Materia Medica Course on Shameless Remedies with Dr Manish Bhatia
Homeopathy Papers

“Causticum” – from Absolute Materia Medica

Drs. P. I. Tarkas and Ajit Kulkarni share their materia medica of Causticum, excerpted from their book Absolute Homeopathic Materia medica.

Excerpted from: Absolute Homeopathic Materia medica by Drs. P. I. Tarkas and Ajit Kulkarni

Hahnemann’s Tinctura Acris Sine Kali 


Nerves: Motor and Sensory
Solar plexus. Ulnar nerve (Rhus-r.)
Neuro-musculatures: Bladder. Larynx. Cardiac. Limbs (Visc.). Ocular
Mucous membranes: Gastrointestinal. Urinary bladder. Upper respiratory tract
Glands; lymphatic
One side, right or left; but more right; right upper, left lower


Depressing factors: Air: Cold, clear, dry (winter), raw cold winds, snowy, thunderstorm, open; drafts
Extremes of heat and cold
Warm damp weather (rheumatism). Change of weather. Walking in open air.
Heat (some pains). Hot food
Cold drinks (teeth), bath (not liked)
Periodicity: A.M.: 2, 4.P.M.: 2, 4, 5, 8, 12; daytime, early morning, afternoon, evening, twilight, sun-set to sun-rise, night, midnight to early morning or mid-day, double, quotidian, new and full moon, every 2-3-4 weeks, during menses; at puberty
After stool
Sleep; or loss of it; siesta
Resting. Motion of cars. Jerks. Vibrations. Straining. Stooping. Exertion. Lifting. Running
Suppressions; of eruptions

  1. Mental (grief, worry, shocks fright, joy, frustration, anger, vexation, trials, thinking of it; severe trial and strain of nursing near and dear, sudden noise, excitement).
  2. Drugs (quinine, santonine, narcotics, coffee).
  3. Metals-aluminium, zinc (water from galvanized pipes etc.), mercury iron (sulphur), lead.
  4. Foods (asafoetida, carbohydrates, fats, legumes, sour, sweets, coffee, supper)

During digestion. Fasting

Depleting factors: Sweat

Open air (vertigo). Fan. Warm air, Summer. Damp weather (Asar.). Walking in open air (anxiety)
Cold: Drinks (cough, chill, convulsions, paralysis). Cold bath; or to affected part
Warmth of bed (except cough)
Daybreak (anxiety). Day (cough, leucorrhea). Night (cold, menses); 9 p.m. to 2 a.m.
Running (neurosis). Dancing (oppression). Activity (soreness). Motion (of affected part)
Discharges: (Flatus) blood (not stool)




  • Disturbed function of brain and spinal cord, from exhausting diseases, suppressed eruptions or severe mental shock or strain; defective nutrition of the whole nervous system, ending in convulsions or paralysis. Deep-seated nervous diseases; suppressed eruptions tell on the nervous system, vegetative disturbances (not superficial) reflex from vagus.
  • Slowly progressing, low grade processes in poorly vitalized tissues. Old, broken down conditions, sufferings from chronic troubles, that after initial improvement come to a standstill for years. A gradual slowing down of functions (e.g. sex urge, pulse, low temperature, paresis; like Plb.) accompanying a declining state of the economy: fighting a losing battle (cp. Carbn-s.), ending with a paralysis.
  • Little toxemia (or septicemia) but much tissue disorganization, and low vegetation, as cracks and fissures – in lips, anus, nipples, skin (like Graph.).
  • “(Crude) promotes putrefaction of tissues when placed in its solution.” – Hahnemann.


