Materia Medica Course on Shameless Remedies with Dr Manish Bhatia
Materia Medica

Indian Homeopathic Drugs

Dr. Dubey presents materia medica of the Indian Homeopathic Drugs Abroma augusta, Achyranthes aspera, Aegle marmetos and Aegle folia, Blumea odorata, Caesalpinia bonducella, Calotropis lactum, Carica papaya, Cephalandra indica, Coleus aromaticus, Clerodendron infortunatum, Cynodon dactylon.

Abroma augusta (Olat Kambal-H, Devil’s Cotton-E)

The plant of Abroma augusta grows wild throughout the hotter part of India. In ancient times, it was used therapeutically as an emmenagogue in menstrual disorders. Late Dr. D.N.Roy of Calcutta proved this drug. A tincture of the drug is prepared from its leaves according to class III of American Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia. It is used in diabetes insipidus with very gratifying results.
Clinically it is indicated in Diabetes, albuminuria, enuresis, debility, vertigo, sleeplessness, carbuncle, amenorrhoea and dysmenorrhoea. In brief, it has its action on all the systems of human body, which are similar to Camphor, Acid-phos, Uranium nitricum, Syzygium and Lactic acid but it is an excellent remedy for amenorrhoea, dysmenorrhoea and diabetes. It is indicated in irregular catamenia where there is tendency to appear before proper time and lasts for a short or for a long period.

Abroma radix (Olat Kambal root)

This drug is prepared from the root of Abroma augusta. It causes the menses to appear and gives the tone and strength to the uterus. It may be compared to Pulsatilla and Viburnum opulus in this context. Mentally such patients are ill tempered and are easily angered. It suits the best in lowest dilution—Q, 2x and 3x. This particular drug may be used for easy abortion minimizing the scope of D & E operation.

Achyranthes aspera (Latjira)

It is a small herb commonly found all over India. The drug is astringent, diuretic and alternative. It is applied in menorrhagia, diarrhea and dysentery. Khar is largely employed in anasarca, ascites and dropsy. It is also employed in cutaneous affections, enlargements of glands and to loosen expectoration in cough. This particular drug has a great reputation in Dog-bites, bites of snakes and venomous reptiles. It is applied both externally and internally as per the condition of the case. Its juice is sometimes used in toothache and its paste as eye-salve (anjan) in opacity of cornea. Medicated oil is dropped into the ear in deafness and noises in the ears. The diuretic properties of the plant are well known to the natives of the Indian and
European physicians who have been using this valuable drug in dropsical affections. The homeopathic mother tincture is prepared from the juice of leaves and branches. Further and thorough proving of the drug may replace the diuretic drugs applied by modern school, which may prove safe and the best for the sufferer.

Aegle marmelos and Aegle folia (Bel)

It is a tree of indigenous origin found wild all over the sub-Himalayan forests in Bengal, in Central South India and Burma. It is also cultivated to a great extent. The Hindus hold this tree sacred. Its leaves are ternate and presented to God Shiva as offerings by the devotees.

The root bark of the tree is used in the form of a decoration as a remedy in hypocondriasis, melancholia, intermittent fever and palpitation of heart. It is an important ingredient in ‘Dasamul’ or ten roots used by the Hindu physicians. There are two types of fruits— fruit with seeds and fruit without seeds. Fruit without seeds is a rare feature. In practical life it has been experienced that fruit with seeds has more effective clinical indication in constipation and abdominal disorders as compared to fruit without seeds. In short, it can be communicated that the pulp of Aegle marmetos is a remedy for constipation while Aeglefolia is a great remedy for diarrhoea.

Guiding symptoms:

1. This drug is very useful in dropsy, bleeding piles, diarrhea and dysentery.
2. A very remarkable sign of this drug is the swelling of the upper eyelid, which is similar to Kali carb, but the swelling of the former relates to the gastric disorders while the latter to the renal disturbances.
3. Aegle marmetos is a remedy of constipation whereas Aeglefolia is a remedy of choice for diarrhea.
4. Aeglefolia may be very efficaciously used in cases where the dropsical swelling is due to heart disorder.
5. It is equal to Digitalis in heart disorder but in Digitalis the pulse is irregular or intermittent and slow whereas he pulse of Aeglefolia is full, strong and regular.
6. It is also an excellent remedy in Beri-beri.
7. Even in case of influenza where fever is of continued nature and the eye-lids are swollen Aeglefolia is an indicated remedy.
8. It may be used with success in ordinary catarrh, bronchitis and Pneumonia when some sort of swelling of the body is seen.
9. The case of chronic fever associated with hepatic and splenic disorders accompanied by swelling may be benefited by the use of Aeglefolia.
10. It may be compared to Lycopodium and Nux vomica in constipated load with wind in this regard.
11. It is a marvelous remedy in cases of seminal weakness and impotency.
12. From miasmatic angle it may be considered as an anti-psoric remedy and can be applied in cases of itches and ringworm.

It may add here that Aegle marmetos contains almost all the identical therapeutic properties ascribed to a Aeglefolia. It can be asserted that none of these preparations appear to possess any specific therapeutic properties to cure either amoebic or bacillary dysentery; but in chronic cases with the symptoms described above, its efficacy is sure and certain. In chronic gastrointestinal catarrh, where patients suffer from flatulent and colicky pains, it has a decided effect to check them.
Dilution: Q, 3x, 6, and 30 potencies of both varieties are usually used.

