Materia Medica Course on Shameless Remedies with Dr Manish Bhatia
Homeopathy Papers

IMAGINE Healing Children from the “Inside-Out”

June  Jyl Steinback

Jyl Steinback and Dr. Maryann Ivons discuss the The Hip Hop Healthy Heart Program for Children™ that includes homeopathy.

When we think about the core concepts of Homeopathy, we first think of totality. This means that the person is more than the sum of their parts. When we treat illnesses with homeopathy we consider more than the cough or the runny nose we look at how this insult to the vital force is affecting the whole person. When we think about supporting the vital force to maintain health we consider a wide range of factors that contribute to the maintenance of a healthy organism. In our modern world this can be problematical. Dr. Hahnemann, the founder of homeopathy, wrote extensively on the concept of health and its relationship to illness. One of the concepts that he espouses is the importance of maintaining a balanced lifestyle. He believed that eating a simple nutrient rich diet, drinking clean water, exercise, and the ability to maintain fulfilling social relationships were the keys to healthy living and the continued balance in the vital force. To him a balanced vital force is, essentially, health.

In our modern world, with its fast pace and many not so healthy choices, it is difficult to always do the things that are good for us. We work too much, exercise too little, and tend to eat an easy, convenient fast food diet. Worse yet, we visit this lifestyle on our children. It is not hard to understand why. In today’s families most likely both parents work. Children are tightly scheduled because every minute counts. We are teaching them to be like us. Sadly, chronic diseases like diabetes and obesity are becoming more common in young children. Children are not playing outside like they used to, but lead increasingly sedentary lives that revolve around electronic games. Is there a way to break this cycle and who will do it?

Today, obesity is one of the most pressing health concerns for children. Nearly one-third of children and teens, more than 23 million kids, are overweight or obese — and physical inactivity is a leading contributor to the epidemic. The Surgeon General recommends children should engage in 60 minutes of moderate activity most days of the week, yet estimates show that only 3.8 percent of elementary schools provide daily physical education (PE) (Trost).

Mental health is also problematical. An alarming number of children are prescribed medications for depression and learning disorders and what are increasingly diagnosed as hyperactivity or attention deficit disorders. According to the CDC mental health diagnosis are often made in the school years and sometimes earlier. Here are a few key finding to the latest CDC report on children’s mental health:

  • Millions of American children live with depression, anxiety, ADHD, autism spectrum disorders, Tourette syndrome or a host of other mental health issues.
  • ADHD was the most prevalent current diagnosis among children aged 3–17 years.
  • The number of children with a mental disorder increased with age, with the exception of autism spectrum disorders, which was highest among 6 to 11 year old children.

Problems at home and school as well as difficulty forming healthy friendships can be closely related to mental health. This can also interfere in healthy development and some problems can span a lifetime.

It is with the highest of hopes for its success, that I introduce you to a marvelous new program developed for school age children, called:

The Hip Hop Healthy Heart Program for Children™.

Studies Show: Healthy students get better grades, attend school more often and exhibit better behavior in class. This program is the missing link- A healthy literacy curriculum for the “Whole Child”.

The Hip Hop Healthy Heart Program for Children™ is a K-6th grade comprehensive healthy literacy curriculum (mind, body and emotion) that has been created to “Build A Culture of Health” through our educational system.  This program provides an innovative approach to solving many of the greatest problems that face today’s youth, all of which affect academic performance.  It provides our children with the tools to flourish and be resilient!  It guides them to blossom into their full potential (mentally, physically and emotionally). The Hip Hop Healthy Heart Program for Children™ has an emphasis on heart health that uses a unique mix of art, music, and positive thinking to motivate children to build a foundation of wellness. Using a multi-disciplinary approach, the program is an innovative solution for bringing wellness and physical education back into schools and into children’s households.

The program is taught through personalized learning, grouping our program in two parts: K-3 and 4th-6th.  This allows children to learn at their “Own Pace” and in their own “Best” way. The concepts taught in the program are designed to flow from teacher, to student, to family, to community. This comprehensive program provides an on-line curriculum and resources that will transform our children through a Train-The-Trainer model that will positively affect all who engage in this program.

The program is unique because, instead of focusing solely on exercise and nutrition, an approach that has been tried repeatedly, the eight modules integrate a full-spectrum of self-discovery and self-esteem techniques in addition to health and wellness information.  The techniques include stress reduction, creativity building, positive group dynamics, critical thinking, character development and community involvement. The program encompasses the “Whole Child”.

This program can be implemented five different ways:  Classroom teacher, PE and wellness coaches, after-school programs, camps and train 8 teachers –who teach the parents.

I believe that this program could be a giant step in the direction of good health for our children. It also encourages lifelong participation in the healthy habits developed in childhood, those of which will be passed on to their own children. It encourages an appreciation and respect for excellent self-care for the whole person.

We have built in homeopathy as an introduction, acute care and first aid. What a wonderful place to start learning about homeopathy in K-6th grade.  It will become a habit for a lifetime.

Together Homeopathy and The Hip Hop Healthy Heart Program for Children™  Will make us “Healthy and Whole” by restoring our balance, strengthening our vital force and healing both our children and our adults from the inside-out.


