Materia Medica Course on Shameless Remedies with Dr Manish Bhatia
Homeopathy Papers

An In-depth Review- “Introducing Homeopathy – The Film”

Homeopath Gill Graham reviews “Introducing Homeopathy – The Film” sharing the contents and how the film was made, with quotes from patients, doctors and scientists. She starts with a discussion of the people involved in creating it.

‘Introducing Homeopathy -The Film’ premiered at a red-carpet event at the Joint American Homeopathic Conference (JAHC) in Reston, Virginia on April 19th 2024. Its mission statement: ‘To Give Homeopathy Its Rightful Voice. Homeopathy is a powerful healing modality that changes lives. Until now, its voice has been silenced across the medical landscape. Introducing Homeopathy is a new professionally produced, feature-length film dedicated to bringing Homeopathy into every household and healthcare system globally.’ 1.

In a running time of 2 hours, 7 minutes, the production team travel throughout the US to meet practitioners and patients who discuss cases of transformative healing. To validate and further explore the results of the healing witnessed, top researchers, scientists and professors from around the world are consulted and interviewed.

The film serves to give our profession and community a platform to control the narrative surrounding homeopathy by simply presenting the facts, which includes irrefutable evidence as to its efficacy, by going to the source, in other words, hearing the patients’ stories, in their own words. The team envisions this film being shown on such platforms as Netflix, Amazon, Disney +, Apple TV, and more.

Who are the ‘Team?”

 Kim Elia – Producer

‘Kim is a world-renowned Homeopathic educator with a passion for bringing Homeopathy to the world. He is co-founder of WholeHealthNow (WHN) providing comprehensive free and affordable educational resources and tools to the Homeopathic Community.

Kim was instrumental in the development of the online web application for homeopathic first aid and acute care: Homeopathic HouseCall. He served as the project’s principal creative lead in charge of all project development and creative strategy.’1

Julian Shereda-McKenna – Director/Film Maker

‘Julian comes from a legacy family practicing Acupuncture and natural medicine but focused his career in cinema. After serving as an Executive Producer developing shows in Hollywood, Julian was tapped to oversee a venture capital firm making investment decisions based on a sophisticated analysis of company branding.

His current company, TLT, advises startups on content strategy while producing films and commercials for established brands. Julian has overseen a team of award-winning producers, cinematographers and graphic artists to film, capture, edit, and launch the feature film.’1

Carol Boyce – Co-Producer/Co-Director

Carol trained as a scientist and was in the final stage of her PhD when she found homeopathy, and the rest, as they say, is history. She graduated with distinction from the College of Homeopathy, London in 1985 and describes herself as homeopath, teacher, activist, published writer and filmmaker.

For the last 40 years, homeopathy has been her life and taken her to four continents, setting up or working on homeopathic projects. She is thrilled to be part of the core production team working together to bring this project to the public.

 Several others are involved in the production team and as collaborators and volunteers, Dr. Ronald Whitmont, Paola Brown, Gabrielle Traub, Dr. Lauri Grossman, Denise Straiges, Lise Battaglia, Dr. Douglas Falkner, Dr Mitch Fleisher, Dr. Robert Melo, and many other senior figures, too numerous to mention, but equally as important in our community.

Impossible to omit is Micki Elia, co-founder of WholeHealthNow, who serves as a coordinator for much of this project, and whose warmth and enthusiasm to communicate, with myself and many others, has made our jobs so much easier. The expert input and involvement from the team will help make this film a huge success and deliver its important message.

A very successful build-up to the event on all social media platforms, is testament to the expertise and skills of Isabel Wells. She is the communications director and graphic designer for the film and was helped by an excellent volunteer marketing team. They demonstrated ‘social media excellence’ in my opinion, ensuring that the timing of their posts encouraged maximum interaction and attendance, in person or online.

