Materia Medica Course on Shameless Remedies with Dr Manish Bhatia
Homeopathy Papers

Autopathy: Healing with potentized Saliva

The author, a homeopath of 20 years, has developed a healing method that uses the patient’s own potentized saliva for healing. He has termed this method autopathy and describes it’s method, results and potential.



The birth of a new discipline never comes without antecedents. It is formed through the work of many people and the wisdom of generations. In establishing the basic precepts of homeopathy Hahnemann drew much from the classical inheritance of the Greek physicians and medieval alchemists, as well as from the extensive European herbalist tradition. Autopathy’s roots also reach far back into the past. The therapeutic holistic effects of a person’s own urine, for example, were known in India long ago and were widely used in Ayurveda. European folk healers recommended a person’s own urine in closing wounds. Healing by means of human secretions, however, only assumed its proper and most effective form when some American homeopaths in the nineteenth century began to use potentised, highly diluted human secretions on the principle of oequalia  oequalibus curantur, like cures like. They referred to this as isopathy and proceeded overwhelmingly from the opinion influenced by common medical practice, which focuses on diagnosis and the cure of localised illnesses. For example, the well-known homeopath and author of the materia medica, Adolph Lippe, in an article in The Homeopathic Physician (April 1884, p.83) refers to his colleague Lux, who said that “In accordance with this principle, all contagious diseases carry with them in the shape of their infectious matter their curative remedy.” They potentised the diseased secretions, for example in the case of epidemics, and then administered them to patients with the same illness. Obviously, this bears a certain resemblance to vaccination. They called the process “isopathy”.

Today, isopathy is used to treat, among other things, people whose health has suffered as a result of a certain type of vaccination. They are given the same vaccine, but this time homeopathically diluted. The potentised poison of a viper can be used isopathically to treat a viper’s bite. Nevertheless, this understanding of isopathy has some drawbacks – it ignores certain central aspects of homeopathy, primarily its holistic concept. And it goes against what Hahnemann said about Homeopathy: that it is treatment on the principle of “like cures like”. Isopathy thus ceases to be homeopathy. Opinions on this matter, however, varied. In The Medical Advance, volume XXXII, no. 2, 1894, p. 59, the well-known homeopathic doctor J.H. Allen from Indiana wrote: “I will give proof that I think will be fully convincing to most minds that so called Isopathy is but the highest phase of similia in the highest sense.”

The medications created on the basis of this philosophy were called nosodes. One of these nosodes, originally used to treat innate dispositions to cancer and to relieve pain caused by cancer was Carcinosin, which was prepared by J.T. Kent. Its holistic picture was  discovered fifty years later.

Only in the twentieth century do we find the first instances of homeopaths daring to administer a potentised preparation to the same person from whom the pathological material was obtained. The classical French homeopath Julian has left a record of this in his book Nosodes. He writes that he was on holiday when he was called to treat a man with very bad herpes and found himself (as he explains apologetically) without any remedies. “The herpes was on the left side of the face. Blisters and ulcers had spread to his forehead, face, cheek and upper lip; the mucous membrane of his left nostril and the upper part of the roof of the mouth had also been affected, as had a swollen left eye-lid with blisters and swollen conjunctiva.” He had a temperature of 38.80 C and a quickened pulse. He suffered from insomnia, vomiting and strong headaches.” Dr. Julian prepared an isopathicum from the discharge from an ulcer on the roof of his mouth. He diluted this in water to the sixth centesimal, or very low, potency, and mixed the final dilution with spirits. He then administered this preparation from the beginning every half hour. To begin with the pain increased, but on the second day it fell markedly, the vomiting passed and the patient was able to sleep properly again. By the second day the herpes had already reduced by a half and the swelling had disappeared. Within a few days all that was left were some healthily falling scabs.

Nevertheless, I should say that references to isopathy or even auto-isopathy (treatment of the same person from whom the material was obtained) are extremely rare in homeopathic literature. In my computer I have the Reference Works homeopathic programme, which contains about one hundred materia medica and repertories, some of them ten volumes long, plus ten thousand pages of articles from specialist magazines, yet if I use the search engine to find these and related words from among the entire volume of the literature it only comes up with a few, very brief references. The example cited above is the only well-described case of auto-isopathic treatment that I have been able to find in the vast library of Reference Works. And this was not even a holistic treatment.

Of particular interest is the reference by the French doctor Bon Hoa in an article on Carcinosin for the British Homoeopathic Journal. His note is a single sentence, a brevity quite typical for this subject: “Some patients who have responded to Carcinosin but whose improvement only lasted a short time have derived benefit from auto-isopathy.  I give a single dose of Pharyngeal Mucus 30 CH.” A sentence that, if we think about it, merits expanding into a thick and sizeable book that could bring much relief to the sick. It points out that potentised, ordinary, non-pathological phlegm from the same person can have a holistic effect on the health of most people that use it. It is, however, just a fragmentary reference and there is nothing more on this method in the article.

This and similar references nevertheless arouse one’s curiosity and thus, some years ago, I began to look into the subject more deeply. For example, in an old catalogue from the London Ainsworth Pharmacy I found an offer to produce a high potency of a person’s own blood or other bodily fluids. When I asked if they could give me these potencies they replied that they cannot to continue this line. They did not explain why. One of the pharmacy’s employees did, however, inform me that they had produced these preparations and they had many years’ experience with them, particularly with animals. And that for such a treatment it was necessary to go up to a very high potency. He wrote to me: “the higher the better.” That such treatment is regularly practised on animals in England is testified to by the reference (again brief) in Dr. MacLeod’s Veterinary Homeopathy (C.W. Daniel, 2000).

