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Homeopathy Papers

Are Homeopathic Associations in Decline?

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Maria Chorianopoulou, Director of Studies at the IACH shares her ideas on the most important goals of homeopathic associations. These include fighting for people’s undeniable right to choose the therapy they consider best, defending the right of homeopaths to safely practice homeopathy and informing scientists about the scientific points of homeopathy.

This important question has been widely discussed in homeopathic circles.

So how on earth can homeopathy become more widespread, enjoy sustained approval, attract patient preference and appreciation while the bastions of homeopathy, the homeopathic associations, are missing their mission?

It is patently obvious that these associations are attracting fewer and fewer members, some of them being just homeopathic associations in name only – but certainly not in substance.

I shall offer my position in this debate based upon my own personal interactions and communications with dozens of associations around the world.

— many of these associations are private societies which are suspicious towards new members. If one takes a closer look, most of them only have a handful ofmembers, and any elections are held in an almost clandestine, hole-and-corner manner.

— they don’t support Classical Hahnemannian Homeopathy, but indulge in all kindsof other implausible ideas that bear no relation at all to what is normallyunderstood to be ‘homeopathy’. These aberrations are considered “progressivism” and, for most of these associations, Samuel Hahnemann M.D is obsolete and anachronistic, and traditional Classical Homeopathy is termed “fundamentalism”.

— they have created training programs without any specific curriculum and without following any basic academic standards. In reality, these so-called training programs  are a series of lectures given by various speakers, without any consistency between   them. In most cases, one notices that all opinions on homeopathy are heardwithout exception, even if these concepts have no scientific background—all this theatre is performed in the name of pluralism and to the detriment of science and objectivity.

— they are adamant that their ‘modern’ version of homeopathy is the best approach, even while their obscure, bizarre practices predictably fade, one by one, into obscurity – along with the credibility of homeopathy.

Wishing, however, to make this debate constructive rather than just criticism, I shall now make some suggestions.

Homeopathic associations should:

play a role in the broad dissemination of information, raising awareness about Hahnemann’s Classical Homeopathy; organize sessions to inform citizens’ groups,such as parents, students, new medical doctors, the elderly, athletes, healthcare professionals, etc.

fight for people’s undeniable right to choose the therapy they consider best for themselves.It is a democratic right and homeopathic associations should defend it by submitting proposals to government institutions, ministries of health and to European and International organizations. This civil right should be defined in law by national parliaments. This is what the goal should be for homeopathic associations.

endeavor to provide broad and comprehensive information about homeopathy through the media; they should provide immediate and well-documented responses to malicious and slanderous attacks.

defend the right of homeopaths to safely practice homeopathy, and strive to attain the same rights as all other therapists.

inform scientistsabout the scientific points of homeopathy. Provide research articles, provide data about the recognition of homeopathy by international and European organisations like WHO, European Parliament etc., and hear their opposition (if any) and discuss with them the scientific arguments.

organiseinformationsessions about homeopathy for students of the medicalprofessions (medicine, veterinary, pharmacy, dentistry, midwifery etc.).They will be the homeopaths of the future.

motivate and encourage patients to convey publicly their personal positiveexperiences with homeopathy (to the press, to their friends, to their colleagues etc.)Most of the patients keep secret this positive experience because they feel uncomfortable talking about something which is not generally approved.

Often the universal “enemy” that we encounter in life isn’t to be found on the outside, i.e. “them” – it’s to be found on the inside, i.e. “us”.  Similarly, homeopathy’s biggest enemy is to be found on the inside – within the homeopathic associations etc. – firmly lodged within the plethora of self-styled homeopathic teachers and so-called reformers. To enable homeopathy to survive for the benefit of future generations it is crucial that homeopathic associations realize and correct their core misconceptions about homeopathy – and soon!

It is critical for the continuance of homeopathy per se thatall education must be left to those educational institutions which have sound programs based upon Classical Hahnemannian Homeopathy, and NOT left to homeopathic associations whose teachings depend on elections of new members such that whenever there are new members, the teachings can change according to the nuances of the new committee.

The positions taken above may bother some, but I would suggest we view this issue with an open mind and see beyond personal interests. We owe it to the thousands of patients who wish to find relief from their suffering and to the hundreds of doctors who wish to acquire reliable training based on scientific standards.

About the author

Maria Chorianopoulou

Maria Chorianopoulou, PhD is the Director of the International Academy of Classical Homeopathy in Alonissos, Greece. She has a Doctorate of Philosophy from the Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences, Department of Psychology, and has university degrees from the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, School of Philosophy, Department of Philology, with a Specialization in the Classics. She was a Lecturer at the Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences in Greece (2008-2014) in the fields of "Research Methodology", "History of Institutions" and "Philosophy of Law”. Previously she held the office of Director of the Political Office of the Minister of Administrative Reform and e-Governance in Greece; was the Special Advisor to the Minister of Foreign Affairs in Greece; and was the Special Assistant to the ex-Prime Minister of Greece.
Maria Chorianopoulou is the main contributor to the realization (2006) of the Master Degree Program on Classical Homeopathy at the Aegean University in Greece which comprises the full teachings of Professor George Vithoulkas.
She considers the E-Learning Program in Classical Homeopathy by Professor George Vithoulkas a significant accomplishment in her life. She is responsible for the promotion of Professor George Vithoulkas’ teachings, and oversees his entire organization including the IACH’s educational programs worldwide.
Maria Chorianopoulou has translated into Greek the book “Science of Homeopathy” by Professor George Vithoulkas, and is the author of two books: Lycurgus’ Politics and Syntax of the Modern Greek Language (two volumes). ,


  • I agree with you on this pathetic status of professional associations. However, there are some exceptions. They are silently and sincerely working for the classical homoeopathy. All those have to come together and prepare a Vision Document for development of Homoeopathy with a missionary zeal. The future is promising to all such like minded associations. I appreciate your efforts and I am sure the classical homoeopathy will survive against all odds.

  • Very apt article ma’am and I agree totally.
    I want to put forth about my fraternity Indian Homoeopathic Medical Association.
    Its with a difference, ofcourse we have many in betweens but baseline is idealistic. We stand only for professional Homoeopaths and I personally can say most Homoeopaths have a vision and practice of classical Homoeopathy.
    It’s a democratic setup and we look out to promote Homoeopathy in true sense.
    We have sessions and training young graduate doctors to not just practice homoeopathy but also get LIVILYHOOD with practice of homoeopathy and also help in deal with difficult cases with seniors showing ways to deal with them.
    I suggest Homoeopaths should come together after checking facts and we should emerge as big,strong fraternity joining being Homoeopathy alone.
    Whatever association each one is in , ideals they have if they think of Homoeopathy they should get together just like India/Indians unity in diversity. We encourage collaborations as well for this.

  • A very Great and interesting post. Thanks for sharing Your lifetime Experiences with us.
    Your Post explains it Very Well, I just Love it to Read.
    very Knowledge Post
    Once again thanks for sharing with us. 🙂 ?

  • I agree totally with your statements. This is a very important stand to take especially since Homeopathy is under so much scrutiny. I have witnessed so much variance in the practice of Homeopathy away from the classical Hahnemannian teaching, that I am reminded of the saying: A house divided against itself, cannot stand.

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