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Homeopathy Papers

Is George Vithoulkas The Unshakeable, Ongoing Beam of Light of Samuel Hahnemann?

The author asks the question, who is George Vithoulkas, and answers it both philosophically and with little known details about the master.

Life in its quiet, generous, plentiful and sage expression, calls upon the heart of men from its inherent reality to make them participants in the process of restoring the long lost balance of humanity. Very few have devoted themselves openly, humbly and unconditionally to such a call, which makes up an authentic and unifying element between the similarity of life itself and the devotion of men who, as a gesture of goodwill, commit themselves obsequiously to receive and comprise a recipient instrument of what we call “inalienable laws and principles” that guide us towards science and –when applied correctly— lead us to what we call “healing”.

George Vithoulkas

George Vithoulkas

For many people, if not for most, the name and face of George Vithoulkas are completely unknown, both as a person and as a contributor to the world of homeopathy. Some regard him as merely one contemporary master among many at the homeopathic Sunday buffet; others consider that homeopathy as a phenomenon and as a scientific doctrine has been properly concluded by its pioneer, Samuel Hahnemann, thus deeming any author except for him, an antithesis and a setback; some others think of Vithoulkas as a symbol of stagnation in the past that forsakes the present and settles in the non-modern, and consequently classic model, as an ancient symphony echoless of modernity; few others see in Vithoulkas a product of marketing and rowdy communication that entrench authors and grant them high economic dividends, accounting for great wealth and consequently, a false sense of authority. Certain others view the current living presence of Vithoulkas as an awakening of their stinginess and their own personal demons, such as envy, jealousy and anger, ultimately ripping their garments apart; few more, perhaps in an extremist, fanatical and tremendously dependent fashion, believe him to be the contemporary messiah to the extent that, according to them, all scientific knowledge has already been applied and therefore every statement he makes will be uncritically accepted, hence leading to the death of the personal and human discovery of science, which is the source of every personal observation that is deeply rooted in laws and principles.

Finally, in the light of this unbearable scenario full of relentless stances, those of us involved in the apprenticeship and application of homeopathy are at risk of neglecting, ignoring and dismissing others due to prejudice of different sorts, perhaps with a glare of arrogance and indifference, and of overlooking a sage master despite the fact that nearly all the members of the global homeopathic community, at least recognize and identify the name of George Vithoulkas. For you, respectable reader, what does the name and face of George Vithoulkas stand for?

Who really is George Vithoulkas and what role has he played in the global homeopathic field? The answer is anything but simple; however, I will do my best to outline his contributions despite omitting –due to space limitations— his fascinating personal history (biography) which can be browsed and relished on a short video clip at the website in the video section.

George Vithoulkas’s life is quite similar to that of Samuel Hahnemann in regard to a life full of sacrifice, pain, dedication and eventually, triumphs over adversity. Vithoulkas faced death at a very young age; when he was only eight years old, the German troops invaded Athens, an event that brought as a consequence, the death of his parents because of the war and a state of malnutrition that resulted in such a severe damage to his spinal cord that the only thing surgery could offer was to leave him virtually paralyzed. He was shaped as gold in the crucible by pain and solitude. He worked in Athens at the beginning of his clinical practice, rendering his services pro bono for ten years; this cost him a fee that would have led him to prison had he refused to pay. Later on while living in the US, he was required, as a result of his human understanding and highly extensive clinical practice, to make up ten multiple-drug homeopathic prescriptions for which he would receive one million dollars per prescription; he refused conclusively, as he said to himself: “If I accept such request, I would destroy homeopathy”.

What is the significance of these facts –as well as many others that I cannot disclose at the moment— in general language? They account for the human integrity and spirit closely related to life and values. Only within the mind of an innocent, can life with all its might put forth the revelation and understanding of laws and principles to ultimately put into practice a higher-order science. In the course of his homeopathic career he has bequeathed a countless variety of books that are part of a homeopathic heritage and legacy with such richness that they are utterly impossible to ignore by any contemporary homeopath. His life and work through more than 50 years of clinical practice come to fruition with the discovery of the Levels of Health, which unfolds a perceptive gaze at the past in light of the great masters so that Vithoulkas himself could rediscover science and enhance the clinical and theoretical frameworks of homeopathy, thus rendering them flawlessly to the world and positioning himself, from my point of view, at the level of Kent and, from a human perspective, as a sage master and a contemporary homeopathy icon.