  • Syco-syphilitic. Scrofulous, weak, chilly constitutions, debilitated from enervation of motor tract, after grief, strain, exposures or suppression of eruptions (by ointments). Self-sacrificing patients, broken down with long suffering and too much trouble; subject to respiratory or urinary catarrhs, dyspepsia, rheumatism or paralysis; esp. troubles incidental to post-meridian life. Excessive wear, tear and torture, emaciation, dehydration.
  • Lymphatic patients subject to sluggish circulation. Phlegmatic patients subject to gout (Chel.), rheumatism, scrofulosis, respiratory catarrhs, paralysis, rigid, firm muscular fibre (“single bodied”) with yellow, sallow complexion, peculiar paleness of elbows, hands, knees. Dark-haired, dark-eyed and of darkest mood and temper ( Psor.).
  • Neurasthenic and lean, dyspeptic and consumptive/ Frail; skin like parchment; prolapsus recti and paralytic sphincter vesicii.
  • General uneasiness, in bed in morning, unable to lie still a moment at night (with fidgety legs like Zinc.). Constant moving of arms and legs in sleep; the anti-rest (like or Mag-c.).
  • No ambition or drive; have no desire and scarcely any ability to make an effort; disposition to run away or shirk any responsibility (like Kali-c.); faggy brains (like ).”Brain washed out, can no longer be coordinated.”
  • Ageing: Physical infirmity-shakiness-torpidity; not mentally, beyond some amnesia (unlike or Lyc.).


  • Scrofulous; slow in milestones, totter, stumble and stammer; puny, weak, delicate and anemic (Alum.); marasmus, malnutrition of the whole nervous system (like Sil.); hypotonic; tendency to enuresis or encopresis.
  • Mentally weak, irritable, least thing or worry makes them cry (like Puls.), timid, afraid of strangers, of dark, or going to bed alone.
  • Responsible, Obedient. Can’t bear injustice.
  • Young girls yearning for marriage (Con.); sensitive, unstrung, hysterical (like Agar.).


  • Of psychogenic origin such as domestic discord, long lasting grief, sorrow, frustration, disappointments, disillusionments, sudden emotions, fear, fright, injustice, sexual abuse, anger or vexation, abandonment, cares and worries with protracted night-watching (, Colch.), business reverses, sudden outburst of joy (Coff.), over sympathy for others.
  • From exhausting diseases; or disturbed function of brain and spinal cord from these causes or suppression of eruptions.


  • Weak, tremulous, tottering, unsteady, faint, almost paralytic, from long-lasting grief etc. or pains or cough. So weary he will not move, yet so nervous and anxious that he will not rest (like Chel.).
  • Gradually increasing debility. A gradual slowing down of functions and muscular strength (ending in paralysis). Increasing uncertainty of control, stumbling etc.
  • Right side weaker (, Lyc.); right arm feels paralyzed from continued writing. Gait unsteady. Bearing down sensation. Weakness, as in all Kalis.


  • While straining at or after stool; of paralyzed or painful parts. Sense of shakiness, unsteadiness, tremor; of hands; of right while writing; or of legs on ascending; on rising from sitting.


  • Calves, feet, soles, toes, fingers (writer’s).


  • Arms (also asleep), esp. in fingers, feet (also asleep), soles (also tingling), toes.


  • Stitches, burning, soreness. Rawness (in canals, uterus, chest). Throbbing. Paralyzing. Cause spurting of urine. Obstinate neuralgias of psoric origin; growing pains (in legs); tearing and drawing pains in muscular and fibrous tissues.


  • Of left half of body (Arg-n., Xan.); of right (Chel.); attack of left arm during sleep (Sumb.); in nose, rectum, urethra, hands, (tips of) fingers (esp. index or thumb), legs, feet, toes, (while walking or standing), heels.

Universal Commotion:

  • Trembling. Twitchings. Prickling. Tingling. Formication. Starting. Jerks of single muscles; speech as if in jerks. Rheumatic chorea; after fright, suppressed eruptions, during menses or pregnancy, from imitating, more right sided or localized; < night, during sleep, in dry weather, on thinking of it. Restless legs (Zinc.), in bed at night and morning. Grinding teeth.


