Materia Medica Course on Shameless Remedies with Dr Manish Bhatia
Mother Tinctures


RUDANTI or CAPPARIS MOONI extract or Mother Tincture Homeopathy Remedy

Rudanti is among the most mysterious and most sought after in Indian mythology. While the miracle associated with this herb is due to its alleged potentiality for resurrecting life. So this plant is commonly known in Sanskrit as Sanjeevani booti as it prolongs the life and prevents the onset of old age.

The whole plant is used for medicinal purpose. Traditionally, the plant is used in diabetes and asthma. It is used as an expectorant, stomach tonic, and antibilious. The plant has anthelminthic, digestive, tonic and aphrodisiac, purposes, enriches the blood and is useful in constipation, leprosy, asthma and urinary discharges.

In parts of the Middle East, the whole plant is boiled and taken as a tonic, aphrodisiac, expectorant and  to stimulate the appetite. It is also given as vermifuge, to treat constipation and as a purge in jaundice. In India the plant is used as an antiseptic, and the leaves, roots and seeds are taken as a tonic.

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