Materia Medica Course on Shameless Remedies with Dr Manish Bhatia
Homeopathy Papers

Jeremy Sherr on Epidemics -Part III

Homeopath Jeremy Sherr talks about epidemics, how the genus epidemicus is selected, potency, homeopathic prophylaxis, fast and slow epidemics, miasms and more. He discusses what will be taught in his course: Jeremy’s Blueprint for Managing Epidemics and the Genus Epidemicus of AIDS.

When we talk about an epidemic, you can have a small epidemic which is maybe 10, 20, 30, 100 people; and that might be in your village or some small area. The interesting thing to say about that is that today, people don’t actually notice when something is an epidemic often. Because if we are working in a city, and there’s let’s say a small epidemic maybe of whooping cough or something like that, you see one case over there.  In the city, people are coming from all different parts of the city; you’re not working with one local area.

So you just see one case of whooping cough, and maybe another homeopath will see another one on the other side of town, and somebody else will see one in another village or town; and you might not put one and one and one together to see you actually have an epidemic.

On the other hand, sometimes the papers are shouting “Epidemic!  Epidemic!  Epidemic!”, and it’s just for two cases of something and they get hysterical about it, and that’s not really much of an epidemic either.  So, it can be a bit amorphous.

If you work in the countryside, if you’re working in a small village, then you are going to get practice on the little epidemics much more – because somebody has got something in the kindergarten, in the school; the next day the next door neighbour has it, another neighbour has it, somebody else in the village has it; and you are seeing a lot of these people and you are hearing about the cases; and suddenly you realise after four or five or six cases that there is a little epidemic on your hand.

Then the interesting thing is that you can actually go and find out information from people that you don’t treat, and I’ve done that.  So, let’s say there’s an epidemic in the school of some acute disease – mumps – and I’ve got three patients; but I know that there are three more patients that I do not treat that don’t have homeopathy.

I will not hesitate to contact them and say, ‘Please, do you mind giving me the symptoms.  That will help me with my cases.’  They usually are happy to do that because to solve an epidemic properly, you need symptoms from as many people as possible.

Each one is another key to the puzzle.  What happens so many times – because people do not have enough bits of the puzzle, if they don’t have enough bits, they will come up with common remedies.

The very large epidemics, they come by every few years.  You know, even in this decade or let’s say since the beginning of this century, we’ve had large epidemics of cholera and other diseases all over the globe.  So, these epidemics are happening.

Here, suddenly you can have 10,000, 100,000 or even a million or more sick within a very short time.  These are the ones that we really have to be ready for and have to have the knowledge about because they are also often the fastest and the deadliest epidemics.

So now, once we’ve worked on it and we’ve seen the genus epidemicus – and I’m going to teach two ways of finding it in this course, I call them ‘in series’ and ‘in parallel’; one of them will be seeing cases one by one; one of them will be looking at a lot of cases together.  I’ll go into detail about that.

But let’s say after a few weeks of a fast epidemic, you’ve seen 30, 40 cases, you’ve formed a group of people.  I’ll also explain how to do that, to bring the symptoms together and look at it together ‘as if one case’.

You come to a conclusion of a few remedies, let’s say 5, 6, 10 remedies, depending on the size of the epidemic; and how many cases you have to bring together; and how many strange, rare and peculiar symptoms of the epidemic you’ve collected.  This will all be told about and taught in the course, the techniques for finding the genus epidemicus.

Let’s say you’ve come up with 5 remedies for the genus epidemicus; and the next stage is individualising.  That means if for instance, Hahnemann’s epidemic of cholera, the famous epidemic, was Veratrum, Cuprum, Camphor.  By the way, do not make the mistake of thinking those would be the same remedies today; they might well not be the same remedies.

Hahnemann decided that Veratrum, Cuprum and Camphor are the remedies for the epidemic; but now you have to individualise and decide who is Veratrum, who is Cuprum and who is Camphor.

So, what you do is you write down or you make a form or you explain or you teach the very simple indications for each of these remedies.  In this case, Veratrum would be the profuse discharges, profuse diarrhoea, profuse vomiting, profuse sweating; in Cuprum, it would be the cramping pains; in Camphor, it would be the collapse at different stages and different phases of the disease.