  • Recent and simple cases; during dentition or puberty; at menses; helminthic (caused by Santonine etc. for worms); with or after suppressed eruptions (, Psor.); after chilling or a cold river bath (Art-v.); after malaria; after fright; grief (Art-v.); from prolonged lead poisoning; in brain softening; < during sleep, periodically (twice a day, every 2, 3, or 4 weeks, at new moon). Petit mal (falls unconscious while walking in open air, but soon recovers).
  • Before: Heat of head, then general sweat; shocks in head; pressure in pit of stomach (solar plexus aura); dementia; runs in a circle (to right). Drinking cold water at this stage may avert the fit.
  • With: Feverish heat but cold hands and feet; cold shoulders; restlessness; epistaxis; sopor; paralysis; red face; spurting; head drawn to one side (esp. left).
  • After: Epistaxis, noises in head; paralytic exhaustion; restlessness; sopor.
  • Convulsions; with bizarre attitudes; of upper half of body; in paralyzed parts. During dentition (Zinc.).
  • Hysteria: Unstrung, sensitive subjects; with cramps, startings, twitchings, jerking; progressive hysteria; with diabetes.
  • Tetanus; trismus.


  • Sudden, from cold exposure (like Acon.) as cold bath in summer, from cerebral embolism (with aphonia and dysphagia). After headaches; brain softening; from deep-seated nervous diseases, e.g. multiple sclerosis; lead poisoning; rheumatism; suppressed diarrhea or dysentery; (with obstipation, vertigo at noon- A. Lippe); infectious diseases (diphtheria, typhus); suppressed eruptions; enemas. Senile dysfunction and paresis.
  • Hemiplegia (right) after apoplexy, that lingers still after absorption of effused blood.
  • More usually paralysis appears late or gradually. Recurring paralysis. Localized paralysis; or of single parts; of eyelids; face (right); tongue; of arms; of right arm; after rheumatism; of legs after parturition (Plb.); of (left) shoulder; of fingers (in pianists). Paralysis of extensors (Plb.).
  • Functional paralysis; deglutition; rectum; bladder; uterus; agalactea; voice; sensation of paralysis of right arm wakes him up in morning; temporary paralysis. “Cold water tones up the paralysis” – Pulford.


  • Mucous membranes: Catarrhs; urinary; vaginal; respiratory. No inflammations.
  • Discharges: Thick, tough, gluey, offensive.
  • Dropsy: Edema pedis; in paralysis; after abuse of salt, bad fat; with coldness. Ascites. Dropsies taken care of by
  • Emaciation: From suppressed eruption, disease, psychogenic. Body wasted but abdomen tense and hard, swollen. More about the feet. Marasmus. Puny.
  • Glands: Cervical (Derbyshire neck i.e. goiter); mesenteric (, Phos.). Indurations (e.g. prostate). Buboes.
  • Muscles: Rheumatic contraction (shortening) of muscles and tendons, esp. flexors, (hamstrings), < cold winds (Visc.). Relaxed; prolapses. (Inguinal Hernia).
  • Joints: A rheumatic state of tendons and ligaments about joints with pain and swelling of joint which becomes tightened and ankylosed. Osteoarthritis. Rheumatoid arthritis, joints stiff, and tendons shortened drawing limbs out of shape (contractures); < dry cold snowy air; uncovering; evening to morning; > warmth (of bed). Hip joint disease (left). Stiffness < rising from a seat. Burning in. Torticollis. Joints deform, enlarge, soften, bend, infiltrate, become cold, feel dislocated.
  • Synovitis: Fluctuation and indolency.
  • Gout: Alternating with cough; concretions.
  • Blood: Hemorrhages of dark blood, they >. Scorbusis. Abscesses (Sil.). Purpura developing (Lach.). Anemia (Ferr.).
  • Degeneration: Locomotor ataxia; lightning-like pains (); tottering gait. Multiple sclerosis; paralysis. Brain softening; with epilepsy; with paralysis. Cataract.
  • Growths: Horny excrescences (keratosis); of nails; of warts; on nose tip.
  • Warts: Exuding; or dry; bleeding; fleshy; flat; jagged; pedunculated; seedy; multiple; hard; horny; inflamed; suppurating; painful, tender; stinging; on termini; around eyes. Benign tumors; (lipoma) small tumor behind ear. Cancer; of face; of tongue. Lupus (Arg-n., Thuj.). Encephaloma (Phos.).
  • Fistulas: Lachrymal; dental; anal; mammary etc. Fungus excrescences. Easy ulceration, frost-bites (, Syph.); fissuration.
  • Cracks: Skin (in winter); at bend of joints; face; at anus; nipples.
  • Nails: (Split), horny, thickened, crippled, deformed, discolored.

