Materia Medica Course on Shameless Remedies with Dr Manish Bhatia
Homeopathy Papers Materia Medica


Alumina homeopathic medicine for sjogren's syndrome

Drs. P. I. Tarkas and Ajit Kulkarni share their very detailed and inclusive materia medica of Alumina in this excerpt from their book Absolute Homeopathic Materia medica.

Excerpted from their textbook:  Absolute Homeopathic Materia medica
Oxide of Aluminium                                                                                        



Central nervous system; motor part
Spinal cord; lumbar. Solar plexus
Mucous membranes
One side; left, left upper, right lower


Cold air; water; winter. Dry or dry cold weather. Extremes of weather
Warmth; room, bed
After sleep, on waking
Periodically; alternate days; new or full moon; early morning, on waking (mental symptoms)
Afternoon; AM: 4, 6, 4-9 am & 3 am, 4-5 am
Motion. Exertion. Lifting. Lying. Reaching high
Speaking. Sitting (sedentary)
Anger. Disappointment. Frustration. Grief. Excitement. Overstudy
Emissions. Coitus
Suppressed sweat, eruptions, gonorrhoea
Dinner, fasting. Eating, (long) after. During digestion
Foods: Artificial, starches, POTATOES, salt, meat, tea, wine, milk
Lead poisoning. Mercury


Mild weather. Equanimous climate. Mild summer. Wet weather esp. raining (Caust.)
As day advances. Evening. Night. 9 pm-8 am
Cold bath, washing face
Warmth (abdomen). Warm drinks (throat)
Moving about. Change of place. Diversion. Standing erect
Open air. Moderate exercise in open-air,
Eating, while supper




  • Aluminium is the most abundant metal in the earth’s crust and the third most widely distributed element therein, after oxygen and silicon. It makes up about 8% by weight of the earth’s solid surface. With aluminium present in every soil, it is quite natural to find it as regular trace element in plants, animals and in the human body. It is almost never found in the elemental state; instead it is found in oxides or silicates due to its strong affinity to oxygen.
  • Today, aluminum and aluminum alloys are used in a wide variety of products: cans, foils and kitchen utensils, as well as parts of airplanes, rockets and other items that require a strong, light material. Although it doesn’t conduct electricity as well as copper, it is used in electrical transmission lines because of its light weight. It can be deposited on the surface of glass to make mirrors, where a thin layer of aluminum oxide that quickly forms acts as a protective coating. Aluminum oxide is also used to make synthetic rubies, sapphires for lasers and in vaccines, which has become a matter of concern. It’s also a main ingredient in over-the-counter antacids.
  • The human body has a variety of protective mechanisms to reduce the impact of inhaled and ingested aluminium. However, when aluminium is injected our protective barriers are bypassed and about 40% of intravenous infused aluminium can be retained by adults, up to 75% by neonates, and this can remain in the body for a long time. Aluminium competes with essential trace elements needed for rapid growth and development and can cross the placenta and accumulate in foetal tissue causing in utero death, malformations, delayed ossification and growth, and developmental retardation. Aluminium toxicity can cause serious immunological disorders, metabolic bone disease, anaemia and neurological conditions.


  • Paralyses the motor nervous system and dries up the mucous membranes; syphilitic; also, syco-syphilitic.


  • Broken-down, withered (Arg-n.), wrinkled, dry, tired, tottering, staggering, worn-out from old age (cp. Ambr.), enfeebled to extreme lack of vital heat, sedentary. Studious. Scant. Persons who never enjoyed youth physically or mentally (mentally, ). Timid. Apprehensive. Neurotic. Confused as to their identity.
  • Children: Weak, stunted, puny (Caust.), shy (but snappish), wrinkled, oldish (Abrot.), with spoilt nutrition due to feeding on artifical foods; constipated, chorea infantum. Move and behave (like elderly people) soberly. Wake dozed. Blooming. Juveniles. Big bellied (Sanic., Sil.). Craving for indigestible things. Snuffles with constipation (Royal). Brought up in an unaffable set-up. Left-handed children who have been forced to work with their right hand.
  • Girls: Dried up and wrinkled at the time of puberty. Slender, delicate girls, chlorotic, with depraved appetite, < alternate days.