The Red-Carpet Event

I burnt the midnight oil (I was in England) to see the Red-carpet Premiere. Many of the ‘stars’ of the show and film makers were approached and asked for comments, most agreeing, without knowledge of the other’s responses that it had been a ‘labour of love’, the objective being to ‘awaken people to the phenomenon that is homeopathy’, and ‘a steppingstone for the general public.’

One homeopath (Lise Battaglia) commented that it was reporting on ‘sufferings that matter.’ This was indeed the case as the transformative power of homeopathy was the outcome, so that ‘suffering’ became living a different, pain free life, the contrast, as witnessed, stark, but in a dazzling way.

The film maker Julian Shereda-McKenna, was emotional as he discussed that he hoped that the film would transform people’s lives; he was “herding cats” and it was a “frightfully beautiful project”; Carol Boyce, co producer said it was “a blessing to be part of the team; the world is hungry for it.” She hopes it will “inspire and humble people with its gravitas.” Many more significant comments were given along with grateful thanks to the entire team.

The film

We are privileged to enter the lives of people and to help them.” Dr. Linda Johnston

 For over 2 hours I was mesmerised by the endless cases that were discussed, beautifully documented, and featuring real patients who told their stories, with comments from the homeopaths who were taking their cases.

The cases were intercepted by experts, citing homeopathic philosophy, history and research, each segment connecting logically and flowing into the next, answering questions, completing the jigsaw about the totality of homeopathy and why the approach is as it is.

 The film starts in a dreamy, esoteric way with spiritual music accompanying scenes of natural, cosmic beauty, highlighting the fundamental laws of nature. Beautifully stated in the narrative: “when we discover and activate the laws, we align our efforts with the universal principle of evolution towards greater beauty and order. When we ignore them, we descend into chaos;” this is what is happening with medicine now, with drug side effects and addiction being a major 21st century problem; chaos, addiction and uncontrollable disorder being expressive, accurate terms.

 A vivid sunflower is featured, synonymous with natural beauty; sunflowers are heliotropic, they move in the direction of the sun, symbolising growth, the embodiment of optimism that brings delight to those around, like this film, which will lead to a growing awareness of homeopathy, thus bringing joy to many who are desperately seeking healing from toxicity.

This gentle start paves the way for the wonders of our medicine to be truly experienced through the cases, like a testament to the fundamental laws of nature. The cures experienced however, are dynamic, no more, no less.

The Organon, § 2, wonderfully sums up this paradox of gentleness versus power: ‘The highest ideal of cure is rapid, gentle and permanent restoration of the health, or removal and annihilation of the disease in its whole extent, in the shortest, most reliable, and most harmless way, on easily comprehensible principles.

 I felt it was a very clever move to begin with the cases experienced by those already working in medicine. Dr. Rachna Kapoor, a medical doctor with a young family, had a severe bowel condition, (a mesenteric mass) followed by a bowel resection at Johns Hopkins Hospital.

Life after the operation was never the same, she was still sick and experienced permanent diarrhoea; she realised that her condition could not be solved or cured by her system of medicine, she said “it was failing me.” After experiencing the healing effects of homeopathy, she was inspired to study it and movingly states: I was a medical doctor in my past life, but now, I am a homeopath. I consider myself a healer now.”

 There were many such stories documented by naturopaths, medical doctors and nurses turning, in desperation, to homeopathy. Jennifer Bahr (ND,) who after many years of trying to conceive with conventional medical help, turned to homeopathy. She now has a 3-year-old child and remains in awe of homeopathy whilst practicing and specialising in it.

Often homeopathy was unfamiliar to them, and on investigating, challenged their core beliefs, they started the journey, nonetheless. Included in this was Dr. Richard Pitcairn, a vet, who discovered the healing power of the remedies on himself, when he had flu.

He didn’t expect it to work, so he felt he was not experiencing the placebo effect. He was simply and quickly, healed. He then went on to use it in his clinic and is now one of America’s most famous homeopathic veterinary educators.

Part of what makes this film work is the way research, history and philosophy are interspersed into the narrative, slotted seamlessly between cases and always relevant. I feel this allows the viewer to take stock, one is not overwhelmed with endless cases or the patients, rather they are introduced slowly, and their backgrounds revealed. We are left waiting in anticipation for the case outcomes to be disclosed.