Blumea odorata (Kukundar)

It is a common herb in India. Its fresh leaves look like the leaves of tobacco. It grows largely in deserted places or lands. In ancient times this herb was used as an anti-haemorrhagic remedy by the Hindu physicians. It was found efficacious in bleeding piles, bloody dysentery, bloody leucorrhoea and miscarriage, associated with copious bleeding in other hemorrhages. The whole plant and seeds are used as medicine.
Therapeutic Properties:
1. This drug has been found useful in the burning of the body.
2. It has pain due to rheumatism and ordinary or dropsical swellings.
3. It was also used by the Hindu physicians for the purpose of aborting abscess and bubo.
4. It was used in Syphilis, Itches, Gonorrhoea, Dysmenorroea, and Constipation, Worm complaints of children, Sunstroke and in fevers appearing every other day.
5. Dose: Juice of leaves, 1 to 2 tolas; powdered root, 2 to 8 annas; decoction of the root bark, 5 to 10 tolas. (1 tola= 12 grams, 1 gram=16 annas)

Homeopathic uses:
1. No Homeopathic proving of this drug has been made so far. But some of our Homeopathic fellowmen have used its tincture with encouraging success.
2. Its usefulness has been marked and recorded in controlling hemorrhages from the uterus, piles and dysentery.
3. It is an excellent remedy in bleeding piles.
4. It has highly positive results in diarrhea or dysentery mixed with blood.
5. It is also used with excellent results in miscarriage where there is copious bleeding.
6. It is also effective in bloody leucorrhoea.
7.It is capable of arresting profuse bleeding in case of hemorrhages.
8.It is a marvelous remedy in tertian fevers. Even the swelling of its leaves checks the appearance of such fevers.
9. It is a good medicine for cough and hoarseness. Its cough is associated with barking sound and hoarseness.
10. Dilution: Q, 2x and 3x generally used.

Caesalpinia bonducella (Kubrakshi)

This drug awaits extended provings in Homeopathy. The part provings done as yet project this drug as an effective remedy for chronic fevers of intermittent character.
1.There is enlargement of spleen with hardness and pain in touch.
2. Fever is very irregular and may come on any time.
3. It appears with chilliness and shivering one day and on another day in the afternoon with slight chilliness.
4.This drug produces mental depression and lack of enthusiasm.

Calotropis lactum (Milk juice)

This medicine is prepared from the glue or milk juice of Calotropis gigantean. The cases which are not benefited by the employment of Calotropis gigantea usually yield to the therapeutic properties of Calotropis lactum. Its main indications are— purging, vomiting, toothache, enlargement of the spleen, diseases of eye and skin are generally cured by its application.
Dilution: 3x, 6x potencies are generally used.

Carica papaya (Papaiya)

It is a useful, small, soft wooden tree. Its green fruit is an edible vegetable whereas the ripe one is sweet and delicious. It is used commonly in liver complications and disorders of digestion. The remedy stands unproved as yet. It is very efficacious in helping digestion of very weak patients. It is best adopted in fevers with enlargement of spleen and liver, dyspepsia and indigestion. It acts best in jaundice.
Dilution: Q, 3x generally used.

Cephalandra indica (Kanduri ki bill)

It is a perennial creeping herb with long tapering tuberous roots and deep green leaves. It grows wild in Bengal and in other parts of India. It is indicated in diabetes, biliousness, bilious complaints, poisonous boils, abscess and carbuncles, burning pain all over the body, profuse urination, giddiness, dysentery (white and bloody); headache due to excessive exposure to the sun, chronic fever associated with burning of eyes, face and other parts of the body; dropsy, jaundice, hemorrhage from stomach and blood poisoning, etc.

Coleus aromaticus (Patherchue)

No proving of this drug has yet been undertaken. But some of the Homeopaths have used its tincture with wonderful success in the affection of urinary organs and suppression or retention of urine in case of cholera. Two or three doses of this drug proves enough to remove the distressing condition. It can also be applied in gonorrhea where there are burning pains during and after urination. Besides, the aforesaid complaints it can be successfully employed in Cystitis, Vesicle catarrh and gonorrhea.
Parts used— Leaves.
Dilution— Q, 2x generally used.

Clerodendron infortunatum (Bhanta)

No systematic proving of this drug has been made by any of us. Its tincture prepared from the leaves has been used by the homeopaths of our country. It is an excellent remedy in diarrhea associated with nausea. It is indicated in loose evacuations associated with worm symptoms where the stools are liquid, of deep yellowish color and frothy. It is similar to Ipecac and may be used as an excellent substitute for Ipecac and Pulsatilla. As a vermifuge medicine it ranks first in the list and its therapeutic property has been acknowledged by the physicians of all schools of medicine.
Parts used— Fresh leaves.
Dilution— Q, 3x, 6 and thirty potencies are used.

Cynodon dactylon (Durba)

This drug needs mention as no Homeopathic proving has yet been made. It is a common grass growing in India and is neglected one but its therapeutic properties developed on Homeopathic principles may be of immense value for the ailing humanity. It has been found to be an excellent remedy in haematemesis, epistaxis, haemoptysis, menorrhagia, leucorrhoea, dysentery, bleeding due to cuts and wounds, scabs, retention or suppression of urine and catarrhal ophthalmia. It may also be administered in case of chronic diarrhea, dropsy and general anasarca. It is efficacious in dysuria, irritation of the urinary organs and also in gleet.
Parts used— Entire grass and roots.
Dilution— Q, 3x.

Earning knowledge and acknowledging the secret of natural order in the field of medicine is an extensive phenomenon. Under the circumstances searching the past and researching, future may be a creative step in the interest of annihilating the sick-humanity. Further, a safe escape from impending death by the application of a remedial agent that has been slightly proved or might not have been proved but has been used empirically with complete success and efficacy must not be discarded while our aim is to protect and save life.

About the author

R. Dubey

R. Dubey


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