  • Weakness: Nervous. Tremulous. During menses and prolonged after it. After dinner. In summer. In morning. In forenoon; > after bath (also appetite). Tired and faint feeling, must lie down, from talking. Faint like in morning with vertigo > breakfast. Easy fainting. Feverish faintness. Great tremulous lassitude of whole body, < lying down, or even after a short walk (in open air), but especially after talking. Completely washed out. Aversion to all work, even the necessary ones. Continued desire to stretch.
  • Paralysis: Paralytic weakness; of lead workers (Plb.); of arm (lameness); obstinate spastic paraplegia (Lath.). Paralysis of one side, which remains warm. Ptosis of left eyelid. Lax muscles and tendons: prolapse of rectum, uterus. Slowly progressive paralysis, with confusion. Paralysis from spinal diseases. Rheumatic and traumatic paralysis in gouty subjects. (Paralysis agitans, later stage). Transitory paralysis; of arm (cerebral ischemia or lead poisoning), morning in bed; after excitement. Paretic oesophagus, arms, one side, sexual organs, muscles of lower extremities, bladder, rectum; growing paralysis; rheumatic; traumatic; from spinal diseases.
  • Pains: Ascend. Diagonal (upper left, lower right). Constricting. Eating > pains appearing in morning or evening. Aching of bones especially legs, chest and back. Bones feel squeezed.
  • Locomotor ataxia: Cannot walk in dark; fulgurating pains (Phos.); soles feel velvety; knock knee while walking.
  • Spinal degeneration and paralysis of legs (with warmth). Incoordination. Festination. Tottering gait. Shakiness. Unsteadiness. Staggering > walking. Involuntary motions (jerks of the head, shoulder etc.) of single parts; twitching; fingers etc. Jerks / shocks in body or limbs during (first) sleep. Pulsations. Chorea.
  • Epilepsy: During stool.
  • Numbness: Everywhere: toes, fingers, scalp, arms, legs, feet, heels, soles (velvety feel).
  • Universal commotion: Tingling; in genitals, arms, fingers. Cramps in arms, legs on exertion; calves on crossing feet on rising; fingers, toes. Trembling of hand while writing; of knee. Spasms, with laughing and talking between the paroxysms. Trismus. Tremulous excitement of nervous system, nervous tremors from bad news (Gels.); tremors after supper, during leucorrhoea; rapid trembling of chin with every fit of colic; trembling of every part of body, of whole body with a desire to lie down, which, however, worsens the fatigue.
  • Useful in neurological diseases like cerebral palsy, multiple sclerosis, myasthenia gravis, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, tabes dorsalis, guillain-barré syndrome, encephalomyelitis, alzheimer’s disease, parkinsonism, vaccine-induced brain disorders, etc.


  • Mucous membranes: Catarrh with dryness. All mucous membranes irritated (like Alumn.), without much destruction of tissue; congested and weak; thicken; burning. Chronic diseases esp. those of a catarrhal character (as nasal catarrh, pharyngitis, bronchitis, catarrhal phthisis, leucorrhea, gonorrhea, etc.).
  • Discharges: Ropy; acrid, thick, scanty; or profuse.
  • Gouty patients with nodes in joints and paretic exhaustion.
  • Induration (effect of drying-up process). Chronic indurated engorgement of glands. Chalazion (tarsal cyst). Buboes. Cervical.
  • Cancer: From lead poisoning (from aluminium poisoning, Cadm-met.); lupus. Epithelioma.
  • Nails: Brittle (Sil.); thick-horny; glossy; (spilt); distorted.
  • Fissures: < Winter; from washing. Rhagades; cracked tip of nose termini.
  • Blood: Obstinate spastic anaemia. Chlorosis at puberty. Haemorrhages. Intestinal hemorrhage in typhoid. Purpura haemorrhagica.
  • Arteries: Atheroma.
  • Swelling: Arms, fingers, feet, face (swelling in pockets i.e. sinuses).
  • Feeling of fullness in internal organs. Plug feeling in ears, throat.

Peculiarities and behavior

  • Dryness: Everywhere. Mucous membranes. Dry crusts. Skin. Eczema. Head. Eyes, dry granular lids. Ears. Nose. Throat. Nerves, leading to paralysis. Spinal column (locomotor ataxia). Dried up appearance. Mind. Desire for dry food. Several modalities like < from dry weather, warmth, new and full moon, after menses, < from potatoes (due to solanin content, an alkaloid, which produces dryness of mucous membranes and inhibits the stomach secretion) and > while eating (as it diminishes dryness by provoking secretions) – all these typify the ubiquitous dryness.
  • Chronicity: Complaints constantly relapse, getting better and worse with varying degree of severity. Relapses with alternatingly mild and severe degree of troubles. Action slow but deep (Graph.). “ of chronic diseases.”
  • Erratic: Disposition: Active and dull or bold and timi Coryza: Obstructed, dry and fluent. Appetite: When nervous, takes to eating, when rheumatic, anorexia. Behaviour: Laughing and crying. Urine: Copious or scanty.
  • Sluggishness: Everything slowed down. Sluggish functions. Actions delayed. Feeble conductivity of sensations: feeble nerve receptors; the impression reaches the brain but slowly (). Tendons to paretic muscular states. “Do nothing” cases e.g. no effect to function, no action of bowels or bladder, no speech, no consciousness, inactive oesophagus (Op.). Slow eaters.
  • Lack of animal heat (Sil.), coldness, yet desires to be in open air. Goes to bed as cold as a frog but when warm again feels uncomfortable, two extremes coming together. Cold limbs, hands, legs, feet, knees, toes. Takes cold continually from every change of weather or draft. Extremes unbearable (cp. Sil.).

