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The Meaning of the Rubric – ‘Light, Desire for’

Dr. M.L. Seghal explores the broader meanings of the rubric “Light, desire for”.

Light-BulbBefore knowing the drugs covered by the rubric ‘LIGHT, desire for”, it will be important to know the meaning of this rubric and its broader inferential implications. To start with, let’s see its dictionary definition word by word.

Light (n): Something that makes things visible or affords illumination.

Desire (n): A wish, a prayer or request.

For (prep): Directed to.

The broader inferential implications of the word light are given below:


Inference Something which is not heavy in weight, is easy to lift and digest, i.e., to desire for something light which does not burden the body, the stomach and mind.
Version I like light work or I like something soft to eat or discuss something light which lightens the (already burdened) mind.
Inference Something which should have neutralizing (cooling) effect.
Version A person is agitated, wants something which should cool him down.
Inference Light which neutralizes the effects of darkness and brings the things to visibility or the facts to the surface.
Version Dr. What is it that I am suffering from?

Why are you asking this question?

It is just by the way. (I am more concerned with the cure, than to know the cause of disease).


What is the harm in knowing a thing?

Inference Wants positive results.
Version As it was asked of a patient why he was trying to know whether his disease was curable or not and how much time it will take, he replied, ‘simply because I want to be alright.


As another patient says, One must have some knowledge about one’s disease.

Inference Wants some hope to be given.
Version I am asking as the other school totally rules out cure. I don’t want assurance but simply want to know of the possibility.


Dr., if you simply say I will be alright, I shall feel satisfied and continue the treatment.

Inference Wants only to see the bright side of things and does not like to entertain any adverse ideas.
Version Dr., are you sure I shall be cured?


Have you cured cases of my kind?


I don’t want to die. I want to live. Will you be able to help me?


I don’t want to believe a Dr. who says I cannot be cured.


Dr. I have not enjoyed life to the full. I want to do it before I die.

Inference Searching for light or is in search of light, i.e. is in the habit of knowing about everything in general.
Version I am in the habit of collecting information about everything possible. For example, I would like to know in what type of research, you are engaged in to keep it in record with me, so that I may pass it to the needy.
Inference Only wants to know the cause of the disease.
Version Dr., why does this sort of ailment occur? Takes a pause and states, If I come to know of it I shall try to prevent it by taking due precautions.
Inference Wants a hope to sustain himself or, in other words, wants to live with a hope.
Version You want me to leave my Dr. but I don’t want to because I am happy that at least he talks of some hope.
Inference The light seeker will withdraw from the atmosphere which carries bad taste in any form.
Version I can’t entertain ideas, talks, conversations which carry bad taste in any form. I shall like to leave the place at once rather than staying in it for long.


About the author

Madan Lal Sehgal

Dr. M. L. Sehgal took up homoeopathy as a hobby. It later was to become his passion and he conducted research to improve its effectiveness. His method of prescribing has been successful in treating many cases of both acute and Chronic ailments. In 1983, he founded Dr. Sehgal's School of Revolutionized Homoeopathy in India. He authored Rediscovery of Homoeopathy Series, volumes I- VIII - the last series IX co-authored by his sons, Dr.Sanjay sehgal and Dr.Yogesh Sehgal. These give a detailed insight into his method. Written Originally in English these volumes have been translated in other languages, namely German, Italian & Czech. There are dedicated followers of Dr. M. L. Sehgal's Method all over the world.

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