The result of these researches was the discovery that auto-isopathy is a sort of thirteenth chamber of homeopathy. And there followed an irrevocable decision – to continue in this line. To gather information and experience. To take steps to make it possible to potentise a person’s own fluids, these being healthy, normal saliva (without abnormal admixtures of pathogenic bacteria or viruses ) which are undoubtedly “…the highest phase of similia in the highest sense” and carry detailed information of the state of the whole organism. As was to be shown later, they really are capable of being most precisely tuned to the frequency of the fine-matter creative centre (the dynamis) inside the person of which they are the material product. Elevated by potentisation  in pure water into homeopathic dilution, the fine-matter form, they can, using a precise resonance, cause the sick person’s enfeebled fine-matter creative sphere to reverberate again in its original frequency and bring about a return to the organism’s original structure, to health. It is no longer a matter of the highest and nearest similarity of the healing product, but directly of sameness. Of the nearest frequency structure that may occur in nature. The closest similarity is sameness.

Why “autopathy”?

I should explain why I call it “autopathy” and not “isopathy”, or “auto-isopathy”. The term comes from the British Homoeopathic Library’s list of professional terms published on its website, where autopathy is mentioned as one of the terms under auto-isopathy. As is evident above, the word isopathy is closely related to the treatment of localised pathology. The exudation of a certain illness cures this illness. Isopathy has thus historically not claimed to be a holistic form of treatment. My method, however, deals exclusively with a holistic approach, in the spirit of Hahnemann’s phrase: I don’t cure the illness, but the person. That’s why I’ve chosen a term that is not encumbered by this “pathological” consideration. And because it’s  new, neither is it encumbered by a mass of other prejudices that sometimes originated in homeopathy as part of the numerous “schools” and approaches. Autopathy, enriched from different sources,  is continuation of homeopathy by other means. I understand it primarily as a spiritual discipline, an individual journey to connect with the higher levels of the universe. Improving the organisational function of the individual higher creative sphere leads necessarily to an improvement in the person’s entire hierarchical spiritual system, throughout his physical body and onwards. Autopathy is a means by which to establish overall harmony, not only cure symptoms of diseases. It’s a gradual homeopathic journey to a state of higher understanding and happiness.

How to obtain an autopathic preparation

In order to practise autopathy we need an autopathic preparation. Once we have this we can gain experience, experiment and above all cure. At present, however, only a few production facilities exist in Europe that are able to prepare an autopathic preparation from a person’s own bodily fluid. The technology of potentising a patient’s bodily fluids in such a facility would anyway raise certain problems. The fluid has to be transported across large distances and mixed with spirits in order to prevent it “spoiling” during the journey – the effect of bacteria on its frequency structure, which is the imprint of the entire organism’s frequency structure. This obviously comes at a price, with the fluid’s qualities anyway being altered through the admixture of alcohol. It’s known that a spirit has its own homeopathic (frequency) pattern, which anyone who has ever drunk too much is well aware of. A mixture of two patterns is thus created which is only similar, not the same. We could say the same about mixing with sugar.

In a pharmacy, or more precisely a pharmaceutical production point, the fluid mixed with a spirit is potentised in dilution machines, which are usually powered by electricity when shaking the flask. This means that a magnetic field is created during production which may also influence the preparation’s frequency qualities. As a result, it may be that the subsequent preparation is only “similar”, or a similimum, partly resonating but not the “same”, not fully resonating. The pharmaceutical production process makes it wholly impossible to produce a medicine for acute needs, quickly and for immediate use. For example, in the case of an acute illness or sudden relapse, i.e., if a prior dose suddenly ceases to have effect.

This means that a person currently has practically no opportunity to use an autopathic preparation, or at least to try one. My first thought, therefore, when I discovered that there was something in autopathy, was somehow to organise the means for the quick and straightforward production of a high potency directly in the home, and to bypass the laboratory entirely. I first studied the history of potentising, of which I obviously already had some knowledge. I found a wealth of detail on the subject in Julian Winston’s excellent history of homeopathy (Faces of Homeopathy, Great Auk Publishing, 1999).

My attention turned to the work of Dr. Bernhardt Maxmillian Fincke (1821 -1906) from New York. He first achieved a potency of  6 C or  30 C by diluting in spirit, then, in his own laboratory, introduced water from the New York water system (!) into the flask with spirit potency of  30 C and allowed it to flow very slowly through for varying periods, an hour or a day or several days. On those days, the water from the water system evidently did not contain chemical admixtures. In this way he achieved dilutions comparable with Hahnemann’s 1M (one thousand potency) 10M (ten thousand potency), 50M (fifty thousand potency), CM (one hundred thousand potency). J.T. Kent was one of many to use Fincke’s medicines, and wrote about them that they act quickly, lastingly and deeply. Indeed, so highly was Fincke regarded for his work concerning the flux production of potentised preparations that in 1896 he was elected president of the International Hahnemann Association. Over time, however, his efforts have largely been forgotten and many contemporary practitioners do not even know his name. Nevertheless, the flux method is still sometime used to prepare medicines today, including in the laboratories of well-known producers.

The experience of many generations of homeopaths, together with my own practice, has made me realise that the last procedure is the most inspiring in search for the reliable preparation of autopathic medicines in the home.