Reflections by W. Gutman (BHJ, Oct 1960)

  • “Maintains the normal water content of organs of reception and holding (pharynx, larynx, stomach, rectum, bladder); holding and retaining as it does in nature through the layers of clay which hold and retain water. Potentized Aluminium does the same curative action of holding and retaining the body fluids, the “waters of life” as it does in nature.”


  • Ailments from anger, disappointments, conflicts, suppressions, being scorned, being punished.
  • Confusion: Confused; undecided; irresolute. Confused as to consciousness of personal identity; as if consciousness were outside his body and as if someone else had his perceptions or he was perceiving through someone else’s organs. “Thinks his mind is someone else’s.” Confusion of old people. Cloudiness and drunken feeling alternating with pain in kidneys. Inclination to stare, as in dementia. Dazed; children wake bewildered.
  • Mood: Variable. Alternating moods e.g. self-confidence, courage and timidity; dullness and alacrity (cheerfulness). Anomaly: Wants a change, yet hates change in situation; cannot live alone, but presence of people embarrasses him. Bipolar disorder.
  • Loss of identity: Dispersed (like light molecules of Aluminium). Distracted. Loss of reason and decision. Attack of loss of identity and knowledge of surroundings (Art-v., Scler.). Bad memory. Chooses a different expression from what he intended.
  • Easily offended. Tearful, shy disposition ().
  • Depression: Depressed mental state; < on waking. Low spirited; melancholy, apprehensive, fearful, fear of going crazy (loss of reason). Sad and despairing. Feeling of guilt. Hypochondriacal, morose, whining, gloomy, ageing. < a.m.; > as day advances. Serious. Matter of fact, cut and dried (routine). Non-humorous. Joyless and comfortless. Pessimist: discontented with everything. Feels he is in wrong set-up. Hypochondriasis. Prophet of doom. Evil ideas force themselves against his will. Takes everything in bad part, in a gloomy and discouraging light. Involuntary sighs. Nothing goes right. Fervent prayers.
  • Occasional outbursts (rage, that leads to violence), but usually of quiet disposition; but may be curt. Irritable, peevish, fretful. Weeping against his will. Impulsive, with fear of his own impulses. Compulsive ideas and impulsive acts (Leeser); must have a book white eating, even while taking milk. Suicidal tendency on seeing knife or blood.
  • Wants to get away (from this place) hoping that things will be better there. Is indisposed for any occupation. Impatient. Suspense-hater. Hasty, hurried, but slow of action (execution), hence mistakes in speaking, writing, etc.; time passes too slowly (Cann-i., which, however, has exaltation). Eats slowly. “Don’t push me” attitude.
  • Fears: Nightly esp. if alone; strikes on epigastrium; boyish (unaccountable); of examination, trial, ordeal, interview, medical check-up; of appearing and addressing in public; of: crowds; dark; ghosts, death, disease, blood, evil (or unfavourable); losing reason; misfortune; robbers; new undertaking; committing suicide; dogs.
  • Softened; mellowed. Meek, resigning, yielding following dictates. Quiet and resigned (locomotor ataxia-Lilienthal). Reticent, but good natured. Dependent.
  • Great anxiety and apprehension. Nightly anxiety. Timorous; cowardly; timid; shy. Epicure, pleasure seeker. Ecstatic. Fastidious. Forgetful, absent minded, abrupt, is not sure of himself, cannot walk in dark or with closed eyes, dryness in mouth on swallowing (lack of gastric juice); after gonorrhoea and suppressed condylomata.
  • A case – A old lady, does not love her husband, nervousness of long standing, sight of pointed sharp things impels suicidal thoughts, shrugging of shoulders, drooling from corners of mouth; examination funk; cannot stand any ordeal, trial or unfavourable situation.



  • Vertigo: Spinning, objects whirl in old people. Alternates with renal pain. With nausea; > wiping eyes, after breakfast; < talking; smoking; liquor; opening eyes.
  • Dizzy stupefaction (intoxicated feeling) in head; alternating with pain in kidneys; with paralytic weakness in limbs in morning; with cramp like numbness up to the left leg or in left arm.
  • Effects of using hair works containing lead.
  • Headache: Increasing when going to bed, ceasing in morning on rising. Stitching burning pain in head with vertigo < in morning, but relieved by food or cold water. Pressure in forehead as from a tight hat. Compressing as in a vise. Throbbing headache, with constipation. Headaches partly due to constipation and partly due to chronic catarrhs, when discharge slacks off. Pains in the head as if someone were hugging at one’s hair, > lying. Chronic headaches which attend or follow obstinate or severe fever of ague. Semi -lateral affections. Old rheumatic affections of same side.
  • Falling off and excessive dryness of hair; more when constipated. Scalp itch, numb and sore when the hair is touched or pulled.


