Homeopathy Papers

The Psychosomatic Dimension of Homeopathy – III

paryhuber aug image
Written by Dietmar Payrhuber

Homeopathy has a very solid theory about the character of diseases. The cases presented here make the theoretical aspects of homeopathy transparent. They show the rules of the Organon, show the laws of HERING and they show other principles discovered after HAHNEMANN. They shed light on the very different ways conventional medicine and homeopathy go about curing a patient.


Previous article in this series

I. Introduction.
II. A condensed view of SCHOLTEN’s theory.
III. Two cases – Refined Case Analysis based on two Levels of Repertorisation (KENT and SCHOLTEN)

Essences in cancer cases:

IV. Finding out the essence in cancer cases (Two Cases)

This issue focuses on the:-

V. Theoretical aspects
a. Syndrome shifts

Outlook at the final article in this series:

b. Miasmas – in comparison to Constitution and life-conflicts



Theoretical aspects
Syndrome Shifts – A Real Cure


The cases presented here make the theoretical aspects of homeopathy transparent. We may speak of classical cases, which make clear the high validity of the principles that are described in the Organon by HAHNEMANN. The cases show the rules of the Organon, show the laws of HERING and they also show other principles discovered after HAHNEMANN, namely theories described by ALLEN and SCHOLTEN.

As with the previous cases, the cases presented here give insight into a method used in daily practice. Moreover, they will shed light on the very different ways conventional medicine and homeopathy go about curing a patient. Homeopathy has a very solid theory about the character of diseases.

The Elements of Homoeopathy illustrated by three cases:

Hodgkin’s Disease

Ferrum iodatum
(Case 5)

This case begins with a FSME-Vaccination after which constant inflammations set in. The patient was treated by conventional medicine for over four years, by antibiotics, by antipyretics, by anti-allergics and so on. However after these four years of treatment a severe colpitis with discharge set in and was twice suppressed – at that time the growth of tumours began (ALLEN, Sycosis, Stage II & III).

During the first consultation (25.11.1992) we see many symptoms of the patient but there are key notes (movements in the abdomen, suppressed discharge) that lead to a certain remedy to begin with. This remedy is easy to find! But this remedy is not able to cure the tumor!
Because of peculiar symptoms, which promptly started after a vaccination, I prescribed thuja as a first remedy. Taking the first dose of thuja, the lady immediately produced a new symptom: desire for meat (this is the symptom of a deep-acting remedy, which was prescribed 4 years later!).

I will describe here the symptoms the lady suffered from as a result of the vaccination: recurrent infections that lasted four years: throat infections, bronchitis, asthma at night and hay fever, occasional strong headaches, sinusitis, otalgia, stomach pains, bloated abdomen, strongly itching hemorrhoids, pain in the shoulders, dyspepsia with diarrhoea / constipation, food allergy. Finally a colpitis with strong itching and discharge appeared but was suppressed twice. It took me two hours just to listen to her complaints.
These stages of infection of various organs are described by ALLEN as Sycosis II, tumours may follow.

Second consultation, 21.12 1992: patient is pregnant. During pregnancy the patient was treated with several remedies; due to asthma and suffocation, beside other remedies Carbo vegetabilis XM in infrequent doses gave great relief. In 1993 she gave life to a healthy boy.

Similar remedies prescribed for a period of about four years caused the tumour to grow very slowly and chemotherapy could be avoided. Tumors multiplied and grew from 3 to 10 cms in diameter.

Analysis according to the Periodic Table (SCHOLTEN), May 1996 – SIMILLIMUM

In May 1996, a new method and a new form of analysis based upon the analysis of the periodic table by JAN SCHOLTEN made it possible to select a deep-acting remedy that cured the patient and the tumours.

The emotional-mental problem of the lady, especially the strong and constant pressure upon her (inconsistence in family, children, diseases, shifting residence) but moreover her persistence and her overall character have been described in my book “Krebs und Homoeopathie, 2006”; and indicate Ferrum iodatum.

