Materia Medica Course on Shameless Remedies with Dr Manish Bhatia
Homeopathy Papers

Clinical Study of Sars Cov-2019 Nosode Part II Post Covid Lung Damage Treated with Sars Cov-2019 Nosode in Conjunction with Indicated Remedy

Dr. Chetna Shukla reports on the use of Sars Covid Nosode (SCN) to treat Post-Covid -19 lung damage. Case reports are included.

This is Part II of a series of three articles. This part is also about evidence-based homoeopathy, depicting laboratory findings that are corrected by SarsCov-2 19 Nosode in treatment of Post Covid-19 sequelae of lung damage (ILF- 2 cases) in a short time and without much suffering to the patient.

Part I was published in Homeopathy for Everyone – September 2020 issue. Part I, II and III are all about evidence-based homoeopathy. Part III will follow this article, and is about drug proving of Sars Covid Nosode (SCN) in 06 CK potency, studying its effects on inflammatory markers associated with Covid-19 infection.

Keywords: Covid-19, ILF- Lung damage, Sarscov-2 19 Nosode, Miasma, Efficacy

Summary: We are in the evidence-based precision medicine era. It has been my endeavour to maintain and compile laboratory investigations proving the efficacy of homoeopathy. Part I published in September 2020 demonstrated the efficacy of the Sarscov-2 19 Nosode in 30 Ck in correcting the inflammatory markers and lung findings on X ray during Covid-19 infection. Part II, this article is about two cases from my clinic showing Sarscov-2 19 Nodose’s efficacy in clearing the miasma and clearing ground for the treatment of common post Covid sequelae  of lung damage -ILF along with the indicated medicine.     

Nosode Medicine Made By: Dr Chetna N. Shukla (B.H.M.S), Mumbai, India.

Post Covid 19 Sequelae Cases from the clinic of  Dr Chetna N Shukla, Mumbai

I would like to begin the article by quoting an interview excerpt of Dr Bhushan Patwardhan, chairman of AYUSH R&D Task Force on Covid-19 from The Print dated August 28, 2020…

In an exclusive interview to The Print, Dr Bhushan Patwardhan, chairman of interdisciplinary AYUSH Research and Development Task Force on Covid-19, said: “Currently, we are in the evidence-based precision medicine era. As of now, there is no proven treatment for SARS-CoV-2 infection or Covid-19 in any medical system.”

The task force that Patwardhan heads was constituted by the Ministry of AYUSH. “Current management of Covid-19 is largely based on experience and empirical evidence. Therefore, what is conventional and what is alternative is difficult to decide,” he said, adding that “when several allopathic drugs are being repurposed based on empirical evidence, there is no reason as to why safe AYUSH interventions are ignored”.

NOSODE PREPARATION:  The SCN remedy was prepared on 15 June 2020 at the clinic of Dr Chetna N Shukla. The medicine was prepared from the combined oropharyngeal and nasopharnygeal swab of a male patient in which SARS COV-2 RNA was detected when tested by Real time Qualitative PT-PCR Detection of 2019-NCOV RNA COVID  19 collected on 14 June 2020.


  1. Handmade – 06 CK 30 CK (Korsakov) in pills; Handmade 0/1 and 0/8 in Millesimal from my clinic (Dr Chetna N Shukla)
  2. All potencies will be available at a pharmacy in the UK shortly.


Nosodes are anti-miasmatic. Hippocrates was the first physician to use the term “miasm” which has its origins in the Greek word for taint or fault. He postulated that certain infectious diseases were transmitted to humans by air and water tainted by miasms. In the late 18th century it was a common belief that miasms were impure airs that were responsible for the spread of epidemic diseases among groups of people.

In Homoeopathy the word “miasm” means the effects of pathnogens on the vital force including the symptoms that are transmitted to the following generations. These chronic miasms are capable of producing degenerative illnesses, auto-immune diseases and lead the organism toward immuno-deficiency disorders.


Interstitial lung disease seems to occur when an injury to your lungs triggers an abnormal healing response. Ordinarily, your body generates just the right amount of tissue to repair damage. But in interstitial lung disease, the repair process goes awry and the tissue around the air sacs (alveoli) becomes scarred and thickened. This makes it more difficult for oxygen to pass into your bloodstream.