  • Asthenopia from irritated conjunctivae. Weak internal recti. Weak, changeable vision, glasses fitted with difficulty. Loss of power of upper eyelids especially left (ptosis). Strabismus; from paralysis of internal rectus. Squint in both eyes, < dentition.
  • Ophthalmia: Senilis. At night agglutinated, by day full of tears. Burning and dryness without much destruction of tissue. Lids dry, burn, smart, thickened, < in morning. Chronic granular conjunctivitis. Chronic blepharitis. Catarrhal conjunctivitis with burning and dryness, little discharge.
  • Objects look yellow. Yellow halo around candle light. Eyes feel cold on walking in open air. Cloudy vision, as if in a fog. Dim vision as if looking into a mist. As if hair or feather before eyes. Wipes eyes constantly due to itching.
  • Feeling of adhesion of lids to eyeballs. Eyelids often turn out.
  • Incipient catarrh. Inclination to stare, as in (senile) dementia.


  • Roaring. Whistling. Bell ringing.
  • Discharge, purulent. Eustachian tube feels plugged.
  • Hot, red ear; one, in evening; with peevishness; paroxysmal.
  • Deafness (paralysis); for voice but acute for noises.


  • For years disposition to catch cold. Nose drips while eating. Fluent coryza from one nostril. Scabs with thick, tenacious, acrid, yellow mucus. Atrophica sicca (chronic atrophic catarrh). Membrane distended and boggy. Snuffles of children. Paroxysmal nose stuffing. Discharge morning and evening.
  • Septum of nose swollen, red and painful to touch. Point of nose cracked, nostrils sore, red; < touch. Tettery redness. Red tip. Ozaena; with pain at root of nose.
  • Sense of smell diminished.


  • Dusky, wrinkled old look. Red and pale alternately. Clayey complexion and eruptions on face after fever of ague. Blueness of vermilion border during and after fever. Coppery redness. Greasy (esp. nose). Chapped lips with peeling.
  • Feeling of heaviness. Tension feels as if albuminous substance had dried on it; or cobweb (also on other parts of body not covered by clothing); a peculiar sense of crawling, sits and rubs face and back of hands all the time, carries hands to face as if to brush something Rush of blood (congestion) to face after eating.
  • Involuntary spasmodic quivering. Twitching of lower jaw in haemorrhage from bowels. Tensive pain in articulation of jaw when opening mouth or chewing.
  • Blood boils and pimples. Nodules. Lupus vulgaris. Leprous pimples (tubercles).
  • Acne, with redess, itching < (after) noon, hair falls more when more constipated, dry mouth, skin dry and smarting after bath, likes cold bath and cold water on face, peculiar appetite, when once begins eating goes on eating; desires sour, spicy; dreams accidents, robbers; girls at puberty, no sweat.


  • Gums dirty, grey, swelling, sore, bleed easily and ulcerate; scorbutic; saltish blood seems to come from the teeth; ulceration of all the roots. Saliva sweetish or sour.
  • Teeth covered with sordes, thick mucus on; feel elongated; pain extends to other parts. Drawing pain extending to neck, shoulders. Pain during pregnancy.
  • Aphthae: Sore mouth, with increased saliva. Minute sores in mouth. Fetor. Taste: sour after wheat, bread, milk; sweetish; fatty; lost.
  • Tongue: Clean (intermittents); yellow. Drooling down.
  • Dry mouth (and lips), esp. on walking in morning; feels dry, with salivation.


  • Hawks mucus after eating. Scraping in evening. Thick tenacious mucus drops from posterior nares. Always expectorating. Great dryness which induces frequent clearing of the throat, < in evening. Persistent pharyngitis (Borland). Swallowing with effort, paralytic condition of throat or oesophagus.
  • Soreness: From onion in food; clergyman’s sore throat in thin subjects; dry, sore, food cannot pass, oesophagus feels contracted; can swallow but small morsels at a time; throat looks parched and glazed; irritable and relaxed throat; feeling of splinter or plug in the throat; warm drinks swallow better. Ulcerated sore throat. Knife like stabbing on attempting to use the voice.
  • Uvula hangs down; cough from elongated uvula. Tonsils swollen. Every cold settles in the tonsils (Calc-p.).


