Tips and Secrets

Tips and Secrets – June 2012

Alan Schmukler provides us with another round of interesting tips.

Access to Homoeopathy is Under Threat

In the UK the medicines act is being changed. If the current proposals of the MHRA are endorsed by the government, patients would no longer be able to order homeopathic remedies by telephone or online. Homoeopaths would no longer be able to dispense or prescribe remedies. You would have to get your homoeopathic medicines personally from a handful of licensed homoeopathic pharmacies in Britain.

You can stop this from happening by contacting your local MP and expressing your disapproval. This will be particularly effective if your MP sits on the Joint Committee on Statutory Instruments or is involved with Health or Pharmacy.

You can contact your MP by using the following link:

You can find out who sits on the committee by using this link:

Help stop the MHRA from limiting access to alternative health care!

Anal Fistula

The surgeons nearly all advocate that if there is a fistulous opening around the anus it must be operated upon. To close up that fistulous opening, and thus neglect the patient, is a very dangerous thing to do. I have not operated on one for twenty years. The remedy that is indicated for the patient will cure the patient, and the fistula.

Lectures on Homœopathic Materia Medica – James Tyler Kent, M.D.

Four Tips from Dr. C.G. Jahr

For Steatoma (Lipoma) the principal remedy seems to be Baryta carbonica.

Spots of pregnant females yield to Sepia or Conium.

Chamomilla is suitable for inflamed or ulcerated nipples, provided the patient has not previously used it to excess.

For leucorrhea with headache – Natrum Muriaticum.

The Clinical Guide or Pocket Repertory for the Treatment of Acute and Chronic Diseases – G. H. G. Jahr

Artemisia in Epilepsy

Artemisia vulgaris is an excellent remedy in epilepsy, especially when it has been caused by fright or some exciting mental emotion. The attacks are repeated one after the other, and are followed by profound sleep.

Clinical Materia Medica – E.A. Farrington

Indigestion in Horses

I have often observed a class of symptoms which I believe to arise from pain in the stomach. They are as follows : The general symptoms resemble those of colic and the horse shows by his manner, restlessness, and looks that he is in pain. He turns his head round to the left side and puts his nose there behind the left elbow-joint. Besides, wind (gas) rises up from the stomach, and in its passage along the food tube causes a waving motion similar to that — only in the opposite direction — which takes place when water or food is swallowed. It is in reality a symptom, of indigestion. I have never failed with Antimonium crudum and therefore it is needless to refer to any other remedy. Dose is 10 drops in a wine glassful of water every half-hour, or hour, until the symptoms are relieved.

Horses Ill And Well: Homceopathic Treatment of Diseases and Injuries And Hints On Feeding, Grooming, Conditioning, Nursing, Horse-Buying, H. By James Moore, M.E.C.V.S.

Two Remedies in Puncture Wounds

A shoemaker may stick his awl into the end of his thumb or a carpenter may stick his finger with a brass tack and he does not think much of it, but the next night shooting pains extend up the arm with much violence. The allopathic physician looks upon that as a serious matter, for he sees lockjaw or tetanus ahead. When these pains come on Hypericum will stop them, and from this stage to advanced states of tetanus with opisthotonos and lock-jaw Hypericum is the remedy.

Lectures on Homœopathic Materia Medica – James Tyler Kent, M.D.

Molluscum Contagiosum

Molluscum contagiosum DNA pox virus infection is found mostly in children and spread by contact ( including towels). It presents as discrete pearly pink umbilicated papules which when squeezed release cheesy material. Multiple and grouped lesions, usually on trunk , face or neck that resolve spontaneously after several months . In the older child, removal of contents with forceps , curettage or cryotherapy is possible but usually unnecessary. The condition responds to homeopathy, often within 10 to 15 days ; Calcarea carb , Silicea , Nitric acid , all in 6 c , 8 hourly , for 2 days , in sequence , followed by sac lac . Await response This is not based on the classical method but on clinical experieance . In resistant cases, Variolinum 200 c or Vaccinotoxinum 200 c may be needed.

Thanks to : Dr P. D. Venkatakrishnan MBBS DPH MFHom

(References : Oxford Hand Book of General Practice / Clinical Repertory – J H Clarke)

When is it Okay to Fast?

Loss of appetite during acute disease or a weakened state of the system should be respected, for thrusting food into the stomach in spite of its dictates will generally give rise to more serious symptoms.

The Homeopathic Vade Mecum of Modern Medicine and Surgery – E. Harris Ruddock MD – 1869

Can Homeopathy Cure Strictures?

It has been said that our medicines are not capable of curing strictures, but they sometimes do cure strictures. If they can cure the patient it is marvelous how nature will take up all that inflammatory tissue and the canal become normal. This thing has been seen many times in stricture of the urethra and stricture of the rectum.

Lectures on Homœopathic Materia Medica – James Tyler Kent, M.D.

