Materia Medica Course on Shameless Remedies with Dr Manish Bhatia
Scientific Research

A Compendium of Articles Published In International Journal of High Dilution Research from 2008 – 2014

Dr. Saurav Arora presents an overview and update of the International Journal of High Dilution Research, a free access resource for the community.

ijhdrInternational Journal of High Dilution Research (IJHDR) has served as an important platform for the divulgation of research in the field of high dilution and homeopathy since its foundation in 2008. IJHDR was launched with a mission for wide and unrestricted access of peer reviewed articles, specialized in the multidisciplinary field of high dilutions. It is an invaluable resource for researchers, academicians and clinicians being the first open-access, peer-reviewed, online journal specialized in this field. IJHDR is hosted by Groupe International de Recherche sur l’Infinitesimal (GIRI) ( and publishes high-quality articles on fundamental/basic research in high dilution, isopathy, biotherapy, nosodes, clinical research/evidence-based homeopathy, veterinary, agronomy, reviews, meta-analyses, systematic reviews, etc. IJHDR believes in making information freely accessible and thus provide free full access to contents as soon as they are published. The IJHDR is currently indexed in databases like LILACS/BIREME/PAHO/WHO; EBSCO; SCOPUS; Qualis/CAPES; Latindex; Google Scholar; DOAJ; NSDL/NSF; Open J-Gate; Journal Seek and Portal CAPES. Since its launching in 2008 until 2014, IJHDR has published 341 articles across 28 issues, including five proceedings of GIRI meetings. With the increasing volume of online published material, the need to preserve it offline has emerged. The present compendium aims to organize the articles published in IJHDR from 2008 – 2014 in one single PDF, which might be saved to any online and offline medium, can be accessed anytime with a few clicks, is searchable and might be printed by libraries and universities for filing in their archives. To facilitate the access, the articles have been arranged as per publication date and hyperlinked to the title. As the present compendium is open access, you might use freely, as well as circulate it among colleagues. The compendium may be download freely from

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Dr. Saurav Arora is Editor, International Journal of High Dilution Research

About the author

Saurav Arora

Dr. Saurav Arora, Gold Medalist, MD (Homeopathy) is an internationally acclaimed homeopathic physician, consultant, and independent researcher. Dr. Arora started his career after completing BHMS Degree in 2006 (GOLD MEDALIST) from Dr. B. R. Sur Homoeopathic Medical College, Hospital and Research Centre, New Delhi (SHMC). Immediately after BHMS completion Dr Arora served as In-House Physician (Senior Resident) at SHMC for one year. In 2008 He was appointed Senior Research Fellow (SRF) under the Extra Mural Research Scheme of Ministry of AYUSH, Govt. of India in a collaborative research project of Institute of Nuclear Medicine and Allied Sciences (INMAS), under Ministry of Defence and SHMC., handling projects like Autoimmune Thyroiditis, Subclinical hypothyroidism, Vitamin D deficiency disorders. From 2011 - 2014 Dr. Arora continued to render his services at Central Council for Research in Homeopathy, under Ministry of AYUSH, handling the Fundamental and Collaborative Research section. At present Dr. Arora is involved in clinical practice, homeopathic teaching and independent research.

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