Peculiarities and Symptom-behaviour:

  • Symptoms develop usually gradually: Weakness, paralysis, amaurosis. Functions deteriorate gradually (Con.). Rarely, rapidly developing also, as phthisis, paralysis.
  • Symptoms tend to appear singly (unassociated) or in isolated groups (Plb.).
  • Symptoms < in room are > in open air and vice-versa.
  • Some symptoms are < in daytime, some others < at night. Silent melancholy during day, weeping at night. Menses flow during day, leucorrhea at night. Cough < night, but expectoration < daytime. Nose stuffed during day and fluent during night or vice versa. Dry cough during day and loose at night, or vice versa. Sleepy during day, sleepless at night.
  • Nervous decontrol from jerks of any muscular effort, or shake-ups: Nose drips while eating (esp. warm food or drink); salivation from walking (after meals); dim vision on blowing nose; stool on vomiting, even from a subtle motion (as from inspiring or bad news); piles pain on attempting to talk loudly; prolapsus ani (or stool) on coughing; stool after eating; enuresis, in first sleep, when coughing (Ferr.), sneezing, vomiting or from pain; milk disappears from excitement, fatigue; aphonia from excitement, coughs when attempting to talk; spine pains when swallowing; sweats while eating. Hip-joint pains on coughing.
  • Unhelpfulness of measures: Restless from pain, but rest or motion does not >; can neither move nor rest; during chill must cover warmly but it does not >; desires cold bath but it may not ameliorate (in some cases). Can endure neither heat nor cold.
  • Contradictoriness or anomaly: Faintness after going to bed; stool easier standing, but must sit down to urinate; no stool, but involuntary urine (both paralytic); speaker’s hoarseness > continued talking; chilly in open air, but not in cold air; chill > by cold drink; stool easier standing but piles < standing; paralytic state >movement; absence of enjoyment during coition, but emission >. Thirst with aversion to drinking (Lach.). Paralysis on the right side, numbness on the left side.
  • Great deal of internal chilliness. Parts usually cold; feet cold (but not moist); cold air or water sensations in parts.
  • Tension: In scalp, in eyes, behind ears, jaws (face), throat, abdomen (< 7 pm), chest, back (cervical); fingers, hamstrings, thighs, hollow of knees, back. Arterial tension (flushed face) from straining at stool. Stiffness on rising from a seat.
  • A general and indescribable uneasiness of the whole frame (the ‘general physical anxiety’ of Repertory), with extreme depression.
  • Cases improve for some time and then come to a standstill, or refuse to rally (Psor.).
  • Cold drink helps to tone up the paralyzing condition, to mitigate cough, convulsions. Cold water on eyes and face >. But dread of cold bath, though it stimulates appetite.
  • Greasy: Face, taste, eructations, stool, expectoration, skin, lipoma. A seborrhea.
  • Rawness: Of scalp, throat, respiratory tract, rectum, urethra, vagina, uterus, at the site of burns.
  • Absence of true inflammation (no tumor, rubor, calor, furor); ulcerations predominate over inflammations.
  • The triad: Grief, sighing, stiff neck (Calc-p.).
  • The quartet: Rheumatism, flatulence, hysteria, heart (as in Kali-c., Lach., Psor.) obtains here too.
  • Bleeding ameliorates (as in Lach.): Epistaxis > headache, convulsions. Gum bleeding > toothache.
  • Intermittent: Hiccough, urine; menses; (sweat); paralysis.
  • Aggravation where amelioration was expected e.g. stool, sweat or deflation may or may not amel.