  • Eructations: Chronic tendency; in spare, dry, thin subjects; for years < in evening (Lyc.); esp. in the aged. Eructations while eating, with pressive pain in chest. Habitual, loud, sour, bitter and very frequent belching. Regurgitation.
  • No desire to eat. Irregular appetite. Rabid (extreme) appetite; he is almost always hungry. Eats slowly. Cannot stand fasting. Sinking (or gnawing) sensation from want of food (< 11 am); > eating. Faintness at pit of stomach > by satisfying the depraved cravings. Fullnesss, > deflation (see Respiratory). Constricted feeling; extending to chest and throat.
  • Desires: Vegetables, fruits, soft food, starch, rice, acids, cloves, coffee (or tea), grounds, chalk, charcoal, indigestible things, dirt, clean white rags, dry food, coarse food, hot drinks; spices, highly seasoned foods, condiments; pickles, sweets.
  • Aversion: Meat, beer.
  • Worse: From starch, esp. of potatoes, onions and other tubers; abuse of farinaceous food; milk; salty food; cold food and drink; warm food; meat; tea; rice; garlic; vegetables; fats. Indigestion from simplest food; turns into gas.
  • After a meal: Orgasm of blood (to chest) with heat of whole body and sweat (also heat) of face; congestion to face; a jerk or shock through head and limbs like electric shock when he attempts to sleep; oppression (esp. after potatoes, rice); sleepy. Several painful symptoms after midday meal, which subside only in evening but may give place to others. Pains appearing in morning or evening are relieved after eating, however.
  • Dyspepsia: From deficiency of gastric juice. Acid dyspepsia. Deathly faintness (with cold sweat). Sinking in pit (at 11 am) > eating. Faint like nausea in morning, > wheat bread. < smoking; liquor; during menses. Vomiting, with dry hacking cough (< morning) and arrest of breathing.
  • Ulcer: Gastric, intestinal, entero-colitis.


  • Left sided abdominal complaints.
  • Pains: Like painter’s colic (retraction of abdomen, > heat); from potatoes. Pressing in both groins towards sexual organs. Flatulent colic. Stitches in left side of abdomen (to chest).
  • Paralysis of lower bowel similar to lead.
  • Jaundice after influenza. Tenderness or shooting in hepatic region, < bending.
  • Strangulated hernia of abdomen. Protrusion and incarceration of inguinal hernia.
  • Flatulence; incarcerated. (Flatulent twinges in chest). Oppression; after milk, > eructations. Distension with orgasm.


  • Constipation: Of children; fed on artificial milk and foods; of painters. Slow and difficult evacuation dependent upon want of contractile energy in bowels (peristalsis); of old people from inactive rectum; from lack of secretion in intestines in women of very sedentary habits; pregnancy; no desire; women of very sedentary habits; pregnancy; no desire; even a soft stool is passed with difficulty (Nicc-met.); hard ones cause severe cutting (or a sense of excoriation). Last part of stool comes out after hearing the rush of flush.
  • Stool: Pipe-stem stool (like ). Ball like. Sheep dung like. Hard, dry, knotty. Adherent and like soft clay. Scanty in small bits. Covered with mucus. (Marble like masses in Alumn.).
  • Great straining. Eructations preceded by painful urging long before stool and then straining at stool. Tenesmus recti et vesici. Dysentery. An urging to stool every time one urinates or involuntary urination after each stool. Rectum fissured, sore, dry, inflammed, bleeding; itching and burning at anus. Proctitis. Pains from rectum to ankle or up spine.
  • Hemorrhage: In typhoid, blood coming in large bright clots looking solid like liver (Alumn. stools of dark clotted blood in large quantities).
  • Haemorrhoids < in evening, > night’s rest.
  • Diarrhoea: While urinating; on drinking, > lying on abdomen. Cholera infantum, green stools, summer complaint. Deflation: loud; offensive.


  • Prostate: Hypertrophy. Prostatic discharge. Pressing, full unpleasant sensation and pain in prostatic region during coition, at the beginning of erection.
  • Kidney pain with mental confusion; alternating with vertigo, cloudiness and drunken feeling.
  • Old people: Frequent desire to urinate in old people with dribbling of few drops. Urethra burns with micturition. The stream is interrupted when a patient stands (Leeser) or passes urine better standing (Pulford). Weak urinary system on awaking. Fear of wetting bed (urine) or soiling clothes (stool) in old people.
  • Urination: Slow in starting (retarded); can be passed only while standing at stool; must wait or strain. The urine burns when he does some exercise, feels no discomfort after urinating after sitting awhile. Seminal discharge burns (as of urine).
  • Urine: Thick; sediment whitish or gritty; reddish (brick dust like). Scanty in a.m. or in rheumatic troubles or copious in p.m. or in neurotic troubles; (incipient diabetes?).