On August 4, 2020 the Mumbai Mirror newspaper carried a news article titled…

“Worrying trend among COVID patients; cured of virus, 22 return to KEM with pulmonary fibrosis”.  In the same article, it was further stated by Dr Hemant Deshmukh, Dean, KEM Hospital, said the only common thread running through all 22 cases is that they all had pneumonia when they were treated for Covid-19. “All 22 spent over a month in the ICU here and were treated with new drugs like Tocilizumab, Remdesivir and steroids and they were on high flow of oxygen. They all recovered well and were discharged”. he said

Another news story dated 08 August 2020 stated  “90% of recovered Covid-19 patients in Wuhan still have damaged lungs.” The article stated that “A team of Chinese doctors conducted a study on Covid-19 patients in Wuhan, who have  recuperated from the disease, and found that 90 per cent of the patients still have damaged lungs. – Hindustan Times 

Tocilizumab (or atlizumab) , is an immunosuppressive   drug, mainly for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and systemic juvenile idiopathic arthritis, a severe form of arthritis in children. It is a humanized monoclonal antibody against the interleukin-6 receptor (IL-6R).

According to one study, Tocilizumab has demonstrated that it induced pulmonary fibrosis in a patient with Rheumatoid arthritis. It is not the objective of this article to establish whether the Covid-19 recovered patients who presented later with ILF were due to secondary effects of Tocilizumab administration. The intent of this article is to demonstrate the scope of SCN 30 CK in the treatment of Lung damage – ILF as sequel to Covid-19 infection. I had the opportunity to treat 2 cases of Post Covid-19 lung damage- ILF in male patients immediately after they were discharged from the hospital.

 Case 1 of Post Covid ILF

Code:  AR, Male, 48 years

Individual symptoms:

Date: 13.06.2020 Telephonic conversation eliciting symptoms: Afternoon 1.30

1.     Coughing dry during the day intermittently

2.     Fever continuous measured at 102 °F. After paracetamol it comes down to 100 °F

3.     SPO2 remains at 94

4.     Heart beat is faster

5.     Yesterday I had aches and pains in the body, today they are no more

6.     I feel very angry at the BMC people as they did not manage well, refuse to do the tests, wanted me to fill several forms.

7.     Very thirsty for water. Water is desirable as it tastes sweet. I want it more as it is sweet tasting. Even ORS tastes sweet and it is desirable.

8.     He stated the above 7 points and said “doctor can I hang up?  I am too tired to speak.”

He is the gentleman who volunteered to give his combined nasopharyngeal and oropharyngeal swab to prepare the Nosode on the 14.06 2020. The medicine was prepared on the morning of 15.06.2020. On 17.06.2020 the Nosode reached him in the afternoon but the same day his portable X ray showed changes of ILD with consolidation. He had to be admitted as even before he could receive the Nosode he was coughing bloody sputum. His wife managed to give him just 1 pill of the Nosode before he was admitted. He was diagnosed as ILF after discharge. It is empirical to predict what would have happened if only he were able to take the Nosode more frequently to assist his vital force in fighting the Covid-19 infection.

Admitted on 17 June 2020 and discharged on 03 July 2020. During hospital stay he received antibiotics and Dabigatran and Inj Tocilizumab on 18th / 20th /23rd June 2020. He was discharged with Tab Dabigatran (110) 1 daily for 7 days
 X ray Remarks /Prescription
17 06 2020 Reticulonodular densities with fluffy shadows in lung fields.  Changes of ILD with consolidation


 Hospitalised in Covid care
08 07 2020 Skype session Sars Cov -2 19 Nosode 30CK

Ozone 30 2 pills at bedtime for 2 weeks with Calc phos 6x 3 daily

21 07 2020

Met in person

Sunny day SpO2 increases

Rainy day SpO2 decreases

He remarked: “The last I was sick was in 5th grade with severe chicken pox and I was hospitalised and this was second hospitalization. Both viral infections.”