  • Burns, acute or chronic; never well since; deep burns. Gunshot wounds. Superficial wounds that have healed (cicatrized) reopen, due to anxieties or nervous exhaustion; (opening and) ulceration of old cicatrices (Phos.). Troubles after gynec operations. Bruised pains; strained muscles, including pectoral and cardiac. Stings (bites, rabies).


  • Intimate mixture of Calcium hydroxide & Potassium bisulphide. Hence, it shares the properties of calcium, potassium and sulphur.
  • belongs to the family of Kalis (with its weakness etc.), but with a difference; it acts deeper, beyond the sub-acute stage (like Lach.) and is frankly paralytic. Is a Psoro-sycotic (like Sulph.); or a Psoro-syphilitic (like Psor.); or a Syphilo-sycotic (like Plb., Zinc.) with a tinge of Psora too. (Sil. is Syco-syphilitic). With Kali features intact it moves towards Lach.
  • Its primary action appears late and secondary symptoms continue, persist relatively longer than other antipsorics (due to its sycotic undertone?)


  • A neurotic sympathetic; absorbs the feelings of others as an emotional sponge; vulnerable; offended easily; poor emotional boundaries; defensive. Delicacy; cannot face (esp.) women weeping.
  • Feel victimized; a strong sense of injustice and need to control. Angry, dictatorial, haughty, defiant, competitive; fanatical, anarchist; sincere, idealistic, earnest with high sense of responsibility and therefore victims.
  • Security and safely the main issues. Multiple fears of: Darkness, being alone, ghosts, dogs, evil, death, future.
  • Anxiety about others and over-sympathy—the central features. Very much concerned about the troubles of others, will actually help and not only talk; out of apprehensive or real threat from outside (cp. Nat-m., Nit-ac., Phos.). Anxiety (timorous) makes him censorious and over-compassionate or sometimes a cynic, greedy (Lyc.) or even a pessimist (like Psor.). Anxiety after a short sleep, awakened with anxiety and nervousness, tosses legs; from night watching, cares and troubles; worried, anxious and restless with extreme gloominess (Arg-n. is anxious and tense); anxiety associated with stool; involving the whole body (‘the general physical anxiety’ of Repertory).
  • Anticipatory anxiety and timidity; of appearing in public, interviews, examinations, ordeals. As age advances emotions strike on the abdomen, upset from bad news, while expecting or meeting an undesired person or even a postman (orgasms, palpitation, etc.); and later still lands into cardio-neurosis and incarcerated flatulence with chest pains.
  • Sensitive to criticism. “Mind is always compromised” (Farrington); feels he has done a wrong; an anxiety of conscience.
  • Attached to family, work and society too. Puts up high expectations and if unfulfilled, suffer from disappointments. Clingy; may remain distant too (to avoid rejection). Suspicious, difficulty in trusting others.
  • Spoonerism (confounds letters and syllables). Dyslexia.
  • Two phases: Initial phase of hypersensitivity and over-reactivity to all sorts of impressions; the varying psychogenic causes (e.g. social injustice, grief, frustration, fright, vexation etc.) make the response hyposensitive; leading in the evolution, to fatigue, dementia, passive imbecility (paralysis of mind) or insanity or even to suicidal disposition.



  • Vertigo: Reeling, whirling, with nausea and anxiety, while passing stool or urine, on first lying down or rising up (like Con.), on looking up, from gas-light (cp. Glon.).
  • Old neuralgic headaches. Commotion (a sort of buzzing or humming), or as of something moving, rushing or creeping from head into eye, in forehead, in heart. Shocks or jerks in. Swollen glabella (Kali-c.).


  • “Rich in eye-symptoms.” Scrofulous ophthalmias, after suppressed eruptions; with suppuration or ulceration. Trachoma, with pannus. Corneal opacity (Naphtin.); ulceration; venosities on.
  • Cataract: Cortical; hard; reticular; with motor disturbances (Plb.).
  • Progressive or sudden attacks of loss of vision. Ptosis (Gels.). Inclination to close eyes; involuntary closing. Vision foggy. Membrane over eye as if. Diplopia from disordered axis or accommodation.
  • Asthenopia: Muscular (), after measles.