Bodily fluids

Why do I regard saliva as the ideal material for dilution? It’s a very special liquid, which contains perfect information on the whole individual organism. That’s why, along with blood, it’s used in forensic medicine to identify people. But whereas after leaving the vascular system blood immediately alters its structure saliva never does. Unlike urine, saliva does not contain any “dead” particles and can leave the body entirely fresh just instants after being formed in the mouth. And above all, saliva forms high up in a person’s fine-matter energy system, in the area between the fifth and sixth chakras.   The system of fine-matter energy centres, the chakra, has been understood in India, Tibet and China since time immemorial. In Europe, however, this knowledge only arrived fairly recently, and it wasn’t until the second half of the 20th century that it entered general consciousness. While the lower chakras connect us to the earth and with those parts of nature at a lower level than humankind the higher chakras connect us with the more elevated states of the Universe. This is precisely where we find the fine-matter organisation system that is responsible for our health, and which we want to influence. Saliva, forming high in the system between the throat chakra and the chakra of the third eye and being most similarly tuned, has the greatest capacity to resonate with these higher states.

Autopathic Bottle

I have designed a special instrument for personal preparation. I was inspired by the principle of fluxdilutions, which were successfully proven by Dr. Fincke . I call it an “Autopathic bottle”. It’s appropriate for the simple and reliable production in the home of all potencies. It has a funnel, a connecting tube to the vortex chamber and waste tube from which the diluted liquid is drained. It is compact and made from chemically stable laboratory glass. The vortex chamber in the lower section causes the optimal whirling of the liquid at constant pressure and its gradual vortex dilution. The autopathic bottle represents an uncomplicated means of producing the preparation’s  highest quality. Among other reasons also because there are no interruptions that might negatively affect the process and also because of the special quality of the vortex  in the spherical vortex chamber.

The “Autopathic bottle” is produced in a glass-works under special conditions during the production and packaging process.

It’s sufficient to follow the enclosed instructions of the user guide, unwrap the Autopathic bottle, spit into the funnel, pour through a litre of water or more and the job’s done. From one litre of water you can expect to produce a  40  C potency in app. twenty five seconds, 80 C from two litres and so on. If you place it under a current of water flowing from the water mains through an ordinary kitchen carbon filter (to remove chlorine from the water) it will produce  100 C every minute. 1000 C (1M) can be achieved in 10 minutes, 10 000 C (10M) in 1 hour 40 minutes. Any clean drinking water without chemical additives can be used, for instance water from a well. Following this procedure you can allow the water to flow over the upper part of the funnel.

Autopathic Bottle

We don’t usually begin with a high potency over 1M, we commonly reach that potency over time. I currently have several cases exceeding 1M, as well as  cases progressing excellently on 6M and even 10M, and a certain doctor has written informing me that he is already using 10M. The Autopathic bottle is accompanied by detailed but straightforward instructions on its use. All the cases described in this article and nearly all my clients have employed the services of the Autopathic bottle.  I found the vortex flux dilution the most efficient in comparisson with other methods of preparation. The positive reaction achieved after a single use of the autopathic bottle  lasted in most cases for more than three months, even at lower potencies produced from just one litre of water. In some cases they lasted for more than one year. The Autopathic  bottle is designed to be used only once or for a limited period of time only in order to avoid the possibility of cross contamination from the memory of the glass, which can retain the previous potency even after removing the drops. The production of homeopathic remedies has shown that new glass should always be used.

– For the first time in history it offers everyone the possibility, through its simplicity and accessibility, of the uncomplicated and at the same time reliable and standard production of their own, highly potentised saliva at home.

– Following this procedure the saliva is placed in a dilution vessel as it is, entirely fresh, and can immediately be potentised using clean water in its original vibration structure, i.e., before its structure began to change. The change in structure takes a matter of  minutes. Water is the only known substance in nature that does not pass on any of its own specific information (unlike sugar or spirits, for example, used traditionally in homeopathy) to the preparation and subsequently the organism, and which does not have any homeopathic effect of its own. It is quite simply the perfect carrier.

– To this feature you can now add the unprecedented possibility of using the potentised preparation immediately after its production, unmixed with another homeopathically active substance (spirits, sugar) and not exposed to any of the long-term effects of the various types of radiation that exist in our civilisation (radio waves, electro-smog etc.) and which are more intense during transport etc. The patient uses the potentised frequency pattern in its completely unaltered, original form.

– The flux vortex preparation in the autopathic bottle is also far quicker than other methods, capable of achieving high potencies in minutes. This is responsible for another advantage: at the time of using the preparation, the organism’s vibration state, which is constantly changing, is still practically the same as it was when the saliva was removed. The resonance is therefore stronger than was possible ever before.

– For the first time, you can produce the preparation, in almost any circumstances, whenever the need arises.

– The autopathic method provides the hitherto entirely unknown possibility of a sort of gradual multiplication of the preparation’s effect. Through the preparation we improve the frequency of the organism as a whole, return it in stages to a state of better health, and, from the basis of this healthier organism, can then create new preparations which strengthen the non-material creative sphere.

What are we healing?

It is exclusively the spiritual level (vital force or dynamis) that is healed and influenced by the non-material potency. The lower levels only testify to its condition and are one-hundred-percent dependent on it. We don’t heal illness but the inner Man (Swedenborg, Kent), the non-material spiritual principle. The positively affected high, fine-matter sphere may completely improve the person’s system as a whole, from the spiritual state to a comprehensive physical cure, or gradually expand its influence to the social sphere and personal relations. Nonetheless, anyone who isn’t entirely familiar with the holistic concept of healing will probably ask what precisely autopathy is for, or where and for what sorts of ailment autopathy can get the best results.

My own experience is as follows.