Rachel Roberts, from the Homeopathic Research Institute (HRI) features strongly in the film, she has over 25 years of experience in the field. She comments that there is a “divergence between actual data and perception from the outside world as to the effectiveness of homeopathy.”

I was therefore pleased to see there was negligible focus on the detractors in the film, suggesting any input they have is neither educated, nor informed, and certainly not up to date. To paraphrase Mark Twain, ‘Reports of the death of homeopathy are much exaggerated.’

Dr. Alex Tournier, also from HRI, cites Dr Robert Mathie’s study ‘A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomised, Other-than-Placebo Controlled, Trials of Individualised Homeopathic Treatment’2 which demonstrated that homeopathy worked beyond the placebo effect.

Alex adds “that there are so many people using homeopathy, and who have seen life changing results, should we not invest in brain power to figure out what is happening for their health?” Further research, although costly, is imperative and necessary.

Animal Cases

Animals feature frequently, both farm and domestic. A beautiful story was of Joker the dog, which is just one account in the film of the miraculous healing experienced in animals.

Joker is a 6-year-old border collie who ran into a large boulder. He was a show dog who competed in agility events, so this was a massive drawback for him.  He damaged his knee, it was a puncture wound, 4 vets looked at x-rays which showed that on his right knee cap a portion of the bone had died and he would no longer be able to do agility.

Joker had a reaction to a drug during his treatment and became fearful, so the homeopathic route was started. Jody Bearman, a vet, (DVM, CCH), on recounting this case, remarks that bones do not have vasculatures, and do not grow back. Following homeopathic treatment, Joker regrew his kneecap, which is nothing short of a miracle.

He subsequently made the world team twice, taking fourth position. It was “unbelievable what he had to come back from.” The vet went on to say that “animals do not experience the placebo effect to this degree; it doesn’t restore a kidney, nor does it allow a lame animal to start walking. It is all about giving the right remedy to activate healing within the body.”

Also featured was veterinary surgeon, Chris Auckland, from the UK (BSc vet MFHom MRCVS) who stated that mastitis in cows was treated and prevented homeopathically, and that poultry farmers had also used it, obviating the need for antibiotics.

He also commented that homeopathic remedies, effective as they are, were less expensive than any other source of medicine. A UK based sheep and beef farmer, Lynnie Hutchison, added remedies to the animals’ water trough and the pigs did not get orf, a viral infection, which they had previously experienced. They obviously did not know the remedies were in the trough. She added, “I know it works, so I use it.”

This brings us on to the empiricist/rationalist debate, and as Dr. Joe Kellerstein remarks: “does it work or doesn’t it?” The rational school of thought is to treat each part of the body of specialisation separately, as we see in conventional medicine, unlike the whole-body, holistic approach of homeopathy. As Alastair Grey says, “Hahnemann was a great empiricist thinker, genius and polymath, devoting his life to serving humanity, with individualised medicine.”

In cases like Joker above, the results are miraculous and undeniable, some perfect words here describe the paradox:

 In philosophical terms, the opposite of rationalism is not irrationalism but empiricism, that is, a willingness to form beliefs on the basis of experience rather than from a priori deduction. Empirical evidence never yields the dogmatic certainty that accompanies logical deduction.’ John Quiggan


It is important to focus on some of the patient cases featured, and their outcomes, it is impossible to cover them all, due to space. All the cases shown in the film were fascinating and detailed the homeopathic journey, from start to current time.

Kaleo -Autism – Gabrielle Traub

Kaleo was a small boy, diagnosed with autism. He was ‘in his own world’ and had frequent meltdowns, permanently in ‘flight or fight’ mode.  The parents stated it was a ‘big diagnosis, and was terrifying, with not a lot of hope’.

He experienced one-hour seizures, sleep issues and a host of other complaints, almost non-verbal, stimming and other typical autistic behaviours.