Ferrum iodatum
to be persistent (ferrum) in one’s culture (ideas), or:
forced (ferrum) to change (iodine) one’s culture (ideas)

Ferrum Iodatum
Standing one’s ground
Work, busy, restless
Freedom of movement
Right to exist / emigration
Changing ideas


After initial aggravation, the tumor started to disappear immediately and months later an old symptom reappeared: hay fever; same state as five years ago.

However, before the reappearance of hay fever, the following symptoms were cured by Ferrum iodatum: vertigo, headaches, throat infections, hot flushes, chill, anaemia, red cheeks, asthma, pain in the shoulders, gastritis with stomach pains, nausea, the tumours of the lymph nodes (lymph node conglomerates), acrid discharges, colds (most symptoms on the right side).

The remedy can neither be found by conventional repertorisation nor by the computer, but by the analysis of the periodic table by SCHOLTEN (essence, life themes!).

Discussion of the case (cure / suppression):

The syndrome shifts (HERING’s Rule) are important to find out if a healing process sets in.

Hodgkin’s Disease

Calcium iodatum
(Case 6)

In comparison, a highly malignant Hodgkin’s Disease shows a similar healing process as the one described above:

• leukorrhoea (discharge) is twice suppressed by conventional treatment,
• growth of malignant tumors sets in;
• tumors migrate into the abdomen.
• extensive surgery and radiation,
Suppression of peripheral symptoms (here again leukorrhoea) results in
• development of highly malignant tumors at the cervical region (symptoms go to the center);

The appropriate remedy (calc-i) triggers a healing process, the symptoms disappear or go from above downward. The malignant tumors subside.

In both cases, the appropriate remedy was found by investigated the theme, which indicates a constitutional remedy. Here again a mineral.

2 Cases: calc-i, ferr-iConventional and homeopathic medicine compared.

A conflict may induce the development of a tumor.

Simile, Simillimum and the Rules of HERING:

The symptoms shifts from the center to the periphery (SPACE).
The symptoms re-emerge in the reverse order of appearance (TIME) – see below;

Simillimum (here ferr-i):The remedy integrating the life-conflict reorganizes the whole organism – including malignant tissues.

Old symptoms re-emerge in the reversed order of appearance: in this case, hay fever as an old symptom comes up again (TIME).

The appropriate remedy includes the very individual psychological symptoms, and is able to reorganize the whole organism.

Rules of HERING:
1) symptoms shifts from the center to the periphery (SPACE);
from above-downwards, from inside-outwards,
from the more vitial to less vital organs.
2) The symptoms re-emerge in the reverse order of appearance (TIME);


(Case 7)

In the early summer of 1996, I was asked to help in the case of a 38-year-old woman who was afflicted by a disease with an extremely poor prognosis–so-called Churg-Strauss Syndrome. This is an allergic granulomatous angitis, a systematic inflammation of the blood vessels with all associated complications including transmission of the disease to internal organs and the destruction of these organs. This disease is combined with a complex of respiratory symptoms. The standard treatment is with cortisone, and later with immunosuppressive medication; the prognosis is unfavorable.

On June 11, 1996 this patient came from Tyrol to consult me. One month prior to her visit, nodes had begun to form, particularly on her lower extremities. These nodes are, in part, painful. The advancement of the disease is relatively rapid. It is an allergic vasculitis which leads to a destruction of the blood vessels. This diagnosis of vasculitis is substantiated by blood test results, and the disease is combined with a complex of respiratory symptoms. For 18 years, the patient has suffered from bronchial asthma which has been treated most recently with high doses of cortisone. This asthma had almost completely disappeared two months previously and the cortisone could be discontinued (the patient also reported that she would have stopped taking the cortisone due to the osteoporosis developing as a result of it). And this is the key point in assessing a chronic disease from a homeopathic point of view: the disease shifts to a deeper level (!), threatening-as in this case-to destroy the blood vessels, and is also much more difficult to treat than the asthma which has been present for so long.