The list of chronic (in the terminology of conventional medicine meaning approximately the same as incurable) ailments that have radically improved or disappeared after autopathy continues to grow (the diagnoses obviously aren’t mine but rather those of the doctors my patients visited previously without any marked success): chronic eczema, bronchial asthma, frequent or permanent headaches, chronic fatigue syndrome, insomnia, allergies, anxiety and depression, unaccountable perpetual melancholy, unaccountable fear, chronic cough and repeated inflammation of the bronchial tubes, chronic colds, tearfulness and insomnia in infants during breastfeeding age, liver problems, ischemic heart disease and associated difficulties, constant genital bleeding following menstruation and associated tiredness, chronic inflammation of the intestines, painful and poorly functioning gall-bladder, painful menstruation, high pressure, heart pains during physical exertion, constant rapid pulse, irregular and intermittent pulse, cramp in the legs, diabetes, diarrhoea, inflamed toe nail, constant vomiting in infants of breastfeeding age, digestion problems, pains in the joints, susceptibility to infectious diseases – influenza, throat ache, lowered immunity) … .

I’d like at this point to emphasise the old homeopathic truth that there exist highly advanced pathological states where a return to health is no longer possible. This isn’t a matter of types of illness but of the organism’s overall vitality. If this is already weak it won’t have sufficient strength to heal the organism. Sometimes we’re not able to recognise this in a person (age isn’t the main criterion here). Even in such cases, however, autopathy may bring  some improvement in the quality of life, increased enjoyment, an improvement in the higher spiritual sphere, despite the lower material structures being incurable for the creative sphere.

Acute problems also receded rapidly following the administering of an autopathic preparation in many of my cases.

The successful prevention of a decline in health (in the context of the methods described) thus depends on the timely use of an autopathic preparation in a relatively healthy state and in an increase in the harmony of the entire organism, firstly at the highest fine-matter level. The principle is well-known from homeopathy, where, if a holistically-acting, highly-resonating constitutional medicine can be found, the patient’s health will be strengthened profoundly and lastingly, physical and psychological resistance will be increased and so on, both in children and adults. In my practice I’ve often noticed that children who were once repeatedly absent from school enjoy far higher levels of attendance and health after using autopathy. It’s highly beneficial to use a high-potency autopathic preparation before the illness fully takes hold, when the problems are still slight, superficial or occasional and can be easily and swiftly remedied. It’s also highly recommended to use a preparation before entering a stressful or infectious environment.

An autopathic preparation essentially works in the same way as a precisely selected homeopathic constitutional medicine, prescribed in accordance to the totality of the patient’s symptoms. Consequently, autopathy also follows the vast majority of rules and principles established in classical  homeopathy: A single dose for a long period of time, infinitesimal dilution (potecies  from 40 C to 10M), totality of symptoms  is to be cured, Hernig’s laws of cure are in use during the process of healing.


Case of chronic ulcerous colitis

The following case shows that autopathy offers real hope for recovery and a full life to people whose overall life

perspective does not look favourable due to long-term and so-called incurable illnesses.

A young woman around twenty, let’s call her Jane. She’s pale and overly thin, for seven months she’s had a recurring watery stool with very bad flatulence, and for the last four months the stool has contained blood. She has been off work sick for four months with a doctor’s note. She tells me that the colonscopy found an inflammation of the intestine 40 cm long, and another section reddish. Her stool is liquid, happens six times during the day and four times during the night. It is expelled with wind, thus making it very difficult for her to leave her apartment. It contains blood. She is extremely tired. Her condition is gradually worsening. She is taking a number of medicines. The diagnosis is apparently called ulcerous colitis. One doctor, a visitor to my homeopathy course, suggested that it might be Crohn’s disease. In similar cases the inflamed parts of the intestine are operated on, resulting in a temporary improvement in the condition. However, the intestine gets shorter and shorter without leading to a permanent cure.

About one month after using the homeopathic medicine in a potency of 1 M she contracted a fever of more than 39° C which lasted a week and left her under doctor’s supervision. After another month I learn that her stool happens twice a day, is formed and without blood. The client appears healthy, has a red face and a good mood, which hasn’t been the case for a long time, and isn’t tired. She no longer suffers from the anxiety that afflicted her over the previous few months. I then heard nothing about her for a year, and, as I discovered later, during this period she experienced no problems up to the last month.

A year after the last check-up I received a phone call from her relatives, telling me that for the past month Jane had had diarrhoea and blood in her stool. For the previous four days she had had a fever of 40° C. The doctor had told her that it was flu and given her antibiotics. A day before the telephone call she had taken the homeopathic medicine that helped her a year before.

After another three days they call to say that the fever has still not gone away and is hovering around 40° C. She is very weak and the stools are now recurring eight times during the day and four times during the night. She is very tired and suffers from headaches and pain in her limbs. It seems likely that the homeopathic medicine has lost its resonance influence (the patient has changed) and no longer has any effect. Moreover, due to the fever and diarrhoea she is exposed to severe dehydration, which can only be dealt with through infusions in the hospital, and no longer merely by drinking. In such an acute situation I advised them to ask the doctor to hospitalise her.

A month later, after being discharged from her short stay in hospital, the number of stools fell slightly, but traces of blood remained. On top of this, Jane started to suffer from strange back pains. Otherwise, she said that she was satisfied, because everyone is nice to her when she’s ill. As her situation had improved somewhat, and she was again using the medicine that had helped her the year before, I said that I would wait and for the moment abstain from recommending any further action.

A month later, when her condition was slowly improving, she suffered an acute attack of new symptoms: agonising pains which afflicted different parts of the body at different times – the knee, the hip, the shoulder, the collar-bone… and in addition a fever. Members of the family said that she  would weep with the suffering. She visited the doctor for an examination, but the situation only fluctuated, and remained essentially unchanged.

