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Homeopathy Papers

The Dynamics of Our Homeopathic Hospital

The Dynamics of Our Homeopathic Hospital

Dr. Mina Dhas-Vanmali shares the dynamics of a homeopathic  hospital with an active OPD, IPD and specialties like rheumatology, nephrology, paediatrics, gynaecology, surgery and psychiatry.

I am working with a multi-specialty homoeopathic hospital as a seniorhomoeopathic consultant. This hospital has a well-developed out-patient department (OPD) and an in-patient department(IPD). The OPD is divided as per different specialties like rheumatology, nephrology OPD, paediatric, gynaecology, surgery, psychiatry, general and screening OPD, where homoeopathic medicines are dispensed.The IPD is divided similarly by departments like paediatric, psychiatry ward, gynaecology,OBS, medicine ward, ICU and geriatric wards. Psychiatry and geriatric are managed entirely with homoeopathicmedicines.

Any patient who comes for OPD treatment is first dealt with in the screening OPD where we try and understand the nature of his complaint (which system is involved) and then post him for case definition in the identified department after giving an acute remedy. Similarly, a patient who comes to casualty for IPD admission is assessed for vitals and if stable is oriented for homeopathic treatment and started with it.

There are clinical conditions like diabetic ketoacidosis, myocardial infarction or cerebrovascular accident where urgent medical management is required. It is observed that if homoeopathic treatment is started, recovery is very fast, as it enhances susceptibility and sensitivity of patients and reduces hospital stay. Thus, here we have enforced an integrated approach towards treatment of patients, as we feel patients’ speedy recovery from illness to mental and physical health is of utmost importance.

I have always felt it challenging to orient patients to homoeopathy who are alreadyon allopathic treatment.It isimportant to make them understand the role of homoeopathy and they react to this information in different ways. Some comprehend easily and others not so much. As a homoeopath, I know that homoeopathy plays an immense role, not only in treatment of acute or chronic diseases but also in emergency illnesses as mentioned above. If we want to enhance the use of homeopathy, we must have total faith on our science, for if we are not convinced, we cannot convince others. The allopathic consultants working within our hospital are oriented to homoeopathic treatment. Hence, they cooperate in research and treatment through homoeopathy.

About the author

Minal Dhas-Vanmali

Dr. Minal Dhas-Vanmali - M.D.Homoeopathy, BHMS, P.G.D.E.M.S, P.G.D.H.H.M., C.G.O., C.C.H & Diploma in Physiotherapy. I have a private practice at Mumbai and Pune. I have also worked as Sr. Homoeopathic Consultant with M.L. Dhawale Hospital and Research Institute, Mumbai for the last 15 years. We give relief and cure through classical homoeopathy. The cases I have treated include rheumatoid arthritis, OA, spondylosis, ankylosing spondylosis, renal and ureteric calculi, respiratory and skin complaints, female complaints like PCODs and thyroid complaints. Truly an Indian by heart and birth, born to a police officer (now retired Commissioner, railways), I was lucky to travel and study at different states and experience different cultures of my motherland.

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