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Scientific Research

Scope of Homoeopathy in the Treatment of Cystic Acne Using the Complete Repertory – A Prospective Study


Drs. Anil Kumar Vangani and Rajendra Singh present a research study on the use of homeopathy in Cystic Acne.

Key words:  Cystic Acne – C.A.; Complete Repertory by Dr Roger Van Zandvoort – C.R.Z.

Introduction: Acne is a disorder of the pilosebaceous complex which predominantly affects the peripubertal age group and clinically manifests as comedones (open/closed), papules, pustules, nodules, and cysts and heals with scars. It is known as cystic when there is perifollicular inflammation and lesion size becomes > 5mm.  The principal events involve increased sebum production, abnormal follicular keratization and proliferation of bacteria Propionibacterium acne leading to inflammation of sebaceous gland. People of all races and ages suffer from acne but most commonly it is seen in adolescent young adults. Nearly 85% of people between the ages of 12-24 years develop this complaint.

This study is intended for the betterment of the patient who is affected from Cystic acne and to determine the effect of homoeopathic medicines arrived at using the Complete Repertory. Homoeopathy is based on a holistic approach which treats not only the disease, but the patient as a whole, which tends to cure.

Aims and Objectives: The study had the following objectives:

  • To ascertain the utility of The Complete Repertory’ by Dr. Roger Van Zandvoort in cases of Cystic Acne
  • To evaluate the miasmatic influence in the cases of Cystic Acne
  • To assess the efficacy of homoeopathic medicines in the treatment of Cystic Acne

Materials and Methods: The study was conducted at the O.P.D./I.P.D. of Dr. Madan Pratap Khunteta Homoeopathic Medical College, Hospital & Research Centre, Station Road, Jaipur, INDIA.  50 cases of all age group were selected for the study by a random sampling method irrespective of their sex, caste, religion and duration of illness.  The study was conducted for a period of 6 months w.e.f. March 25th, 2014. The follow–up of the cases was done at an interval of 7-15 days, as per the gravity of the case for the duration of 1to 6 months, as per the remedy response.

Detailed case taking and clinical examination was carried out to determine the diagnosis. Laboratory and other relevant investigations related to the case whenever necessary were done. Effectiveness of the homoeopathic treatment was assessed according to statistical principles on the basis of change in the score taken before and after acne treatment with homeopathic medicines, as well as the subjective feeling of improvement and improvement in laboratory parameters.

Discussions and Summary based on the study are as follows:

  • Maximum incidence of Cystic Acne was observed in the age group 20-30 yrs.
  • Incidence of Cystic Acne was more in male than female.
  • Cases of Cystic Acne were more observed in the middle income group.
  • Maximum number of cases were reported from urban areas.
  • Cases of Cystic Acne were observed to be most common in students.
  • The most common symptoms were mild itching, pain, pustular and cystic eruption and greasy or oily skin was there in all the cases of Cystic Acne.
  • Maximum number of patients had constipation in their past history.
  • Maximum numbers of cases were having respiratory complaints in their family history/blood relations.
  • The First Aim was fulfilled, as The Complete Repertory by Dr. Roger Van Zandvoort has proved to be a useful tool in the selection of the simillimum for the cases of Cystic Acne. From the study, 94% positive results were obtained. This is a most up-to-date repertory as it is upgraded continuously and also it is user friendly.
  • The Second Aim was to evaluate the Miasmatic influence in the cases of Cystic Acne. In this study, Cystic Acne was observed to be a mixed miasmatic condition with Psora being the predominating miasm. This is in line with the old saying, “Psora is the mother of all chronic diseases.”
  • The Third Aim was fulfilled, as the efficacy of homoeopathic medicines was established by 94% positive results obtained in this study (18% Cases Cured + 76% improved without any bad effects of medication). This affirms the usefulness and effectiveness of the homoeopathic system of medicine in cases of Cystic Acne.

Result: In this study, 9 cases (18%) in this study were cured while 38 cases (76%) were observed improved, 3cases (6%) showed no improvement and 3 cases (6%) were dropped out.

In the study, Nat. mur. was prescribed in the most cases i.e. 20 cases (40%)  followed by Bryonia in 7 cases (14%), Nat. carb. in 5 cases (10%), Calc. sulph. & Lyco. in 4 cases (8%) each, Nat. phos. & Puls. In 2 cases (4%) each, Antim crud, Calc. carb., Merc.sol., Nat. sulph., Phos. & Sulphur were prescribed in the minimum number cases i.e. in 1 case (2%) each.


  1. Standard error of the mean differences:

=s    = 5.56

  1. The estimation of the population standard deviation is-
  2. Critical ratio or t calculated


The tcalculated for this study is 17.4677 and ttabulated is 1.6766, hence  tcalculated > ttabulated, the null hypothesis is rejected at 5% level of significance. Thus the alternative hypothesis is accepted. Therefore it can be clearly concluded with the help of t-test that there is significant improvement in the patient’s condition after treatment.


  1. Allen J. H., The Chronic Miasm, Jain publishers (P) Ltd. New Delhi, Reprint edition 2006.
  2. Ashten R.E., Teaching skin care, British journal of Dermatology
  3. Bergfield W. F. J., American Academy Dermatology 1995
  4. K. Mahajan, Methods in Biostatistics, Jaypee Bros Medical Pub. (P) Ltd. New Delhi 7th Ed.
  5. Cunliff W. J., Cotterill J,. A. Historical background – The Acnes WB Saunders, 1975,
  6. Fitzpatrick’s Dermatology in general medicine 6th Edition Vol. 1 & 2, pg. no. 721-22, 769-83
  7. Hahnemann Samuel– Organon of Medicine, B. jain Publishers (p) Ltd., New Delhi 6th edition
  8. Hahnemann Samuel, The Chronic Diseases, their peculiar Nature & their Homoeopathic Cure, B. Jain publishers (p) Ltd., New Delhi, 5th
  9. Manchanda R. K. & Gupta Ramji, text book of Dermatology for Homoeopaths 1st edition 2005, B. Jain publishers (P) Ltd. New Delhi, Pg. no. 5, 6, 112-118
  10. The Complete Repertory by Roger Van Zandvoort from homoeopathic software – RADAR ver.10.0

Address for correspondence– Dr.Anil Kumar Vangani 6-A, R.S.E.B. Colony, Vaishali Nagar Jaipur-21, India

About the author

Anil Vangani

Dr. Anil Vangani, MD (Hom) Repertory

About the author


Dr. Rajendra Singh M.D. (Hom) Repertory works as a Government Medical officer in the village of Desuri, District Pali, RBSK National Health Mission, Rajasthan State, India.

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