  • Excessive desire; tickling in sexual organs; onanism.
  • Involuntary emissions when straining at stool, arousing all his old complaints. Numerous troubles after emissions (weakness etc.).
  • Gleet: Painless discharge of small drops of material remaining for months staining yellow. (Ulceration of urethra). Suppressed gonorrhoea.
  • Organs are worn out from overuse.


  • Menses: Too early, short, scanty (or profuse), pale, followed by great exhaustion. (It takes a woman nearly all her time to recuperate from one menstrual period to the next, so exhausted in body and mind). During menses: Miserable, palpitation, flushing, agitated circulation, disturbed sleep, migraine, colic etc. Woman near climaxis.
  • Leucorrhoea: Egg-white like or yellow, acrid, bland, transparent, ropy, with burning; profuse or only during daytime; after menses; running down to heels; > by washing with cold water; after acetate of lead.
  • Aphthous ulcers in vagina. Ulcerated and hardened os uteri. Even scirrhus of the portio. Painful throbbing in vagina.
  • Delicate women with gonorrhoea; women who have had gonorrhoea prolonged by palliation ( and Thuj. failing).
  • Pregnancy: Toothache; constipation; gastric and abdominal symptoms.
  • Mammae: Pulsation, in.


  • Hoarseness: Has superseded Arg-m. for singers and talkers, voice trembles and lets down. Aphonia; sudden. Voice is better after clearing throat. Hoarse and hollow voice from spinal affections.
  • Cough: Removed the earlier sentence. Winter cough of old or worn out people. Constant, dry, hacking cough; with vomiting; spurting of urine; interrupts breathing; with sneezing; soon after waking in the morning; on talking or singing; from condiments (irritating things). Every morning a long attack of dry cough, ends with difficult raising of a little white mucus. Loose morning cough and a dry evening cough (Squil.).
  • Congestion of chest (and head and face); after suppressed haemorrhoids. Stabbing pain on attempting to speak or sing. Tickling in larynx.
  • Pains: Stitches in pit and chest (left), extending upwards coming out at shoulder (or extending to left external throat and left arm to little finger with tingling, with short breath and anguish; < on descending. A stitch when stooping from left abdomen to middle of chest. Pressing pain at night after suppression. Sore pain in left (or right) chest on carrying heavy loads or lifting; from talking; walking; riding, in spring; sitting; lying on back (> lying on side); swallowing; after eating. Sore pain after dinner till 10 pm. > lying down, but returns next morning (with cough), with a weak feeling in chest, short breath and empty eructations; from morning till bed time. Wheezing, rattling respiration.
  • Oppression: < bending head forward, potatoes, milk soup; > eructations, walking in open air. Chest feels constricted; contracted feeling with apprehension. Oppression, heaviness like a stone; with tightness of chest. Feeling of intense tightness with oppression at the chest esp. when stooping. Intense weight at the chest at night; oppression on walking, about 4-5 a.m.


  • Cardio-neurosis to start with.
  • Orgasm with increased pulse and trembling of hands when writing; after eating. Thrusts at heart. Palpitation with large and small beats intermingled; after eating, alternates with oppression of chest; (during digestion); on waking.
  • Anxiety (and oppression or fluttering palpitation) about the heart (with sudden heat and sweat; as if sweat would break out); 4 to 5 a.m.; > after rising (quivering).
  • Coronary thrombosis. Coronary insufficiency. Atheroma or earthy deposits on cardiac or cerebral arteries (in old people); causing ischemia (loss of personal identity, transitory paralysis etc.). Arteriosclerosis.


  • Jerks at the back of neck during sleep. Stiffness in neck and upper part of back in morning; > motion.
  • Pains: Burning; like hot iron pressing on. Bruised feeling in back and limbs as in fever and ague. Bruised pain in the small of back while at rest. Gnawing pain as if from hot iron. As of hot iron thrust through lower spine (vertebrae). Burning pain in upper angle of left scapula > friction. Stitches. Stabbing pain as of a knife in joints of lumbar vertebrae. Pain along cord, with paralytic weakness. Shooting in right side of neck.
  • Swelling of glands on left side of neck.
  • Spinal degeneration and paralysis of lower limbs, inability to walk except with eyes open or in daytime. Locomotor ataxia. Festination (hurried movements, holding things etc.). Tender soles.
  • Scapula: Pain (left); extending (via chest) through arm to fingers.


