Materia Medica Course on Shameless Remedies with Dr Manish Bhatia
Drug Provings Homeopathy Papers

The Meconium Humanum Trituration

Dr. Paul Theriault reports on his personal proving of Meconium Humanum during trituration.

Meconium is the earliest stool of a mammalian infant. Unlike later feces, meconium is composed of materials ingested during the time the infant spends in the uterus: intestinal epithelial cells, lanugo, mucus, amniotic fluid, bile, and water. Meconium, unlike later feces, is viscous and sticky like tar, its color usually being a very dark olive green; it is almost odorless.

Meconium is the earliest stool of a mammalian infant. Unlike later feces, meconium is composed of materials ingested during the time the infant spends in the uterus: intestinal epithelial cells, lanugo, mucus, amniotic fluid, bile, and water. Meconium, unlike later feces, is viscous and sticky like tar, its color usually being a very dark olive green; it is almost odorless.

The matridonal remedies have become fixtures of practice in the last decades, with authors such as Tinus Smits[1], Melissa Assilem[2], and many others detailing their uses in clinical practice[3]. Many remedies have been placed within this family, such as Lac humanum, Lac maternum, Vernix caseosa, Placenta, Umbillical Cord, Amniotic Fluid, Folliculinum and Oxytocin. Recently Geoff Johnson also wrote on human sarcodes, expanding our knowledge of remedies made from human tissues even further[4].

However one matridonal remedy has yet to be explored, Meconium Humanum. Knowing this I chose to undertake a trituration of this remedy to determine it’s properties as part of my ongoing research for my upcoming book, The Table of Animals. The sample was derived from the drug free home birth of a friend of mine who delivered in February of 2015.

This was a trituration performed solely by myself. The symptoms noted were those which occurred at the time of trituration. The trituration was unblinded. The mental emotional picture of the remedy was very clear, but there were relatively few physical symptoms that emerged.



Performed March 11th 2015:

  • All of a sudden I feel dark, unpleasant, mucky
  • I feel very bad about myself
    • Self disgust. I’m disgusting. I feel very down on myself
  • I feel as if I am choking. I have a feeling in my throat as if I am about to cry
  • I feel like I want to cry, but I cant!
  • I’m very stressed. Emotionally frozen
  • I feel profound regret. I feel worthless, because of something I’ve done. I’ve done something very wrong.



Performed March 13th 2015:

  • Today I have a feeling of anger
    • Now the anger is turning into worry. I’m worried. Am I doing this right?
  • I’m very afraid. I am doing this trituration wrong somehow. I feel as if I will do everything wrong, that I will be always wrong no matter what!
  • I feel like a failure. Like I have screwed everything up somehow!
    • I can’t do anything right
  • I now I feel a bit better and more hopeful, but it is still so easy to sink into failure
    • And I don’t feel very good about myself. I feel like a terrible and worthless person right now. Maybe that’s the reason why I fail at everything
  • I have such low self regard. I a have a big lack of confidence. I’m incapable and I loathe myself
  • I feel like I have definite goals, but that I can’t accomplish them! I’m too weak and too much of a failure to do the things I want
    • And I’ve failed, failed, failed



Performed March 13th 2015:

  • I feel a great sense of regret, and a stabbing pain going from my crown to my shoulder, like a tusk going through my head!
    • It is as if an elephant tusk or curved sword is stabbing me
  • I feel a profound self loathing for what I have done. It’s horrid! It’s too bad to contemplate, too bad to face!
    • I cannot face my past, or what I have done!
  • I feel as if I can only freeze my past. I can lock it away and not process it. I can live a frozen life
  • I cannot process my past. I have frozen all emotion. I cant feel anything much. I do still fear however. I feat what will occur if I face my past
  • I’ve done so much wrong. When I do actually feel my past, all I feel is this limitless wall of despair!
    • It threatens to overwhelm all I have done. I cannot accomplish anything. I cannot do things. This self loathing tears down everything I have done and steals all of my joy and accomplishment
  • I feel a profound fatigue. I’m tired of this.
    • Carrying my past is such a weight
  • I’m stuck. I can’t do anything right now. I am unable to solve this problem
    • Do I stay frozen or do I delve into the horror of the past?
      • I’ve done something wrong
      • Am I such a horrid person?
    • I fear to look at myself. What does my past reveal about my inner nature? What if I am just irrevocably flawed?
      • So I simply keep myself locked into a state of being frozen
        • I’m not real, but I am also not myself. I could be a horrid person!
      • I’m so afraid of what I’ve done. I’m afraid to know myself. If I’ve done this I must be terrible. It is better not to know. It is better to be false than to be terrible!
      • I feel now as if I have gotten lost in something horrible. I forgot who I am, and now it is as if I think whatever horrible things I have done stem from me. I am a horrid person

C1-3 Summary:
The initial three levels of this remedy paint a picture of a being struggling with guilt and regret over past actions. It has gotten caught up in the social movements around it and committed many terrible actions, before it completed layer three, and truly knew itself. Because of this it believes these actions represent its own characteristics, rather than the circumstances of its environment. This causes the being to avoid layer three, feeling that it is better to take on a false persona, rather than its true one, which it believes to be horrible. The negative actions it has committed causes the being immense pain upon recollection. It copes with this pain by distancing itself psychologically, freezing its emotions. When this fails the being feels itself to be terrible, and beyond redemption for what it has done.
Performed March 14th 2015:

