Materia Medica Course on Shameless Remedies with Dr Manish Bhatia
Homeopathy Papers

Tidbits part 12: More Stuff You’re Doing Wrong!

Keeping yourself safe! (Part 2 of “Everything You’re Doing Is Wrong!”)

Does it ever seem like you’re living in a video game?  Everywhere there are snipers, sharks and ninjas…all dressed up like cute little bunny rabbits and friendly farm animals, beckoning you to follow them and do what they say, posing as friends, parent-figures, such that when I try to tell people, “Hey, that’s not good for you!  Don’t eat that, they’re not real bunnies!” no one believes me!  Consider these examples:

1. Table Salt

Everyone knows it’s “kind of” not good for you, but folks, sodium chloride, common table salt, is a poison!  It’s dehydrating, causes high blood pressure, it exists nowhere in nature, it’s highly processed (has to be heated to over 1,000 degrees F, altering the molecular structure of the salt), and “cleaned” with chemicals!  Moreover, to call sodium chloride “salt” is like calling spinach “vegetable”, as if that was the only one!  The fact is, there are are dozens upon dozens of “salts” and we need all of them!

So does this mean we’re not allowed to have salt?  NO!!!  It means we should have REAL salt, like this:


This is ancient sea salt from primordial oceans, it’s 250 million years old, it contains 84 minerals, and is actually good for you!!!  

What is it good for?

1. It helps the cells generate electrical energy

2. It regulates blood sugar

3. It balances pH

4. It promotes regular heartbeat

5. Prevents osteoporosis

6. Prevents muscle cramping

7. Improves sleep

8. Balances water levels in the body

Regular table salt has absolutely no nutritive value and is burdensome to the body’s eliminative organs.  If you’re eating processed food, you’re getting a ton of sodium chloride; all the more reason to start buying whole foods and cooking from scratch!

2. Statin Drugs to Lower Cholesterol

The statin drugs (Lipitor, Crestor, etc.) are a class of drugs in search of a problem!  Dietary cholesterol is not the cause of cholesterol build-up in your arteries!  If cholesterol is sticking to your artery walls, it’s because of inflammation, the cause of which is eating transfats (hydrogenated vegetable oils), white flour and white sugar–in other words: processed food!  The point here is, regardless of how low your cholesterol is, courtesy of statins, it will still stick to your artery walls if they’re inflamed!

These drugs have a horrible side-effect: weakening a person’s muscles, even damaging them to the extent that people have complained of inability to walk, stand, lead normal lives, some have come down with syndromes that resemble Parkinsons Disease and ALS!  One out of four Americans over 45 is on a statin!  That’s a lot of people putting their lives at risk in no cause whatsoever!  Here is a great page for you to read, Joe Graedon’s “People’s Pharmacy” page on statins:

If you are taking statins, you must supplement with Co-Q10, an enzyme needed by your heart, which is destroyed by statins!

All this segues nicely into our next thing that people are doing wrong, which is….

3. Taking Drugs for Everything!

It took me a long time to get the big picture here; after all, I’m as impressionable as the next person; but, I have come to realize that chances are, if something is wrong with you, it’s because of 2 things: processed food and drugs!  

The doctor will not ask you about your diet, he will not say,  “What are you eating?”  In fact, I’ve heard them tell cancer patients, “Eat whatever you want!”  It’s because your doctor is expected to get you started on drugs, the drug companies even monitor them, send representatives to their offices, offer them major incentives to get people started on drugs.  Doctors quickly learn that patients on drugs keep coming back!  It’s a guaranteed income!

My daughter, Shana, is 21; she’s never taken a drug in her life since coming home from the hospital where she was born.  How has she lived this long?  When she was in grade school, one of her teachers asked the class, “How many of you have had an antibiotic?”  Everybody’s hand went up in the air except Shana’s!  If these drugs are essential to health, Shana should be in big trouble right now!  Shana, where are you?  I want everyone to see how healthy you are!

Mom, do I have to be in every article?

I think my articles would look better if you were!  So, what was I talking about……..?  Oh right!  Drugs!  People actually believe that drugs are “essential”, in that they actually cure things and so hold them in the highest regard.  Here are the facts, courtesy of Gary Null, Carolyn Dean, et al in their book, Death By Medicine:

Number of Americans with in-hospital adverse drug reactions per year — 2.2 million.

Number of deaths per year from correctly-prescribed prescription drugs — 106,000.

Number of unnecessary antibiotics prescribed per year for viral infections over which they are useless and contra-indicated — 20 million.

Number of unnecessary medical and surgical procedures performed per year — 7.5 million.

Number of people hospitalized unnecessarily per year — 8.9 million.


Not a pretty picture, is it?

Drugs exist for one reason only: they have a profit-making potential because they can be patented; consequently, no interest is paid to any natural substance that can cure!  Natural substances do not generate profits!

