Materia Medica Course on Shameless Remedies with Dr Manish Bhatia
Homeopathy Papers

Tidbits 48: What To Feed Your Kids So They Won’t Wind Up Sick, Or Stupid! (Part-2)

Tidbits 48: What To Feed Your Kids So They Won’t Wind Up Sick, Or Stupid! (Part-2)


If you didn’t see Part-1, read it now or Part-2 will seem incomplete; click below:

Tidbits 47–What To Feed Your Kids (and your adults who eat like kids) So They Don’t Wind Up Sick (Or Stupid!)

Let’s recap some of what we learned from last time:

We talked about how there’s the REAL food and the FAKE food, the latter being what most of us are eating (made largely from 2 ingredients: white flour and white sugar, neither of which exists in nature, both totally fake, and since white flour turns to sugar in your stomach, we’re all getting a huge overdose of sugar!  No wonder diabetes is at an all-time high!)

Excessive amounts of sugar act like an addictive drug in our brains, triggering the production of natural opiates, making kids into addicts, craving junk food, causing them to find real food distasteful and inedible.  It’s the kids who are calling the shots regarding what food they eat; the reason being, like any addict, they are quite demanding and go into extremes of behavior if you don’t give them what they want!  Try telling a drug addict to stop using so much cocaine and see where that gets you!

We talked about the need to substitute whole grains for white flour products.  We talked about shopping at farmer’s markets, natural food stores and buying whole foods as they come from the earth and cooking them from scratch (in other words, avoiding processed food which is heavily laden with sugar and chemicals).

We mentioned a lot of different foods your kids can eat which would actually be good for them instead of making them sick and dull-witted; we talked about how sugar actually slows down immune function, putting children at risk for catching colds and and other viruses.  So let’s move on with Part-2 without any further delay!


Kids love sandwiches–who doesn’t?  But generally, what passes for a sandwich these days, is some kind of meat with processed cheese on white bread with mustard or mayonnaise.  Totally useless as a “food”!  There’s no fiber, and therefore, constipating, and no nutrients to speak of either!  And I have to tell you, constipation is a big problem that parents face regarding their children, some say that it’s so severe, the child refuses to try to use the potty at all!  So, white flour and meat, with their lack of fiber, is causing a real problem!  You know you need fiber to move your bowels, right?  How do we correct this?  What should a REAL sandwich look like?

Well, here’s one.  I made all this food myself.  This is some sort of sandwich on black bread, it’s probably chicken salad, but here’s the thing: it is surrounded by vegetables!  I see baby spinach and a ton of cherry tomatoes.  Why so many tomatoes?  Because they’re farmer’s market tomatoes and they’re out of this world!  Delicious!  Spinach is excellent for constipation!  And I have to tell you, you will NOT taste the spinach.  Uncooked baby spinach has no taste–at all–and easy to chew because, well, because they’re babies!  Just eat it along with the sandwich, all you’ll taste is the sandwich, I promise you, and you’ll be the beneficiary of all the extra nutrients and fiber.

Here’s another one of my sandwiches, on whole wheat bread.  Remember, whole grains have fiber!!!!  You can also see the baby spinach and lettuce and cherry tomatoes on the side.  What’s in the sandwich?  Russian dressing, raw milk cheddar cheese, onions, cucumber slices and avocado slices.

How do you make Russian dressing?  Very simple, you mix ketchup with mayonnaise.  Half and half.  About half a cup’s worth, a tablespoon or so of each–assuming you’re making just one sandwich.  Adjust your proportions as needed.

What about pizza?  It’s nothing but white flour, tomato sauce and processed cheese–a complete disaster; but if you eat the baby spinach along with it, you can undo a lot of the damage, and again, you won’t taste it!

Let’s say your constipated child refuses to eat the baby spinach you place alongside his sandwich; well, this brings us to our next kid snack which they will love, the ever-popular…


For this you’re going to need a special blender that liquifies, like a NutriBullet:

Here’s my NutriBullet, you can see it’s got the spinach in it, along with a frozen banana, a raw organic egg, some peaches or mangoes, blueberries, grapes for sweetness, a cup of raw milk and presto!

You blend it up for a minute, pour, and all you taste is the fruit!  It will taste like ice cream!  Your child will never know there’s spinach in it, and it’s very high in nutrition and fiber, great for constipation!  Makes a great breakfast drink–high in protein and will keep your child focused in school; plus which, you can make popsicles out of it!  Pour it into an ice tray, put a popsicle stick in the center of each cubicle, let it freeze…your kid will think he’s eating junk food! 