  • A deep sigh of relief!
  • I feel optimistic now. The heaviness of past triturations no longer affects me
  • I feel good again. I still regret my actions, but now they seem far less… My actions impact me less than they used to
  • I feel like a good person now
    • Strange that just yesterday my Shan Ren Dao[5] books arrived
  • I feel like a good person again. My deeds that were bad were just mistakes. They were deeds that I did under difficult circumstances. I own true essence and identity is pure
    • A pure identity can still get caught up in social circumstances and have this happen. But even with a covering of regret and mistakes, it still remains pure
  • I can see now that those things that I did weren’t me. They didn’t reflect me!
  • I feel now that it becomes possible to do terrible things both before ones true nature become exposed (especially if ones inherited energy and tendencies were particularly bad) and if one gets swept up into very powerful social energies which can overwhelm the self.
  • Yet all these energies, either inherited or environmental, are less powerful than my self. I am the ultimate influence on my life. And deep down I am good.
    • I feel my own nature. Now I need to express it
  • I can feel my energy body and it doesn’t feel like me. It feels foreign for some reason. I haven’t expressed myself there yet
    • But now I feel able to do so. I feel rays of light from myself (located in the upper chest) reaching out and touching my energy body and aligning it with me, rather than what I was previously aligned with
  • I feel good now. I feel a sense of support for my real self to come through. I feel like I can finally overcome the external circumstances I have been lost in and grow into my true self’s expression


C4 Summary:
This level of trituration gives the being an awareness of its own true inner nature, which despite the series of events it has been involved in, still remains pure. The being realizes that the circumstances it became involved in do not reflect its own inner nature, and it begins to express that inner nature into its own body and energy fields.


As we can see from this trituration, this remedy lies within the third phase of human development, along with the silica series, Smits’ layer 3 and column three of Yakir[6]. Issues of identity and ones own past actions in relation to ones true self are key. This compares interestingly to other humanum remedies, which have a very wide application of series/columns which they span. Unlike most phyla, which span one or two columns/series, the secretions of human beings can be found in all of them. The following chart shows the various series/columns/layers with the matridonal remedies I have thus far verified. More will be published in my upcoming book when the research is complete.


Layer 1 Layer 2 Layer 3 Layer 4 Layer 5 Layer 6 Layer 7
Lac humanum
Lac Maternum
Vernix caseosa Folliculinum
Meconium Humanum


This remedy is currently available from Helios as Meconium humanum. Anyone wishing to access the preparation I have made can email me at [email protected] and I will gladly send it!

[1] Smits, T. Inspiring Homeopathy, Treatment of Universal Layers. Final ed. 2011. Emryss.

[2] Assilem, M. Matridonal Remedies of the Humanum Family: Gifts of the Mother.

[3] See the Deecember 2013 issue of InterHomeopathy for a fantastic selection of Articles.

[4] Johnson, G. Sensational Sarcodes. Sept 2014. InterHomeopathy.

[5] Shan Ren Dao is a system of Emotional Healing within Classical Chinese Medicine. It involves the acknowledgement of ones faults and failings and realignment with the concept of Xiao, filial piety. Literature on this subject is scarce in English. However Sabine Williams has translated two works on the subject “Twelve Characters: A Transmission of Wang Fengyi’s Teachings” by Wang Fengyi and “Let the Radiant Yang Shine Forth: Lectures on Virtue” by Liu Yousheng. They are available on her website at
Other lectures are available in Mp3 format at

[6] Yakir, M. Wondrous Order. Forthcoming. Narayana. Kandern, Germany.

About the author

Dr Paul Theriault

Dr. Paul Theriault is a Naturopathic Doctor practicing in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. He focuses his practice on Mental/emotional health, Musculoskeletal pain, Cosmetic Acupuncture, Weight loss, CEASE Therapy and Advanced detoxification, Hormonal Health and Digestive health. He is currently writing a book systematizing the animal kingdom within Homeopathy, similar to Yakir’s work on Plants and Scholten’s Mineral table. The preliminary work can be accessed at . His website is He can be reached at [email protected]


  • What an interesting subject for trituration and proving! I’m particularly struck by the huge change at C4 where ‘bad deeds’ were seen as mistakes. This is one of the teachings of A Course in Miracles where what we would have once seen as sins are not so but are errors or mistakes.

  • dear dr,
    it is fine to discover a new remedy. new remedy can be trusted when it has been proved atleast by 10 persons. homeopathy can’t be experimented on patients. this pathy is already in trouble in the hands of many homeopaths . most of us has not even acquired mastery on already existing materia medica written by great masters after experience. it is requested that some cases may be given where the MECONIUM HUMANUM has cured to give us confidence in its use

    • Hi Gupta. Nice to meet you.

      Thanks for the feedback.

      I in no way suggest that this trituration contains the sum and total of available or even useful information on meconium.

      The true picture of a remedy emerges over centuries from multiple provings, repeated cases, triturations, research and lab studies and other sources, as compiled from the profession, from those who take a more pathological approach as well as those who, like myself, take a more spiritual or mental emotional approach. A single trituration by a single person can never replace that.

      However, a trituration is a valuable piece of materia medica. It can condense and present a very clear and concise picture of even the most complex remedies. Some remedies, such as Cantharis, though extremely well known have a very poorly understood mental picture which absolutely requires clarification. Trituration is likely the best vehicle by which to do so.

      I would say that I think this trituration contains a good beginning to discovering the mental emotional picture of this new remedy. So far I have but the trituration, and no cured cases as of yet.

      I preformed this trituration, and posted the results because I noticed a glaring hole of the matridonal remedies in thier lack of this particular remedy. I hope it serves as a beginning to the greater exploration of this remedy by others and the gradual expansion of the materia medica with provings and cases.

      Take care

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