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Homeopathy Papers

Revolutionize the Practice of Homeopathy? It’s Already in the Organon


Homeopath Jean Lacombe reminds readers that the Organon instructs us to remove the causes of illness, such as lack of exercise, excess sugar, radiation and other environmental and dietary influences. He recommends that other holistic alternative methods be considered along with homeopathy, as needed.

Our era has advantages for homeopathy. Today, it is so easy to perfect our knowledge. Indeed, many of our grand masters travel the world and present seminars that permit us to understand the journeys (sometimes artistic) that bring them to the right prescription and of course, their patients’ recovery.

Added to these opportunities is a multitude of information which we can access via the internet. Online homeopathy lessons, comments, accounts of healing, presentations of new methods, new remedies, new books.

Many of those who claim to further homeopathy, these renewals (enrichments) or enhancements completely conform to Hahnemann ‘s fundamental principles, laid out in his lectures: “The Organon of the Art of healing.”  The Organon appears to be a book filled with riches, in which, at times, it seems possible (in the same image as the innumerable interpretations that we may draw from great religious books…), to justify a bit of everything (and it’s contrary).

For example, it isn’t obvious that the road to which the teachings of Vithoulkas takes us, exist in the same hemisphere as the paths of Sankaran. And yet, their teachings and practices rest on… the Organon!

What I am aware of today in reading the teachings of the elders, as well as those of modern homeopaths, is that important and clear dimensions of the Organon are at play.Yet,they are only rarely evoked in the accounts of healing.

Perhaps it would suffice to give some importance to some of Hahnemann’s comments in the Organon, to truly “revolutionize” the practice of homeopathy.

The three pillars of this revolution seem to me to rest on the following principles :

  1. Many pathological states will easily yield, without a prescription of homeopathic remedies, if we know how to see and eliminate the causes on which they are based.
  2. The role of homeopathy is not solely to heal a patient, but also to advise him and accompany him on the road to new found health.
  3. The homeopathic prescription, together with therapeutic, alternative and complementary measures, will lead to a quicker and more efficient recovery of the patients’ health.

First eliminate the causes:

The subject of the “causes” of the disease is addressed in several aphorisms of the Organon.

In aphorism number 77, Hahnemann affirms that……..States of ill-health disappear spontaneously once dietary errors and poor hygiene  (the cause of illness) are eliminated.

We can try our hardest to look up all of the symptoms,do all of this exceptional work and artistically repertorize using the latest of software before finally prescribing what clearly seems to be the simillimum remedy.However, all this will prove to be completely pointless and unnecessary once we understand that:

  • A patient’s chronic eczema may go away on its own as soon as he eliminates dairy products.
  • A child’s attention deficit disorder and hyperactivity may greatly diminish once his sugar intake has been limited
  • A patient’s sleep disorders may completely disappear once he disconnects the Wi-Fi connection (wireless router) at bedtime.
  • Diabetic symptoms may disappear once the patient undertakes an appropriate exercise program.
  • Etc.

For Hahnemann, “the damage that is inflicted on our health will spontaneously disappear, by modifying our way of living……”   One thousand more similar examples illustrate that the homeopath must often, even before attempting to heal (and prescribe), understand what can cause harm and simply eliminate it.

In today’s world, thereare many illnesses linked to errors stemming from the ignorance of the rules that underlie our relationship with the environment.It appears to be the homeopath’s duty to identify such mistakes (which lead to a bad relationship) in order that shortcomings may be corrected.

Counselling the patient on the path to maintaining good health

For Hahnemann, the homeopathic doctor must:

“ likewise be a preserver of health if he knows the things that derange health and cause disease, and how to remove them from persons in health.”.  (Organon §4 )

Once again… firstly, eliminate what can harm and eliminate the causes (of illness), but also, “know how to maintain good health”.  Beyond the act of prescribing and healing, it is fundamental (once a patient’s health has been restored) that the proper guidance be given, in order that the patient’s health not only be maintained, indeed flourishbut also that relapses or future illness be prevented.

Can today’s homeopath ignore the effects of industrial, chemical and artificial food on health?  Dyes, pesticides, endocrine disrupters, irradiations, antibiotics, etc., are present in the diets or environment of our patients. The effects of this is to modify our patient’s “terrain,” thus accelerating psoric, sycotic and syphilitic states, and ultimately materializing in the form of cancer.