The Hip Hop Healthy Heart Program for Children™

4HHHH Program

Happy, Healthy, Harmonious, Healing

The eight web-based modules, which are delivered on demand to teachers, are:

Each Module has 4-7 Units – Each Unit has 2-3 Lessons

Each Lesson has 2 to 3 Actives – 1 Core Lesson and 2 Enrichment Lessons

  • Module 1: Meet Doctor Beat … Your Fascinating Heart
  • Module 2: Take Down the Pressure… Mind/Body/Emotion Techniques
  • Meditation
  • Visualization
  • Why Sleep Is Important
  • Homeopathy! Gives you a variety of teaching options.

3 Core Lessons provide the basics for 20-30 minute classes that provide information about homeopathy.  The lessons are designed to help students understand homeopathy and how it is different from conventional medicine so they can make informed choices about how to treat illness.

  • Lesson 1—What Is Homeopathy? Examines homeopathy as an alternative medical system and

Introduces commonly recommended homeopathic remedies.

  • Lesson 2 –Ouches, Itches and Phooey Spewy describes homeopathic remedies for situations

Requiring acute care.

  • Lesson 3 – One Timers and Longer-Termers examines homeopathy remedies used to relieve

Symptoms of ongoing health challenges children may experience like asthma, allergies and anxiety\

  • Module 3: SUPERFOODS! … Nutrition for Great Health
    • USDA MyPlate and
    • PLANT POWER! – Plant-Based Nutrition for Healthy Kids
  • Module 4: Improve Your Groove … The Many Benefits of Exercise
    • CLAP4HEALTH! A National Program that is an innovative solution to bringing wellness and physical education back into the schools and children’s households
  • Module 5: Grin It, Win It … Dental Health Means Heart Health
  • Module 6: Think Hip ‘n Happy … Positive Thinking for a Healthy Heart and
  • Your Word is Your Word” 
  • Module 7: Money Matters … First Steps to Financial Freedom
  • Module 8: Join the Green Team… Teamwork for a Healthy Planet

Professional development (PD) hours for educators are also available: Teachers can earn up to 200 hours of PD (25 Hours per Module) through Rio Salado College at $3 a credit – which satisfies state and national curriculum standards.


I’ve got options, lots of options.  That’s a thing I know for sure.

I’ve got options, lots of options.  That’s a thing I know for sure.

Especially when I’m sick and want to find a healthy cure.

Sometimes a traditional doctor might be the best to see.

But many times it makes sense to go with homeopathy.

It’s kind of controversial, but it works, people say.

It’s worth taking time to learn about homeopathy today.

So hip hop hom-e-op to the library I’ll go

To research things I want to learn and things I need to know.

I’ll read about its history, Dr. Hahnemann, ancient Greeks.

But that’s only the beginning of the info I will seek.

So hip hop hom-e-op to the Internet I’ll go

To research even more things I want and need to know.

Online I learn ‘bout remedies that come from natural sources.

Like plants, minerals and animals (No, they didn’t mention horses).

These remedies have the strangest names, but one way or another,

When I use them to heal one body part, they won’t hurt the others.

So hip hop hom-e-op to the homeopath I’ll go

Talk face to face in person about what else I need to know.

Certified professionals can help me make good choices,

Sort through remedy options and reduce conflicting voices.

It always seems a good idea to listen, try and see.

This option called homeoopathy – It could be for me


This book explains how Homeopathy works in terms that anyone can understand.


[email protected]


Please put characters throughout article – especially on the rhyme – thanks


About the author

Jyl Steinback

Jyl Steinback is the Executive Director of Shape Up US, Inc. a 501c3 non-profit organization, Creator of the Hip Hop Healthy Heart Program for Children™ and Clap4Health™. She is a classical homeopath schooled at the American Medical College of Homeopathy. In 2011, Jyl was awarded a Community Leadership Award from the President’s Council on Fitness, Sports and Nutrition “for exemplary service and dedication to improving the lives of others. She has worked in the health and wellness industry for more than 25 years as a personal trainer and educator, has sold more than 2 million books that educate consumers in making positive choices in nutrition, exercise, and healthy living. She has been using homeopathy for the past 25 years. Jyl says, “Adding Classical Homeopathy to her lifestyle is, The Circle of Wellness that Works.

About the author

Maryann Ivons

Maryann received her BA at California State University and trained as an RN at the College of San Mateo, Ca. She graduated as a naturopathic physician from Bastyr University. She has been practicing and teaching homeopathy since 1987 and has been a faculty member of Bastyr University. In 2012 she became the Dean of Academic Affairs and Director of the Homeopathic Practitioner Program at American Medical College of Homeopathy in Phoenix, Arizona. Currently she is retired from clinical practice and collaborating on a project that has developed a computer program designed to help people who are not homeopaths more effectively prescribe acute remedies for their families.


  • Thank you for your great news dear Jyl.
    I love the thought that, “classical homeopathy is the circle of wellness that works.”
    Has your program been tried in any church groups for children? I can see that mixing tools that can complement every day stressors could really help get the attention of kids. Mind, body, emotional techniques, meditation, and visualization are related tools for introduction into the
    spiritual world as well. The young also seem to learn quicker than what occurs in the busyness of mid-life and in the loneliness of old age.

    Keep me posted.


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