Nothing of a synthetic nature ought to be in your body because your body cannot metabolize it!  A SICK BODY NEEDS NUTRIENTS, not a synthetic substance that acts as just one more stress the body has to deal with on top of the illness!

What your body cries out for when sick is nutritional support because your body is MADE of nutrients!

When you’re sick, it’s a sign that you’ve “run out of gas!”  And what fuel do we, as a species, run on? Fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts and seeds.  Your meals should be made by you, not by a corporation, and they should look like this:

stir fry with tomatoes

This is a stir-fry I made with brown rice.  Pick any vegetable you want!  Here I used mushrooms, baby kale, onions, bean sprouts and cherry tomatoes and added organic soy sauce at the end.  Meat, eggs and dairy should be organic and not from a factory farm!  Beware of the words “natural” and “All-natural” on food labels as they mean nothing!  Only “USDA Organic” means what you think it means.

This is a salad I made yesterday.

This is a sandwich on black bread; here’s what’s in it: Russian dressing (you only have to mix a little ketchup with mayonnaise and stir to make Russian dressing), onions, raw-milk cheddar cheese, lettuce, baby greens and tomatoes.  Do your sandwiches look like this, full of vegetables?

Any chance you get to add vegetables to something, do it!  This is the way to protect your health.  And you know what makes it easy?  These wonderful, convenient plastic tubs they sell in the supermarket (at least at the health food store they do) full of baby greens–spinach, kale, chard, etc.:

And then what you do is, when you’re making a sandwich or salad or an omelet or whatever you’re making, you just pick up a handful of greens and toss them in!

Wham!  You’ve raised the nutritional value of your meal exponentially, and so easily!

You may be surprised to hear that you can’t easily get sick if you eat this way!  You can’t have diabetes, high blood pressure, kidney disease, gout, panic attacks, migraines, insomnia, eczema, sinusitis, heart disease, etc. …. People actually believe that you reach a certain age and bam! you have a stroke, just because you’re that age!  No, it’s what you’re eating!  (and “taking”).

You can’t eat de-natured, de-vitalized, fast food and packaged food and expect to get away with it!  Look at high blood pressure for example.  Every middle-age person and senior citizen is on high blood pressure medication!  Why do they have high blood pressure?  Because all packaged, processed food contains salt!  Just about all soda bottles and cans contain salt!  The excess salt, which attracts water, pulls water out of your cells, dehydrates you, while increasing the blood volume (all the extra water), causing your heart to work harder pumping all this extra blood around, and what does the doctor do?  Gives you water pills to get rid of the extra water, and never tells you to stop eating packaged food and eating at McDonalds–especially since McDonalds is likely to have replaced the hospital cafeteria!  But, can you blame the doctor?  High blood pressure is a goldmine!  “You have to be on these drugs for the rest of your life!”  Oh happy day!  Now the doctor’s got a new regular customer, and it was the food all along!

But of course, sooner or later, even the best of us are going to get sick or injured, and when that happens, there’s something called Homeopathy that I’ve been relying on for decades; a safe, all natural medicine that’s been around for 200 years and actually works!  You’re asking why you’ve never heard of it?  Who’s going to tell you about it, your doctor?

Start with an acute prescribing book, like this one:

And then buy a 30C Emergency Kit from from 


And magically, you’re handling whatever acute issue comes your way–viruses, falls, bee stings, ear aches, sprains, bruises, you-name-it!  Suddenly, your health is back in your hands!

I would not want to be known, however, as the authority on the subject of the medical system being largely a fraud; I will let Mathias Rath, MD do that for me.  Here is his open letter that appeared in the January 23, 2005 New York Times:

“…The pharmaceutical industry is a multibillion-dollar investment business that has orchestrated the largest fraud in human history; it promises health, but in fact thrives on the continuation of disease.  This fraud scheme is easily unmasked: Most pharmaceutical drugs are designed to merely cover disease symptoms, but are not intended to cure or eradicate disease.  As a direct result of this multibillion-dollar fraud business, no cure has been found for cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes or any other chronic disease.  On the contrary, these diseases continue in epidemic proportions, killing about 5,000 – five thousand – Americans EACH DAY. …

The dangerous side effects of Vioxx, Celebrex, Lipitor and Prozac are not the exception – they are the rule.  Due to their synthetic nature, most pharmaceutical drugs are toxic to our bodies, causing organ damage and other serious side effects.  According to the American Medical Association, one million Americans suffer disabilities from taking pharmaceutical drugs and more than 100,000 of them die as a result of this – EACH YEAR! …

…A precondition for this ‘business with disease’…is the suppression of effective and safe — but non-patentable and, therefore, less profitable — natural therapies.  For decades, the pharmaceutical industry has strategically expanded its influence on medical education … generations of medical doctors have not received adequate training in nutritional and other natural therapies. … Tens of millions of Americans have died unnecessarily over the past decades because this lifesaving health information has not been available to them.