  • Burning (itching) as if frostbitten (Agar.). Increased earwax. Meniere’s disease. Catarrhal or neuric deafness. Words and steps re-echo.


  • Ascending colds. Discharge while eating or reading (Ran-b.). Old atrophic catarrhs, with scaly, crusty, ulcerated nostrils. Frequent sneezing; < morning. Pimples. Warts. Eruptions on nose (Aeth.).


  • Pain, esp. jaw; or its joint; after cold or (stormy) change of weather (Rhod.), < opening mouth, < night. Heat in, after meals. Warts. Greasy. Swelling of face after groundnuts.


  • Teeth sensitive to cold; feel spongy. Gums suppurating; scorbutic. Ulcerative stomatitis.
  • Tongue (or teeth) pain after grief; red in center with white border; swollen at root. Speech stammering, jerky, lisping; lost.
  • Salivation: From salt or sweet; < walking, after meals; < or > during sleep.
  • Bites inside of cheek while chewing.


  • Nervous feeling in. Pains; rawness with oppression of chest and febrile coldness. Sticky mucus; constant desire to clear the throat (Med.).
  • Post-diphtheritic paralysis (Diph.).


  • Averse to sweets. Desires smoked meat (Calc-p., Kreos., Tub.), salt, cold drinks, ice-cream, sweetened cold milk.
  • Appetite: Averse to sight, smell or thought of food (like ); but returns after bath or on beginning to eat.
  • Worse after: Fat (esp. rancid), starch, beans, sweets, bread, sour, hot things.
  • In pit of stomach: Pressure, tension or distress, > lying down or after dinner; stitches that seem to contract heart; depressing emotions affect pit and cause urging to stool (Arg-n.); but after stool come anxiety, sweat, vertigo, palpitation, oppression, flatulence, headache, weakness etc.
  • Digestive failure, all food inflates; troubles arise during digestion. Cannot stand fasting.


  • Colic > bending double (Coloc.). Uncomplicated discharge of fetid flatus. Incarcerated flatulence. Flatulent twinges, in head (with tottering gait etc.), hypogastrium, chest, lumbar. Painful pelvis, waist. Pain in left hypochondrium ().


  • Chronic constipation. First part of stool hard and last soft. Tough, shiny, knotty, sheep’s dung like, size of goose-quill (Phos.), offensive stools.
  • Chronic diarrhea in dyspeptics and consumptives.
  • Fissure and fistula. Hemorrhoids: hard, swollen, impeding stool; sticking, burning, pains, < touch, when thinking of them, preaching or straining the voice.


  • Paralytic cystic catarrhs.
  • Enuresis: After deliberated retaining; after ineffectual urging; with constipation; after labor; during first sleep; in winter; from any shake-up; in children.
  • Retention: After surgery; after a cold exposure.
  • Passive congestion of kidneys. Neurotic uremia. Prostate catarrh. Urethral burning during urination; after coitus.
  • Urine: Loaded with lithic acid and lithates (Hughes). Difficult, frequent and painful urination. High odor. Uremia in aged, with coma.


  • Lewd thoughts replace sexual power (Con.).


  • Uterine inertia from emotions, with enuresis, during labour. Frigidity. Psychical agalactia. Puberty in young girls delayed; or else yearning for marriage.
  • Urine retained after labor.
  • Menses: Too early, too profuse, and after ceasing, a little is passed from time to time for days (, Sulph.) or too feeble, flow only during the day, ceases when lying down. Dysmenorrheal (after Coloc. fails).
  • Leucorrhoea: Acrid, bad-smelling, profuse; only at night (Carb-v.).
  • Hot flushes < afternoon.