You make a very short page explaining it, and you make these remedies in lots of little bottles or you do them in water or whichever way you can distribute them.  Now, you go and start teaching people.  Who do you teach?  Anybody – mothers, doctors, health workers, physiotherapists, acupuncturists, people who just want to help, social workers, whoever it is.  When it’s an epidemic and a serious epidemic, nobody cares.  They just want to know how to treat it.

You just put these people together and you teach them how to use them, and the indications for these remedies in the genus epidemicus.  Then they go out and they are each treating 100 people in a day.  Why 100 people?  Because it’s not going to take them long.  They don’t have to work out the whole case, they don’t have to individualise, they don’t to have to repertorise, they don’t have to constitutionalise.

They just see the main symptoms.  Believe me, it takes a very, very short time to choose a remedy from the genus epidemicus.  You see a person with cramps, you decide it’s Cuprum; a person on the floor, you decide it’s Camphor; and that’s it.  It’s not going to take you too long, especially in an urgent acute epidemic.

So, you can easily be treating 100 people in day. You’ve taught 100 people, so 100 times 100 I think is 10,000.  Not only that, these people will be teaching more people and other people; and they will all learn how to do it, and this knowledge spreads as fast as the epidemic.

This is why I call this a “posidemic”.  You create a posidemic to fight the epidemic.  Spreading the knowledge and the remedies as fast as the epidemic spreads, you can actually beat this epidemic and easily have 10,000 people a day treated.  That is the trick.

We fight epidemic with posidemic, group with group.  We work hard in the beginning to find the genus; but after that work, the initial aggravation, we have the amelioration, we have the easy way to treat all these people very quickly.

I can tell you from experience that this actually works.  I know because when people come to visit us in Africa, we give them a half a day seminar, we teach them the remedies; and away they go treating so many people.

I’ll give you an example.  We have a short course that we do that we go out into the field.  For instance, to the Maasai who live far away from anywhere.  We teach them first-aid homeopathy.

After we teach them first-aid homeopathy, we give them a short course on homeopathy for AIDS; and just give them five or six or seven remedies to use.  Away they go and they’re treating people, people we would never be able to reach.  It’s working successfully.

I think homeopathic prophylaxis in these cases is totally fine and good and recommended.  After all, it’s harder to cure somebody with a high fever and diarrhoea or bird flu, which can be very severe and very debilitating; it’s much easier to prevent a disease than to cure the disease.  As they say, similia similibus preventeur – prevents – like cures like prevents; and that has been done all through homeopathic history successfully.

The best way to do that is to find the genus epidemicus and give the main remedy of the genus.  You don’t have to be as precise with prevention as you have to be with cure.  So you can actually help people with the main remedy quite nicely, even though it’s not the absolute precise remedy that they would have got if they had gotten the disease.

Let me give you an example – in malaria, malaria is endemic rather epidemic, but they are closely related.  In malaria, we have often given people, for instance, China Sulph to take a while before they go into a malarial region; and that has been very successful.

Also people who are prone to malaria who get it quite often, and we give them China Sulph or similar remedies and it prevents them from getting the disease so easily. So, it’s very fine to prevent the epidemic.

I am now talking about acute disease, and I’m a great believer in using prophylaxis and I describe how to do that in these diseases.  I have to say that I see this as totally different from chronic diseases, and you know, following the vaccination protocol of the allopaths.

I don’t see that as a valid prophylaxis in homeopathy because we can’t actually prevent things that might not be on the cards at all.  We produce prophylactics when there is clear and present danger, which means something is imminent, is about to happen, and we know what it is.

Regarding posology, my thoughts are first of all, don’t worry about it.  I have to be honest; nobody can give a definitive answer.  One person will come and say 10M daily, another will say 12C once, another will say 30C once a week.  We do not have enough research, and it’s unlikely we’ll have enough research to ever know which is the best.

Each epidemic is different and each epidemic demands experimentation to find the best potency and the best posology.  So what I recommend is once the epidemic starts, you start experimenting; give high, give low, give repeated, give single, and see what is best.

