Materia Medica Course on Shameless Remedies with Dr Manish Bhatia
Homeopathy Papers

The Light We Hold


Homeopath Patricia Feijo who co-founded the supplement company Daniel Chapter One writes about the conspiracy to silence homeopathy and her own experience with the FTC and FDA.

In response to the Hpathy Ezine Editorial “There’s Light at the End of the Tunnel,” October 2017, I’ve pondered that tunnel, and the light, and write here about my legal case (US FTC/FDA v. Daniel Chapter One) as it parallels the negative reports and untoward regulations on Homeopathy in recent years in Australia, the UK, and the US.

I was sued by the FTC in 2009 for “false and misleading advertisement,” “not based on the falsity theory, but based on the no reasonable basis theory,” and not for Homeopathy, but for dietary supplements used along with Homeopathy to help people overcome all kinds of illness. My worst ‘offense’ was for helping people heal from cancer.

In and out of court for eight years taught me a lot about why and how governments use regulations on free speech to persecute, vilify, and censor information and practices about natural healing. These tactics are nothing new: Hahnemann and his “new school” of healing were likewise treated. He, too, was called a liar.

Since government agencies cannot prove any harm, they call our results fraudulent, unproven, and “not scientific.”  They have to lie in order to make their case, and use ambiguous and arbitrary concepts like “reasonable basis,” and, “competent and reliable scientific evidence.” In our case, they turned those concepts into “double-blind placebo-controlled studies,” the gold standard for new drugs. (In the case of the Flexner report of 1910, the homeopathic schools were held to the same facility standards as the allopathic medical schools to discredit them. It didn’t matter that their libraries were bigger or that the schools attracted the most brilliant minds. They were shut down.)

While Homeopathy is difficult to buy into before one has positive personal experience with it (even Hahnemann said it was too great a thing for him to believe, and implored others just to try it to confirm its authenticity), any major attack against it is not so innocent. This is clearly seen in the corrupt reports used to undermine Homeopathy, and in which lie several key parallels to my dietary supplement case. In neither case was truth sought, but rather, an evil plan – motivated by money and power – was in operation to discredit natural healing in the name of “science.”

The attack against me and my company was instigated by a working group of the Trilateral Commission, a non-governmental, non-partisan, private, and secret “discussion groupmade up of top political and business leaders around the world, with an emphasis on international economics. The group was founded in 1973 by David Rockefeller, with founding director and Marxist Zbigniew Brzezinski.

Brzezinski wrote in his book Between Two Ages:

“Marxism represents a further vital, and creative stage in the maturing of man’s universal vision. Marxism is . . . a victory of reason over belief.”  His goal was “a society . . . dominated by an elite whose claim to political power would rest on an allegedly superior scientific know-how . . . this elite would not hesitate to achieve its political ends by the latest modern techniques for influencing public behavior and keeping society under close surveillance and control.”

This evil, global agenda uses “science” as a tool, a weapon, as we see it being used now against Homeopathy.  The science-so-called they wield is actually scientism; the dogmatic endorsement of scientific methodology and the reduction of all knowledge to only that which is material. Over-reaching with “science,” scientism is used to defend the status quo and stifle free speech; an ideology that neglects the essential, spiritual part of man. If only material existence is real, then all else is of no relevance to human health. That certainly serves the allopathic (mechanistic) pharmaceutical module!

Scientism does not value the individual or personal experience, but rather discounts it. “In the same way that organized religion makes us hesitant to trust personal spiritual truths, medical science has undermined our confidence to make health care choices that are in our own best interest.”  (Larry Malerba, D.O., Scientism, Pathways, issue 55, fall 2017)

In our case, all our witnesses – people sent home to die by allopathic physicians, alive and well after using our products and advice – were blocked in FTC court by the FTC as “irrelevant.” The FTC Judge wrote in his opinion that “The placebo effect of consumer expectations when taking a purported remedy makes it difficult for consumers to verify product effectiveness for themselves. . . A person who promotes a product that contemporary technology does not understand must establish that this ‘magic’ actually works.”

