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Homeopathy Papers

Toxic Overload The Ever-Increasing Allergens Underpinning Disease

chemicals and cancer

Homeopath Elizabeth Adalian discusses toxic overload and mentions remedies and nosodes for specific toxins.

In an article ʻThe Matter with Factsʼ, the author, Shaoni Bhattacharya, states that in 2012, one in eight deaths worldwide was caused by air pollution aggravated by our reliance on fossil fuels, according to the World Health Organization [1]. As the number of chemicals being released into the environment has been markedly augmented each year since the end of the Second World War, this figure can only be growing. Apart from air pollution, toxicity derives from many sources and includes organophosphates found in the food and water supply, chemicals used in cosmetics, food containers and many plastics, drugs – medicinal and pleasure, radiation, vaccinations, as well as flame retardants, formaldehyde, solvents, lead and mercury, to name just some of the possible sources.

Nowadays, the organism is being daily challenged with these many undermining  influences and, in fact, this increase is beyond the capacity of humans to adapt and could also explain why so many species of animals are becoming extinct, not least the bees.

This is illustrated in the advent of new diseases such as ʻGulf War Syndromeʼ, MRSA, Myalgia Encephalitis, ʻStates on the Spectrumʼ, Alzheimerʼs disease, as well as a startling rise in the number of cases of autoimmune diseases, especially multiple sclerosis and Parkinsonʼs, not forgetting diabetes and different types of cancer.

According to Dr. Joe Pizzorno, ND, ʻover 50% of diabetes is due to phthalates, arsenic and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and nearly 45% of Alzheimerʼs disease is linked to DDT alone. Prostate cancer is 31.5% attributable to arsenicʼ [2].

Unless the selected homeopathic remedy covers the specific allergen/s affecting the case, sufferers are likely to continue to find it hard to detoxify from these heavy metals. These toxins will combine to serve as a ʻmaintaining causeʼ. By opening up the channels of drainage through remedies such as Carbo Sulphuratum (in this remedy, the vision is often affected), Nux Vomica, Sarsaparilla – (sycotic cases where mercury may be the culprit), and Sulphur, the patient can be greatly relieved of their continued suffering. Through freeing the energy to respond to these challenges, the constitutional treatment can then be given and take effect accordingly. Often, it should be noted, it is a related remedy which prepares the way for the one which is indicated constitutionally.

This has been illustrated to me in cases, e.g. where the remedy, Lycopodium, seemed highly indicated but failed. When I introduced Chelidonium initially, a remedy with more affinity to detoxing the liver, the cases started to progress in order to pave the way for the combined treatment to take effect.

The fallout from the phenomenon of such marked toxicity which is observable today not only affects the physical body, but also the mood – most notably depression. Many of our patients complain of known allergies but it is often the unrecognised allergens which underpin disease. After all, allergies often mimic other inflammatory diseases such as arthritis, bronchitis, colitis, and migraines. The most vital factor to be elicited is why the patient suffers in the manifestation of their state. Without addressing the origin of the allergic factor in the case – often emotional – the disease, however limiting, cannot be targeted.

This trend is reflected in the erosion of values which prevails in the ʻpost modern worldʼ. This, in turn, affects the mindset which often portrays confusion and insecurity in our patients about their individual identity. This stress layer compounds the original toxic layer which remains a challenging ʻmaintaining causeʼ. The sufferer no longer knows what is theirs and what is not theirs on all levels.

Prolonged stress undermines both the adrenal system as well as the gut in tandem. The gut has as many, if not more nerve receptors than the brain and is even considered to be the second brain [3]. Therefore, it should be covered in the homeopathic prescription in order for the full case (including any suspected allergic response) to be tackled.

Therefore, when treating any case of pathology, one can suspect that an allergen or a mixture of allergens is underpinning the disease and creating the permeability of the intestines (popularly known as ʻleaky gutʼ) contributing to the state. It is well known, for example, that gluten can cause thyroid disorders – especially Graveʼs disease and Hashimotoʼs [4]. Just by removing the gluten, the case cannot be resolved without fully understanding and targeting why the patient has the ʻdis-easeʼ in the first place. This theory can be applied in any illness, as once successfully treated with homeopathy, the aggravating foodstuff or allergen no longer creates the susceptibility.

How does one define an ʻallergenʼ? It represents an imbalance in the immune system that involves the whole body and it is actually an immune deficiency that results in excessive inflammation and lies behind a myriad of symptoms. These symptoms can masquerade  as:

Anxiety, depression, hyperactivity, fatigue, brain fog, bloating, constipation or diarrhoea (the latter two states may alternate in the same patient), fibromyalgia/muscle aches, joint pains, headaches, insomnia, rhinitis, obesity, skin disease, or stomach aches.

These symptoms can lie at the root of arthritis, asthma, bronchitis, colitis, diabetes, migraines, and myalgia encephalitis, as examples.

