Materia Medica Course on Shameless Remedies with Dr Manish Bhatia
Journal - Homeopathy for Everyone

Homeopathy for Everyone June 2005

cover volume issue

Homeopathy for Everyone June 2005

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What did you like in this issue?What other topics would you like us to address? What would you like us to add, change or improve on?Send your feedback, ideas and suggestions to us at [email protected]
 Articles Invited
 Share your articles and cases for publication in Homeopathy for Everyone, the world’s most popular homeopathic e-journal with 40,000+ subscribers. The best international platform to make your work available to the homeopathic community!Send in your papers and cases to us at [email protected]
 Editorial Team
Alan V. Schmukler – (Chief Editor)
Manish Bhatia
Rochelle Marsden
Firuzi Mehta
David Johnson
Elaine Lewis
Katja Schütt
Neil D. Shere
Leela D’Souza
Shirley Reischman
Edward De Beukelaer
This is your Hpathy Ezine
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 Looking for Health – Dr. Manish Bhatia

“There are billions of people who use tobacco products and alcohol. Everyone knows that they are not good for health. Still, they remain readily available to anyone who wants to use them and spoil his/her health. Why?”

 Hot-Seat Interview
  Elaine Lewis

“Oh my God, no! Absolutely not! I used to be in very bad health! I used to eat this stuff too, you know; I once lived at Dunkin’ Donuts! (mmm…donuuuts!!!) I had dizziness, I had frequent headaches, anxiety, depression, agoraphobia, irregular heart beat, sciatica, constipation, couldn’t gain weight…. Oy! “

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 New Papers
  Miasms in Case Management – III – Dr. Leela D’Souza

“Observation and analysis of the miasmatic evolution of disease in the life of each individual patient, perceiving the miasmatic similimum or series of similimums that would be required and recognizing a reversal of the miasmatic progression towards health, is the hallmark of expert homeopathic management.”

 From the Clinic
  A Case of Asthma – Chris Jorgenfelt

“In front of me is sitting a girl that looks at her parents every time I ask her a question. If she answers, it is in a whispering voice. She is not looking at me straight in the eyes, looking down or at her parents instead.”

 Materia Medica
  Thuja – With Emphasis on Children – Chris Jorgenfelt

“Thuja has a reputation to be a difficult remedy to spot, but the main reason for this is that the remedy is lacking in a lot of rubrics and should be upgraded in others.”

The Lustrous Minerals of Group 8 – Joy Lucas

“The ‘sexual energy’ theme in this group of remedies is identifiable via this polarity of energy versus depletion. …In the Ferrum group Scholten calls this PERSEVERANCE. I call it sexual energy because the species cannot survive without this.”

   Homeopathy for Animals – I – Christina Chambreau, DVM

“The next 3 patients are cats with bite wound abscesses. The first is timid and does not mind you palpating the area, which seems to be painless and has been oozing serum. You would start with Silica. The second cat seems fine until you touch the abscess, when he freaks out with the pain, so you give Hepar sulph. The third cat is drooling, and has red gums. The abscess is painful to the touch and has a foul odor. This cat might respond well to treatment with Mercurius vivus.”

Homeopathy in the Countryside – Edward De Beukelaer, DVM

“…the homeopathic vet occasionally has the opportunity to visit farm animals. There is often no room for long consultations, but with some effort it is possible to help them return to better health.”

  Pizza Gets Bad Reviews! – Elaine Lewis, DHom

Find the right medicine ..and win exciting prizes!

Revisiting “More Woes From Windy, Wet Weather” – Elaine Lewis, DHom

and the winner is…

 We hope you will enjoy this issue. Do send us your feedback at [email protected]

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