Can the homeopath be stingy towards giving sound advice about the importance of diet in maintaining good health or about the origins of intoxication that leads to illness? Additionally, if he wishes to maintain his patient’s health, he must also know the most important principles of good hygiene and be able to communicate them effectively to his patient.

To be able to heal is one thing, but the ability to maintain good health is something else!Hippocrates taught: “let your food be your remedy”. Can the homeopath abstain from knowing the basic principles of a proper diet? Can he be stingy with advice on proper nutrition when prescribing a homeopathic remedy?

Employing complementary therapeutic tools

In the 6th edition of the Organon, Hahnemann dedicates several aphorisms to describe the positive and significant effects that various therapeutic approaches may have on health.In addition to the importance of diet (Aphorism §259) and an enlightened psychological approach (§96-99…), he describes the benefits of massage therapy (§290), mineral magnetism (the powers of the magnet) (§287), Balneotherapy (§291) and Mesmerism (§288), (which Hahnemann called animal magnetism, and wrote about enthusiastically, stipulating that this mode of treatment “is a marvellous, priceless gift of God to mankind.”

Moreover, in the words of one of our most illustrious colleagues, the homeopath Robin Murphy, Hahnemann always added multiple principles of naturopathy to his practice, including the prescription of herbal teas and tonics.

With the speed with which Hahnemann’s masterpiece evolved (6 editions of the Organon within thirty years), we can wonder, 180 years later, what important and benevolent words he would bestow upon aromatherapy, gemmotherapy, Reiki, vitamins, minerals, probiotics, omega oils etc. in a new edition of the Organon?

A homeopath, such as Tinus Smits, renowned for his autism treatment protocols, included a wide range of complementary therapies within his prescriptions. My own experience has equally shown that the efficiency and results of treatment are both faster and vaster, if we combine the prescription of homeopathics with other therapies.

The Organon teaches us that complete healing can happen if and only if it respects the law of similars principle. In a modern language, it is necessary that the prescribed remedy’s simillimum frequency resonates with the patient’s sickness frequency.  The possibility is not only found at the level of homeopathic dynamized remedies but at all other levels, as well, including a “psychological simillimum” between the patient and his/her therapist, which we refer to as compassion.

Might essential oils like lavender or eucalyptus comply with the law ofsimilars for certain states of illness? Can taking Vitamin C in certain dosages, eradicate (and not just alleviate) certain pathologies? In how many different ways does similarity/simillimum occur?


Beyond the art and science of prescribing potentized substances, several Aphorisms from the Organon indicate that:

  1. Many causes of illness can be alleviated, or eliminated, without a prescription. (Moreover, if the “causes,” the circumstances contributing to the sickness, are not eliminated, then frequent repetitions of the prescribed remedy will be needed, indicating that the healing process is incomplete.)
  2. Advise the patient on how to maintain his or her health. The homeopath must know the laws that regulate man’s interaction with his environment. Ignorance of these principles condemns the patient to a relapse.
  3. Use all alternative and complementary methods that can contribute to the rapid and profound recovery of optimal health. These tools greatly surpass the single universe of the dynamised remedy.
  4. I believe that by incorporating Hahnemann’s advice and guidelines, the homeopath avoids the entrapment of modern medicine. A doctor must understand that the science to vanquish diseases requires long and tedious studies, as well as sharpened mental abilities; health relies on the art of living, which must be recognized, recommended and prescribed.

About the author

Jean Lacombe

Jean Lacombe has practiced homeopathy for 30 years. He is director of “Le Centre homéopathique du Québec” (, a school offering professional training programs of 1000 hours in homeopathy. He is author of: The Soul and Essence of 100 Homeopathic Remedies (M.M.), Approach to the Energy World of Homeopathy (theory), Clinical Homeopathy: 20 Study Cases, Homeopathy and Naturopathy for 50 Health Problems (therapeutics). Since beginning his practice he has been lectured and taught around the world, including France, Belgium, Romania, Moldova, Costa Rica, USA and Canada.

1 Comment

  • Bonjour
    Je trouve cet article excellent ! il rappel l’interaction du tout qui constitue notre bain .Le travail de conscience que peut amener sans jugement le therapeute à la fois des conditionnements et habitudes .La bienveillance et la sagesse que peut amener la pratique du soin .

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