But if you are still worried and you want strict rules about that, then I would say first of all, the more acute and the more severe and the more toxic the epidemic, the more you repeat.  You can always stick with 30s and 200s; those are nice, safe, middle-of-the road potencies.

We actually find that it’s best to give it in water and it’s also the most efficient.             I describe in the course how you can take a 30C or 12C, put it in a little bottle of water; give the patient the water and they can continue using that daily.  In a severe epidemic, that would be the best protocol.

Do we consider miasms?  Here, there is a bit of a difference between an acute disease and between, let’s say, a more semi-chronic epidemic.  As I said before, most real epidemics are acute and fast; and therefore, there is no need to take the miasm into account.  You are just looking at the acute disease; you are not looking at the chronic background.

However, AIDS is a slightly different case than these acute epidemics, because AIDS has turned into a slow, rambling, long-term pandemic rather than an acute epidemic.  In the early days, it was an acute epidemic, but AIDS has changed very much over the last 30 or 40 years, and now it’s more allied to a chronic miasm than to the acute epidemic.

The same thing happened with syphilis in the 16th century.  You know when syphilis came from South America to Europe, in the beginning, it was an acute and fast disease; but then with treatment and suppression and time, it became a slow, chronic miasm.  So, we see the same process happening.

So in AIDS, I do use the miasms very much. They are an incredible tool for us; they make the work much more easy and simple.  In the course, I describe how to use the miasms in a very simple and effective and easy way in order to home in on the remedy much more quickly and much more easily.

It’s fascinating to see.  You know, if you simplify the whole miasmatic concept, if you make it more general/physical than mental/emotional, you can easily identify the miasm within the first one or two minutes of the case.

So if we have, let’s say, 12 remedies of the genus epidemicus of AIDS, then I can decide within the first two to three minutes if this is psoric, tubercular, syphilitic or whatever.  That helps me very  much to find the remedies. In a more chronic long-term epidemic, miasms are very helpful.  I show how to use the miasms in a much simpler way in this course.

I believe that without understanding epidemics, it is impossible to understand miasms; epidemics are the basis of miasms.  Hahnemann’s knowledge of epidemics went individual constitutional treatment to epidemics. He worked for a few years with epidemics and then he evolved that into the next step which is miasms.

So jumping straight into miasms, as people do these days, is like a child who finishes primary school and goes to university without high school in the middle.  Everything is just confused and complicated and actually goes quiet wrong in many cases, as I have often seen.  You need to do high school before you do university, and high school here is epidemics.

Once you understand epidemics, you can go to miasms; otherwise, it becomes a very amorphous and complicated subject.  So if you want to go deeper into miasms, this is the next step; the next step is to go from constitutional to epidemics.

If you are doubting this or want to see it more practically, if you read the first 20 pages of Chronic Diseases, which are the bible on miasms, that is where Hahnemann describes his findings.  You will see it is all about epidemics initially.

You really have to unravel the knowledge which is quite concentrated.  That’s what I’ve tried to do.  If you can read the Organon – paragraphs 73, 100, 101, 102; these are the essential paragraphs in the Organon.  You can read the introduction to Chronic Disease.

You can read Kent’s Philosophy; I believe it’s chapter 2 or 3 in Kent’s Philosophy. You read both chapters, and you’ll see his description on epidemics.  You will also find more information, not so well-laid-out maybe, but from Dudgeon, from Lippe and Hering, who of course treated epidemics.

But there’s nothing that’s written, as far as I can see, that’s actually laid out step-by-step – one, two, three, four, what do you do, how you go about it, how you repertorise it, etc.  That’s the reason I’ve created this course, to try and make some more clear simple step-by-step instructions.

I think my course could be useful for everybody, but it is definitely for the serious homeopath.  People who are professional homeopaths who actually practise it, who are dedicating their lives to homeopathy or who have studied homeopathy or who love homeopathy – this is a must for them.  I really cannot consider someone to be a fully-developed homeopath if they haven’t studied epidemics.  It goes the same with provings.