I recommended an autopathic preparation from her own saliva, prepared in an autopathic bottle with dilution of three litres of water (a potency of 120 C). The frequency of the stools immediately fell to two a day and none in the night. The fever and pain in the hip reappeared. But she regained her appetite. In the hospital examination they found that she had a deficiency in red blood corpuscles, and she was given three transfusions.

Three weeks after taking the autopathic preparation she notes that she has a good mood and no longer suffers from the wandering pains. She no longer suffers from fatigue.

Two and a half months after taking the autopathic preparation she says her condition is good, but not perfect. She has put on ten kilos, going up from fifty to sixty kilograms (previously she had been pathologically thin). She has gone three weeks without any medication and takes only iron. She has a good mood, her friends say that she’s always smiling. Sometimes she goes out into the world, a feat for which she previously did not have the energy. Her stools were now coming twice daily, were well-formed, and not in the night. She still feels her hip slightly.

Five months after taking the autopathic preparation: She weighs 66 kg, her stool is solid, formed, and comes once a day. She hasn’t taken any medication through the entire period. She has a slight cold. She spent a week skiing in the mountains. The previous week she went for a rectoscopic examination. They told her that that it looked fine and that they had found nothing . They also analysed her blood and found it to be in order, everything normal.

Another eight months went by. Jane came to see me and told me that since the previous check-up she hadn’t suffered a recurrence of any of the problems. I agreed with her and her relatives that they would immediately contact me in the event of any, even the most minor, problems. These might be the first signs of a relapse, in which case a new autopathic preparation should be used in order to prevent any more serious deterioration. Another nine months passed. Her family told me that she looked in the best of health. If I count correctly, one dose of the preparation in a relatively low potency had lasted twenty-two months, of which twenty months had been entirely without problems, in full health.

Very brief case descriptions

Woman, 43. She has had eczema since childhood, when it was particularly severe. Now it is only mild. Suffers from chronic constipation. Always has a headache before her period. AP (autopathic preparation made in Autopathic Bottle) of five litres (200 C). At the first check-up she tells me that she no longer has headaches before her period and no longer has constipation. At the second check-up she says that she has no other problems, although the eczema still lingers on in a mild form. Later, her husband comes for a consultation. He tells me his wife is now entirely free of any problems. She didn’t come to the check-up as she wouldn’t have anything to talk about.

An acquaintance of mine has lived for a long time in a Buddhist monastery in Sri Lanka as a monk. He knows me as a homeopath and is aware of my new methods. He wrote to tell me that he has a teacher, a monk very advanced in wisdom, who had suffered from a persistent headache ever since treating himself for Malaria with quinine. He asked me to send him several autopathic bottles, which I did. About a year later his brother told me that he had received news from Sri Lanka that the preparation had “greatly helped” the monk.

Man, 33. For the last two and a half months he has slept badly. He wakes often and sleeps only three to four hours a night in total. He sometimes takes a sleeping pill. He has begun to have problems with his concentration and is tired. After an AP of 9 litres (360 C) his sleep immediately returned to normal. In the first month after taking the preparation he only woke in the night once, and this was caused by noise from the street. He is no longer tired and has no problems concentrating.

Women, 40. Has a problem with her thyroid gland, which registers as 8.45 in tests (the normal upper level is 4.6). She has a number of other, less serious problems, both mental and physical. She is seriously dissatisfied with her life. To begin with she received homeopathic treatment, but she had a dream that she met my wife and asked her to persuade me to give her an autopathic bottle. Which happened. The first dose was from ten litres (400 C). Subsequently, the thyroid gland tests fell to 6.07 and then 5.5. Mentally and physically she felt much improved. There then followed a relapse and the test results rose to 8.0. After taking another preparation (this time of 20 litres, or 800 C) the figure fell to 4.2, or in other words within the normal range. This was followed by a further gradual fall towards the optimal figure, going down to 3.28. Her constipation disappeared and mentally she felt at ease. The pressure around her gall-bladder went away, a problem that had troubled her for years.

Woman, 41. Lives in Germany, where she followed homeopathic treatments. Her whole life she has suffered from constant anxiety, depressive states, sadness, everything is bad and black. A burning sensation in her stomach. AP 80 C. At her check-up four months later she says that she feels much better, perhaps by as much as 40 %, and that the improvement is still continuing. Shortly after taking the preparation she had a temporary feeling like those she had when aged fifteen, when the anxiety was at its worst (reverse old symptom). She is very satisfied.

Woman 38. In the second month of pregnancy. Vomits several times a day and suffers constant stomach problems. She had similar problems during her previous pregnancy seventeen years ago. AP 6 litres (240 C). The vomiting and discomfort immediately disappeared, and for a while she found herself succumbing to a tearful mood, an old (now reverse) symptom which she used to have from time to time. When travelling by car she suffered several incidents of travel sickness, which she used to have as a child (also a reverse symptom). The travel sickness passed very quickly. She gave birth to a healthy child, which was aged seven months at the time of the mother’s last check-up. The mother is surprised by the child’s exemplary health as the previous child (seventeen years before) has not been so unproblematic. Her own health is also very good.

Man of around 30. His tests reveal sarcoidosis, a chronic and incurable illness which may, in time, result in his death. After using the autopathic bottle (AP 6 litres) he feels much better. Unlike previously, the tests do not find any pathological problem, even when performed repeatedly over an extended period of time. The nodes on his lungs have disappeared, as have the small nodes in his skin, and the blood tests are back to normal. So at present there are no bases on which to repeat the initial diagnosis.

