Homeopathy Papers

Peter Chappell – My Evolution over the last 80 Years

Written by Peter Chappell

Homeopath and inventor Peter Chappell describes his evolution over many years, and the various epiphanies he’s had, which he manifested into a new way of making remedies and delivering the remedy frequencies via sound.

I thought I’d take the opportunity of this article in my 80th year to update you on the journey I’ve been taking in my life. In case you don’t know anything about me I will just give an introduction summarising the early stages of my life up to the age of 60.

I was first a research engineer and I was busy inventing things until the age of 26 or 27. I did a lot of inventing including having three USA patents in my name by age 25. Then foolishly I transferred to becoming a homeopath which is something I was completely unsuited to, being a nerd of the first order.

Homeopathy inspired me because it’s logical and makes complete sense. To me anyway. And I practised in London and treated locals and immigrants from all over the world. I made the initial steps in creating the Society of Homeopaths in the UK after a message received in meditation and made the first ‘homeopathic’ computer that worked in real time.

When I got to 50, I was a bit bored with clinics so expanded my teaching and started writing homeopathy books as well, and I helped start professions of homeopathy in about 20 countries, mostly where it didn’t exist. At 60 I thought I’d done enough to retire but foolishly I had a hug from Amma, the hugging guru and got the message to go to work on HIV/AIDS in Africa.

So I went to work in Ethiopia on my 60th birthday and I treated about 70 people in 3 months with HIV/AIDS and was looking for the simillimum. It slowly dawned on me that no one had ever solved the problem of finding one remedy for one disease in homeopathy or conventional medicine, even though it’s well understood now that there is only one virus or bacteria at the root of an infectious disease.

Nosodes didn’t deliver, because if you look in the repertory you will see that there are 70 remedies for gonorrhoea including Medorrhinum when there should only be one. If you read Organon aphorisms 100 to 104 you will see the idea.

Once I had got the symptom picture of 70 patients, I had a very clear idea what HIV/AIDS was about, which corresponded closely with the medical description in text books like the Merck Manual of Diseases. And what was really clear to me was that this was completely outside any description of any remedy that I had ever come across.

I pondered the problem and with my limited resources, limited money, I decided that I either had to do something that was radical and effective or go home. I knew the process of provings and I had the opposite situation. I knew what I wanted in terms of a symptom picture and I had no idea how to get that by the conventional method. I had the world’s best homoeopathic software with me at the time.

I was looking for the one remedy for the disease, something that had never been found for any disease in the history of homeopathy. It made me think that this was not a possible route.

I decided to do what I now call Source Work and to request a remedy for HIV/AIDS from Source/aka God directly, something I hadn’t done before. The amazing thing is that it worked very well, and so well that tens of thousands of people have benefited from it and many of them are alive and kicking today who wouldn’t otherwise be.

This was a controversial idea and many friends within homeopathy found it difficult to follow and I didn’t make it easy, as I was rather into obscuration.  But I’m pretty sure if Samuel Hahnemann was around, he would’ve liked it.

I regard it as something within homeopathy as the remedies conform to all the principles and practices except in how the remedy is made. And how the remedy is made does not define homeopathy. It’s not an essential piece of the puzzle. However due to the resistance I decided to create a separate artificial therapeutics identity and these have gone through various metamorphoses right to this present day.

Having created a new way of making remedies didn’t mean that I had a clue about how to build an organisation to develop this idea and I failed several times. Looking back, I can see what I needed to do but I didn’t have a clue at the time.

This method proved very successful in all the epidemic diseases of Africa and was very easy to apply. Grass roots nurses with a few days training could use it very successfully for all the epidemic diseases. I extended the system to epidemic traumas like war, genocide and rape with great success and the results were stunning.

I did some work in Rwanda 10 ½ years after the genocide and people who had been in severe PTSD for 10 ½ years recovered overnight. We have used this system in refugee camps and trained many people and treated tens of thousands for trauma too.

We managed to extend it to chronic diseases in Africa by asking a simple question, “What happened before you got sick?” in the case of chronic diseases. And it was either falling off a ladder or having malaria or something similar and when we treated that, the chronic disease was relieved or reversed. We got great results too with sickle cell anaemia (paper published) and epilepsy remedies and I wrote The Second Simillimum and co-wrote Homeopathy for Diseases- www.homeolinks.nl  about all this.