They held our natural products and information to the standard of “double-blind placebo-controlled studies,” at once financially impossible and unethical. If you have cancer, and I know homeopathy and certain products that can help your body fight it, how can I give you a placebo? An unobtainable bar had been purposely set for Daniel Chapter One, as was recently done to Homeopathy in Australia and the US.

We homeopaths love Dorothy Shepherd’s compilation of cases in “Magic of the Minimum Dose.” It seems like magic, but the irony is that allopathic medicine is the real “magic,” mere illusion that drugs heal anything. Homeopathy is based on true science, discovered and repeated through the inductive method of reasoning. Hahnemann called it “Medicine of Experience.” He was a quintessential observer, and noted general laws from particular instances. Allopathy sets out from theory, and uses general principles to create a specific conclusion. (This I saw first-hand when I worked in a Cancer Research lab.)

The attack against my company was disturbingly similar to the 2015 National Health & Medical Research Council (NHMRC) damaging report on Homeopathy, as the VP of the Australian Homeopathic Association explains it (Gerry Dendrinos Interview, Hpathy Ezine, Oct, 2017). Political bias reigned – not true science, but scientism. Plaintiffs (and Judges) in the FTC v Daniel Chapter One, and later the FDA v Daniel Chapter One, were clearly, explicitly biased. Before any evidence had been gathered against or for my company, the FTC head Commissioner gave a speech in which he boasted of destroying bogus cancer cures, thereby protecting the public. Our trial was not about truth, it was intended to destroy us. In an FTC courtroom, with an FTC Judge presiding, our five expert witnesses were discounted for not being allopathic oncologists, and the FTC’s one expert witness who worked for a global chemo drug trial company, Parexel, was paid $20,000 to testify against us.

The FTC made up rules, and stretched and changed the meaning of words throughout the litigation process, basing their case against us on claims we never made but they say we implied. When the Judge rendered a verdict, it was leaked to the media before we or our lawyers knew. In newspaper articles to follow, it said our “evidence was shredded” in court – when in fact, our evidence was disregarded and blocked.

As it was in Hahnemann’s time, the threat we posed was to the coffers of the Pharmaceutical Industry and of the rich and powerful elite, in our case the Cancer Industry and the Rockefeller family. The Rockefellers made their money in oil, and in drugs made from oil refinement. It was John Rockefeller who funded the Flexner Report that crushed Homeopathy in the early 1900’s, paving the way for a dominant pharmaceutical medical system, and David Rockefeller’s Trilateral Commission that crushed my supplement company.

Hahnemann accused his enemies aptly: “Your evil minds pervert what your ignorance does not.” This is what Homeopathy is still up against, and even the ignorance surrounding Homeopathy today has been manufactured by evil minds. People who have never heard of Hahnemann or of Homeopathy are victims of deliberate psychological coercion through disinformation. The enemies of natural healing and Homeopathy continue to teach and enforce the idea that drugs are the answer to every health problem and that all else is “snake oil,” charlatanism. In the US, American Medical history is not adequately taught in schools at any level, and drug ads dominate the media.

Of the entire lengthy, egregious government Order against us, the part we found most offensive and prompted us to stand and fight was a letter we were ordered to print on our letterhead and send to all our customers. The ordered letter, part of an FTC “Education Campaign,” stated there was “no science” behind our products or any ingredients in them, and instructed the recipient that if he/she had cancer they should consult an oncologist. “Only conventional cancer treatment has been proven safe and effective in humans,” it stated, and provided the contact for the National Cancer Institute. We protested, argued, and lost, and were ultimately fined an onerous amount of money, shut down, and my husband was imprisoned.

The “light at the end of the tunnel” Editor Schmukler refers to? As Mr. Dendrinos explained in his interview, he has discovered and exposed factual corruption behind the NHMRC report, and now hopes that through an ombudsman’s investigation into the matter, a retraction of the report will result. If the report is not retracted, he says, “. . . the truth behind their conduct will surface anyway through public scrutiny.” A public campaign has been started to collect signatures online. Already the light is shining!