Since starting homeopathy, he now wants to engage, his mother and his teachers are finding it thrilling to see the improvement he is experiencing. He is almost speaking in full sentences. One teacher remarked that he had so much potential, which he is now able to reach.

He has had no seizures since starting homeopathy, his teachers are in awe, and those responsible for his care have advised “to keep doing what you are doing!” There has been “a significant change, almost like a rewiring of the nervous system. A key has unlocked something, there is more connection. From silence to explosion.”

Addict- Greg – Lise Battaglia

 ‘At least 1 in 8 Americans are prescribed benzodiazepines, despite the associated risks.’

 Greg had been depressed and anxious most of his life. He is now 48, and had been in institutions from age 21, anxious and traumatised. He says he was “born a highly sensitive person,” and had been on permanent psychiatric medications.

In a psychiatric hospital 11 years ago, they took away his Paxil, and a 3-year deep depression and high anxiety started, followed by 7 hospitalisations.

Lise comments that pharmaceutical medications to control mental symptoms generally “supplant, override and highjack, the natural neurotransmitter system of the patient and thus will create a human being with a compromised physiology and anatomy.” Drugs are clearly part of the picture, and problem.

She goes on to say that when one is ‘drugged’ with ‘Psychiatric medication ‘they have ‘no sovereignty, and cannot make decisions for themselves, they are effectively “high jacked by healthcare systems.” Drugs are all part of the picture.

She states: “It’s a Noble pursuit to want to come off the drugs.” The beauty of homeopathy is that they can be withdrawn slowly and there is no need to come off them quickly, homeopathy is effectively integrated into the process.

Greg, successfully, with the help of his medical doctors, Lise and homeopathy, came off benzodiazepines. He makes it very clear he would be homeless without homeopathy. “I did not understand who I was. Homeopathy saved my life and gave me my identity back.”

As with many of the cases discussed here, these are not shallow words, he is speaking from the heart. He has made it clear that he has gone from ‘no hope’ as an addict on ‘prescription drugs’ to living a drug/substance free life with homeopathic support. This takes us back to fundamental homeopathic philosophy:

‘If the disease is treated with violent allopathic drugs, other graver, more life-threatening ailments are created in its place.’ §37a


Another similar case was of another young man, Phillip. Diagnosed as bi-polar, Phillip was in a depressive, psychotic state that resulted in several hospitalizations over many years He was addicted to oxycontin and other street drugs from an early age; the drugs prescribed for his psychosis left him blank, listless and stripped him of everything. Thanks to homeopathy, he now has 11years of sobriety, which began with a remedy. He is “super happy to share, fully disclosing myself can help people.”

 Casey- Polycystic ovaries-gynecological complaints, thyroid condition – Gabrielle Traub

Casey is a young woman who was desperate to start a family. She had ovarian cysts, and a horrifically painful menstrual history with debilitating period cramps and an irregular cycle. It was written off nonchalantly by her GP as it being part of a woman’s lot, also, devastatingly told that she may never have children due to her condition.

Gabrielle normalised her thyroid function, then the cysts to control the pain and to attempt to keep them at bay. Casey conceived, and now has her longed-for baby, which was revealed at the end of the film, a very special disclosure! The family are overjoyed. She stated that there was a time and place for western medicine, but homeopathy should be first on the list to try.

“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.’ Nikola Tesla

Albert – Vietnam Veteran, Post-traumatic Stress Disorder, Agent Orange exposure in Vietnam – HIV positive – Happi-Wanda Smith-Schick

Albert was drafted into the army in 1967/68, at times he cried telling his story.  He experienced much trauma in Vietnam, physically and emotionally; he had heart issues, his left arm was numb, he was, in his own words ‘sick and dying.’  HIV meds were very toxic to him, he had had kidney stones 4 times, was a borderline diabetic, his health in major decline.

He was on 25 medications, and nothing worked. When first approached about homeopathy, he was sceptical. After several months his health had improved dramatically, he said he had gone from “a sceptic to a true believer.