  • Jerking, twitching, heaviness, trembling, tingling, numbness. Trembling of hand when writing. Legs weak, tremble when walking. Restless limbs at night.
  • Pain in arms and fingers as if hot iron penetrated.
  • Heaviness: Of lower limbs; staggering, can scarcely drag them; in feet with lassitude and torpor with numbness of legs at night. Arms and legs feel heavy. Arms feel paralysed. Paralytic weakness in limbs, with stupefaction of head.
  • Stiffness: Rigidity (stiffness) with hands; feel as if they were asleep early on awaking, > after rising and walking about.
  • Numbness: Nates go to sleep while sitting. Heels feel numb on stepping. Legs feel asleep, esp. when sitting with legs crossed; of limbs on pressure. Tingling in left forearm.
  • Rheumatism: Traumatic. Paralysis in gouty people. Old rheumatic complaints. Pain in shoulder and upper arm. Rheumatic pain in left hand.
  • Nails: Glossy and brittle or thick. Brittle skin on fingers. Gnawing beneath fingernails. Panaritium with brittle nails.
  • Soles: Tender, sore on stepping; numb, feel soft or swollen.
  • Toes: Red, itch. Stitching pains in, while walking, extend upwards first (left).
  • Cracks of palms and heels. Distended veins of hands.


  • Restless. Sleep but a slumber.
  • Dreams: Amorous, anxious, confused, robbers, vexations. Quarrels. Pleasant or unpleasant. Water. Boat. Brain work. Horses after him. Ghosts. Falling. Approaching death.


  • Dry, rough, cracked skin; esp. in winter; dries after bath with little or no sweat or rare; withered, shrivelled, tettery.
  • Itching-burning over seat of pain. Itching > cold application. Itching without eruptions. Intolerable itching when becoming heated from any cause, even getting warm in bed. Must scratch until it bleeds, then becomes painful. No burning. Eruptions < winter; every new or full moon. Moist or bleeding after scratching, discharge yellow, (ropy).
  • Eczema: < new and full moon, potatoes, > open air. Eczema rubrum. Eczema fissum. Gouty eczema. Neurotic eczema. Coppery eruptions. Leprous pimples.
  • Ulcers: With hard base. Panaritium.
  • Lowered resistance of the skin of a neurogenic type (e.g. defective elasticity of the skin); nutritive disturbance of skin. Skin becomes excoriated and inflammed even after little injuries.


  • Chilliness: Frequent chilliness during day with feeling in limbs as if he had caught cold, then heat of face in evening; or fever at night (with anxiety and sweat). Chilliness > open air; < warm drinks; < motion. (Internal) chilliness with hot cheeks and cold hands. Icy cold feet with heat in head the whole day (hot face and head, cold hands and feet). Continual disagreeable coldness of hands. Chilliness at 4 p.m. lasting till evening. Evening paroxysms from 5-8 p.m. Alternate evenings. Chill with great thirst and nausea.
  • Heat: With itching; without thirst; with anxiety at night; with sweat; of right side of body; < motion. Feverish shuddering towards evening (every other day) without thirst, or appetite; sleeplessness and restlessness, tossing in bed. Chilliness, constant eructations, bitter taste, frequently gathering of saliva, great lassitude, headache as if head would split (esp. above in vertex) and vertigo ().
  • There is not much chill, not much fever, but the passive, slow, sluggish process more of chronic type.
  • Fevers accompanying myelitis or other spinal affections, constitutional symptoms guiding.
  • Typhoid: Haemorrhage, blood comes in large clots looking like little pieces of liver (, stools of dark clotted blood in large quantities); dropping of blood followed by a stream of blood with soreness (Guernsey); painless; weakness. Must strain at stool in order to urinate.
  • Sweat: Prominent on face, often on right side of face. At night in bed, toward morning; < motion. Inability to perspire, skin chemically dry. Dry skin even in hot weather. Offensive foot sweat.


