Materia Medica Course on Shameless Remedies with Dr Manish Bhatia
Journal - Homeopathy for Everyone

Homeopathy for Everyone January 2005

cover volume issue

Homeopathy for Everyone January 2005

 Send Feedback
What did you like in this issue?What other topics would you like us to address? What would you like us to add, change or improve on?Send your feedback, ideas and suggestions to us at [email protected]
 Articles Invited
 Share your articles and cases for publication in Homeopathy for Everyone, the world’s most popular homeopathic e-journal with 40,000+ subscribers. The best international platform to make your work available to the homeopathic community!Send in your papers and cases to us at [email protected]
 Editorial Team
Alan V. Schmukler – (Chief Editor)
Manish Bhatia
Rochelle Marsden
Firuzi Mehta
David Johnson
Elaine Lewis
Katja Schütt
Neil D. Shere
Leela D’Souza
Shirley Reischman
Edward De Beukelaer
This is your Hpathy Ezine
Published – 2011 – Notice-©, All rights reserved. No part of this ezine can be reproduced in any form without prior permission of
 New Beginnings – Dr. Manish Bhatia

“We will keep giving you some cool surprises every few months. This is just the beginning!”

 Hot-Seat Interview
 Diane Fuller – Interviewed by Elaine Lewis

“I find that when an area of the body is touched that has some kind of a blockage of energy they will be unable to continue to extend their arm when it is pressed at the wrist.”

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 New Papers
 ‘Site’seeing Tour on Hpathy – Siegfried Letzel

“Already here at the Homepage, you would have viewed the places we would visit for the next hour. Let your eyes travel with me.”

Ranking The Symptoms – Joy Lucas

“The aim is to get a minimum number of symptoms with the maximum importance and relevance to the case.”

Dosing in Acute Cases – Elaine Lewis

“Take the indicated remedy in a 30C potency 4 times a day for two or three days. Now, here come all the ‘buts’.”

 From the Clinic
 A Case of Hearing Voices – Shirley Reischman

“I have nightmares. …People get killed. I see dead bodies. My parents get injured or killed. I’m hanging onto a cliff and the ledge was breaking.”

Maddie’s Sick – Elaine Lewis

“Guess the remedy! There are people out there who say that if you give a case to 10 homeopaths you’ll get 10 different remedies, and I’d like to show those people that they’re wrong!”

 Materia Medica
  Mercury Salts – Dr. Leela D’Souza

“The remedy indicated in this analysis was clearly MERC SOL. …It was later observed that the patient had marked left sided symptoms besides the throat, which elevated this tendency to a strong general. Hence the choice of Merc IR was more appropriate.”

Rhus Tox – Lowanna Hugall

“He moves this way and that. …as he becomes more restless, and his sister’s complaints of “Sit down, I can’t see the TV!” irritate him still further (“Mind: Irritability, night”). He wants to sit still but ‘ggrrrr!’ What an aggravation!”

 We hope you will enjoy this issue. Do send us your feedback at [email protected]

The editors, the publisher and the owner of, do not necessarily agree with the information provided in various articles and sections of the e-journal Homeopathy for Everyone. The authors and the contributors are solely responsible for their views and comments. Please use your discretion in using any medical/health information provided in this journal. For treatment of any chronic or serious illness, you should consult your Homeopath or General Physician in person. Subject to the jurisdiction of Jaipur, India.

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