Materia Medica Course on Shameless Remedies with Dr Manish Bhatia
Homeopathy Papers

“Become the homoeopath you were meant to be” – An Introduction to the North West College of Homoeopathy

northwest college of homoeopathy

Northwest College of Homoeopathy – a discussion of its goals, programs and benefits.

In 1984 Ernest Roberts founded the North West College of Homoeopathy in Manchester, England with the ambition to create the leading classical homoeopathy college in the UK. Many of the College’s current teachers, clinicians, supervisors and managers were trained by Ernest and his staff. Ernest retired, and the College was re-created as a social enterprise in 2008, bringing new vitality and philosophies to bear, but holding to Ernest’s ambition for quality education and training The North West College of Homoeopathy offers a well-organised, responsive, student centred training in homoeopathy. Professional courses, experienced and committed teaching staff and a pioneering clinical training programme all set the college apart and make it the number one starting point for your career in Homoeopathy.

New to the College? – continue reading

Looking for post graduate courses or co-operation? – go to the section headed

“Dare to be Wise – the story after qualification” near the end

  We offer a 4 year part time Professional Training Course leading to a recognised qualification to practise as a Homoeopath, and a one year part time Foundation Course. Introductory courses and talks are also available.  We are here to help you on your journey to becoming a professional homoeopath. On the front cover of the College prospectus, it says:

  • Change your life
  • Heal and grow
  • Dare to be wise

This is why we use these words: 

Changing, Healing, Growing

Studying homoeopathy changes the way we see: from what we notice about people walking down the street, to what we perceive about the fixed ideas that mould their lives. It changes the way we listen to people: for example, why do they always say their symptoms “kill” them? It expects us to work hard in observing ourselves too, especially the assumptions we make when we are relating to people. Our own behaviour changes as we grow in taking responsibility for, and having confidence in, living according to our conscience. It all adds up to a transforming experience, and one that is more positive, powerful and healthy for being focussed on our intent to heal. And, of course, building your ability to heal and understanding of health are the fundamentals of the curriculum. People come to the College looking for a practical change too. Here are some students’ motivations: For a change of career, often from a job where they experience a sense of inner conflict;  to share the benefit they have received from homoeopathy, aiming first to understand it;  to work independently, frequently in a way compatible with caring responsibilities; from a recognition of the limits of the medicine they have experienced, or their tools as a healer within the NHS; &, to move on with their lives after a debilitating illness, grief or redundancy, using that experience to help shape a positive future. … and Daring “Dare to be wise” was Samuel Hahnemann’s motto (he founded homoeopathy). Sam defined the elements of wisdom as insight, discernment, knowledge and awareness. We’ve all met people who with lots of knowledge but lacking in awareness, insight or discernment (now is a good time to practise your study skills, by looking up any of these words you’re not sure about). So, you don’t have to be clever to study at the College, but you do have to be prepared for a supported challenge and an open-minded exploration of subjects familiar, less familiar or long forgotten. And you may have to dare to support the wisdom of homoeopathy, where its value is not yet recognised. And that isn’t a leap of faith – the evidence base is growing. Change your Life It changed mine… ”This is a really well constructed course with clear goals and a clearly defined curriculum. I like the fact that we have a range of lecturers bringing a range of experiences and teaching styles.” NM, Year 1 ‘The College offers a properly structured curriculum with progress of the student monitored and supported.’ LL, Y2 ‘I have found the quality of teaching to be of a consistently high standard. I find the college weekends a very caring and supporting environment and have felt nurtured within this.’ SW, Y 3 ”Fits in well with other commitments – not too onerous. Excellent coverage of all aspects of homeopathy. Thorough grounding. Different range of lecturers with differing experience and knowledge.’ CS, Y4 “A stimulating and ever-interesting course that provides a high quality homoeopathic training. NWCH has a real sense of community offering support and encouragement both through the course and, crucially, in the early years of professional practise.” MD, graduate, who joined the course as a professional counsellor. “I found the College experience very uplifting and enjoyed meeting many people from all walks of life with similar views. Discussions during lecture time were therefore thought provoking and challenging, giving many ideas for reflection at the end of the weekend.” LD, graduate “Very stimulating and enjoyable. The College is always willing to offer different perspectives on homoeopathic issues. Attending the College has always been a source of inspiration and reassurance.” IL, graduate The College recently surveyed all students. All felt able to recommend the College. Here are some other things they said:

  • Compatible with family/work/life balance. Welcoming, friendly and supportive.
  • Open to suggestions. Interesting people.
  • Thorough grounding in all areas. Well set up for practice.
  • Good PPD (personal and professional development).
  • Properly structured curriculum with clear goals.
  • Useful course. Interesting and worthwhile course.
  • Compared with !@! course in &!?, NWCH is academically far better.
  • Excellent notes. Well organised, clear lecture notes.
  • Range of lecturers bring range of experience and teaching styles.
  • Excellent lecturers, helpful and understanding.
  • Guest lecturers. Quality of teaching, constantly at high standard.
  • Progress of student monitored and supported, where necessary.
  • Having a ‘buddy’ is helpful. College weekend, very caring and supportive environment.
  • Warm, comfy environment.

