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Homeopathy Papers

A Promise of Hope (APOH) Miraculous Co-Creators, all of us together. Thank You

Bill and Barbara Grannell, Co-founders of A Promise of Hope (APOH), a project to bring homeopathic medical care to the poorest areas in Mexico, share their progress in building a permanent clinic in the village of Yanhuitlan, Oaxaca

A special message from Executive Director, Barbara Grannell. Yes, all of us together — YOU, other donors, APOH’s directors, and especially Dr. Soledad Ramirez Medina, we are all Co-Creators and for that you deserve a Special Thank You!

Sometimes I have to pinch myself. It’s really true. For the first time ever there will be a permanent healthcare clinic in the village of Yanhuitlan, Oaxaca!

This clinic will not only serve Dr. Soledad’s hometown community, but the clinic will serve 24 surrounding mountain communities as well. This means when babies, children, young people, adults and the elderly need a doctor, one will be available. It also means there will be homeopathic medicine available for healing.

This changes everything for the better. Permanently. As Doug Brown (APOH Director and well-known Homeopath) says, “bottomless goodwill” is being practiced for the people of central Oaxaca. After APOH’S 20 years of service there will now be a lasting legacy of caring for our neighbors to the South.

It is the difference of night and day to be sick and have a doctor or be sick and have NO doctor, NO medicine and NO hope of recovery.

As wonderful and miraculous as it is to have a doctor and medicine, it is perhaps equally important to visit a doctor who shows each individual true compassion, dignity, respect and tolerance. These are the attributes that will help cure a suffering world.

I am honored, proud and grateful that all of us together, as co-creators, continue to bring these gifts of healing and hope to more of God’s children where we can, and in particular, where this opportunity has presented itself to us, thru Dr. Soledad Ramierez Medina, homeopathic doctor and Mixtec Indian!

We are all co-creators of spreading the sanctity of life, of answering the call to love our fellow man as ourselves. Our miracle clinic in Yanhuitlan, Oaxaca, will be there for decades to come.


It is thanks to YOUR GENEROSITY and UNLIMITED KINDNESS. It is thanks to Bill’s leadership and special skills, our team of directors and especially to Dr. SOLEDAD’S DEEP PASSION, SKILL, DEDICATION AND COMMITMENT.

We are doing this together and I am grateful! Thank you so much!

Please stay tuned TO THE PROGRESS, as APOH, with your continued help and support, hopes to finish the clinic in 2021!

Abrazos (hugs) galore,

Exciting to see, a clinic is born in Yanhuitlan, Oaxaca Mexico!

Report by APOH President Bill Grannell

Remember the photo from our last update showing six workers in a ditch while Mr. Victor gave directions? If you forgot, we will show it to you here:

The picture’s caption read, “Victor and Luis crew works fervently to complete foundation before the start of summer rains.”

Well, the summer rain came! But better yet, the foundation is done and now brick walls are emerging everywhere despite frequent and sometimes furious rain!

Incredible view of southwest corner of clinic as bricks rise up!

It has been your donations that are making all this possible! Look what you have brought to build Soledad’s “Golden Dream” clinic!

To get to where we are, your donations have purchased 35 tons of cement, 8 tons of mortar cement, 6 tons of rebar steel, 2 ½ tons of heavy construction wire, 1 ton of concrete nails, 120 cubic yards each of sand and gravel, rolls and rolls of flexible conduit, hundreds of feet of sewer and drain pipe, two 300 gallon water tanks and 6000 bricks!

Now, let’s see what all of this stuff is building! We will take you through a fast sequence of events, starting with the building layout and excavation in February until today with walls emerging and preparation for the next big concrete pour – the first floor.

This is very impressive, especially considering that almost everything is done by hand – no machines. As a matter of fact, the only 2 visible machines we have seen are a cement mixer and an older gas compactor. All of the concrete is mixed in the mixer from bags of cement, the sand and gravel. It is then placed in the forms one bucket at a time! We will show you!

The foundation took 32 men working 12 hours to complete! No ready-mix concrete trucks here. No prefabricated walls.

Oh yes, the bricks. They are all handmade locally and fired in kilns fueled by charcoal that is also locally made. The bricks are exceptionally hard and weather resistant, a product of these Oaxacan communities for generations!

Now, these bricks are rising up to build a clinic (Dr. Soledad’s Golden Dream) in the Mixtec pueblo of Yanhuitlan where the clinic will serve Yanhuitlan and another 24 small villages and ranches, bringing them their first doctor in recent times! And, it is our hope and prayers that it will stand for many generations to come serving the Mixtec people!

Remember this

and then this:

To this…..

What happened over the next several weeks was even more phenomenal!

Steel went in and forms went up until all of the foundation walls were ready for concrete. Then very early in the morning on Monday, June 7, the contractors Mr. Victor and Mr. Luis with 32 men went to work, 12 hours later they were done.

The concrete foundation was completed! On the following Wednesday wood forms came off and fill dirt was placed around foundation walls.

Making a Foundation, the Concrete Pour — One Bucket at a Time!

Bricks, bricks and more bricks as the walls rise up. All of this is happening despite torrential downpours that temporarily halt work forcing Victor, Luis and crew to negotiate giant mud puddles to move and prepare materials. Rains also make it tough for trucks to make deliveries. Despite it all, work goes on!

VISIT OUR WEBSITE:   for even more news & how to donate. Please encourage others to do the same. It’s a good way for them to learn more about A Promise of Health, Dr. Soledad and building the Clinic.

About the author

Barbara Grannell

Barbara Grannell serves as Executive Director of A Promise of Health. Her career spans over 30 years in the non- profit arena. She is a veteran community, state and national organizer, working at all levels of government in the US and Mexico. In 1987 and again in 2001, Barbara co-founded with her husband 2 international non- profits, serving as Executive Director, CFO and Director of Fundraising for both organizations. She has written extensively, co-published with her husband, speaks nationally/internationally about the importance of social activism and continues to be a strong advocate for Homeopathy’s role in the 21st Century.

About the author

Bill Grannell

Bill Grannell, labor organizer, Oregon legislator, national political leader, local government lobbyist, commercial fisherman, teacher, creator and director of a national grassroots organization, co-founder of Mexico’s only homeopathic program bringing healthcare to its indigenous people. His life shouts of activism. As President of A Promise of Health, at age 79, he is still actively working to improve the lives of people.

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