In the Levels of Health, which from their essence respect laws and principles, he assuredly defines what is or is not curable, and presents his observations extensively so that we can fathom the scope of homeopathy. These levels enable the establishment of a prognosis for the patient by setting out accurate guidelines on dosage prescription, strength and frequency, and they also allow us to know for sure if patients are on their way to recovery or not. Knowledge regarding the levels of health promotes the understanding of remedy reactions, which by itself is considered a science.

Therefore, what is the methodology of such a controversial and appealing character? Rather than a method, Vithoulkas embodies the enriched, updated ways of Hahnemann and Kent, whose pragmatic behavior is based on science and detached from homeopathic currents that are not homeopathy as such, and that entirely ignore what science is, always on the quest for money and fame, hence removing any possibility of healing and turning their back on Hahnemann, science and life itself. Vithoulkas harmonizes science and art magnificently by experiencing and teaching homeopathy from a humanist, practical and highly educational standpoint. He gained his position as a renowned professor due to his development of skills and his lessons of live clinical cases with their corresponding monitoring, making it possible to demonstrate laws and principles as a true master who is regarded by many –and for good reason—as the best homeopath in the contemporary world.

For all those men and women of goodwill who truly wish to learn and apply homeopathic science, taught directly by the sage master, please browse the website which contains information regarding the “e-learning en español”, a complete program of advanced classic homeopathy, in addition to more information on the courses offered in Alonissos, Greece, taught by professor Vithoulkas. This is a unique and exclusive opportunity for those who, from honesty and kindness, find in homeopathy a journey full of service and growth while reaching the ultimate goal: healing.

About the author

Jorge Carlos Barbosa del Toro

Jorge Carlos Barbosa MD. Studies of fertility, Assistant of Professor Vithoulkas. Teacher of IACH. Moderator of e-learning in Spanish.


  • I’m curious about the supposed $1 million per homeopathic formula that George was asked (“required”?) to make, though he declined the offer. No U.S. homeopathic company, let alone any other drug company, would make such an offer. I ask this author to confirm what company and in what year was offer made. Personally, I think that this is more myth than fact…and I predict that no answer will be provided, though I don’t have any problem being proven wrong.

    I have no problem honoring George Vithoulkas. I simply have a problem in not separating fact from fiction.

  • Thanks for this worthy contribution.
    Virthoulkas has his place in history of the development of homoeopathy in Europe, or shall we say in the Renaissance. Like Pierre Schmidt who introduced Kentian homoeopathy to Europe, Virthoulkas based on Schmidt’s groundwork ventured further.

    At the time of the 80′ there was a lot of interest in psychology emotional, healing, and it came as no surprise that the early publications of Virthoulkas popularised homeopathy and created a lot of interest.

    However, his fame and integrity was tainted, when he published his additions to Kents repertory. by direct comparison it turned out, that he just copied Boger’s additions and claimed authorship without even mentioning the true author.
    Alerted by this his Materia Medica Viva was found to be an extended version of an already published standard work.
    Lately a controversy overshadowed him again when he accused other homoeopaths such like Sankaran, Scholten to have deviated from basic homoeopathic principles when emphasizing on delusions and using drug personalities. At that point he seemed to have forgotten, that it was himself who introduced drug personalities and essences in his earlier works to homoeopathy.
    Anyway, may he be with us for many many more years and inspire so many to take up homeopathy!

    • dear hans weitbrecht,
      george vithoulkas all along simply preaching the very fundamental law of homeopathy,one should remember,that remedies should be proved before thier application.his essences are envisionedor extracted from provings not from imagination.he never denigrated new ideas,but he insisted on vigorous testing before obsorbing them.

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