  • Catarrhal croup; alternating with gout (Abrot.). Voice: feeble, hoarse or lost; (morning) of singers, orators; from bad fats; sudden. “An instant voice opener” Sudden attacks of catching respiration; or apnea with general sweat and cerebral congestion. Spasmodic asthma in dry cold weather, < morning. Various coughs; esp. lingering; > cold drink (Cupr.) and warmer part of day. Whooping cough: Spasmodic; catarrhal.
  • Expectoration: Slips back again (Boger).
  • Anxious oppression or stitches in left chest, from bad news, after eating, while straining at or after stool, (including flatulence), > dancing, walking, occupying, deflation; with febrile coldness. Orgasm < lying.
  • Phthisis, esp. mucous; laryngeal; bronchial; galloping.
  • Not for pleurisy or pneumonia.


  • Precordial anxiety, with oppression, restlessness and depression, < after stool, when lying or sitting, > moving about, even running, eructations; a sort of cardiac neurosis (a neuro-circulatory asthenia irritation of vagus). This, sometimes with neuralgic precordial stitches, flatulent twinges or other pains take the form of a pseudo-angina pectoris.
  • Hypertension, with cerebral episodes.
  • Chronic heart diseases in young (or old) from over lifting; strain of heart muscles (Rhus-t.); hypertrophy from calisthenics. Palpitation < after stool. acts more on muscles than arteries. Angina pectoris.


  • Wry neck. Lumbar lameness with leucorrhea; pain while sitting. Spinal irritation.


  • Paralytic weakness (Ferr.), tremulousness and restlessness in limbs (cp. Zinc.), at night in bed. Rheumatism of right shoulder (Ferr.), < raising arm. Cold weather sciatica.


  • Dirty white sallow skin. Boils, carbuncles with pepper box openings. Cicatrices. Pemphigus. Vesicles on trunk with anxiety in chest and three-staged fever. Chronic nettle rash. Intertrigo, in teething children (Lyc.). Herpes zoster. Leprosy.
  • Troubles (esp. nervous) after suppressed scabies by mercury, lead, sulphur or zinc.


  • Sleeplessness due to anxiety, inquietude and dry heat, with frequent starts. Enuresis during first sleep. Talking, laughing and crying during sleep.
  • Dreams: Embarrassment, quarrels, vexing.


  • Chilliness predominates. Coldness, febrile of constitutional; of left side; of affected parts; localized, in limbs; after mental work; with oppression of chest; during throat trouble. Chill (with or without heat preceding), then sweat (and then heat occasionally); or alternately chill and sweat; sweat nightly or about 4 a.m.
  • Fevers: Catarrhal; rheumatic. Flushes of heat followed by chill. No thirst in heat (or sweat).