The anamnesis makes the course of the disease clear. The patient developed hay fever when she was 18 years old, bronchial asthma two years later; and now, a month after the asthma had become less severe and the patient could discontinue her cortisone, this allergic inflammation of the blood vessels begins!

“During the healing process, the symptoms vanish in the reverse order of appearing.” (HERING)

She is a very nice woman, but at the moment is extremely nervous and upset because of her despair as a result of her disease. She can quickly become enthused with a new undertaking but, if a minor detail does not suit her, she drops it immediately. She can be violent-tempered and stubborn.

Her marriage broke up many years ago. At this time, she is living alone and has no wish to get involved in a long-term relationship. Her father was the central figure in the family and was extremely important for her; her sister now occupies the most important position in her life and she has a strong relationship with her mother. Her career is of great importance. She has a great deal of on-the-job stress and can completely immerse herself in her work.

Of course, we see a clear indication of Silicea, and I would like to get started with it as soon as she has calmed down somewhat. Silicea covers all symptoms; the prognosis would seem to be good!

Naturally, withdrawal symptoms occur due to the very high cortisone dosages over the course of many years. At this time, I insisted that she take cortisone in 5 mg doses-not for reasons of its effectiveness in reducing inflammation, but solely because the organism has become accustomed to high dosages of this medication over the course of many years.

June 17: More relaxed and her mood has improved. She did a bit of hiking in the Alps! The nodes in the legs are the same size as previously or have shrunk. On the telephone, she reports that she is somewhat depressed; new nodes have developed on the right arm and elbow. (Psychically improved, but the symptoms are shifting from the bottom to the top!) To continue Silicea C 9, 7 globules once a day.

June 27: Somewhat improved, happier, calmer, takes everything easier. Nodes better.

July 4: The nodes are not enlarged; much more relaxed. She has been able to reduce her stress level at work. She has a cold and some respiratory problems! The original symptoms are reemerging!

August 5, by fax: For two weeks, severe breathing difficulties and intense pain during coughing episodes. However, it appears to be getting better again. On the other hand, the nodes have continued to shrink and are now barely palpable. The blood test results are now completely normal!

August 13: Was in the hospital. Excerpt from the report: “Churg-Strauss granulomatosis, only a few nodal infiltrates remain on the lower extremities, reddening is completely gone, no pain. All signs of inflammation have clearly retrogressed. The asthmatic difficulties have increased somewhat; the patient complains of coughing and rhinitis. Chest and paranasal sinus radiography reveal nothing out of the ordinary. Blood test is normal (the eosinophilia has disappeared!); the immunoglobulins and complement C 3, C 4 are in the normal range.”
However, she has been suffering from asthma for the last three and a half weeks. The asthma is almost as bad as previously, although she no longer has extremely severe attacks! She continues now to take Silicea C 12 and has the impression that there has been some improvement in the last few weeks. Her energy level is very high. She has the desire for cold drinks, for carbonated beverages and ice cream, as well as for piquant and spicy foods.
(differential diagnosis Phosphorus), continue with 5 mg cortisone, sprays if needed

August 23: Her condition is splendid; the nodes have almost completely disappeared; she suffers from asthma, particularly during periods of cold, damp weather or after having been lying down for a long time. Phosphorus LM XII, every second day

September 5: The asthma has improved by almost 30 percent; the nodes are gone; I have decided to return to Silicea, this time LM IX.

September 24: Silicea LM IX is better than Phosphorus, also for treatment of the asthma. She suffers from nasal congestion, purulent secretions, asthma, particularly during periods of cold, damp weather and during menstruation. Silicea LM XII

October 22: Her condition is splendid; since having begun taking Silicea only every third day (!), she suffers from asthma only sporadically; she is approximately 80-90 percent better; she needs to use the spray only every couple of days. continue with Silicea LM XII
cortisone reduced to 2.5 mg

The blood tests are normal; a physician who treated her at the hospital admits that she was correct in her choice of therapy!

Returned my telephone call in March 1997: She feels very good. The asthma has almost completely disappeared.