Kali Phos in Hysteria

Hysteria when the patient laughs and cries, shuts herself up in a room and moans and sobs, covers herself with bed clothes and screams, trembles and shakes so she wants to be held, voids urine in small amount every few minutes, has globus hystericus; feeling as if tongue cleaved to the roof of the mouth. The patient is readily startled into any or all of the above by a noise or touch.

Textbook of Homeopathic Materia Medica -George Royal, M.D.

Ranunculus in Pleurodynia

Ranunculus bulbosus. This remedy acts especially upon the chest walls, causing pain like pleurodynia. Hughes claims wonderful success with this remedy when the pain is so intense that the patient dare not move, and many others have verified this claim.

Practical Homoeopathic Therapeutics -Ed. W. A. DEWEY, M. D. (1901)

Canker Sore

The so-called “canker” is essentially a tiny ulcer, primarily, after which it spreads and deepens, giving it the appearance of an “open sore.” Nux vom, Hepar Sul, and Mercurius Also Hydrastis, which may be used internally and locally, by directly touching the canker with a drop of the tincture.

Practical Guide to Homeopathic Treatment – Myron H. Adams, MD

Avoid Rote Prescribing

The most violent attack of fever will subside in a night if Aconite is the remedy. If it is not it is a pity that you made a mistake in giving it, for it will sometimes do mischief. All things that exist in a sickness must be taken into account, not only what the remedy does cover, but what it does not cover. Give Aconite only when the symptoms agree.

Lectures on Homœopathic Materia Medica – James Tyler Kent, M.D.

A Very Popular Book

In 1850 homeopathic doctor Joseph Hippolyte Pulte published his work on “Domestic Practice”. No book of a similar size and import in the homoeopathic literature has had such a circulation throughout the world. It was reprinted in London, where a great number of editions appeared for England and its colonies. It was translated into Spanish, and served as the principal work in that line for Cuba and the South American Republics. Above a hundred thousand copies were in circulation.

The Pioneers of Homeopathy – Thomas Lindsley Bradford, M. D.

Three Remedies in Vertigo

Bromine has a vertigo worse when looking at running water.

Bryonia has a gastric vertigo with nausea and disposition to faint, worse on rising from a recumbent position and on motion.

Conium suits vertigo of the aged and that arising from excesses and over use of tobacco. Also that form due to cerebral anemia.

Practical Homoeopathic Therapeutics -Ed. W. A. DEWEY, M. D. (1901)

Color of Saliva

A blue color has been observed in slow poisoning cases by lead.

Yellow, even greenish saliva has been found in liver complaints and jaundice.

Special Pathology and Diagnostics with Therapeutic Hints – C.G.Raue, MD

Carbo veg in Pneumonia

Carbo veg is excellent in cases of pneumonia complicated with acute bronchitis. It is principally the dry and spasmodic cough, attended with mucous rales and occurring chiefly at night, with soreness and a burning pain, that points to Carbo veg.

The Science of Therapeutics According to the Principles of Homeopathy – Bernhard Baehr, M. D.

Mullein Oil

A few drops of Mullein oil put into an aching ear often acts like magic, relieving the pain at once. Many cases of deafness have been entirely cured by its used as a local agent.

Dr. Waterhouse – Reported in The Homoeopathic Recorder Volume IV 1889.

Arsenicum Bromatum

Given for a long time for carcinoma, it stops the rapid progress of this fearful disease.

New Old And Forgotten Remedies – Ed. Dr. E.P. Anshutz

Ammonium Muriaticum

Ammonium muriaticum is said to be best suited to fat, sluggish patients, whose body is corpulent, but whose legs are disproportionately thin.

The Medical Advance – Aug 1887 – Ed. and Publisher : Henry C. Allen, M. D.

Reactions to the Remedy

If amelioration is too short in chronic diseases, it means that structural changes are taking place and have destroyed or threatened to destroy the proper functions of the patient. It takes close observation to discern these changes from the reaction of the remedy.

A full period of amelioration of the symptoms, yet no special relief of the patient, you will encounter where you have structural changes. We meet these conditions where organs like the liver or kidneys are partially involved and can function only in part. By careful repetitions of the remedy at infrequent intervals the patient may be kept comfortable for a considerable period, even though you will not be justified in expecting a cure.

The Principles and Art of Cure by Homœopathy –H. A. Roberts, M.D.

Lycopodium Keynote

Patients will get into position to urinate, but wait a great while before the water comes, accompanied by the characteristic pain in the back which ceases when the urine flows.

Notes of Lectures on Materia Medica: Delivered in the Hahnemann Medical College of Philadelphia – H.N. Guernsey, M.D.