Boy of 4. Suffers from a recurring cough, which always lasts at least one week a month, throughout the whole year. The allergists told his mother that he has allergic asthma. AP 6 litres (240 C). Check-up after six months, in December: For several months he has had practically no cough or any other problems. After performing some tests, the allergists said recently that he is no longer allergic.

Woman, 50. Anxiety, fear, melancholy and insomnia. Wakes frequently, sleeps until three and then lies awake. AP 80 C. Check-up after two and a half months: The anxiety and melancholy have passed. She sleeps excellently.

Woman, 50. For ten years she has had a blocked nose and only breathes through her mouth. Uses drops, but these can’t unblock her nose entirely. As a result she sleeps badly. Suffers from watery eyes. Tests show that the thyroid gland is only working at 15 % and is swollen, enlarged; she takes artificial hormones. A CT examination found a cyst in her left kidney. Her knuckles give her pain. AP 6 litres (240 C). Three weeks after taking the preparation she suffered a slight deterioration in both kidneys – she could feel them. Her eyes then stopped watering and the pain in her knuckles disappeared, although the blocked nose persisted. I advised her to desist from taking the nose drops for a few days. Two days after stopping the drops her nose unblocked. Half a year after taking the preparation she went for a check-up on her thyroid gland. They told her that it had reduced in size and was back to normal. Blood tests showed that the thyroid gland was functioning normally, at 100% efficiency. Her nose is still unblocked.

Woman, 24. Says that she’s coming due to a small bump behind her ear. She also says she would like to be less jealous. She didn’t say anything more than this during her first meeting. AP 6  litres (240 C). Check-up after three months: She mentioned many changes for the better for problems she had not talked about at the first meeting. For a year and a half she had experienced a ringing in her ears and suffered a deterioration in her hearing. This had entirely vanished. Since beginning to menstruate she had always had very strong period pains and always took pain killers. Her last two periods had been entirely free of pain. She had also ceased to suffer from pain in the abdomen, which regularly recurred, even outside her periods. She has far more energy. She no longer has problems with her sleep. She’s less jealous. The bump behind her ear is the same. A year and a half after taking the AP the positive changes still remained and she also reported an improvement in her inter-personal communication skills. She no longer even mentioned the bump behind her ear.

Woman, 23. Has a myoma measuring 85 x 100 mm. Her gynaecologist insists she should have an operation. She has chronic vaginal discharges caused by a fungus infection. She takes contraceptive pills. AP 6 litres (240 C). Check-up after three months: A week before she had been at the gynaecologist, where she was told that the myoma had got considerably smaller, and now measured 55 x 65 mm. She also got more enjoyment out of life. The doctor no longer advised her to have an operation. The vaginal discharges disappeared immediately after taking the preparation.

Man, 57. Has had high blood pressure – currently at 180/95 – for about a year, despite taking pills to combat it. The left ventricle is dilated, a condition for which he also takes medication. He sometimes has an irregular pulse. Sometimes wheezes. Has a high cholesterol level (6.3). His condition is gradually deteriorating. AP 3 litres (120 C). Check-up after five months: His breathing problems had vanished entirely, there was no longer any sign of an irregular pulse, cholesterol had fallen to 5.5 and, according to the doctor, his heart was in better condition. His blood pressure was constant at 135/75 – or practically normal. He couldn’t be sure that all these changes could be put down to diluted saliva, but he didn’t know of any other reason for his improvement, which began after taking the AP. He organised another check-up.

University student. A well-built young man, a sportsman, so far treated homeopathically. In January he came for a consultation complaining that he felt a constant irritation at the back of his throat which made him want to cough. He coughed about once an hour. A spirometry hadn’t found any problem, and his lung capacity was in fact twice as large as normal. Has found pin-worms in his stool, and often suffers from stomach ache. He has congested frontal sinuses, in the morning his forehead hurts, he has a cold. His throat hurts when in cold weather. AP 3 M (30 min under the filter). Check-up after four months: The cough soon improved, before disappearing completely. His sleep got better – he was falling asleep after two minutes and didn’t dream. Mentally he had improved as well – he was now far better able to handle examinations and no longer suffered nerves.

Woman, 29. After using autopathy many symptoms improved, but at a check-up nine months later I recorded minor signs of a relapse. I thus gave her a new autopathic bottle and advised her to use a higher potency. This was in September. In December she telephone me in tears, complaining that she was in a terrible state and felt worse than at any time in her life: She had stomach problems, headaches, was exhausted, had a fever of 39° C and suffered from intense anxiety. It turned out that she still hadn’t produced the preparation after the last check-up, and that she had therefore already been in a state of relapse for three months. I told her to do it now. Half an hour after using it she experienced some mental relief, after an hour her temperature began to fall, dropping to 37.5° C by morning. The next day she was already well. Once the acute state had gone the following weeks and months saw the gradual disappearance of the remaining chronic disharmony.

Woman, 68. Psoriasis on her limbs and now also on her face. She had had it nineteen years previously and had cured it then with homeopathy. She has had rashes and scabs for about a year. She takes a number of different medications and until recently rubbed her skin with corticoids. AP 1.5 litres (60 C). Check-up after two months. First, the psoriasis around the eyes worsened (homeopathic deterioration), before entirely disappearing from her face and hands, with traces remaining on her legs, although here also it was disappearing as every week went by, in a downwards direction. She is very satisfied.