When you study epidemics, you will also be helped in your individual practice because you can then scale down the knowledge to the individuals you are treating, and that will also be helpful.  So, it’s not only when epidemics come.

But I also say the course is for everybody – because look, I know there’re a lot of great practitioners out there, CAM practitioners; and maybe they are mainly nutritionists or they are acupuncturists or whatever, but they’ve studied naturopathy, they’ve studied CAM, they’ve done a bit of homeopathy. Maybe it’s not their main modality, but if the big epidemics come, then everybody who is involved in the healthcare field should have this knowledge, should have a concept of this knowledge in order to know what to do and how to proceed in these cases.

So from that point of view, I think all people involved in alternative medicine should be interested in this. it will be good knowledge to have, and it will indeed stand by their side in the time of need.

In my course I do my own editing of all the videos, and I’ve tried to make high-quality videos.  If anybody’s been on my courses that you are also running in Simple Strategies for Success and Homeopathic Cases, I think you’ll see that I produce high-quality videos; and that’s why I do them myself, but it takes a long long time to prepare.

I’ve made 10 videos so far over the last eight months, and I have about six or seven more to go.  In the first part of this course, I describe the understanding of epidemics, the philosophy of epidemics; I show epidemics in history, I show examples.

I show how epidemics are connected to what is happening culturally, historically, militarily, politically in the world around us – because they are not an island; epidemics are always connected to what’s happening.  I describe how epidemics are actually there to help the planet but how they can also damage the planet.

I describe how homeopathy has treated epidemics in history, and I go over examples in history of homeopathy and epidemics.  I then go into the different methods of treating epidemics – both the things that we’ve learned from Hahnemann, Kent and other homeopaths to the things that I’ve modified or made easier to use or to understand.  That is the first half of the course.

The second half of the course – I describe the genus epidemicus of AIDS, how I used the miasms in these cases.  Even if you’re not treating AIDS, this is just one example that you can then go and use in any situation.

I’m actually preparing videos on each of the remedies of the genus epidemicus, and I’m showing cases – both paper cases and I’m showing video cases, lots of video cases – that I’ve collected while treating AIDS.  I think it’s interesting to see them in real life, and going into deeper insights into these remedies.

Some are older remedies that we know, and some are newer remedies or remedies like Germanium for instance.  Today, I’m editing Sulphur – which is an old remedy – but I’m going to give new insights.  There will be newer remedies like Californium Muriaticum and Cryptococcus, etc.

JEREMY’S COURSE: Jeremy’s Blueprint for Managing Epidemics and the Genus Epidemicus of AIDSIt’s available from:

About the author

Jeremy Sherr

Jeremy Sherr was born in South Africa and grew up in Israel. He founded the Dynamis School for Advanced Homeopathic Studies in 1986. He maintains busy practices in London, Tel Aviv, and New York and Africa.
He is a member of the North American Society of Homeopaths and the Israeli Society for Classical Homoeopathy. Jeremy is an honorary professor at Yunan Medical College, Kunming, China and an Associate Professor at University Candegabe for Homoeopathy, Argentina.
Jeremy is the author of ten homoeopathic books and many published articles and research papers and has proved (a process of shamanic and academic research) and published 38 new homeopathic remedies. He authored the Dynamics and Methodology of Homoeopathic Provings and Dynamic Materia Medica: Syphilis., 'Helium' ‘Neon’ and ‘Argon.’
He is the author of the Repertory of Mental Qualities and of ‘Homoeopathy for Africa’, a free teaching course for African homoeopaths. He has published three extensive (over 40 hours) online video courses which he edited by himself, including the ‘The homeopathic Treatment of epidemics and of AIDS in Africa.’
During the last 11 years Jeremy has been living and working in Tanzania with his wife Camilla, also a homeopath, on their voluntary project ‘Homeopathy for Health in Africa’ treating AIDS patients for no charge and researching remedies for AIDS.


  • Dear Sir
    Let us now think of corona virus. 80 countries are suffering from this disease. Please tell me remedy for prevention of this disease. Professor doctor Mansoor Ali MD(h) attached to the government of Kerala, India, has stated ARS ALB 30 BID for 5 days.
    Dr C.S. Gupta

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