college and enter the active practice of medicine. With very few exceptions, every graduate has rendered excellent professional service and has been a loyal son of Hahnemann. To be part of the training of medical men has been a very happy duty and the richest reward has come from seeing Hahnemann men, whom I have known intimately in college, become a powerful force for good in many different communities. It is my hope that the Class of 1928 will continue the enviable record of Hahnemann men and that each and every member of this class will render valiant service to suffering humanity over a long period of years. The temporary care of a thousand patients to my mind, is not nearly as important as the education of one good Homoeopathic physician.”


Despite the great history, countless surveys, high quality evidences and tremendous services that homeopathy offers, still up to this modern day homeopathy is being bullied and discredited unfairly. Now more than ever, the science of homeopathy needs us to protect this healing art by educating the general public through demonstration of medical results and testimonials!

We need more homeopathic colleges and hospitals. We need homeopathy to be a free medical choice, without any political harassment. It is our right to learn and to use Homeopathy.

As always, God bless Homeopathy!

About the author

Iman Navab

Iman Navab is a certified classical Homeopath and doctor of alternative medicine from Canada. He is the President of the Applied Research in Homeopathy Foundation of Canada ( He is the author of 'Miasma of Cancer', and is a historian of Homeopathy. Iman teaches History and Philosophy of Homeopathy at the Canadian College of Holistic Health. Navab gives lectures and seminars to raise awareness about the rich history of Homeopathy.

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