Perhaps these latest attacks will spawn more and better studies, but Homeopathy should not try to fit into the paradigm of scientism, if it even could. I believe this quote from C.S. Lewis sums up the futility of Homeopathy trying to appease the scientism beast:

“To be incommunicable by scientific language is . . . the normal state of experience . . . The very essence of our life as conscious beings, all day and every day, consists of something which cannot be communicated except by hints, similes, metaphors, and the use of those emotions . . . which are pointers to it.”

Homeopathy values the individual, and the immaterial essence of life. It operates on the spirit and mind of man. It acknowledges and respects the Vital Force. Its proof is largely experiential; who can prove in a laboratory or clinic exactly how it works? But work it does, based on Universal Laws of healing, according to the system set forth by Samuel Hahnemann: “Doctor of Medicine, Hofrath, Leader of the Great Medical Reformation of the Nineteenth Century, Founder of the Homeopathic School,” the title of honor engraved upon his monument in Washington D.C.!  Homeopathy needs to be spoken about honestly, ‘loudly’, written about, taught, not buried by evil or drowned out in the silence of those who hold its truth. We Homeopaths hold the light.

The world recently celebrated the 500th anniversary of Martin Luther’s post of “95 Theses” on the door of Wittenberg Castle Church, exposing corruption in the Vatican hegemony. I am reminded of the power of the pen. Luther’s refusal to remain silent in the debate that ensued, his prolific and carefully crafted written and oral responses to his attackers, opened the door for common people to get information and make up their own minds. He restored dignity to the individual soul, and positively changed the course of history.

In this Digital Era, opportunity to share information abounds. It will get harder for governments and money interests to pass off misinformation and disinformation about Homeopathy, if we are diligent in exposing the darkness in mainstream medicine and of scientism, and by sharing the light of Homeopathy. As the great writer and thinker Midge Decter said, “You have to join the side you’re on.” We need to put our money where our hearts and minds are. Giving to cancer research – the ACS, NCI, or Susan G. Komen Foundation – or any research that is allopathic-minded, like Autism speaks, or any disease-named Society or Fund — funds the enemies of Homeopathy and helps them suppress true cures. Support Homeopathy, and if you can, sign up and even donate to campaigns like  Join your voice with like-minded others! We can prevail against the evil and ignorance opposing Homeopathy, but not without a united effort.


After writing this article, I happened to read a fact unknown to me before: Samuel Hahnemann identified with Martin Luther. He actively promoted the installation of a Luther memorial soon after arriving in Torgau, and added to the ongoing public debate with a literary contribution. He compared himself with the religious reformer: “If the path I discovered by overcoming all common prejudice and calmly observing nature, the only path that will bring healing and health, goes against all the dogmas of our medical schools, like the theses which Luther so valiantly nailed to the church door at Wittenberg once went against the spirit-crippling hierarchy – then neither my nor Luther’s truths are to blame.” Elsewhere he wrote, “. . . our medical art needs . . . the fire and ardour of a steadfast Martin Luther . . .” !

(Robert Jutte, Samuel Hahnemann. The Founder of Homeopathy. Ch. 4, pg. 3. Translated by Margot Saar. Copyright for the English translation: Robert Jutte 2012. Originally published in German. Munich, Germany, 2005.)


Editor’s note:

Patricia Feijo’s book Called to Stand: How a Small Christian Ministry Courageously Stood Up to Government Tyranny, is now available on

Highly recommended!

About the author

Patricia Feijo

Patricia Feijo is a professional homeopath. She graduated from the New England School of Homeopathy in 1993, trained under several renowned classical homeopaths, and did advanced study through the Renaissance Institute of Classical Homeopathy under Dr. Luc De Schepper. She is the author of Called to Stand, the story of how the federal government shut down Daniel Chapter One, a 30-year healthcare ministry (available at Barnes & Noble, Amazon, or WND Superstore).

1 Comment

  • Everyone in the holistic community should read this. Freedom of choice in medicine will soon be a faint memory. Thank you for sharing this.

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