They also suggested some improvements; we expect nothing less from people who dare to be wise! Clinically impressed Homoeopathy can offer a rewarding career. It provides an opportunity to work closely with people, to work independently, to use the skills acquired over many years’ life experience, and to enjoy the benefits which homoeopathy gives to patients. No prior medical training is required. One of the greatest strengths of the College is the range of teaching clinics on offer. Clinical training is a key focus of your education, and has always been at the heart of the College’s teaching clinics. Each has its own flavour, depending on location and the clinician. Whether it is eczema and asthma, knee pain, a patient with heart palpitations, children at risk or with special needs, anxiety and depression, epilepsy, cancer or MS – you will find the everyday and the extraordinary, serious pathology and plain worry, and health histories embracing all races and continents. Experiencing the style of different well-qualified homoeopaths, you will observe patients and case-taking, practise recording and contribute to remedy and dosage debates and decisions. You will learn to distinguish the expression of illness that needs treatment, and see remedy pictures lived out in people’s symptoms. During your minimum 150 hours participating in clinics over the four years, you will be part of the treatment team for some everyday illnesses and many longer term health problems – your role in the process developing over the years. You will be encouraged in insight and discernment. The homoeopath’s evaluation will comment on your observation, evidence of you having heard the patient and their body speak, and your perception of the symptom pattern needing to be cured. You will also reflect on your emerging skills, and areas where you wish to develop. Students generally find the clinical experience demanding but unmissable. A recognised professional qualification We don’t just want you to feel nurtured and supported. We want you to grow as confident, competent professionals. As professionals, we expect to be registered with a professional body – externally accredited, accountable and evaluated, Accordingly, the College is fully registered, and subject to regular review by, the Society of Homeopaths’ Education Department, the only body of its kind within the UK profession. We are the only College enjoying full recognition from the Society north of Stroud and Carmarthen, which is why we have a strong community ethos and aim to build a clear regional identity. Our commitment has a major benefit for students. In fulfilling the College’s graduation requirements you have already fully met the requirements of the Society of Homoeopaths to be a newly registered homoeopath, and can start practising as a professional as soon as your insurance is in place. Our professional qualification is also recognised by the Alliance of Registered Homeopaths and the Homeopathic Medical Association. Together with the Society, these are the three largest professional registers in UK homoeopathy. Futures in homoeopathy The College was born and bred in Manchester, England, once a textile capital. I am writing this in a room that was once part of a handweaver’s workshop, though now my home. So, the imagery of weaving comes naturally to me as I reflect on homoeopathic education. We start with the warp, the fixed threads around which everything else is interweaved. These are the fundamental principles of homoeopathy. They are not too many or too tight; they offer stability and the maximum flexibility for the weaving of homoeopathic futures. Once they are in place, the student can experiment with colour, texture, techniques, and critically evaluate others’ use of the same. Our students are adults, so their weft will express what they have learnt from experience, what they bring of themselves and what they borrow and learn from others. The College’s job is to expose them to more experienced homoeopaths’ practise, and to underpin their experimentation with an environment of support, reflection, evaluation and ethical boundaries; playing to the student’s strengths and expanding horizons. Join us. We are recruiting now for our September 2013 intake. We meet for a weekend a month, with additional clinical experience and study requirements. Please note we cannot under any circumstances help with visa applications; you must already have or have secured the right to study in the UK. Dare to be Wise – the story after qualification One of the great things about homoeopathy is that we never stop learning. With its wide range of experienced teachers, and guest homoeopaths at the cutting edge of research and lecturing like Geoff Johnson, Jonathan Hardy, Janet Snowdon and Vega Rozenberg, we support the development of quality professional practise. The College offers a range of continuing professional development: a Post-Graduate course, and our flexible Pick & Mix learning opportunities.


  • Continue to expand your knowledge, insight and judgement
  • Share new developments in homoeopathy and test new initiatives
  • Share case studies with fellow students
  • Affordable up to date courses
  • Flexible arrangements
  • Be part of our growing homoeopathic community
  • Network with colleagues from around the country
  • Ongoing personal journey of exploration

We are here to help you on your journey to becoming an ever more experienced homoeopath. Co-operation and experiment The College welcomes the opportunity to work in partnership with other bodies, homoeopathic or representing other medical traditions recognised by the World Health Organisation, both within the UK and internationally. As a local example, last year we undertook a Health Awareness Day in conjunction with the National Health Service, Oldham Council and the Sri Sathya Sai Service Organisation (more information at . We also initiated a Pain Healing Clinic network with alumni and other interested homoeopaths.   If you want to know more about the College, go to or email [email protected].

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