Materia Medica Course on Shameless Remedies with Dr Manish Bhatia
Homeopathy Papers

How Germany’s New Medicine Act Will Limit Homeopathy

Animal homeopath, journalist, and author Jasmin-Martina Walker discusses a new law passed in Germany which permits only veterinary medical doctors to treat animals with homeopathy (even though they may not be trained in homeopathy. She also presents a case – Kavi’s Eye.

(Editor note: We have used the term “caregiver” to signify the owner of an animal)

The healing story about Kavi’s eye, a Main Coon cat, is representing six main issues that caregivers and non-approved practitioners and animal homeopaths in Germany are confronted with since January 2022. That is when the new Medicine-act, TAMG, for all animals came into force, no matter if pets or livestock are concerned:

1.     Animals, where conventional vets conclude that the patient happens to be beyond therapy from their point of view, are threatened with euthanasia, which in any case is covered by the Animal Welfare Act.

2.     Non-approved animal homeopaths or naturopaths are not allowed to intervene anymore, even if this is the caregiver’s decision and would be possible from the professional point of homeopathy or naturopathy. (The tradition of non-approved therapists in Europe, for humans and animals alike, especially in Germany, goes way back to Hildegard von Bingen (1098-1179) and others.)

3.     As only conventional vets these days are allowed to prescribe homeopathic remedies, the so-called human remedies which are defined as “nicht verschreibungspflichtige Humanarzneimittel” (non-prescription medicinal products for human use) as most of the homeopathic and natural remedies are classified, the situation becomes absurd as the conventional vets have no clue whatsoever concerning holistic approaches.

4.     Especially animal homeopathy has in general been kicked from the desk, though there are a handful of vets still available who mainly have been trained abroad where they gained their homeopathic knowledge or other holistic methods. But they are definitely not capable of covering the increasing demand. German Universities are refusing to teach animal homeopathy.

5.     The animal’s caregiver is criminalized by the new TAMG, if he/she treats his/her animal with these remedies without the approval of the conventional vet, who in most cases has never heard a word about the alternative methods nor in most cases is even interested in acquiring the necessary knowledge.

6.     The non-approved therapists, who may have up to five years alternative training, are no longer allowed to prescribe the above-named remedies, nor can the animal’s caregivers seek their advice any longer.

7.     Nearly six months after the new law came into force we are facing a therapy emergency within medical supplies for animals in Germany.  

The Case of Kavi -Main Coon Cat 

Kavi, a Main Coon, born 19.7.2013, bred pedigree cat, 9kg, 1. Owner, living together in mainly peaceful cooperation with Pino, a housecat, and the caregivers. The acute situation started 26.8.2020Vet Consulting – Assessment:  teary right eye, result of an eye injury.Laboratory findings: Herpes-Virus-infection  Treatment: Dexa-Gentamicin, Allercan, Virgan, Floxal, weekly check. Slight improvement, then worse.   The vet and the owner assumed that Kavi could have had contact with a thorn hedge as he loves to be outside watching birds. He received a ruff (protective collar) and was not allowed out.

A brownish edge appeared in the eye that the vet assumed to be a healing reaction, but he warned that the pathogen could spread further. He expected the animal might lose its sight.

Application of an ointment containing cortisone (Allercan), to suppress the growth of the vessels.

The inflammation was not getting better, so the cat was given Floxal, Hylonight, Virgan. No improvement. The vet recommended Famvir. But the caregiver, a Heilpraktiker, did not approve. She tried Colloidal Silver, CDL, Saline solution.

By that time the cat showed signs of depression, was even more picky about his food and got annoyed no matter who tried to give medicine. The cat is allowed into the garden again.

Two weeks before consultation in my practice, the caregivers tried Natrium chloratum C200, as a so called homeopathic cat book recommended. No improvement. The caregiver was desperate.

Kavi came to my practice the first time on 15.12.2020.

Initial animal homeopathy anamnesis:

Before Kavi moved to the couple’s household, they had rescued a black male cat (27.10.2012) named Merlin from a kennel, after their first Cat, Moritz, died 1.5 years earlier with lung cancer.

He was followed by Pino in 2011 who had been a patient of mine since October 2020, when he had severe diarrhea and the habit of stealing and eating everything, and intensely begging for food.

“Merlin had been so beautiful. He touched my heart”said the caregiver. He slept in her bed. The problem was that from the very beginning, he did not eat. His condition became so bad that the owners consulted a clinic. A few days later they learned that the cat was being treated in an oxygen tent and screaming. He was euthanized without having their having the chance to see him again.

“This has been so terrible, many tears. We did not know that Merlin had been so ill when we adopted him.”

After the animal died the couple consulted an animal communicator. A few months later, as their grief was still great, the animal communicator stated that Merlin had “reincarnated”.

So the couple adopted Kavi as a kitten from the animal communicator. He walked straight into the cat carrier when they came to pick him up.

Tiffy another cat living in the household at that time was not very pleased to see Kavi.Shortly after Kavi arrived, Tiffy had an inflammation of the pancreas and passed away.