And for kids heavily involved in athletics, this smoothie is a must!  Because when you over-exercise, as kids on sports teams always do, you have to be able to support all this extra exertion with nutrients, otherwise all this supposedly “good for you” exercise just becomes a big form of stress that your body can’t handle!  

And you might even want to add organic raw vegetarian protein powder to that smoothie if your child’s an athlete.  The fact is, sufficient protein keeps your child from craving sweets; so, this protein shake in the morning could be a big step towards getting your child off of junk food, and don’t let your efforts be undermined by letting your child have cookies and candy as a snack and as a “reward” for being good; it’s just sugar, and sugar is inflammatory, acidic, constipating and will cause your child to dislike foods that are actually good for him.  

And listen, one more thing:  Cod Liver Oil is a must for the brains of badly behaved children!  The brand I use is Arctic Cod Liver Oil, it comes in flavors.  Orange and Lemon are the best.  Take it right before a meal because it’s fat soluble, not water soluble.

Speaking of breakfast ideas…

Breakfast Ideas

Does your child like the Egg McMuffins at McDonald’s?  Well, here’s the real version of that:

I buttered two halves of a multi-grain English Muffin after toasting them first.  I fried two organic eggs, melted slices of raw milk cheese on top of the eggs.  Looks like there’s lettuce on the side; and you just pick them up and eat them.  Yeah, it can be a little messy–but good!  Very filling!  And if you want to put a piece of bacon on top?  That’s alright with me, just make sure it’s organic; something like this:

Raw milk cheese….  Whole grain English Muffins:

You might say at this point, “Elaine, why does everything have to be ‘raw’ with you?  It’s always raw-this and raw-that!”  Good question!!!  Cooking destroys nutrients; but, not only nutrients, it destroys enzymes too, and it is the often-overlooked ENZYMES that are actually the food’s magic ingredient!  Enzymes are needed to make chemical reactions take place, they’re catalysts!  Nothing happens without enzymes!  The more raw food you eat, the more healing takes place.  Raw milk and raw milk cheese contain enzymes and enzymes make healing possible!  Cooked food, not so much!  

I know it’s shocking because we were brought up to believe that the ultimate diet was 3 cooked meals a day!  But cooked food causes disease.  Try to eat as much raw food as you possibly can.  

What else for breakfast?  Oh look!  A whole wheat pancake with strawberries on top!

Below is an omelet made with organic eggs, raw milk cheese, onions, baby spinach and feel free to add anything you want!

You can serve it with fried potatoes too; only, don’t peel the potatoes first, the fiber and the nutrients are in the peel, and that reminds me, when you bake a potato, eat the whole thing, jacket and all.

We talked about cereal in Part-1 so no need to mention it again.


Learn to make stews and stir-fries!  Look at this great stew I made!

So many vegetables!  OK, first you put water in a pot.  You add chopped garlic; then carrots, celery, yams, tomatoes, potatoes, onions, lima beans, corn…add baby greens at the end because they cook so fast; and really, you can add any vegetable you want; but, it’s delicious, very filling, and no grains!  Which is good because grains are addicting, even though white flour is the worst offender and whole grains so much better, still, some people are allergic to wheat and, you’re just better off if you can find meals that don’t have them.  What’s great about stew?  You make it once and it lasts for days!  Your kid comes home from school hungry, you just heat up the stew!  Heat and serve, so simple!

How long do you cook it?  I’d say between 1 and 2 hours.  If you can sink your fork in the vegetables, you’re done.

I mentioned stir-fry:

This one’s made with brown rice, baby greens, snow peas, mushrooms, onions and bean sprouts.  I often pour soy sauce over these things—but sparingly; it’s very strong.

This next one I made with brown rice pasta:

Here it is cooking on the stove, you’re supposed to stir it so it doesn’t stick to the pan.  You can cook it in butter or coconut oil:

Another brown rice stir-fry:

Kids like spaghetti, right?  Here’s my spaghetti made with brown rice pasta topped with grass-fed ground beef mixed in with organic pasta sauce, topped with grated raw milk cheddar cheese and served with broccoli.  You how to get kids to eat broccoli?  First of all, don’t over-cook it; secondly, grate cheese over top of it!  They will eat it now!  This spaghetti meal actually has food value!

Kids also love MACARONI AND CHEESE!  But the commercially available product is nothing but white flour, processed cheese and factory-farm milk!  Completely worthless!  But all you have to do is buy whole grain macaroni pasta

boil it until soft, strain the water off, pour it in a bowl, butter it, grate cheese over it, pour in some raw milk, mix it all together, and voila!  Maybe you’re supposed to put it in the oven to bake after that?  I don’t know, it’s up to you.  Anyway, real macaroni and cheese! 