Homeopathy is under rated; it is amazing what it can do for you. My mind was closed.” His GP said he had experienced a miracle and to continue doing what he was doing; he was now out of danger and getting healthier every day.

There were many more beautiful cases truly comprehensively covering every aspect of homeopathy. Not least by Dr. Gheorghe Jurj, MD, who lives and works in Romania. He sees 20-40 patients a day and now practices homeopathy exclusively.

He shows various highly successful case results in scarlatina, pustular psoriasis, where the woman is now clear for 3 years, and a chalazion in a child gone in one month. All had previously been ‘treated’ conventionally, with no positive outcome.

The film visits Jeremy Sherr in Africa, who transformed the life of Mary, a very sick woman. She sat there crying, experiencing horrendous weakness, and she was so sad, her husband had died from AIDS, she had no money, Jeremy said it was heart-breaking.

She went from extreme sickness and sadness to being transformed within a month.  She was now able to work. “So happy after 1 month, that she was almost dancing and singing.” She says, “I cannot express my happiness I am much stronger than before.” As we know this is only one of many that the Sherr’s have been responsible for, thousands of equally transformed patients in Tanzania.

In India, homeopathy is a normal part of the medical system and is ‘alive and kicking.’ They have homeopathic hospitals, where doctors go through medical school and practice with homeopathy. To show the skill and power of homeopathy, Dr Farokh Master had a patient, a 46-year-old with tongue cancer. He had been operated on 3 times. No more operations were allowed.  He was treated homeopathically, and now 16 years later, remains cancer free.

“The high dilutions used in homeopathy are real. They are water structures which mimic the original molecules’ Professor Luc Montagnier, PhD, Nobel Laureate 

 Professor Luc Montagnier, PhD, Nobel Laureate was responsible for pioneering research into the memory of water which helps visualise the beginnings of how the frequency and magnetic fields play into our biology.

Weaving from cases through to philosophy and research, the mechanism of action is greatly debated, with the team travelling to Trinity College Cambridge (UK) to meet Professor Brian Josephson, Nobel Laureate, who won the Nobel prize in physics 1973. He came across water memory many years ago, it apparently became controversial. It was attacked, “people said it was impossible and was just water, after high dilution; but the arrangement of water molecules clearly could have an effect.”

Dr. Alex Tournier discusses the research by Jacques Benveniste, now known as ‘The Memory of Water’ which postulates the idea that water would retain specific information that would have effects on biological material even though in principle there is only water in the dilutions at that point. Dr. Steven Cartwright, states that there is definitely something in the diluted and succussed solutions and refers to it as ‘X’ and whatever ‘X’ is it is responsible for the therapeutic activity of varying potencies.

When you change the energy, you change the blood chemistry, and you change the trajectory of health.” Shamini Jain, PhD

 In some cases, integration of conventional medicine with homeopathy is the best way forward. Rachel Roberts cites a breast cancer study, which shows that patients integrating homeopathy were better able to tolerate allopathic cancer care, similarly those taking an integrated approach to fibromyalgia fared better.

Many countries such as Switzerland and India, do this as a matter of course, in addition to many other European countries.  I suggest it should be the way forward, particularly with the research that is emerging as to better outcomes.

 Every year medicines correctly prescribed, encompasses thousands of deaths and these are with medicines ‘correctly prescribed.’ Karl Robinson, MD

As mentioned, the fact that homeopathy is ‘individualised medicine’ is stressed over and over in the film by many very experienced homeopaths. Dr. Linda Johnson says it is not about finding a new drug, ‘but a match.’ Lauri Grossman, DC, stresses it is a medicine ‘Just for you’

George Dimitriadis describes it as ‘healing, not suppression. It is the Law of similars; Homeo = Similar, Pathy from pathos = Suffering. Dr. Ron Whitmont interjects throughout with various philosophical gems, confirming that suppression never heals, it goes against the body’s natural response.