  • Similar: , Calc-p., Ferr, Gels., Graph., Guaj. Phos., Puts., Rhus-t., Rumx., Psor., Sep., Verb., Visc.
  • Symbiotics: , Ambr., Am-c., Arg-n., Bar-m. Calc., Carb-v., Coloc., Con., Graph., Guaj., Kali-c., Lyc. Mag-c., Merc-c., Plb., Psor., Puls., Rhus-t., Sep., Sil., Thuj., Vanad.
  • Counterparts: Arg-n., Calc., Graph., Lyc., Phos., Psor.
  • Mutual counterpart:
  • Inimical: Acet-ac., Coff., Phos.
  • Antidotes: Ant-t., Asaf., Laur., Nux-v., Plb. Guaj., Kali-n. (to renal symptoms), , Nux-v., Plb.
  • Midway: “Midway between Kalis and (Boger).” Also between Lach. and Sulph., between Lach., and Lyc., between Rhus-t. and Zinc., between Sulph. and Lyc., between Ambr. and Lyc. and between Ran-b. and Kali-c., which is old (wo-) man’s Calc.
  • patients may need its collateral Lyc., Bar-m., Kali-c., or Con. for arteriosclerotic diseases, or Arg-n. esp. after abuse of sugar (both Caust. and Arg-n. are catarrhal, but Caust. is more rheumatic, Arg-n. more neurotic, both being mutually symbiotics, however). Alum.-Caust.-Plb. a symbiotic trio.
  • Rhus-t. (restless legs at night, stiffness on rising, < warm damp weather, rheumatism, > heat, grippe, heart-strain). is Rhus-t. of Sep. patients.
  • (excepting that it is offensive, allergic and has no anxiety or paralysis, Caust. is its continuer and Plb. is Caust. ‘s continuer).
  • and Kali-c. are twins: Kali-c. goes deeper in gastro-pectoral-cardiac sphere while Caust. does so in paralysis or neuro-muscular sphere; Caust. anxiety is more diffuse than Kali-c.; Caust. has no true inflammation.
  • A psoric child whose scabies are suppressed by becomes a Caust. patient and becomes an inveterate Caust. patient if further poisoned by lead or mercury or both.
  • is a great helper of Caust. patients.
  • Arg-n., Caust., Lyc., Sep. is a useful group.
  • “Caust. is Am-caust.” (Wagner)
  • Trios: 1. Rhus-t.-Caust.-Calc. 2. Lach.-Kali-c.-Caust.  3.Kali-c.-Caust.-Calc., 4.  Kali-c. -Caust. -Lyc. 5.  Sulph.-Caust.-Calc.  6.  Caust.-Calc.-Lyc.    7. Chel.-Arg-n.-Caust.  8. Ambr.-Caust.-Arg-n. 9.  Ambr.-Caust.-Lyc.   10. Ambr.-Caust.-Sil.
           Causticum               Lycopodium
1. Winter   <
2. Cold drinks   >
3. Averse to sweets
4. Scrawny/puny
5. Starts and ends with nerves
6. More neurotic heart
7. Action more on heart muscles
8. Altruistic, generous
9. Soft through and through
10. Withdrawing
11. Vigorous activity >
1. Winter   >
2. Warm drinks   >
3. Craves sweets
4. Puffy, stocky
5. Starts and ends with malnutrition
6.  More ischemic heart
7. Action more on heart circulation
8. Egoistic, stingy, manipulative
9. Externally hard, internally soft
10. Overbearing
11. Slow motion or lying >


About the author

P I Tarkas

Dr. P. I. Tarkas (1908-2000), the doyen of homoeopathy, belonged to the 20th century generation of sincere and dedicated homoeopaths of India. He worked like a Trojan throughout his life for the cause of homoeopathy. The work he left to posterity will not go into oblivion. Upgrading materia medica and Repertory in an authentic way was the mission he took up in early 1950 and worked endlessly and selflessly for over 50 years.

About the author

Ajit Kulkarni

Dr Ajit Kulkarni M.D. (Hom.) is Director, Homeopathic Research Institute, Pune, A veteran homoeopath, an academician and a famed international teacher. A classical Homeopathic physician, he has been practising for 35 years. He has given over 100 international seminars and workshops in different parts of the world. Dr. Kulkarni is co-author: Absolute Homoeopathic Matera Medica, Five Regional Repertories: AIDS, DM, Thyroid, HTN and Trauma . Also, author of Body Language and Homeopathy, Homeopathy through Harmony and Totality (Three volumes),
Law of Similars in Medical Science, Homeopathic Posology, Kali Family and Its Relations, Homeopathic Covidoscope (published by Amazon) and over 100 publications on various aspects of homeopathy, papers and books translated in several languages, He has Award of ‘Excellence in Homoeopathy, Award of ‘Homoeo-Ratna, Life achievement Award, Dr. B. Sahni Memorial Award.,
He is a member, Editorial Board, National Journal of Homeopathy, Mumbai / E-mail ID: [email protected]


  • Tremendous and very exhaustive effort and dedication of these 2 doctors in presenting a picture of Caust.
    I’d suggest a short briefing on the trios: what for are they used, etc.

  • Tremendous and very exhaustive effort and dedication of these 2 doctors in presenting a picture of Caust.
    I’d suggest a short briefing on the trios: what for are they used, etc., just in case the excerpt let do it.

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