Materia Medica Course on Shameless Remedies with Dr Manish Bhatia
Scientific Research

Generation of Electric Potential by Interaction of Electromagnetic Radiation and Water Helped Prebiotic Synthesis and Reveals Vital Force

Nov  Research Amin

To further elucidate the action of homeopathic remedies, researchers Ruhul Amin and Biplab Chakraborty perform experiments to the show the effect of the interaction between electromagnetic waves and water.

Terms: Prebiotic organic synthesis: Any plausible pathway by which the molecular precursors of life (amino acids, bases and ribose phosphates) may have been formed in the early Earth.

Abstract: The living body performs its normal functions by maintaining certain electric potentials for its different organs. In health the living body does this harmoniously.  Electromagnetic radiation (EMR) generates electric potential on interaction with water or a living body containing water.

We consider that EMR induced electric potential played a vital role in prebiotic synthesis, the important stage of creation of early life on Earth. Homeopathic remedies work as electrically active agents1 by having impact on the electrical activities of living bodies that are referred to as the “vital force”, and both are dynamic in nature.

Introduction: The electric potentials of various organs are recorded to detect abnormalities, i.e., to sense a disease.  A normal organ shows a definite electric potential pattern (eg. ECG for heart, EEG for brain). Any relative deviation in this electric potential pattern is viewed by physicians/scientists as indicating disease. Diseases may often be cured /restricted by applying suitable electric potentials. Brain infirmities have been rectified /restricted by applying suitable electric potentials (eg. transcranial magnetic stimulation in Parkinson’s disease).  Artificial pacemakers find their use in abnormal functions of SA nodes to supply suitable electric potential to the muscles of the heart. Micro current therapies have been used to restore normal functioning of the body (eg/ Microcurrent Electrical Neuromuscular Stimulation for pain).

In a living body, a particular pattern of electric potential /harmonious state is maintained.  Homeopaths recognize that any deviation from such a state i.e. imbalance in the body’s energy (electric potential), generates disease.  This imbalanced / altered state can be rectified only by supplying suitable electric potential (since difference in potential causes electrical energy to flow between the connecting bodies).

In the Organon of Medicine, Samuel Hahnemann stated that the vital force is dynamic in nature and can only be altered dynamically.  Here, the vital force possibly means the normal electric potential of a living body that can be altered dynamically (i.e. by some electric potential acting as a disease force) and should be normalized using suitable electric potential, the dynamis.  Thus, using the electrical energy content of a substance, as in a homeopathic remedy, to restore the normal electrical potential of the body, is logical and scientific.

The use of imponderabilias (i.e: Luna, X-Ray etc) in homeopathy clearly indicates that EMR’s are used as remedies via water molecules. Since Luna, X-Ray etc, have an effect on water, the effects of a wide range of Electromagnetic spectrum can be assumed. Moreover, the quantum of EMR reaching the earth’s surface from the sun and other stellar objects is of such a level that its impact on the water in the living body cannot be ignored. Almost all leading theories of the origin of life on the Earth posit the influence of electrical energy for life to begin2.

Though the significance of sunlight, air, water (i.e. natural resources present) for the existence of life is well known, the action of EMR on the existence of life is not well explained.  We have shown that EMR can induce electric potential not only in metallic conductors (antenna) but also in water and thus can be used as a driving force. We performed the following experiments to the show the effect of the interaction between electromagnetic waves and water.

Experiment 1: In the experimental setup one end of an insulated flexible wire is connected to Phase/Live line of the 220 volts AC mains through a switch and the other is kept free.On this insulated flexible wire another insulated flexible wire  is wound up and one lead of an LED (positive end) is connected to this second wire.The other end of the second wire is kept free.The other end of the LED is connected to a metal plate. The complete set is placed on the plastic table to avoid any sort of leakage due to earthing Fig-1.



When the switch is turned  on/off alternately the LED blinks confirming the flow of current through its leads.The same effect is seen even when the connections of leads of the LED is reversed. Owing to electromagnetic induction, an electric potential is developed in the second insulated wire due to the Phase/Live wire and another electric potential is developed at the metal plate, acting as antenna,, due to the generation of relatively strong electro magnetic waves in air by the manipulation of the on/off switch. The difference in potetial between the two ends therefore drives an electric current through it when connected through an LED and it glows.

The passage of elctrical current through the leads of the LED cannot be attributed to ionisation of air, because ions don’t conduct electrical energy in water3,   Its conduction in air can easily be ruled out.

Experiment 2:  An insulated flexible wire is connected to the phase of the AC mains shown as AB through a switch.Another insulated flexible wire (CD) is wound on the phase wire AB. An LED is connected to the end D of the wire CD and to a graphite rod such that a positive lead of LED is connected to the end D of the wire and negative end is connected to the graphite.The graphite is immersed in water contained in a glass beaker. The switch is turned on.The complete set is placed on the plastic table to avoid any earthing and the experiment is performed in a dark room Fig-2.


Observations:When electric current  is allowed to pass through the LIVE wire AB, the LED glows quite feebly.But as soon as the glass beaker is touched by a hand, the LED glows prominently. The LED even glows quite prominently when the fingers are brought close to the beaker even without touching it. Had the glowing of the LED been due to ionisation of air, it would have glown prominently even before touching the glass/plastic beaker. Here, the human body actually help promote varying magnetic fields to the water contained in the beaker that finally generates an electric potential.Thus it is clear that one lead of the LED gets electrical energy due to electromagnetic induction, whereas the other end gets electrical energy due to conversion of eletromagnetic waves into electrical energy by water, i.e. the difference in electrical potential generated at the two ends.

