Materia Medica Course on Shameless Remedies with Dr Manish Bhatia
Homeopathy Papers

Basic Points of Working with the Sehgal Method

Dr. M.L. Sehgal discusses the basic points of the Sehgal Method.

sehgal-schoolThere are certain broad outlines, which have to be kept in mind at the time of case taking. They are:

1. All those expressions, coming out of the human mind during the case taking should be treated as feelings. These expressions get exhibited through speech or action, or both. Primary importance is given to those expressions which are Present, Predominating and Persisting.

2. Expressions comprise of common statements used by the patient while telling about their problem. They are not from the category of the rare, peculiar and uncommon symptoms.

For example: Annoyingly a patient says, “Doctor, it is for many days now that, I am under your treatment, but I did not get any improvement. When I came, you told me that in three months I would be cured. Your fee is more than other homeopathic doctors. I did not say anything to you. I have spent so much money on the treatment with the hope that in three months I would be cured. Now I am disappointed that nothing much has happened in my case. Leave apart the cure I did not get even 10% relief. Apprehend that I will have to keep taking the medicine and spend the money forever. ***Annoyingly says, “I am not going to pay you further, till I **get the relief justifying the amount I have already paid to you”

* FEAR, extravagance of

** BUSINESS, talks of

***IRRITABILITY, pains during (Annoyingly telling about his problem and money he spent on the treatment which is painful for him)

3. After prescribing a remedy – only on the basis of the expression as given in No. 2 – some discharges (called expulsion) of toxins take place from the natural outlets of the body. In some cases expulsion takes place immediately i.e. in a short time – a few seconds to a few minutes – or in some cases it takes place after some time i.e. after few days to few months.

4. At this point when the expulsions start taking place, most probably your patient will call you to know about it. Here distinction should be made whether the expulsion has taken place due to the medicine or it is the outcome of the disease itself, or due to some other external factors.

In case the expulsion take place due to the action of the correct medicine, then you will probably get a simple report from your patient. A simple report means no emotions i.e. without any stress, tension, fear, etc. A patient will say, Doctor I have just called you to inform that after taking the medicine I have got some vomiting, but as such I am not worried about it. I thought it may be important for you to know about it, perhaps you may have to give supplementary medicine for it.” When a patient reports to you like this, then it means, everything is normal and it is a passing phase which will get over soon. But if the expulsion happens due to some reasons other than the medicine, then in this case you will hear the same version – as given above – associated with the emotions like anxiety, fear, anger, irritability, etc. In this case fresh analysis of the case has to be done. After taking fresh symptoms we have to verify if the medicine given before is still the same or we need to change it.

5. Like the law of physics, “Likes repel each other and unlikes attract each other”, the relation between the prescription made on the basis of R.M. and the expulsion taking place after the prescription are interlinked. A remedy after which a patient experiences the expulsion is called the simillimum.

6. While prescribing the medicine, R.M. gives importance to the “Center” which otherwise has never been considered. R.M. considers that nothing exists without a center including disease or life itself. The efficacy of every organ depends upon the efficiency of the center. So the role of the medicine has to be to restore the efficiency of the centre which in turn helps to restore the efficiency of the different organs depending upon it.

Coming to the practical side, a few examples of the new concept are given below:

In Asthmatic cases, the specific symptoms of the drug Antimonium Tart, are-

Rattling sound from the chest
Profuse sweating
In three different cases where Antimonium Tart failed on the indications of the above rare and peculiar symptoms, Antim, Crud, Ignatia, and Sulphur gave instant and successful coverage.

1. The indications of Antimonium Crud were

LOVE, love sick
ANGER touched, when
WEEPING touched, when
During the attack the patient wanted to be treated with love by her husband, and being unable to cook meals for him she became angry with herself. She started weeping over the same issue which was making her touchy.

2.The indications of Ignatia were:

SENSITIVE, moral impressions, to

The patient said, “No more treatment now. Let anything happen to me. This is the end of the struggle. There is no justification of so much spending of time, energy and money on me, by ignoring the needs of others in the house”.

3.The indications of Sulphur were:

IRRITABILITY exertion, from

QUIET, wants to be, repose and tranquility, desires

The patient said, “I am so tired now, after having suffered sufficiently, that I am getting irritable and want some relief, so that I may get tranquility through calmness and rest.

About the author

Madan Lal Sehgal

Dr. M. L. Sehgal took up homoeopathy as a hobby. It later was to become his passion and he conducted research to improve its effectiveness. His method of prescribing has been successful in treating many cases of both acute and Chronic ailments. In 1983, he founded Dr. Sehgal's School of Revolutionized Homoeopathy in India. He authored Rediscovery of Homoeopathy Series, volumes I- VIII - the last series IX co-authored by his sons, Dr.Sanjay sehgal and Dr.Yogesh Sehgal. These give a detailed insight into his method. Written Originally in English these volumes have been translated in other languages, namely German, Italian & Czech. There are dedicated followers of Dr. M. L. Sehgal's Method all over the world.

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