Materia Medica Course on Shameless Remedies with Dr Manish Bhatia
Homeopathy Papers

Homeopathy for the Traveller

The author provides a very short list of remedies that may be needed for routine problems while travelling.

As we head closer to the holiday season, it may be timely to talk about the many and varied things that can befall the traveller and the means by which these things may be managed. Homeopathic medicines have the capacity to deal with most of these issues quickly and effectively. They take up a minimum of luggage space, are relatively simple to use and as such they’re ideally suited for use when you’re away from home.

The following list of maladies and medicines cover most of the acute and self-limiting issues that one may encounter while travelling. For more chronic situations, or conditions that fail to respond to the appropriate remedy in a reasonable period of time, the services of a competent professional, preferably a homeopath, should be sought.

Altitude sickness                           Coca (where this remedy is legally available)

                                                     Arsenicum album or Cactus grandiflorus may be suitable alternatives.

Anxiety                                          Gelsemium – with weakness

Bruising                                         Arnica – worse for damp cold

Ledum– better for cold

Burns                                            Cantharis

Chilblains                                      Calc carb– worse for cold

                                                      Pulsatilla– worse for warmth

Colic                                              Colocynthis

Constipation                                   Lycopodium

Cough                                           Ipecac – productive cough

                                                     Bryonia – dry cough

Cuts and grazes                           Calendula and Hypericum tincture

Diarrhoea                                    Arsenicum album – from food poisoning

                                                     Nux vomica – from overeating, also infant diarrhoea .

                                                     Veratrum alb – profuse diarrhoea with exhaustion.

Exhaustion                                    Arnica– from physical effort

Lachesis – from heat

Fear and apprehension                Argentum nitricum

Flying – problems with                   Pulsatilla – acute ear pain on descent

Food poisoning                             Arsenicum album

Frostbite                                        Secale

Headache                                      Belladonna – throbbing, worse from light and noise

Nat mur- throbbing, from eye strain, stress or travel

Heat/sun stroke                             Glonoine

Indigestion and overindulgence     Nux vomica

Influenza                                        Anas barb (200C – 1 dose every 4 hours)

Jet lag                                           Arnica- physical tiredness with aching limbs

Gelsemium- physical tiredness with heaviness of limbs

Menstrual cramping                      Colocynthis- better for bending the knees up to the chest

Muscle cramping                           Mag phos – better for warmth

                                                     Cuprum metallicum – calves and soles

Muscle sprains and strains           Arnica

Shellfish poisoning                        Urtica urens

Shock                                            Aconite

Stings and bites                             Ledum – mosquitoes, animal bites

Rhus tox – plant stings (nettles, etc.)

Travel sickness                              Cocculus – with dizziness

                                                      Tabacum – better for cool air

Vomiting- cause unknown              Ipecac


Adults: 10 drops, 4 pillules or 2 tablets of 6C potency every half-hour for up to 6 doses. Children (2-12 years) : Half the adult dose.

Frequently, suggestions will be made to travellers that they should be immunised against certain diseases that may be endemic to the holiday destination. There’s a considerable history of use of homeopathic medicines as alternatives to orthodox immunisation. The expert on this issue in Australia is Dr Isaac Golden. In his book, Vaccination, A Review of Risks and Alternatives, he outlines the following to be used while in areas where there is potential risk of contracting these diseases:

Cholera                                        Cuprum metallicum 200C – one dose every 2 weeks

Dysentery                                     Arsenicum album 30C – one dose weekly

Malaria                                         Nat mur 200C – one dose every 2 weeks beginning 2 weeks before   departure, and a further 2 doses on returning home.

Typhoid                                        Baptisia 200C one dose every 2 weeks

Yellow Fever                                Arsenicum album 30C – one dose weekly

Some practitioners have noted that the use of Eupatorium perfoliatum 30C every two weeks while travelling in areas where there is an increased incidence of Dengue Fever can be helpful in reducing the potential risk of contracting this condition.

On a final note, concerns are raised from time to time regarding the effects of X-rays used in airport luggage examination, and their effects on homoeopathic remedies. The evidence to date tends to indicate that the X-ray machines used in most airports do not have the capacity to affect the activity of remedies, but if this does cause concern, wrapping aluminium foil around the containers in which the remedies are kept, or simply passing them around the scanner and submitting them for visual examination by airport staff, should provide protection.

About the author

Robert Medhurst

Robert Medhurst BNat DHom DBM DRM DNutr is an Australian Naturopath & Homeopath with 40 years of clinical experience. He has written many articles and lectured on homeopathy throughout Australia and the U.S. Robert previously set up and operated 5 natural therapies practices in Sydney and Adelaide and was involved in teaching and medical research. He was formerly the Expert Advisor on Homeopathy to the Federal Government of Australia, Dept. of Health & Ageing. He specialises in homeopathy and is the author of The Business of Healing, the definitive guide for clinical practice establishment and management, as well as The Concordant Clinical Homeopathic Repertory. For more information see

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