Psorinum 1 pill with

Ozone 200 at sunset for 2 weeks  2 pills 2 hrly for 2 days of a week  every week

27 07 2020

Met in person

Both lungs show ground glass haziness
Ground-glass opacification/opacity (GGO) is a descriptive term referring to an area of increased attenuation in the lung on computed tomography (CT) with preserved bronchial and vascular markings. It is a non-specific sign with a wide aetiology including infection, chronic interstitial disease and acute alveolar disease.
31 07 2020 Mild haziness seen in both lower zones. Comparison with X-ray dated 21 07 2020 shows improvement He went to his hometown Dehradun on 03 August 2020

Ozone 200 for flight 2 pills 2 hourly

Cal phos 6x for 3 months and he was given Ozone 1M as SOS to be taken only after consultation

 02 09 2020

@ Dehradun

 Normal Can easily brisk walk 1 Km + . Climbing 2 floors is a bit strenuous

Practising Pranayama daily

SarsCov-2 19 Nosode 30 CK given to clear the miasma

Indications for Ozone:

·        Difficult respiration; cough with

·        Respiration deep impossible

·        Not having enough air to breath, Can not take a deep inspiration

·        A keynote symptom of Ozone for me was that he presented with  alertness in mind despite no sleep when he was on oxygen in  the ICU

Coronavirus disease outbreak and flu danger or coronaviruses influenza as dangerous viral strain case as a pandemic medical health risk concept with dangerous cells with 3D illustration elements.








Code:  BS, Male, 62 years, father of a homoeopath  

Individual symptoms: K/c/o Diabetes & HT a milk booth owner starting his day at 5.a.m daily morning. Admitted on 31 May 2020 and discharged on 20 June 2020. He was discharged with X ray findings mentioned in the table against 20 06 2020. During hospital stay he received steroids, Tocilizumab and symptomatic treatment

Presenting symptoms on 02 07 2020:

1.     SpO2 saturation at rest 94-95; while taking bath it comes down to 89 , going to bathroom it falls to 89-90

2.     I feel uneasy when I am on Oxygen all the time.

3.     Irritability

4.     Weakness and breathless on least exertion

X ray Remarks / Prescription
19 June 2020 Mild increase in patchy opacities in bilateral lung parenchyma since last study.  The ground glass opacities show organizing pattern since last study. Cardiomegaly. SarsCov-2 19 Nosode 30 CK one dose prescribed on 20 06 2020 after he got discharged and came home.

(through his son who is a homoeopath)

01July 2020 Both lung fields show diffuse reticulo-nodular opacities ILF findings
In chest radiology, reticular and linear opacification refers to a broad subgroup of pulmonary opacification caused by a decrease in the gas to soft tissue ratio due to a pathological process centred in or around the pulmonary interstitium. This includes thickening of any of the interstitial compartments by blood, water, tumour, cells, fibrous disease or any combination thereof. The thickening of the interstitium can be reticular, reticulonodular, or linear where the predominant pattern is a result of the underlying pathological process.
02 July 2020 Came for individualizing examination SCN 30 Ck /1 pill + Causticum 200 as constitutional 2 pills 2 hrly for 2 days along with Sac lac for 2 weeks. SpO2 92-93 , Dyspnoea on exertion
08 July 2020 Both lung fields show basal fibrosis. Scoliosis with rib crowding on right
24 July 2020 Anti SarsCov-2 Reactive (42.43) by Serum ECLIA 21 July 2020 – Causticum, 1000 / 2 pills 2 hrly for 2 days and Sac lac for 2 weeks
From 01 August, our patient started his accustomed work of supplying milk at 5.a.m. from his own milk booth in Mumbai.
08 August 2020 Right lung fibrosis. Left lung not adequately visualized 10 August 2020- Causticum 10 M/ 2 pills 2 hrly every week for 2 week
  31 August 2020 Right base show peri-bronchial thickening/ bronchiectasis 31 August 2020- Causticum 200 / 2 pills 2 hrly 1 day of every week for 2 weeks
SarsCov-2 19 Nosode 30 CKk given to clear the miasma

Indications for Causticum:

·        Anxiety, others for

·        Anxious and irritable

·        Loss of voice

·        Cough < draft of air: Sensitive to air

·        Union leader at work, leader in Mohalla committee in area and works with police for local people

anxiety cause and symptoms







SarsCov-2 19 Nosode (SCN) along with indicated medicine cleared the miasma created by the Covid-19 viral infection of the lungs and assisted the body to cure/ clear the progression of damage to lungs believed to be irreversible. This was achieved gently and in a considerably short time. SarsCov-2 19 Nosode is effective even in treating sequelae to Covid-19 infection.