July 1997: Silicea LM XII every few days. No vasculitis, no asthma; however, at this time, following the death of her mother, relationship problems have started to emerge which are typical for Silicea. This indicates that she is becoming conscious of the underlying conflicts.


ALLEN J. H.: Die chronischen Krankheiten РDie Miasmen; Rvs-Verlag, Ren̩ von Schlick (Aachen 1987, Bd. 2 1989);
BOERICKE W.: Homoeopathische Mittel und ihre Wirkungen. 3. Aufl.; Grundlagen und Praxis (Leer 1986);
DE BEAUKELAER E.: Enriching Your Homeopathy; Homeopathy for Everyone – Hpathy Ezine; April’07 (online 2007); https://hpathy.com/homeopathy-papers/;
HERING C.: On the Study of Homeopathic Materia Medica; Homeopathy for Everyone – Hpathy Ezine; April’07 (online 2007); https://hpathy.com/homeopathy-papers/;
FLURY R.: Realitätserkenntnis und Homoeopathie (mit Karten-Repertorium), RESCH G.& FLURY-LEMBERG M. (Bern 1979);
HAHNEMANN S.: Organon der Heilkunst, 5., verb. u. vermehrte Aufl.; Haug (Heidelberg 1987);
Kamthan PS: Cancer – Curable under homoeopathic treatment. New Delhi: B. Jain; 2004: 3-4.
KENT JT: Repertory of the Homeopathic Materia Medica and a Word Index, Homeopathic Book Service (London 1986);
PAYRHUBER D.: Dimensions Of Homeopathic Medicine; Published by the Author (Salzburg 1998);
PAYRHUBER D.: Summary of Cancer treatment: Cure or Amelioration of Cancer by Using Mineral Remedies; Abstract of the 60th Congress of the Liga Medicorum, AHZ 05/250 (Stuttgart 2005);
. 1055/s-2005-868652;
PAYRHUBER D.: Krebs und Homoeopathie; Eigenverlag (Salzburg 2006);
PAYRHUBER D.: Cancer and Homeopathy; Interhomeopathy Vol. 09/06; (online 2006); http://www.interhomeopathy.org/index.php/journal/cat/C19/;
PAYRHUBER D.: Krebs und Homoeopathie, AHZ 01/06, 251: 27-34 (Stuttgart 2006);
. 1055/s-2006-932282;
PAYRHUBER D.: Cancer and Homeopathy; English Version to be published soon (probably 2007); subscription possible;
SCHOLTEN J.: Homeopathy and the Elements; Stichting Alonissos (Utrecht 1993);
Scholten JC: Homeopathy and Minerals. Utrecht: Stichting Alonnissos; 1993.
Schroyens F: Synthesis – Repertorium Homeopathicum Syntheticum 6th ed. London: Homeapathie Book Service; 1993.
Zandvoort R: Complete Repertory Vers. 4.5, Software for Mac.


About the author:

Dr. Dietmar Payrhuber

Eduard Baumgarthner Str. 8
A-5020 Salzburg

e-mail: [email protected]

URL: www.payrhuber.at

About the author

Dietmar Payrhuber

Dr. Dietmar Payrhuber - Since 1982 he has had a private practice of classical homeopathy in Salzburg (AT).1991 co-founder of the medical association for classic homeopathy (ACH). He was President of the society till 1994. Since 1993 ability to do precise prescriptions due to in-depth studies about the periodic table of elements, elaborated by Jan Scholten. Since 1994 held several seminars in Bern (CH), Berlin (DE), Budapest (HU), Graz and Salzburg (both AT), focusing in particular on two aspects: the psychosomatic axis of homeopathic medicine and the possibilities to cure tumors. His books include:
Dimensiunile Medicinei Homeopate, 1997 (German version)
Dimensions of Homeopathic Medicine, 1998 (English version)
Dimensiunile Medicinei Homeopate, 2001 (Romanian version)
Homeopathy and Cancer, 2006 (English version)
Omeopatio e cancro (Italian version)

Eduard Baumgarthner Str. 8
A-5020 Salzburg

e-mail: [email protected]

URL: www.payrhuber.at

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