There’s a lot of this clinical information on https://www.arhf.nl/en/home/

and I’m very grateful for the consistent support of Harry van der Zee and his team in documenting so reliably many cases. At the present moment they estimate about 500,000 people have benefited from this way of treatment.

Over the decades since then we’ve tried in various ways to introduce this to the West, and at one point I transferred the technology to audio sounds rather than the standard liquids and pills. My simple conclusion is that all these different methods of delivery work just as well but the advantage of sounds is that you can send them by email attachments.

These chronic disease remedies we have developed have proved highly effective, sometimes stand alone, but more likely in combination with classical homoeopathy or classical acupuncture or holistic anything.

We tend to focus on treating diseases with measurable results so that we get evidence. Blood sugars normalising in diabetes for example. www.Sourcemedicine.zone  offers these. They supply the audios and if you prefer pills and liquids you can get them from two homeopathic pharmacies, again all the info is on www.sourcemedicine.zone

We moved on from treating diseases to helping people reach their potential which in reality is the same thing and it means that you can work with people who are not sick at all and wanting to make that important transition in life from robotic humans to divinely inspired humans. This seems to work too, although it’s a lot more intangible and harder to quantify.

Having reached the age of 80 I’ve moved on again. It’s my conclusion that the human race is on a disaster course towards extinction and I think there’s a few other people supporting this idea. Some of my friends think we are in the next mass extinction like the dinosaurs, that’s the optimists. The super optimists think that some of the human race and other creatures will survive the coming crisis. So, my focus is on what we can do about this.

I’ve discovered how to treat the human race as a whole which at first look would seem to be well above my paygrade and yet I’ve found out how to do it. Some of the limitations: Obviously, it’s necessary to be very well grounded and solid in morals and ethics to even consider this work but it seems possible and necessary. The key thing seems to me to have my ego completely in service of the divine. Not so difficult but not so easy. I’ve followed the teachings of several enlightened people that I know personally or through their teachings. And I have done this for about 50 years, so I think I’m just about able to have this degree of integrity.

And I’ve also discovered by trying, that there are limits to what is possible in this area because the consciousness guiding this planet won’t let me do things that are not in the best interest of Gaia and its inhabitants. But I have a team I work with and together we are figuring out what is possible and I’m in the early stages of doing it.

Unlike working with physical diseases with measurable outcomes, part of the problem here is figuring out ways of assessing what’s happening. Controlled trials aren’t so easy here because there’s no control planet. But it’s my experience that if you start something you can figure out the issues as you go along.

I’ve also discovered a passion for transmutation in line with the teachings of Sri Aurobindo. And I’ve started work on this and it’s incredibly subtle and even more difficult to assess. At the same time, it seems to be working but I can’t say more than that at the moment.

The method of making PC remedies which we now call also SR audios is more than a little controversial and even more difficult to understand and even more difficult to teach. However, I’m in the process of developing a training program for this Source Work so the others who want to explore raising the game of life in any aspect of life from high jumping, team sports, any type of performance/art/dance, to management consulting to treating cancer, to source work itself, and transmutation, are fully equipped with the skills to make the tools necessary to facilitate what they are seeking to achieve. This will be part of my final legacy I’m guessing.  For info.  [email protected]

Just to put some flesh on the bones I include two unedited validations I received just this week:

From USA

I have been meaning to write a testimonial about my experience with the audios for a while now, but honestly have been at a loss of what to say because they have been so incredibly impactful and the task is a bit daunting, my progress has drastically been accelerated since the introduction of these audios. I have done quite a few, mostly working on a variety of psychological traumas from early life as well as recently.

To give you an idea of the impact, when I first came to my acupuncturist 20 years ago, I had an array of physical issues not to mention was living with constant anxiety, and completely disconnected from my mind, body and spirit. I lived much of my life in fear and out of my body, afraid to experience what was in front of me and as a result was struggling in all areas of my life.

When I started on the audios, I started to notice a change immediately. At first it was not pleasant. I began to feel and experience much of the sensations I was trying so hard to avoid: the pain, the memories, the energy, the thoughts and feelings that were associated with all of the traumas I had endured as a young child that had shaped my life experience up until this point.

At the core of it, I believed what many individuals who are victims of abuse believe, which is that they are unlovable, undeserving of love, and ultimately that I didn’t belong in this world. I felt alone, isolated and cut off and mostly afraid of everything. However, the more we did and the more I experienced, slowly over time my heart opened, my body shifted and my entire life experience started to flow in a way it has never been before.