“Suffering is the blueprint of its own cure” Douglas Falkner, MD

What’s the verdict…

The film was engaging, from start to finish. If the goal was to educate and inspire people, it was achieved. There is no doubt a non-homeopath with an interest in their health would be intrigued, captivated, and curious. It has been carefully produced and directed, telling, simply, the truth.

It has brought to light the sheer power and beauty of this medicine, whilst demystifying any myths. It would be criminal to continue hiding the truth, particularly with the state and cost of healthcare in the US, not just financially, but to alleviate the toll on people’s health from often dangerous, addictive drugs, often casually prescribed, with no thought as to the consequences. As Paola Brown said, “homeopathy is the safest category of drugs the FDA has ever regulated.”

It answers fundamental questions, which are often asked, and corrects misconceptions. It proves without doubt that homeopathy is not just placebo (any more than any other system of medicine.) The researchers were able to add their evidence in this respect and discuss the latest research coming out on humans, animals and plants, destroying the myth that there is ‘no research.’ Lastly, the cases shown and told by the patients themselves leave us convinced of its power.

To give a balanced view, any review normally looks at both sides of the coin and critically addresses the content. So, what was there not to like about the film? The only thing I may change would be to shorten it slightly, as it is perhaps a little long, and some people, given the complexities of it, may find their attention span challenged.

Not a criticism but a suggestion, would be to consider giving details of websites where people can find out more information with lists of qualified practitioners. Maybe an e-mail where also someone who could answer any questions from the audience, also listed in the credits.

Having said this, in my opinion and that of everyone I have talked to and whose comments I have seen online, valued the content of this film and what it could mean for our profession. I pondered, not being a film maker, what is supposed to make a good film?

I came across many sites, but a concise definition, seemed to include the fact that when the cinematography, editing, writing, sound, music all come together, there is potential for the film to be great; all these attributes, in equal measure, were met.

Let’s hope that this film succeeds in its goal of being ‘the voice of our profession’ and for its message to be heard loud and clear. With over 550 million users through the world, it is not simply the second most used system of medicine in the world according to the WHO, with highly successful clinical outcomes, it is also a strong preventative model which could transform the lives of many throughout the world. Well done to all involved, you have excelled in working as a highly motivated driven team who have shown without question that homeopathy is the 21st century medicine.

“The highest level of health is really altruism, being able to use your physical and emotional nature to be able to be of use to humanity- that’s what true health really is and that is the goal of homeopathic care. – Mitch Fleisher, MD

From the team, Important information!

 We are holding a virtual private screening of the film May 31 – June 3.

 Tickets are $25 US and may be purchased here:  We would love for people to invite family and friends and host watch parties to help spread the word.  We also invite everyone to send us photos of their watch parties ~ it will be fun to share as we expand our community!  Photos can be sent to: [email protected].

 Should you wish to donate to help further support the film here is the link:



2:  A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomised, Other-than-Placebo Controlled, Trials of Individualised Homeopathic Treatment Available at:

About the author

Gill Graham

Gill Graham, MFHom (Int), DHMHS, BSc (Hons), BA (Hons), has studied homeopathy with many exceptional, inspirational teachers, with a great diversity of schools of thought. In March 2024, she was elected Vice President of The Faculty of Homeopathy. She is Features Editor for The Faculty of Homeopaths' quarterly publication 'Simile' known as 'The Voice of the Faculty of Homeopathy.'
She graduated with a first-class degree (BSc Hons) from the University of West London, in 2009. Following a move to Canada, she went on to do a ‘Special Advanced’ post graduate program at the Ontario College of Homeopathic Medicine in Toronto. Prior to this she had extensive experience and qualifications in many other holistic disciplines, whilst also holding an Arts Degree (BA Hons) in modern languages and literature, where much of her passion still lies. She is strongly committed to Integrative Medicine and exploring the research into homeopathy and other ‘alternative’ disciplines. When not consulting with patients, she is a prolific writer for many homeopathic and natural health journals, on-line and otherwise. In 2022 she received an Award for Excellence in Homeopathy and for her contribution to homeopathy over the years, from

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