Experiment 3:  In this set up an LED with its positive lead is connected to the negative end of a 9 volt battery.The other lead of the LED is connected to a metallic clip. Insulated copper wire is wound on a plastic beaker containing about 15 ml of distilled water (about 300 turns) and two ends of the coil are connected to the two terminals of the battery through a switch  Fig-3.


Observation: When the switch is turned  on/off alternately the LED is seen to blink. The LED glows even when its leads are reversed on the battery. This shows that alternating current actually passes through the LED when it blinks. The LED also glows when the metallic clip connected to the lead of the LED is replaced by the human body (i.e. when we touch it) behaving as an antenna4.

Experiment 4: In this set up Insulated copper wire is wound (about 300 turns)  on a plastic beaker containing about 20 ml of distilled water and two ends of the coil are connected to the two terminals of the battery through a switch.The positive end of an LED is connected to graphite with a connecting wire  and immersed in distilled water contained in the beaker. The other lead of the LED is connected to a metallic clip Fig-4.


Observation: When the switch is turned on/off alternately the LED is seen to blink. The LED glows even when its leads are reversed at the battery. This again shows that alternating current actually passes through the LED when it blinks. The LED also glows when the metallic clip connected to the lead of the LED is replaced by the human body (i.e. when we touch it) suggesting the action of the human body as an antenna3.

Experiment 5: This experiment is performed to confirm the ability of  electromagnetic waves to generate electric potential in water. In this case, one end of an insulated wire is connected to Phase/Live line of the 220 volts AC mains through a switch and the other is kept free.On this insulated wire another insulated wire is wound up and a part of it is coiled (about five turns) and placed in a empty beaker (100ml). A graphite lead connected to a positive lead of an LED is placed in the said beaker.The other lead of the LED is touched with a finger by a person sitting on a plastic chair. The switch is turned on Fig-5.


Observations:  When the switch is turned  on and the beaker remains empty the LED does not glow, but it immediately starts glowing on addition of distilled water.The LED even glows when its connections to the leads are reversed. But when the graphite is taken out of water i.e. as soon the graphite misses its contact with water, the LED stops glowing.This confirms that electric potentials are generated at both ends, i.e. human body on a plastic chair (acting as an antenna) and water contained in the beaker. Moreover, due to a difference in electrical potential between the two ends, when an LED is connected between them, a minute alternating current flows and helps light the LED.


In all the above experiments, when the switch is turned on/off alternately,  the glowing of the LED not only shows the flow of current between two conductors / bodies but also confirms the existence of different electric potentials at the two points. The LED even glows when its leads are reversed, showing the flow of alternating current through it. It is found that whenever there is a wire /conductor carrying alternating current or there is fluctuation in any electrical circuit (AC/DC), electromagnetic waves are generated that propagate in all directions. The waves, on their interaction with conductors (metals/water) generate electric potential that depends on flux linkage/material etc5.

Therefore, whenever two such bodies are electrically connected, a minute alternating current flows between them. As an LED works at very low current the potential difference between two bodies, generated by the electromagnetic waves, are able to light an LED.

Thus it can be suggested that the wide range of electromagnetic radiations / waves reaching the earth’s surface generates electric potential in all metals/water and water containing bodies. Whenever two such bodies are electrically connected there is a flow of current between them, due to their difference in electrical potential. So it can be said that the electromagnetic waves supply the electrical energy to a living body. The constant supply of electromagnetic radiation from the sun/ space that generates electrical energy in water and bodies containing water are indeed the driving force of life, along with water and air and this may be the secret behind the origin of life.

So, it is clear now that the electric potential generated in water or water containing bodies is the result of interaction between electromagnetic radiation / waves and water.


1) Electric potential is generated in all conductors whenever they are subjected to electromagnetic radiations /waves.

2)  Electromagnetic radiations are the consistent source of electric potentials that have helped maintain the existence of life on Earth from its origin.

3)  The vital force may be attributed seen as electrical in nature and can only be influenced electrically.


[1].The Homeopathic Dilution – A New Explanation, Ruhul Amin, Biplab Chakraborty & Farook Rahaman (Simillimum,vol.XXI,Summer Fall/2008.

[2] Wikipedia

[3]. Conduction of Alternating Current in Water – A Plausible Explanation (Published in Homeopathy for Everyone April

[4] Electromagnetic Radiation Induces an Electric Current in the Water of a Living Body by Delocalization of Electrons Through Orientation of Water Molecules Ruhul Amin and Biplab Chakraborty (Published in Homeopathy for Everyone June 2014)

[5] Electromagnetic Radiation as a source of Homeopathic Medicines – Imponderabilia, Ruhul Amin and Biplab Chakraborty (Published in Homeopathy for Everyone Mar 2012)

About the author

Ruhul Amin & Biplab Chakraborty

Dr. Ruhul Amin MD is a Homeopathic physician & mental health professional, performing research work on homeopathy since 1998. The first work being on Diabetes Mellitus Type II and its homeopathic treatment, followed by Parkinsonism, Respiridone & Homeopathy and for the last eleven years concentrating strictly on the Homeopathic Dilution and its Scientific basis, along with chemist Biplab Chakraborty M Sc. Visit their


Biplab Chakraborty,M.Sc is a chemist from Calcutta University, previously a serious Critic of Homeopathic Dilution. . With this view he started research work along with Dr. Ruhul Amin for the last eleven years, finally being converted into a serious supporter of homeopathy. He along with Dr. Md.Ruhul Amin published papers on Homeopathic Dilution & its scientific Basis. These papers clearly reflect the contradiction within the modern science itself.

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