For more information, contact Dr. Chetna Shukla:

[email protected]


  1. Incorrect to call Ayurveda, homoeopathy alternative medicine for Covid — top AYUSH official
  2. symptoms -causes /syc-20353108#:~:text=Overview, enough %20oxygen %20 into%20your%20bloodstream.
  3. Miasm:
  4. Mumbai Mirror 4 August 2020: [1] coronavirus/news/cured-of-covid-22-return-to-kem-with-pulmonary-fibrosis/articleshowprint/77340422.cms?prtpage=1
  5. Hindu Business:
  6. Tocilizumab:
  7. Tocilizumab:

About the author

Dr Chetna N shukla

Chetna N Shukla is a homeopath with over 30 years of experience. Evidence based homeopathy has been her path. ‘Provings’ as a tool to recognize and experience the quintessence and also the individualizing qualities of the source has been her forte. She has conducted 30 provings, Lac assinum, Pavo Cristatus (Peacock), Python, Oxygen, Cedrus odorata, Corvus Splendens (Indian Crow), Rose, Snow-flakes, Sea-horse, Python, Indian gray Mongoose, Mangifera Indica, Ayahuasca, Armadillo hide, Sacrs-Cov 2 Nososde (SCN) are but some of them. Most of her provings are included in the RadarOpus. She has been collating Global provings- Himalayan Salt, Natural Silver, and Terra Indiana, already published in Homeolinks and She has been working on the book on her concept of ‘Curability Quotient’ in homeopathy. She has published her book on Food Similia: Individualized Diet that is about advising an individualized diet to a patient in alignment with their disposition to ensure rapid restoration to health along with the Simillimum.


  • While going through the article, i would like to ask what was the basis of selection of Sars Cov -2019 nosode?
    Any set of symptoms with Corona positive in investigations will be given Sars Cov-19 nososde?
    Indication to prescribe any nosode in homoeopathy is not such what is done by the author here.
    Excerpt from Preface of “Allen HC: Materia Medica of the Nosodes with X-Ray 1910”….”Dr Allen..regarded these drugs as homoeopathic, and not as isopathic remedies; that they were to be proved as homoeopathic remedies and prescribed according to the totality of the symptoms.”

  • Congratulations for bringing it to the notice of medical community. your efforts in preparing the nosode deserves appreciation. Congrats again ! in case 2, i fail to find any post recovery chest x ray which would have shown visualisation of left lung parenchyma and hence complete reso;ution picture on x ray.

  • Nice Work Madam.
    I’m working in UAE .during this pandemic season I also had severe fever with cough, loose motion and tastelessness for around 20 days. I went to hospital & took paracetamol-500 & cough syrup 3 times a day . since there was no relief at all i stopped taking allopathic medicine & I tried with Berberies Vulgaries-200 three times a day( which i brought for kidney stone from india) & it’s really a miracle. Fever was stopped on the same day & taste also recovered . loose motion stopped on 2nd day. on third day cough was stopped almost 90%. within one week I became normal & 2 tests were conducted for covid-19 . the results are negative. I’m very confident now.


  • Kudos to Dr. Chetna N Shukla. Her hard-working and passionate works would be remembered by posterity. May Almighty give her enough strength and bestow her all the blessings to go against the streme.

  • Dr Chetna,
    Wonderful work! I am a classical homeopath from that ‘other’ Mumbai – Durban, in South Africa. I also studied Kinesiology and Radiesthesia (along with osteopathy, nutrition, Bowen Technique, and Dianetics). Life is too short to stop learning!
    I have found that nutritional and metabolic chemistry testing with kinesiology (muscle testing) prepares the ground for a successful classical homeopathic remedy. Hahnemann said, Let food be your medicine. In the case of lung problems it is usually a lack of vitamin A: 50,000 i.u. twice a day for three days solves most of the problem. Vitamin E prevents scar tissue forming, and Selenium is an essential mineral for the lung to prevent fibrosis.
    Our lifestyle, diet, pollution, bad farming practices, toxins, etc weaken the metabolic processes.
    Spiritually, being suppressed, or behaving in an unethical way, opens the door to sickness and accidents.
    So, where does the cure begin?! The doctor has to be a monk and a nutritionist and medically qualified, just for a start……

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