  • (Al2O3) is mainly aluminium silicata and hence similar to Sil. i.e. SiO2.
  • Chronic: , Con., Lach., Phos., Sep., Rhus-t. Both Nat-m. and Alum. are chronic of Bry. Nat-m. antidotes ill effects of Alum.
  • is termed as “Acon. of chronic diseases.”
  • Symbiotic: Arg-n., Nat-m., Phos., Sep. Is a cocktail of , Puls., Arg-n., Caust., Lyc., Op., Plb., Phos., Rhus-t., Sep.
  • Acutes: , Bry., Lach., Ign., Puls., Nux-v., Phos., Chel., Sep., Sulph., Tub.
  • Follows well after: Alum-sil., Arg-m., , Lach., Morg., Nat-m., Phos., Psor., Sulph., Syph., Tub., Zinc.
  • Counterpart: , Iod., Mag-c.
  • Compatible: Arg-m., Arg-n., Ars., Aur., Bry., Con., Lach.
  • Alum. to antidote lead and Cadm-met. to antidote Aluminium.
  • Antidotes: , Cadm-met., Cadm-o., Cadm-s., Cham., Cocc., Ferr., Jab., Lach., lead, Nat-m., Op., Sep., Vit.E (for cooking in aluminium utensils).
  • Antidoted by: , Bry., Cam., Cham., Cocc., Ferr., (Hep.), Ip., Lach., Nat-m., (Phys.), Op., Puls., Sep.
  • Sep. may beget Alum.
  • Trios: -Mag-c.-Sanic. Alum.-Carbn-s.-Plb. Con.-Bar-m.-Alum. Bry.-Alum.-Nat-m. Nux-v.-Sep.-Alum.
  • Similar: , Arg-n., Bar-c., Bry., Calc., Carbn-s. (ataxy, paralysis, senility, lead poisoning), Caust., Cham., Con., Cop., Cur., Ferr., Ferr-i., Graph., Hep. (paralysis of rectum and bladder), Ip., Kali-bi., Lach., Mag-c., Nat-m., Op. (intestinal torpor, ‘do nothing cases’, antidote to lead), Phys., Pic-ac., Plb., Puls., Ruta, Sel. (constipation), Sep., Sil., Sulph., Zinc.
  • Compare: Lyc. is a vegetable analogue. Lyc. is abusive, overbearing, ambitious, insolent and has disposition to contradict while Alum. is more low spirited, resigning and fragmented. Alum. has atrophy of ego leading to ego lysis while Lyc. tries to maintain ego of hypertrophic type. Alum. more hurried and impulsive than Lyc. Both have lack of confidence but Alum. goes to confusion of identity while Lyc. goes to loss of intellectual faculties. Lyc. is more for hocus pocus, sycophancy, deception and manipulation than Alum. Alum. is more dry mentally and physically than Lyc. Both take everything in bad part but Lyc. wants to be a winner by hook or by crook.
  • Sil. is a brother of Alum. Both are found to be associated with each other in nature. Both are chilly, pensive, anxious and shy. But Alum. is more fragmented and dispersed than Sil. (Aluminium molecules are more light weighed than sand). Sil. is refined and maintains its space; Alum. can’t maintain it and goes for loss of identity. Alum. is hurried and impulsive than Sil. and doesn’t know what he wants. Pathologically, Alum. is drier than Sil.; Sil. more suppurative than Alum.


About the author

P I Tarkas

Dr. P. I. Tarkas (1908-2000), the doyen of homoeopathy, belonged to the 20th century generation of sincere and dedicated homoeopaths of India. He worked like a Trojan throughout his life for the cause of homoeopathy. The work he left to posterity will not go into oblivion. Upgrading materia medica and Repertory in an authentic way was the mission he took up in early 1950 and worked endlessly and selflessly for over 50 years.

About the author

Ajit Kulkarni

Dr Ajit Kulkarni M.D. (Hom.) is Director, Homeopathic Research Institute, Pune, A veteran homoeopath, an academician and a famed international teacher. A classical Homeopathic physician, he has been practising for 35 years. He has given over 100 international seminars and workshops in different parts of the world. Dr. Kulkarni is co-author: Absolute Homoeopathic Matera Medica, Five Regional Repertories: AIDS, DM, Thyroid, HTN and Trauma . Also, author of Body Language and Homeopathy, Homeopathy through Harmony and Totality (Three volumes),
Law of Similars in Medical Science, Homeopathic Posology, Kali Family and Its Relations, Homeopathic Covidoscope (published by Amazon) and over 100 publications on various aspects of homeopathy, papers and books translated in several languages, He has Award of ‘Excellence in Homoeopathy, Award of ‘Homoeo-Ratna, Life achievement Award, Dr. B. Sahni Memorial Award.,
He is a member, Editorial Board, National Journal of Homeopathy, Mumbai / E-mail ID: [email protected]


  • ALUMINA,anxiety despair of recovery from illnesses,leads progressive damage spinal motor nerves functions make you look spare and wrinkled even in mid age that in natural way happens in old age,warn symptoms are lumbar region burn legs weak tired,mucous membranes irritate with acrid thick secretions and ropy tenacious leucorrhea,morning palpitate heart time pass seems long no joy in work when you are too busy time passes quickly.even soft stool pass needs effort,anxiety-motor nerve paresis axis.old era homeopaths did not look below neck cobweb sensation on face with pressure in forehead is ALUMINA and cobweb with painful parotid tonsilitis easily catch cold is low vital heat BARYTA,improve constitution temporarily by homeopathy for complete cure Bhagat Kabir Doha anxiety is burning pyre take care own way remove lumbar burning without any pathy.locomotor ataxia stage cannot be reversed by homeopathy easily and homeopathy is not miracle cure pathy only preventive and warns early as faithful dog warns owner of stranger on door.

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