Pino and Kavi are friends. The caregiver states that her heart connection to Kavi is not as strong compared to Merlin, though Kavi not only slept in her bed but in her hair and was purring loudly. Later, his snoring got so loud that she got confused and unjustifiably accused her husband.

Before the trouble of Kavis eye appeared again, his caregivers decided to get divorced.

Kavi hates to be brushed. He doesn’t allow strangers to touch him. He stays at a  distance when patients enter the caregivers’ practice which is in the same house as their flat.

It is not possible to persuade him eat anything in particular. Before depositing feces he is restless and meows, but afterwards is at ease.  He is a fussy eater, he is reserved. He seems to be overwhelmed by stimuli. He shows insecurity when the routine changes.  After the first three months in the new house, he developed intestinal affections.

Once, the couple went on their holiday trusting the cats to an individual. When they picked up the animals, Kavi had teary eyes. He has been drinking a lot, and he was extremely hungry. Next day he appeared completely snotty.

Antibiotic: No reaction. Clinic and gastric tube. No improvement. The caregiver travelled every day to the clinic. The antibiotic was changed to a human version.  It slowly improved (though I felt because of the caregiver’s presence?)

A few months later, in January 2021, he exhibited a conjunctivitis of the left eye. It was diagnosed as Herpes-Virus-Infection . Treatment: . Dexa-Gentamicin and Allercan, Virgan, Floxal.   Slow improvement.

18.8.2020 Repetition right eye.

Meanwhile the husband had moved out of the house and the couple’s divorce-proceedings continued.

The main concern of the caregiver:

She fears that Kavi might lose his sight. (and her own fears were of not being  able to manage the life-situation).

Both the caregivers and Kavi have problems with the right eye.

Moderate vaccinations and according to the caregivers no reaction.


I decided to start with a chronic remedy as the eye showed no sign of an acute situation. It had been cloudy now for months, obviously reducing the capacity to see through the fussiness while eating and the obvious problems of the digestive tract.

15.12.2020 Calcium carbonicum C200

Reaction within the first five minutes: Yawning, cleaning the right side and eye with his paw and licking right paw.

2 days later: Kavi loves to go to the garden again and when his food is being prepared, he exhibits saliva dripping. He is much more relaxed since nobody is touching his eye anymore and he opens up to the care holder again.

Besides this I asked the caregiver to visit Merlin’s grave and to open up their hearts and give Kavi him the space to be Kavi and not Merlin, which she did on 20.12.2020.

On Christmas day, 26.12.20201 crisis!!

The eye is even more cloudy and the care holder is in a panic. Her ex-husband shows up for breakfast and she is annoyed that her family had invited him for Christmas without her knowing it. It is chilly and unpleasant weather. Kavi does not look happy in the photo.

I was sent for. The vessels are visible, creeping towards the center in the eye which I felt happy about. He is extremely lazy, a kind of indifference when the husband sees him resting in her bed.

I try to calm the lady. Having expected something like that would happen I had asked her before Christmas to have Coriandrum sativum C200 in the house.

27.12.2021 Coriandrum sativum C200

Cats in my understanding are often these days in a syphilitic miasm, not only the normal housecat but especially the pedigrees.

The whole situation felt like an unexpected stroke of fate… Kavi’s eye and the whole Christmas situation. Kavi and his caregivers in my eyes mirrored themselves. Besides this, I had in mind the number of remedies which the veterinarian had applied without any improvement.

First reaction to Coriandrum sativum: Kavi’s appetite is improving. He intensifies the communication with Pino and the caregivers, even a little bit bold tipping on Pino’s head with his paw and stealing some food from his friend’s bowl. The following days they enjoy the free time together, though Kavis eye is still very cloudy.


Email from the caregiver that she feels that the development of the eye is stagnating. I recommend to give Pino Arnika C200.

I felt that it could be plausible that Kavi had a fight with a rather big bird, as the caregiver had explicitly mentioned the prey in the anamnesis and I thought that there might have occurred an injury in the cornea by its claw?

The first reaction to the remedy was within 5 Minutes: Intense cleaning and moments of checking something while turning his head to the left and right.


Kavi shows little red bumps on his chin. This had been coming up since about one-and-a-half weeks ago and now showing a kind of peak.


Kavi had asked for food and then produced diarrhea


Important: His general condition is good and neither the condition of the eye nor the diarrhea seems to bother him…but the cloudiness of the eye deteriorates I repeat a water dilution with one globuli Arnika C200 in 250ml water. 8.1.2021

Pus in the corner of the eye


Silicea C200

After Kavi cleaned himself, he started to play, which he had refused to do that night and quite a while before.

11.1 2021

A tiny white “bowl” in the center of the cornea appears.  I give it some time until the January 20 and then decide to give Staphisagria C200…still following my theory that the white spot is a wound as the result of a sharp claw.


The white spot seems to fade away.


There are very precise vessels connected now with the rest of the spot and Kavi starts to be fussy with his food again.