Tips from E.A. Farrington

  • In spasms of the eyelids Agaricus is generally the best remedy.
  • Chronic Rhus poisoning finds its best remedy in Graphites.
  • The hands are hot and the feet are cold, or as soon as the feet become hot, the hands become cold. This is an excellent indicating symptom for Sepia.
  • Nux vomica can cure prolapsus uteri. It is to be used when the disease is of recent origin, and has resulted from a sudden wrenching of the body.
  • Nux moschata is indicated in hysteria, associated with frequent emotional changes and enormous bloating of the abdomen, after a slight meal.

Clinical Materia Medica – E. A. Farrington, M.D.

Three Tips from E. B. Nash

In swollen tonsils on the verge of suppuration let me warn against giving Mercurius too low, for if you do, it will hasten suppuration instead of aborting it.

Ipecacuanha is often our best remedy in the first stage of both asthma and whooping cough, before the stage when the mucus is present.

One symptom of Ammonium muriaticum that has proved to be a valuable keynote for its administration is “Sensation of coldness in the back, between the shoulders.”

Leaders In Homoeopathic Therapeutics – E. B. Nash, M. D.

Pulsatilla in Measles

When measles are prevailing as an epidemic, the administration of Pulsatilla every two or three days, on the first appearance of catarrhal symptoms, will often ward off an attack, or, if it should be taken, render the disease milder.

The Homoeopathic Domestic Physician -Constantine Hering, M. D.

Tips on Urticaria & Allergies from Dr.Subrata K. Banerjea

APIS. MEL: Rheumatic & Oedematous Diathesis:- (a) Swelling & oedema after insect bite. (b) 3 S= Soreness, Stinging, Sensitiveness. (c) Rosy hue.

BOVISTA: Chronic urticaria. Urticaria with diarrheoa, covering the whole body (can be used after Rhus-tox fails). Urticaria on excitement with rheumatic lameness. Urticaria on waking, < from bathing. (30C)

CHLORALUM HYDRATUM: Urticaria, < spirituous liquors, hot drinks. Itching worse at night and cold. (1x Trit.)

ELATERIUM: Urticaria after dropsy and continuous fever. From suppressed intermittent fever. < damp (30C)

ICHTHYOLUM: Chronic urticaria.( 6C, 30C)

LINUM USI : For urticaria asthma hay fever. Severe allergic disturbances. Intense irritation. (6C,30C)

PTELEA TRIFOLIATA : Violent itching, after itching burning sensation like fire, reddish eruptions. Urticarious eruptions that are so often concomitant with affections of the liver. (6C,30C)

RHUS TOX FAILS: Bovista after Rhus tox fails in urticaria.

SKOOKUM CHUCK: Urticaria. D. de F. Cole gave Skookum 3x in water to a girl who had severe urticaria which did not yield to Apis or Urt.ur. It cured the urticaria and improved the patient’s health. (3xTrit)

TRIOSTEUM PERFOLIATUM: Urticaria from gastric derangement. Great itching at night with welts all over surface. (6C,30C).

TUBERCULINUM: Scrofulous & allergic diathesis:- (a) Itching in flexor surfaces & joints. (b) Itching < night. (c) Local blush (red).

URTICA URENS: Gouty& uric acid diathesis:- (a) Urticaria heat formication itching. (b) Shellfish allergy. (c) Rheumatism, Urticaria


About the author

Alan V. Schmukler

Alan V. Schmukler is a homeopath, Chief Editor of Homeopathy for Everyone and author of ”Homeopathy An A to Z Home Handbook”, (also in French, German, Greek, Polish and Portuguese). He is Hpathy’s resident cartoonist and also produces Hpathy’s Tips & Secrets column and homeopathy Crossword puzzles each month. Alan is a recipient of the National Center for Homeopathy Martha Oelman Community Service Award. Visit Alan at his website: Here.


  • Thanks to valuble tips and secrets publishing it to help others. It is a valuble caution that mercurius in low potency hastens suppuration instead of aborting in swollen tonsils. I have faced same problen when I used it in low potency for treating tonsilities.

  • I’ve discovered the alternative medicine and the power of Homoeopathy, for quite some time and have to admit that so many chronic problems I’ve been having, were solved! It is not in the interest of the ones in power to have so effective methods of healing, because they want people to be spending money for the so expensive medicine! Thanks again for the so usefule tips, dear Dr.

  • thanks for providing such very usefull deta
    ofcourse its a nice efferts which should never be stoped
    take care GOD bless you


  • I go through some of the items .In Tips column they are very interesting. I am placing one of my Tips experience. One day in the early morning a patient came to me with a condition – opened her mouth not in a closable stage.Because there is a RED Globe((Lemon sized)in her throat and crying .I used BELLADONNA Q both application&oral drop. Most surprisingly in 11/2 minute she closed her mouth stopped crying. It’s a great miracle we don’t found the element in her throat. it’s the Miraculous HOMOEO Drug how can it works properly used.
    Thanking you, With Regards, Venkatakrishnamacharyulu

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