It may not be easy for kids who are used to white bread to embrace whole grains; BUT, there are different brands!  Keep trying, there is bound to be a whole grain product your child will eat.  Remember, there’s multi-grain, whole wheat, brown rice, there are all kinds of grains!  We simply want them to be “whole”, not de-natured with the bran removed and the nutrients removed; and you might even explain to your kids, “We found out that this white bread actually has had all the ‘food’ removed from it for the sake of ‘shelf-life’; it can’t go bad that way, so it can sit on the supermarket shelf for months!  They’re trying to trick us into buying food that actually isn’t food at all!”  Maybe if kids understood why the food is being changed in the house, they won’t object so strenuously.

Now for the other staple food dish, we have our SALAD!  You know, the salad can be a whole meal by itself!  That’s what I had for dinner last night–a salad!  my whole plate consisted of nothing but a salad:  lettuce, tomato, cucumber, onions, avocado, garlic, raw milk cheese, baby spinach and Caesar’s Dressing.  Sometimes you can add seafood, like shrimp.  Again, notice, no grains!  Grains make you fat, I hope you know that!  It’s not fat that makes you fat, it’s sugar and grains (and processed food)!

The one below contains a piece of salmon:

There’s lobster and scallops in the salad below:

Shrimp salad:

And now what about cheeseburgers?  Kids love cheeseburgers!  Well, check this out:

First you have to buy the ground beef.  You should be looking for something like this:

Note that it says “grass fed”.  I always fry onions and mushrooms to go with the hamburger and I top it off with raw milk cheddar cheese and here are the whole wheat buns:

Put a salad right next to it, put dressing on it (read the label and make sure the dressing isn’t full of chemicals!)

What About Snacks? 

Kids love snacks and unfortunately, they seem to be allowed to have all the candy, cake and ice cream they want!  There is no more worthless a “food” than candy!  It simply has no value at all and is really nothing but sugar, chocolate and chemicals.  

I’m speechless as usual!

Let’s talk for a minute about soda.  Commercial soda is utterly bankrupt of nutrition!  All it can do is hurt you, as it’s full of sugar, salt and chemicals.  But you might find some half decent soda at the health food store.  For instance, Martinelli’s Sparkling Cider, and Sparkling Grape Juice:


Here’s the honey you should be buying–RAW honey, otherwise, it’s just sugar!)

Here’s the salt you should have:

Himalayan Pink Salt.  It contains all the minerals, not just sodium chloride, which is not good for you.

What about other snacks?  In Part-1 went into a lot of that, but here are some more:

Deviled Eggs!

Do you know how to make deviled eggs?  So easy.  You hard-boil eggs, then cut them in half length-wise, scoop out the yolks, mash the yolks up with mayonnaise and then place them back in their egg white containers and Voila!

Fruit and cheese!

Speaks for itself.  I’m also fond of slices of cucumber with sour cream!  I’m going to have some vanilla yogurt and grapes now, but first I have to do the dishes, ugh!  I hate doing the dishes!!!! 

Well, I hope you’ve gotten some good ideas from reading this; and do pass it on to your parent-friends, and we’ll talk some more next time!

Good Luck!  

Until later….


Elaine Lewis, D.Hom., C.Hom.

[email protected]

About the author

Elaine Lewis

Elaine Lewis, D.Hom., C.Hom.
Elaine is a passionate homeopath, helping people offline as well as online. Contact her at [email protected]
Elaine is a graduate of Robin Murphy's Hahnemann Academy of North America and author of many articles on homeopathy including her monthly feature in the Hpathy ezine, "The Quiz". Visit her website at: and


    • You’re right Alan, everyone SHOULD have this information, it’s life-saving information, and if people just followed these simple eating ideas, they wouldn’t need doctors or even remedies that often. Thanks for reading and commenting!

  • Dear Elaine,

    Read the part 2 of what to feed kids. Very delicious recipes.
    As per your advise moved my daughter from store bought milk to raw A2 milk. I realized that I underestimated raw milk. I have seen anti inflammatory effects almost instantly as that’s how my daughter reacts to food she has. Also noticed that store bought milk caused constipation. But raw milk is like a mild laxative. Moreover she loves the taste of raw milk.

    She has been on green smoothies because they are raw and make body alkaline and very energizing in the morning. Some days she has a quart of this smoothie.

    She’s never been this healthy in the past 4 years. Her friend asked her why her lips are so red. Also occasional indulgence in ice creams hasn’t hurt her.


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