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Homeopathy Papers

Homeopathy for Common Traumas

treatment types treatment center trauma

Dr. Alberto Sacristan gives a brief overview of homeopathic remedies for trauma. Apis, Bellis, Calendula, Calc Phos and Hamamelis are among those mentioned.

By trauma we understand the classic blow. I am  going to talk about trauma now simply because the good weather is coming, which encourages us to do more outdoor activities. We take a ride on the bike with the family through the park or on the countryside. We go in the mountain for a hike or wander which increases the risk of suffering a sports accident, in short, a trauma and having an injury. The use of homeopathy in sports is very frequent, because homeopathic remedies have a variety of characteristics that make them a first choice in many cases. First they are effective medications, second they are safe and, finally, they are not listed as doping substances.

A trauma is an injury affecting some tissues, extremities or an organ, that has been caused by a shock. In most cases it will be an injury, a dislocation, a fracture, an ecchymosis or a burn. However, it is also possible that the shock is emotional and leads to psychic trauma.

Many times the injury is determined by the type of sport. Running is not the same as riding a bike or skiing or playing rugby. Everybody can prepare himself a small sports kit depending on the frequently occuring injuries related to the sport activity that is exercised.

Treatments associated with trauma:

Apis Mellifica: Useful for injuries that come with a reddish-pink edema and in inflammatory arthritis.

Arnica Montana: Useful in all types of trauma, regardless of location and origin.

Bellis Perennis: It is used in trauma that affects the coccyx or breast. It is very useful in the typical blow that later causes pain every time we sit down.

Calcarea Phosphorica: It is used to get the bones to knit correctly and more quickly. I used this homeopathic remedy in particular when I fell from a bike and had a trabecular fracture of the tibia (internal fracture).

Calendula Officinalis: We prescribe Calendula for irregular wounds and skin ulcers.

Hypericum Perforatum: Can be prescribed for trauma that affects nerve endings, also in painful scars.

Rhus Toxicodendron: This is very useful in sprains and dislocations.

Ruta Graveolens: It is used for contusions of the periosteum (the most superficial layer of bones), and in complicated sprains.

Symphytum: This is the star remedy for bone fractures and eye trauma.

According to the location

Depending on the location, trauma can cause:

  • Sprain
  • Fractures
  • Post-traumatic hydrarthrosis
  • Eye trauma
  • Foreign body in the eye
  • Trauma of nervous tissue
  • Trauma of cranial nerve tissues

If nasal bleeding is caused by trauma, we can use Millefolium or China.

In case the ecchymosis or the wound is located around the eye we can recommend Ledum Palustre.

In case of severe pain of the head after a blow,  Hypericum can be used for three weeks.

Finally, if the trauma is located in the breasts, we use Bellis perennis as already indicated, until the patient improves substantially.

However, in many of these cases it might be appropriate to go to the emergency room to rule out any vital pathology.

According to the nature of the trauma

Depending on their nature, they can be classified as:

Blunt trauma: Contusions might be associated with Arnica, which is a first-hand remedy for these cases. Hamamelis is useful when the patient has the sensation of tension or bursting, which is characteristic for this remedy and will be needed if these symptoms are present.

Stab wounds: There are two remedies that can be prescribed for these types of wounds: Hypericum Perforatum for deep wounds caused by sharp objects, and Ledum Palustre for puncture wounds that do not bleed and for pains that are limited to the point of trauma.

Wounds caused by cutting instruments: Here three remedies stand out: Staphysagria, which accelerates cicatrization and the reabsorption of extravasated blood. Calendula Officinalis for traumatic wounds caused by tears, lacerations or cutting, and Corton Lencheri which favors phagocytosis and accelerates cicatrization.

Injuries caused by foreign bodies: We can highlight three remedies for these types of injuries: Silicea Terra, which promotes the expulsion of foreign bodies. Hepar Sulfuris, which provides for suppuration around foreign bodies and expels them.  Lobelia Inflata, which removes foreign bodies, and Calendula Officinalis, which is  antiseptic and restores the vitality of the injured part.

About the author

Alberto Sacristan Rubio

Dr. Alberto Sacristán Rubio is a Spanish physician who specializes in Family and Community Medicine. He has a Master degree in Nutrition and is a University Expert in Physical Activity. Since 2015, he held the position of President of the Spanish Society of Homeopathic Doctors (SEMH).
I am accredited as a homeopathic doctor, acupuncturist and naturopathic doctor by the Illustrious Official College of Physicians of Madrid.
Master in Nutrition and Dietetics from the University of Barcelona.
University Expert in Physical Activity from the Universidad de la Autónoma de Madrid.
Several publications in family medicine journals. Presentation of works in national and international conferences.

1 Comment

  • Nice assortment. I wish you had also mentioned potency and repeatation of medicines. We could have learned your style of prescribing medicine.

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