Woman, 27. Treated autopathically for many years. Five months before she had used a potency of 1M (ten minutes under the filter) and had been relatively healthy. She telephones to say that she has had a temperature of up to 39.1 °C for two days. She has a breast inflammation which hurts and she has had to stop breastfeeding. She feels psychologically vulnerable and cries for no reason. She’s advised to use AP of 500 C, 5 minutes under the filter, to apply it to the forehead, the sixth chakra. She takes it  at noon, at six in the evening her temperature is only 37.2 °C, she feels much better and the melancholy has been replaced by cheerfulness. The next day the temperature had gone and there were no other ailments. Her health continued to improve over the next two months and she now has no problems.

Woman, 50.  Had used autopathy for  years with excellent results. But about a month before she had had a skiing accident. Since then she had been in relapse. She had a constant headache, slept very badly and felt miserable. AP 1M (ten minutes under the filter) applied to the forehead chakra. Within two weeks her health had improved and she began to feel much better, without previous problems, a state which continues to today. The injury to the knee ligaments had healed well.

About the author

Jiri Cehovsky

Jiri Cehovsky was born in 1947 in Prague, the capital of the Czech Republic, European Union. He began using homeopathy around 1980, when his family was suffering from chronic health problems. For twenty-three years, he has served on the committee of The Homeopathic Society, most of the time as its chairman. Twenty years ago, he started to use autopathy in treating clients. His first book on autopathy, Autopathy: A Homeopathic Journey to Harmony came out in 2004. In 2007 his 2nd book on autopathy, Get Well with Autopathy, was published and the last book Autopathy Handbook summarizing experiences was released in 2018. Jiri regularly gives courses and webinars on autopathy and teaches at the Homeopathic Academy in Prague. Visit Jiri at his website:


  • i absolutely agree with this method..
    it is as personalized and as unique a treatment could be for anyone…

    thanks for this method..


  • I am impressed with the idea of Autopathy. Where can I obtain/buy the necessary apparatus?

    Thank you for sharing this method.

  • How much qwantity of saliva you recomend for certain qwantity of water?
    Have you tried this potentised water with spirit(1or2drops)?or any body in your contact?
    sadanand dixit

  • Sir,
    Any study conducted to audit the treatment.That is to say,to get information on a)average duration of a treatment for a cure for a particular disease ,preferably with minimum and maximum ttime taken,b)any supplementary medicines prescribed during the course of the treatment to accelerate the cure,c)Is there any case of a relapse of a partcular disease,after a cure?.If so,duration of cure and time between the cure and appearance of the relapse,
    d)Any unsuccessful or long duration treatment for a partcular disease to a cure!,e)what is % of success for a cure within 6 months ,1 year and 2 years treatmment etc.
    Such information will prove the protocol beyond any realm of sceptics.Any way,
    Jiri Cerohvsky deserves congrats for his innovative approach in the system.

    • Yes, autopathy deserves a well conducted clinical trail , a statistical pool etc. None of it was organized till now – it is very similar to holistic homeopathic treatment which has also very poor statistic data till now. I hope that some day somebody would release some funds to do it. But on the other hand everybody can very soon after using potentised information of his body experience its effect. Autopathy is suitable also for self- treatment, which is usually successful. In my book Autopathy:A Homeopathic Journey to Harmony is a chapter for self-treatment. It is not necessary to wait until medical establishment accept this method – it could last over 100 years.

  • “Nevertheless, this understanding of isopathy has some drawbacks – it ignores certain central aspects of homeopathy, primarily its holistic concept. And it goes against what Hahnemann said about Homeopathy: that it is treatment on the principle of “like cures like”. Isopathy thus ceases to be homeopathy”.

    Curious, because Hahnemann’s Paris Casebooks mentioned just the opposite. He entered the term “Auto” for Isopathic treatments of his patients. These would later be followed up with other typical remedies from the materia medica.

    I read this, perhaps from David Little… this is from some years back and from memory.


    • Autopathy is really a hope for patients suffering from chronic diseases. I wish to ask Jiri Cehovsky that apart from Prague, does he treat patients in UK or elsewhere? If not how could the overseas patient contact him for treatment?



  • Talking about the “Autopathic”bottle,it is said that

    “The Autopathic bottle is designed to be used only once or for a limited period of time only in order to avoid the possibility of cross contamination from the memory of the glass, which can retain the previous potency even after removing the drops. The production of homeopathic remedies has shown that new glass should always be used.”

    Can you clarify the point which i understand means that in a new case we have to use a new “Autopathic” bottle each time?

    This does not prove to be cost effective,in the sense that each bottle cost around 34 US$,and each time it has to be rejected;and a new bottle utilized.

    May be i am not getting the correct picture.I say this as i am interested in purchasing your E book and the bottle as i with one of my colleague Dr Sarfaraz would like to use it in our charitable clinic in Karachi Pakistan,which we have been running for past 6 years.

    I will appreciate if you can clarify the points
    Thank you
    Dr Wequar

    • I have cases where a higher potency made in Autopathic Bottle was used only once for a long period of time with perfect effect – cured Crohn disease (3 years to the secon repetition of potency), Psoriasis (4 years) etc. Only one bottle was used only once. But it is useful very often “ …to repeat a potentised preparation frequently, at regular intervals, and especially for serious pathologies. It involves regularly repeating a certain potency and only occasionally increasing it and then only very finely. Example: A client whose vitality corresponds to a potency of 120 C. I recommend her to prepare a preparation in this potency, but, after preparing it, instead of throwing the bottle away to put it back in the plastic bag and in the box. Once a week she should repeat the preparation in the same potency using the same bottle and wait for further instructions, for example for three months. Before storing the bottle she should shake it slightly so that not too much water remains inside. If she continues to repeat the preparation in this fashion she should exchange the bottle for a new one after three months. Generally, if the preparation is made frequently in the same bottle, after three months at the latest, it is necessary to replace the used bottle with a new one. Taken into account has to be the “memory of the glass” and that the “vibration picture” of our organism after a longer time gradually changes. When we mix the old picture with the new one, the “mixture of potencies” that was produced repeatedly in the same bottle loses gradually the similarity with the current state and with it also its effect that finally disappears. “
      But in the book there is a description how to prepare a potency of saliva also in any clean bottle (and how to clean the bottle) using Korsakoff principle. These lower potencies are useful namely in emergency while in treatment of chronic diseases (where higher potencies are used) it is necessary to apply a flux dilution in the AB.
      It is really useful to read the book Autopathy: A Homeopathic Journey to Harmony where many such questions are answered.