The acute situation mutes and the chronic is returning. I have to think.


Phosphorus C200

Reaction within the first few minutes:  Kavi narrows his eyes several times then starts extensive cleaning. 15 Minutes later he eats his complete meal which he had not done for days.


The eye continues to clear up again.


Kavi’s eye has completely recovered!!

But his fussiness with food remains.

I decide to follow up with Lycopodium C200 followed weeks later by Pulsatilla C200.

Again some weeks later Pino now presented us an acute infection where he needed Baptisia…

Kavi again showed increasing and changing symptoms like Pulsatilla, being even more fussy with his food, etc. and the caregiver signs her post-divorce contracts.

22.3.2021 I decide on Artemisia abrotanum C200 for Kavi.

Since then, he has been fine.

The caregiver is long divorced and parallel to the treatment of the cats she agreed to a special offer where two healers and myself teamwork on mindset and energetic methods to deal with causes on the spiritual-emotional level.

We experience this additional work to be most helpful to cover the themes of our client’s fields across time and space and to help them to evolve into a new level of thinking and understanding.

May 2021 …All are well and happy. The caregiver had solved a lot of additional issues that had bothered her for a long time including the acute general situation of this special time.

The situation for holistic approaches treating animals in Germany these days is unacceptable and animals like Kavi are restricted to one method which very obviously could not help him.

German legislation has successfully abolished freedom of therapy for animals and has stolen our professional presence, being animal homeopaths in this country. Animals like Kavi no longer have any chance of consultation from an alternative therapist.

I myself will continue to provide my knowledge to whom it may concern, especially from abroad, though I also continue anamneses as I have found 35 newly authorized homeopathic remedies for animals, produced in Austria which obviously are not covered by the text of the new law.

And to be able to prove if I am still within the law, I have to analyze the cases first as we do not treat the conventional names of illnesses. We treat the individuality and individual state of our clients.

Most cases cannot be covered anymore and I prefer to send my patients to Switzerland where animal homeopaths still can work within holistic parameters while expanding my own work on spiritual levels and writing.

But in the end, the situation is totally annoying for all involved. Even the German Supreme court seems to offer no hope as there are lawsuits pending since October 2021.

About the author

Jasmin-Martina Walker

Jasmin-Martina Walker, animal homeopath, coach, journalist, author. I was born in 1958 in Germany. I was brought up bilingually German/English, living mainly in Germany, but also in the US and England. I studied Jurisprudence in Germany and GB, London, with the electives, Philosophy, History of Law, comparative Law. (super preparation for the Organon). Sabbatical in Cornwall. Newspaper traineeship. Responsible editor/ daily papers until 2007. In 1993 I bought by pure chance Fugas, an Achal Tekkiner (horse), born in the Ukraine who suffered from radiation. We saved his life with homeopathy and he became my most important teacher in every aspect of life for 27 years. From 2003-2007 I studied animal homeopathy, including medical basics and ethology at animal mundi/Germany. This was followed by TCM and several energetic methods plus Mindset trainings, coachings. Permanent learner and searcher.


  • Dear Jasmin-Martina,
    thank you so much for your essay pointing to a number of todays problems in naturopathy.
    Since the 19th century, conventional pharma fights homeopathy. It is due to the non-medical professionals and due to their associations that homeopathy has survived all the unbased attacks in history.
    Some years ago, the GREEN Party in Germany (green suggesting nature and sustainable development) began a new severe attack against homeopathy proclaiming Evidence Based Medicine as the only acceptable medicine. We know that the demanded evidence nowadays gets issued by the pharmaceutical industry funding the necessary test procedures and studies.
    Homeopathy is just one victim of their agenda. Their goal is to eliminate all medical modalities not under their wings. Integrative medicine, which would be the best offer for human and animal life is under their attack. It is not an attack, it is war against the health of any life concerned.
    Medicine is not for health. Medicine is for increasing dividents of shareholders and for more power for big pharma. Patients are the needed cattle herd. We’ve got to stand up now! Our federal minister of health is the highest ranking pharma lobbyist we ever had. He extends to humans what you, Jasmin-Martina describe for animals. More and more Physicians associations erase homeopathy from their curriculum.
    We will resist! Our health and welfare is not for sale to big pharma! Let’s join hands! Let’s join forces!
    I hope that you are well, Jasmin-Martina. [Maybe you remember me ;-)]
    Waiting for needed updates on the topic from you because we’ve got to stay alert,

  • The Pharma Giants and stupid and corrupt politicians are the Monsters for the well-being of humans and animals; they only interested in their own selfish greed.

    The only way is to remove them from the political arena by educating the citizens.

  • sally campbell
    new zealand
    since the covid pandemic nz has become divided health system was collapsing b4 covid ,now escalating expotentially
    my point more people r looking towards alternative medicines
    however the war is on as in your country for the elimination; homoeopathic medicines being the biggest threat to pharmacs; fear of homoeopthy and alternative therapys
    all our politicians from all of our partys have vested interests in pharmaceuticals
    pharamceuticals fund our health system

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