The bowel nosodes come into their own when treating allergies – many of them appear in the rubric for allergies in the Clinical chapter of Murphyʼs Repertory [5]. Dysentery Co. and Proteus are the ones which cover the stress factor the most acutely, especially when the stress is ongoing. Gaertner is especially indicated after exposure to antibiotics which are known to disrupt the bowel flora and predispose the individual to allergies. Morgan acts after the use of steroids to clear the ʻsoilʼ of any opportunistic pathogens which may be lurking after such strong drug intervention.

I have found Bacillus works well to activate cases needing carbon remedies such as Carbo Animalis – the combined synergy of these two remedies brings about a radical shift towards health in cases which have a recognizable toxic background, often manifesting in intense mental and physical exhaustion. Sycotic Co. relieves cases where Medorrhinum and related remedies such as Natrum Sulphuricum, Nitric Acid, and Thuja may be indicated as the constitutional remedy in the case.

The psoric miasm (Psorinum) and the sycotic one (Medorrhinum) tend toward allergies. Those which dominate here are demonstrated usually in the form of hayfever and rhinitis, as well as itchy skin eruptions. Medorrhinum is more likely to progress to deeper pathology in the form of asthma and disabling discharges. Damp weather aggravates them. The latter remedy is prone to multiple allergies (like Carcinosin).

The miasm which supersedes with an allergic backdrop is that of cancer – Carcinosin. Of course, suppression is marked in this miasm and accounts for the degree of severe pathology which can dominate in the case. The excessive inflammation which affects the immune response is the true indication where this applies. There may be a history of other family members suffering inflammatory diseases or multiple allergies. Often, the allergies appertain to (ironically) favoured food substances in a patient needing this remedy or – in extremis – multiple chemical sensitivity.

The main remedies for allergies, apart from the bowel nosodes and the main nosodes mentioned, include:

Allium Cepa, Apis Mellifica, Arsenicum Album, Arsenicum Iodatum, Iodum, Lycopodium, Mercurius Vivus, Natrum Muriaticum, Natrum Sulphuricum, Nux Vomica, Rhus Toxicodendron, Sulphur, and Zincum Metallicum.

Stomach acid is often depleted in the organism today as the effects of ever increasing toxins combined with stress to take their toll. This becomes worse as one ages and zinc becomes depleted in the organism. Zinc is vital to the immune system and helps to relieve allergic reactions. The clues to zinc deficiency lie in symptoms such as:

Alcoholism, anxiety, depression, fatigue, psychiatric disorders, hormonal imbalances, paralysis, propensity to yeast infections and parasites, as well as digestive issues such as diarrhoea.

Here, one can see some general overlap with the symptoms appearing under the definition of ʻallergenʼ mentioned earlier in this article. This could indicate that many such cases could benefit from the introduction of Zincum Metallicum in low potencies repeatedly to build up the organism.

Even before introducing the constitutional remedy in cases where zinc deficiency plays a role and is given in a case, the patient will often start to show signs of reaction and recovery. In fact, Zincum Metallicum, as it can be seen in the rubric ʻtoxins, chronic effects fromʼ, may well match the deeper level of the case. Then, the potency can be raised to act on that level.

The four main remedies for the chronic effects of toxins include:

Alumina, Causticum, Mercurius Vivus, and Plumbum Metallicum – they all appear in black type in this rubric (chemicals seem to have a deleterious effect in cases needing this group of remedies. All these remedies have an affinity with autoimmune diseases including multiple sclerosis and Parkinsonʼs disease.) Nine remedies appear in italics and include Alumen, Belladonna, Colocynth, Kali Iodatum, Natrum Sulphuricum, Opium, Platina, Sulphuric Acid, and Sulphur.

Fourteen remedies appear in plain type and include Antimonium Crudum, Arsenicum Album, Carbo Sulphuratum, Cuprum Metallicum, Gelsemium, Hepar Sulph., Iodum, Kali Bromatum, Kreosotum, Lycopodium, Manganum Aceticum, Nux Vomica, Petroleum, and Zincum Metallicum.

There is a condition called ʻhistadeliaʼ which was coined by Dr. Carl Pfeiffer [6]. It can lead to allergies, low blood pressure excessive bodily fluids and hormonal fluctuations. The accompanying emotional symptoms include instability, regression, and abnormal sleep patterns. The combination of symptoms can be found in the remedy – Apis Mellifica – where the intensity of the patientʼs state is markedly palpable on observation. This remedy is closely related to Natrum Muriaticum, which may well be the background constitutional remedy to a toxic state first presenting with the picture of Apis.

Bacterial overgrowth often underlies cases where allergens have triggered candida, causing a slowing down in the digestion. A remedy which I have found to be very useful for such conditions is Berberis Vulgaris which promotes detoxification through the kidneys and liver – the main filters of the body. As in the case of Zincum Metallicum, it works well in low dose and repeated over time. Another remedy which can act in such cases – also in low dose and repeated over time – is Butyric Acid. In this case, levels of hydrochloric acid are very low. This can be seen commonly today in the age of fast food combined with increased stress levels.