In the beginning of the pandemic, I finally had the courage to leave my husband of 18 years. This relationship was extremely toxic and abusive and I had been repeating the same cycles I had been in as a child. Then, throughout the last 18 months of the pandemic, with my acupuncture assistance and with these audios, I have finally found myself.

Not only am I in the best physical shape I have ever been, but I have more joy, peace and love in my life than ever before. I have an amazing group of friends, an incredible support network, live a beautiful area where I get to run and hike daily and started a non-profit ensemble that collaborates with all of the disciplines of the arts to perform in nature. I have completely shifted from a space of fear and isolation to one of love and openness, and am extremely grateful.

From Kenya

Hi Mr Peter Chappell,

I am xxx from Arhf Kenya, sending you my warm and Love greetings. To say but a few, am very much glad to meet you as my Teacher in Pc Remedies especially Pc 1am and Pc 1af  (HIV/AIDS) which has done wonders here in Kenya so far in Western Kenya Region. As per your work and effort. We have saved the lives of our beloved ones and they are doing well and back to their duties with a lot of Love. Thanks for this.

As per other Remedies, have worked with them in Many outreaches, door to door visits and in Schools and came up with Wonderful results of good health and many are Free from Trauma. This is marvelous and we have more and more cases to prove this.

In 2014, Peter Chappell came to Kenya and introduce for us AMPP (Africa Malaria prevention program) in our primary Schools and I walked with him in Three primary schools for introduction. The program was so good and Many Schools enrolled in it, hence better academic results. And all the schools with AMPP in every zone is the best performance schools here in Nyanza province here in Kenya.

Not forgetting LEAP Program he also introduce, where we feed our pupils with Sound healing, Trauma and fear relief, and stimulate IQ. This is wonderful and we have achieved more things from our Beloved Friend Peter Chappell. Through Leap, good understanding, More love and high concentration, in Learning and bondage (?) is also very High.

In my house have been using Malaria prevention to my family both in sound and pills, Leap for my children. Here is the results – No cases of malaria in my house for years, my children are bright in school and doing well in there exams, they are friendly to each other, high rate of their appetite in eating.

To conclude, Because of the project of Peter Chappell in Kenya, we have gain a lot with his all Remedies more have positive results and also has made us to step ahead. Much congratulations to Peter Chappell for his work and also for his more training to me so that this work he started never stop. Great Great Great May God heal you my Friend. With Love Says XXX ( Kenya).

Postscript. LEAP (Learning Enhancement Africa Program) has three features, resolving epidemic diseases, resolving trauma and enhancing learning. In the study of over 40 schools it showed a 26% increase in academic ability year-on-year based on countrywide standards and results. And virtually every teacher reportedly stopping using the cane. See www.arhf.nl  for more info.

See Peter Chappell’s interview in Homeopathy for Everyone from Aug 2007:


About the author

Peter Chappell

Peter Chappell was a founder and co-creator of the UK Society of Homeopaths, and prior to this an aircraft and then business machines research and development engineer, with patents in air navigation, word processors and the internet, before these latter two things became well known realities. He became a homeopath when he was around 30 and created/directed three significant clinics in London at various stages of his homeopathic practice. He made the first homoeopathic repertory computer, the Micropath, that worked effectively in the consulting room. In the 1990’s he directed homeopathic training programs in 20 countries where previously Homeopathy hardly existed. In celebration of his 60th birthday in 2001 he went to Ethiopia to start his work on AIDS, and at least 10,000 people are alive and well because of this. Peter lives on Dartmoorin, in the UK and has three children and eight grandchildren. You can access all his websites, organisation, blogs, remedies etc. through Amma-Networks.com. He does not run a practice.


  • Impressive life’s work! However it is a shame that your methods are not more widely known or appreciated. In the UK I haven’t heard of colleges teaching your methods nor come across it much outside the colleges. I hope your colleagues can put this right.

    Thanks for your work Peter

  • You successfully treated my son Lewis some 30 years ago, saved the day. I wonder if you could help my Grandson or recommend someone in the UK South if you are not available. Many thanks

  • Wow Finally found you Of course that’s because I actually searched rather than thinking I should THANKS for the kick-start I’ve never left the grassroots Love and affection

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