Materia Medica Course on Shameless Remedies with Dr Manish Bhatia
Homeopathy Papers

The History of SHI Homoeopathic College

The founding of SHI Homoeopathic College in Switzerland by Dr. Mohinder Singh Jus.

Dr. Mohinder Singh Jus was born in New Delhi in 1947 as the son of an artist. He studied at the Calcutta Homoeopathic Medical College and Hospital, from which he graduated in 1968 with the “Diploma of Medicine and Surgery”. He studied and worked there under Dr. B. K. Bose, then the last living student of Dr. J. T. Kent.

From 1969 to 1985, he had a private practice in New Delhi. In this time, he was also active as a lecturer and consultant doctor at various homoeopathic universities and hospitals.

In 1985, he came to Switzerland with the objective of spreading the homoeopathy which he had learnt from B. K. Bose. Soon he was not only a busy practitioner, but he also increasingly taught classical homoeopathy. Thanks to his vivid portrayals of the Materia Medica and the homoeopathic philosophy, he soon became a greatly appreciated teacher.

In 1988, he founded the SHI Homoeopathic Institute, the principal task of which was the organization of weekend courses in classical homoeopathy and to create general awareness about classical homoeopathy in the public.  In 1993, he called the Dr. B. K. Bose Foundation and the SHI Homoeopathic College to life.

In addition, he regularly gives seminars for homoeopaths in various European countries.  He is the editor of the homoeopathic magazine “Similia” and the author of a number of publications and the following books:

“Praktische Materia medica”, “Reise einer Krankheit”, “Kindertypen in der Homöopathie”, “Verletzungen homöopathisch behandeln”, “Sport und Homöopathie” and “Homöopathische Erste Hilfe”.
My teacher Dr. B. K. Bose:

Dr. Bijoy Kumar  Bose

I had the rare good fortune of being able to study with probably the greatest homoeopath of my time: Dr. B. K. Bose. He gave me not only a deep insight into the homoeopathic style of Kent, but he also impressed me with his very unique personality.

B. K. Bose was born in India in 1879 as the son of a Judge. The son of a good house soon developed into a riotous rebel against the British occupants. Persecuted by the British as an anarchist, he had to flee to America via France. There, he made the acquaintance of Dr. James Tyler Kent and became his student. Kent succeeded in forming the aggressive, young, former rebel into a great healer. B. K. Bose did his doctorate in the USA with a Doctor of Osteopathics and simultaneously a Medical Doctor. After completion of his medical studies, he was able to return to India unmolested. There, he followed the call to the Homoeopathic Medical College in Calcutta , the oldest of its kind in India and the largest in the whole of Asia . Until his death in 1977, he was the leading figure in the Indian homoeopathic scene. He personally trained most of the homoeopathic teachers in India. He was the personal physician of numerous high members of the government, amongst them Nehru. He himself lived his life in simplicity and modesty. He invested his fees, gifts and his entire inherited fortune in his hospital and used it for the general public. Until his death at the age of 98, he always worked without any intellectual inhibitions.

In his lectures, I frequently heard him say: “It is simple to be a successful physician, but difficult to be a good human.” He not only passed on homoeopathic knowledge to me, he showed me how indispensably important the human qualities of love, goodness and sympathy are for a healer. When I came to him as a young student, he was already 85 years of age. At that time, he was the only surviving student of the great Kent. In the first year, I missed out on his basic lectures, because they did not seem important to me, or because they were on a level which was too high for me. When I later began to recognize the richness of wisdom which he was teaching, I severely regretted my arrogance and from then on did not miss a single one of his lectures. With a great acting talent, he portrayed the various types of remedies so impressively that I can still remember them and still profit from his fine nuances in my practice. Dr. B. K. Bose was a great master of the Materia Medica and its application. I never saw him deviate from Hahnemann’s principles. In his lectures, I recognized that there can be no short cuts on the way to success as a homoeopath. Only with well-founded and detailed knowledge of the Materia Medica, is one in a position to make complete use of the immense potential of homoeopathy for the benefit of the patients.

My teacher was a very sensitive person with a clear view and a deep understanding for the essence of human life. He was able to recognize the problems of a sick person offhand and prescribe the correct remedy. Frequently, he whispered the most conspicuous symptom and the corresponding remedy to me before the patient had even sat down. It astounded me again and again how quickly he found direct access to each patient. His style was so perfect and quick that nobody could get there before him. Again and again, his accurate mental repertorisation astounded us. On one occasion, he paid more attention to the mental stage than to the causation; another time more to the environmental situation of the patient. During the entire period, I never saw him consult a manual. He taught me to look at death differently and to accept it. He repeatedly emphasized how important it is to be able to die consciously. He was a convinced opponent of artificial extension of life for the incurably sick. In such cases, he only palliatively treated the patients with low potencies. His life-long commitment and his missionary zeal for homoeopathy accompanied him to his death-bed. When I came to him to pay my final respects, he briefly woke up from his twilight sleep and said to me: “Take care of homoeopathy”. It is a great honor and joy for me to try to fulfil his last wish for him.”


SHI Homeopathic College  

About the author

Carmen Mueller-Nigg

Carmen Mueller-Nigg has worked in the personnel department of an international non profit organization. From 2003 until 2007 she trained at the SHI Homeopathic College and graduated in 2007. Since then she practices at the SHI clinic in a team of 11 homeopaths under the supervision of Dr. Mohinder Singh Jus. Additionally she supervises students during their practical training in the SHI clinic.

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