Here, the main remedies are broken down to encompass those toxins they can eliminate: Alumina:

Aluminium, chemicals (leading to possible paralysis), codeine, artificial foods,

lead, mercury, organophosphates.


Chemicals (leading to possible paralysis), lead, mercury, this remedy often works well in Alumina cases where there is lack of reaction – this applies especially to constipation (in my experience).

Antimonium Crudum:


Arsenicum Album:

Air pollution, antibiotics, arsenic, aspirin, chemotherapy drugs, chlorine, cortisone, chronic effects of allopathic medicines, lead, mercury, pesticides.


Air pollution, arsenic, lead, mercury.

Carbo Sulphuratum: Coal gas fumes, lead.


Chemicals, lead, mercury.

China Officinalis:

Poisoning from chemotherapy.



Cuprum Metallicum:

Chemicals (leading to possible paralysis), lead, mercury.

Dulcamara: Mould


Antibiotics, chronic effects of allopathic medicines, lead, pesticides, organophosphates.

Hepar Sulph.:

Mercury (leading to possible headache and/or paralysis).


Lead, mercury (leading to possible headache).

Kali Bromatum: Organophosphates

Kali Iodatum:

Arsenic, chemicals, lead, mercury.


Antibiotics, chronic effects of allopathic medicines, artificial foods, lead, mercury.

Manganum Aceticum:

Featherbed (leading to possible asthma), manganese.

Mercurius Vivus:

Air pollution, antibiotics, arsenic, chemicals, chemotherapy drugs, chlorine, cortisone, chronic effects of allopathic medicines, lead, mercury, pesticides.

Natrum Sulphuricum:

Air pollution, lead, mercury, mould.

Nux Vomica:

Air pollution, aluminium, antibiotics, arsenic, chemicals, chemotherapy drugs, chronic effects of allopathic medicines, artificial food, lead, mercury, narcotics, pesticides, radiation.


Air pollution, arsenic, chemicals, chlorine, codeine, chronic effects of allopathic medicines, lead, mercury, narcotics.


Chemicals (leading to possible paralysis), lead, mercury.

Plumbum Metallicum:

Aluminium, arsenic, chemicals, chemotherapy drugs, lead.


Air pollution, aluminium, arsenic, chemicals, cortisone, chronic effects of allopathic medicines, artificial food, lead, mercury, mould, pesticides, dioxins.

Sulphuric Acid:

Air pollution, antibiotics, aspirin, chemicals, lead.

Zincum Metallicum:

Chronic effects of allopathic medicines, lead, mercury, artificial food.

One can conclude from this list that, alongside the bowel nosodes and main nosodes mentioned, the armamentarium needed to tackle the growing layers of toxicity is based on many of the fundamental remedies or derivatives of them. Even if the one chosen is not the constitutional remedy in the case, it will individually start the process to pave the way to immunity and resistance to this ever-increasing threat to global health in synergy with the matching constitutional remedy.


  1. Shaoni Bhattacharya, ʻThe Matter with Factsʼ (September 6, 2016) New
  1. ʻ“Toxicity is the primary driver of disease”, says Pizzornoʼ (September 2016), CAM Magazine,
  1. Michael D. Gershon, ʻThe Second Brain – Your Gut Has a Mind of Its Ownʼ, Harper Collins,
  1. Chris Kresser,ʻThe Gluten-Thyroid Connectionʼ, (July 18, 2010),
  1. Robin Murphy, N.D., ʻHomeopathic Clinical Repertoryʼ, Lotus Health Institute, Third Edition,
  1. Carl Pfeiffer, Dr., ʻNutrition and Mental Illness – an Orthomolecular Approach to Balancing Body Chemistryʼ (April 1988), Healing Arts
  1. Leo Galland, Dr., and Jonathan Galland, ʻThe Allergy Solutionʼ, JD, Hay House,

About the author

Elizabeth Adalian

Elizabeth Adalian has been in homeopathic practice for thirty years. She has practised and taught extensively in the UK and overseas, including Ethiopia, the Middle East, North Africa, Turkey, and in Europe. She was formerly a team leader at a homeopathic teaching college in Zagreb, Croatia, overseeing an academic course to support the community in their war recovery. As a result of this work, she developed a special interest in treating trauma, whether due to war or other contributing factors. Elizabeth has written numerous articles on homeopathy, with topics ranging from autism to insomnia. She is a former member of the editorial team of 'Homeopathy in Practice' - the journal of the Alliance of Registered Homeopaths. She is well known for her extensive knowledge of the remedies, especially the lesser known ones, revealing their value for modern day health challenges.


  • Amazing article. Liked the information on role of bowel nosodes. Looking forward for more articles from you Elizabeth.

  • DEAR DR,

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