Materia Medica Course on Shameless Remedies with Dr Manish Bhatia
Homeopathy Papers

The Functional Nature of a Healing Reaction

homeopathic medicine for keloid

Homeopath Allyson McQuinn discusses the nature of a healing reaction, using her personal experience as an example.

Reprinted from courtesy Allyson McQuinn

This month, we’re focused on helping you to understand, more deeply, the functional nature of a healing reaction. It is not a side effect, or symptoms of a chronic disease matrix, it tells a story of resolution and healing. It is the revealed inner anatomy for how, and why, you created the resonance for this physical suffering at the level of your consciousness in the first place! It’s the opportunity to know the nature of your disease pattern, the core etiology, so you don’t orchestrate the same act of beguiling oscillation twice.

I suffered the most amazing healing reactions when I first came to Heilkunst Medicine. They were so stellar, I wrote a whole book about them, “The Path To Cure” which you can listen to for FREE

It is fair to say that I wasn’t half the woman that I was meant to be and so when I started to take the homeopathic remedies on the law of cure, like cures like, it was very much like the feeling of an elastic band snapping wildly back into form, a semblance of health and grace that I’d never been.

Every individual is downloaded with a blueprint for cure. DaVinci actually illustrated this best through hisVitruvian Man. If we’ve been weighed down with blockages to our cure with timeline traumas of a physical and emotional nature and a host of genetic miasms, not only is it difficult to self-actualize, but it can feel like you’re pushing a physical burden up a steep gravel incline. It’s tough to get a healthy purchase.

Since I’d been so far off track for so long, my own personal blueprint was in shambles. I’d been suffering symptoms of fibromyalgia, psoriasis, sinus infections, migraines and chronic fatigue. When I started Heilkunst treatment my life force reacted like we just hit all 10 Six Flags roller coaster theme parks. The ride was pretty wild.

My essential blueprint felt like it had a hidden agenda and was going to take my current physical and psychic diseased self to my healthy place as expediently as possible, “do not stop at Go and do not collect $200!” Clearly I was part of a secret agenda that I didn’t seem to know about and the roller coaster had left the station with me on it … numb and blindfolded. To say the least, it we quite destabilizing.

The problem was, it was like being whipsawed around the corners and over the hills. My own practitioner suggested that I use the olfactory method, as per Dr. Hahnemann the founder of Homeopathic principles, and just sniff my remedies in the bottle for a number of days and then in a couple of weeks, I could start taking them orally again. Dr. Hahnemann had to do the same with little kids, some elderly patients and those super sensitive, like me.

In my case, it also had to do with my lack of ontic (short for ontological organization) which is a fancy word used to refer to our sense of self, autonomy, sovereignty and discernment. Since I was so weak, physically and etherically (memory, creativity, resourcefulness, artistry) I’d never properly downloaded the sense of my own self or my true desire function (astral body). My “I” was in a state of carnage and mostly cobbled together with masking tape and some ideas of what others had expected of me.

I was so full of Cancer (breast tumor and migraines), Medorrhinum (Sinusitis) and Syphilis (insidious self-destructive tendencies and Fibromyalgia) that I could only guess at an essential self. I know that I was a very challenging patient, but I was scared of the power in those little bottles and paper remedies! However, in a matter of a few short months, something so primal, so juicy, so rarified, began to download in me after each disease matrix that we destroyed.

My health and well-being was somehow being bolstered. I was more creative, full of mischief, energy and verve. I started to see colors and shapes in a 3D way I never imagined prior. It was like suddenly being able to see! I began to journal and write poetry like I did when I was much younger. Over time, I began to be less angry and irritable with my kids and husband. I found that I could pause and take a breath before reacting, to determine the consequences which caused me to be less hysterical and reactive.

I was suddenly writing reams of prose. Chapters to books were crystallizing in my mind on a weekly basis. I was asked to speak at the Canadian Homeopathic Association on my son’s burgeoning exodus from the Autism Spectrum. I began to contribute my musings regularly to the Heilkunst Journal and then to other publications in the field of health in both Canada and the U.S. I began to fall in love with my life and decided to study Heilkunst. By this time, my Autistic son was no longer in the spectrum. With my increasing health, I could actually begin to focus on the things I might like to do and be! I got off the roller coaster for disease and the huge healing reactions abated.

That was almost 20 years ago now. I just had a patient, last month, report that his initial healing reaction was really big. I pulled back on his dropper bottles, suggesting he just sniff them instead and also hold off on the timeline rx until things stabilized. I had the thought that obviously the Universe has some big plans for this fellow too and it isn’t in the business of serving his diseases anymore. Like me, he may be on the giddy up plan!

Note: Those individuals who have more subtle healing reactions are not an indication that they’re not also curing or finding their path to cure. As mentioned above, I was really sick and far off my own, personal intended path. You just may be closer to yours, even in ill health, than I was.

Big Hearted Love,

Ally and Jeff

(Excerpted from September 2016 Newsletter)

About the author

Allyson McQuinn

Allyson McQuinn completed her 4 year medical program with the Hahnemann College for Heilkunst (, where she studied sequential therapy, including the principled resolution of the Genetic Miasms as per Rudi Verspoor. She then went on to do a post graduate research for another 4 years with Steven Decker to study Anthroposophical Medicine and Reich’s Orgonotic Therapies, a form of cognitive psychotherapeutics. Allyson has authored 9 books of her own, and is a regular contributor to a variety of magazines and other books. She lives with her husband and fellow practitioner, Jeff Korentayer, and her two children in Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada, often hiking by the ocean, and taking lots of pictures. Visit Allyson at her website:
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