  • Dear readers

    I wanna make some notes for readers about lacks of real data concerning Isopathy as follow below:

    Autoisopathic methodology in reality it had been used by the first in accordance wih modern medical literatura by an french monk in the end of 19th century in ancient Palestine, as reported by Dr.Max Tetau, MD from Paris,France.

    Otherwise late Prof,Dr.Roberto de Andrade Costa,MD, brazilian immunologist developed by the method he called Alive Nosode with dilutions and dinamizations of pathogenic agents in 29 DH low and 1260 higher DH potencies,in accordance with each specific case, and used also this same method with basis in autoisopathic treatment for his Aids patients using samples of blood of such patients in absence of Aids virus not provided by medical labs and neither authorities in the early 80 last century when he made his advanced medical researches in his home Petropoliis,State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

    When he obtained his first top results with this therapeutical methodology published later in his best seller sold out book:

    Homeopatia TRI-UNA-Escola Brasileira (Triple Homeopathy-Brazilian School)where he with courage without any support published such results with medical labs reports printed for readers and brazilian medical community be informed about such real results and now consagrated in South America & Europe by the medical homeopathic community.

    Later in the last decade od 20th century Dr.Anna Kosac Romanach,MD,retired brazilian top professor of Clinical Homeopathy published her book ISOPATIA (Isopathy) on sale yet in brazilian edition,with further and fantastics results about this medical methodology with several results and study cases as well…

    With further medical pictures taken by the author and printed in her top medical book to illustrate each case in special as well..
    Hope readers have a better and realistic overview about the Isopathy as a valid medical therapy associated to the homeopathy nowadays..

  • In your experiences how long does it generally take for someone to respond to a 30c dilution? Also, is the sensation of healing through autopathy the same feeling sensation as one can expect with a homepathic constitutional remedy?

  • 30 C dilution is suitable only for emergency and just on the beginning of treatment. In most cases potencies like 120C, or 200C or even 1M are necessary. You can find the advice which potency for what kind of states in my book Autopathy: A Homeopathic Journey to Harmony
    Generally it works according to Hering´s laws of cure – the same way as a constitutional remedy. People sometime refer even to euphoria. There can occur a homeopathic aggravation etc.
    The response for 30C can last hours, days or months according to inner state of the person.

    • hey Jiri thanks for the response. Also, do you have any plans on a messageboard forum on your site? i’m sure a lot of people could benefit from the discussion and help from other people and their experiences. Maybe a basic instructional video of a 30c prep would also be helpful. thanks Brian

      • There are some videos on autopathy on YouTube, but they are not in english. What a pity! This method seems to be very special.

        • ya i saw those, but ya it’s not in english, and it’s also not instructional. i might find a translator online, ha!

  • Hello Jiri,

    I bought your book on autopathy a few days ago. I have been trying to read up on autopathy as much as I can. Recently I chanced upon this case study by a member of the hpathy forum.

    Why do you think the saliva nosode stopped working? Was there actually a saliva proving? I would very much appreciate your views on this case.

    • A proving of human saliva would not contribute to autopathy as everybody has his/her own saliva which has slightly different picture. Everybody´s vibration pattern (an inner melody) is an original. Therefore I recommend to use allways the saliva of the person which is to be influenced. Than the resonance effect is the strongest and you can see results. As you can find in the book, every potentised bodily fluid and even your own potentised breath can induce resonance upon vital force and therefore heal, read
      Homeopathic resonance (if it is really a resonance and not a suppression induced by a wrong medicine) brings always a positive influence upon organism and there is no need to antidote it. But you can do it by means of allopathic drugs or by homeopathic remedies selected only by chance etc. Autopathy cannot suppress.

      • Hello Alka,

        As to your question concerning the case of the dog: The saliva nosode was in too low potency (12 C). In cancer cases I start with 40C or 80C potency daily, usually in combination with Carcinosinum 200 and with a specific remedy , for the spleen it could be CEANOTHUS AMERICANUS (according to Ramakrishnan).

        Jiri Cehovsky

        • Thank you Jiri. Your answer was very helpful!!

          My son and I have experienced some excellent results after our potentized saliva preparations. With allergies like that, I would not have believed it possible. May the miracles of homeopathy / autopathy continue in all our lives.

  • Jiri, So what do you think of this.

    I took a 40c oral remedy of the saliva nosode with the autopathic bottle. I did feel a sense of energy like something was happening, yet, nothing actually happened. I’m sure it wasn’t placebo, because there was a sense of “acting”, and also i felt different in what seemed like a good feeling. I’ve taken homeopathic remedies in the past so i can tell when something is working on a good level.

    So is it to soon to tell if it acted, or did it not act because i didn’t apply to my forehead? I was expecting a more physical response i guess, and i definitely don’t think it was too small a does for the first time either. thoughts?

  • so what happened here? no response, and its been months. I wish someone would start a messageboard for more information. it seems fascinating but i still haven’t gotten it to cure