…Effective…natural therapies threaten the very basis of the pharmaceutical investment business. … The elimination of any disease inevitably destroys a multibillion-dollar drug market for the pharmaceutical industry.  Thus, the pharmaceutical industry has launched a global campaign to protect its patent-based ‘business with disease’ by outlawing natural, non-patentable therapies at the national and international level. …”


Listen to the doctor!

4. The Flu Shot!

I can’t begin to tell you the number of people today who told me they felt compelled to get a flu shot because of dire warnings of flu deaths on the evening news!  First of all, the pharmaceutical companies practically own the evening news!  But, putting that aside for the moment, do you know what’s in the flu shot, besides one or more flu viruses and egg protein?




Triton X-100 (a detergent)

Phenol (carbolic acid)

Ethylene glycol (antifreeze)

Betapropiolactone (a disinfectant)

Nonoxynol (used to kill or stop growth of STDs)

Octoxinol 9 (a vaginal spermicide)

Sodium phosphate

(I would comment but I’m pretty much speechless.)


What possible side-effects does this shot have?

Life-threatening allergies to the various ingredients

Guillain-Barre Syndrome (a severe paralytic disease)

Encephalitis (brain inflammation)

Neurological disorders

Thrombocytopenia (a bleeding disorder)

Flu-like symptoms


How effective is the flu vaccine at preventing the flu?  Funny you should ask!

Here is a quote taken directly from the flu vaccine (“Flulaval”) package insert-3 for the 2009-2010 formula:

“FLULAVAL is an influenza virus vaccine indicated for active immunization of adults 18 years of age and older against influenza disease caused by influenza virus subtypes A and type B contained in the vaccine. This indication is based on immune response elicited by FLULAVAL, and there have been no controlled trials demonstrating a decrease in influenza disease after vaccination with FLULAVAL.” [emphasis E.L.]

Good lord!  Did you see that?  No proof it works!  Of course, the consumer never gets to see the package insert, too bad because it just acknowledged that there has never been a controlled trial of the flu vaccine and therefore, no evidence that it works!

Of course, I’ve been telling people this for years, that there has never been a single double-blind study of vaccinations where half the subjects were vaccinated and the other half were not and the two were followed through the years to see which group was healthier, which group got more flu, ear infections, asthma, autism, allergies and so on, it’s never been done, but I’ve never seen a written acknowledgement of that fact before but, there it is!

So, if you still feel compelled to get this vaccine, which may or may not work (nobody knows) just remember, the manufacturer can’t vouch for it!

Don’t forget to read part-3:

Tidbits part 13: There Are Still a Few More Things You’re Doing Wrong!


Elaine Lewis, D.Hom., C.Hom.

Elaine takes online cases, write to her at [email protected]

About the author

Elaine Lewis

Elaine Lewis, D.Hom., C.Hom.
Elaine is a passionate homeopath, helping people offline as well as online. Contact her at [email protected]
Elaine is a graduate of Robin Murphy's Hahnemann Academy of North America and author of many articles on homeopathy including her monthly feature in the Hpathy ezine, "The Quiz". Visit her website at: and


  • Thank you again Elaine for another knockout article on healthy living! You have a wonderful way of distilling all this down and explaining it in clear language.


  • Thank you Elaine, for your wonderful passion for human beings health and well-being. I appreciate the way you write about the ever expanding control the pharmaceutical companies are having on doctors and their patients globally. People are being indoctrinated with the so-called ‘science’ of vaccination and medical drugs being the ‘only’ way to health.
    Thank you for flying the flag of truth and educating people about more healthy choices!

    • Indoctrination is truly the word! A fellow homeopath from Canada just told me that a surgeon refused to operate on her mother unless she agreed to 3 vaccinations, HIB and two others! Isn’t this like blackmail?

  • Uno mas de los preciosos y muy orientadores articulos de la Dra. Elaine, Se le percibe bien informada y con una gran capacidad de trasmitir los conocimientos. Siempre al ver la revista, busco sus artículos primeramente. Felicitaciones.

  • thanks so much for your article on statins. people see cholesterol as being bad rather than being something the body needs, Drs keep giving statins even when patients complain of terrible muscle pain & weakness ,very scary !!

  • we are blessed with two daughters 10 and 6. The elder one started getting sick with cough, cold and fever constantly as she was growing. The allopathic docor’s response as to why its happening…”it will happen…the disease is in the air….at least until she is 7….i cant even label her as asthmatic” so he wanted to wait. I was restless to get answers to get her to no cough-cold-fever. I hated to give her 5-sday course of antibiotics. By God’s grace, when she was around 3-1/2 years, we met a homeopathic doc. Ever since all of us completely became homeopathy-fans. What a way to treat!!!!!! Look at the irony…people dont like simple things. So they like state-of-the-art machines for various tests, a big list of drugs. then only they will get well. so not many believe they can be cured by homeopathy. as you think, so shall you get. they actually dont get cured 🙁 sad for them.

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