Materia Medica Course on Shameless Remedies with Dr Manish Bhatia
Tips and Secrets

Tips and Secrets 38 – June 2010

A fresh round of Hpathy’s Tips and Secrets!

When to Give the Constitutional Remedy
1.  When the pathology is asymptomatic, picked up only on a routine lab test

2.  When the local complaint has nothing but common symptoms

3.  When there is no clear or strong etiology

4. When the patient is allergic to many things, instead of looking up “allergic to this/allergic to that…” give the constitutional remedy.
Elaine Lewis DHom

Sulphur Helps Silicea
Follwing the treatment of boils and abscesses you may have induration (hardening of tissue). Silicea will cause this induration to be absorbed. When Silicea is unsuccessful in this, a dose of Sulphur, interpolated, makes Silicea act better.
Clinical Materia Medica – Dr. E.A. Farrington


This is a rubric that comes up often in today’s world :
ARS, LYC, PULS, Calad, anac, arg n, ether, hell, jasm, kali br, petr, phos, stram, tax. Also consider : Confidence, want of ; Discouraged; Despair; and Forsaken.

Aversion to Being Caressed
This rubric could narrow down the choice of remedies :
CINA, NAT M, Ign, China, Nitric ac.
Homeopathic Medical Repertory – Robin Murphy ND
Thanks to Ilene Burns, Ireland

Inducing Vomiting

When poisons or indigestible substances have been taken into the stomach, it sometimes becomes necessary to remove them as speedily as possible. This treatment violates no principle of homeopathy, any more than does the removal of a sliver from the finger with a pair of forceps.
Tickling the fauces and throat with a feather, or passing a finger down the throat, are familiar and efficient means of inducing vomiting in many instances.
Warm Water Emetic : Drinking several glasses of warm water (not hot water) is usually an efficient means of causing free vomiting.
Mustard Emetic :Mix a teaspoon of ground mustard in a teacup of warm water and let the patient drink all of it at once, and if vomiting is not produced in fifteen minutes, repeat the treatment.
Salt Emetic : Put a teaspoon of salt in a teacup of warm water; drink at once, and repeat in fifteen minutes if found necessary.
Eaton’s Domestic Practice for Parents and Nurses – Morton M. Eaton. M. D.
Thanks to Michael Murray U.S.


On lying down – Robina
From acids – Nux vomica
With nausea – Calc, Puls, Sanguinaria
From fat food – Nat c, Nux vomica, Phos
From : Openrep Professional repertory program – Vladimir Polony

Caution with Belladonna
Belladonna is seldom to be thought of in glaucoma and not to be used unless you are an oculist and willing to take the responsibility. – Pierce
Let me warn you against the use of Belladonna for the pains of glaucoma. Never give it low for that condition and watch closely if you give the 30th or 200th . Royal.
From – Caution In the Use of Remedies – M. Fayazuddin

Conium is the first remedy when photophobia or eye pain is excessive and out of all proportion to the amount of trouble; the nerves are hyperesthetic and/or their filaments are exposed by superficial abrasion.
Homoeopathic Therapeutics in Opthalmology – John L. Moffat

Can Remedies Be Put In Food?
Doctor Gallavardin treated drunkenness, frequently without the patient knowing he/she was being dosed. Remedies would be put in food or drink. He said “Many readers will be astonished that a remedy in the 200th or 1M administered in food or drink should nevertheless manifest its remedial properties . Experiments prove that remedies remain unaltered even when administered in the midst of a hearty meal”.
The Homoeopathic Treatment of Alcoholism – Gallavardin
Thanks to Arlene Spratt – Canada

Some Drainage Remedies
Drainage serves the dual role of organic stimulation and elimination of toxins.
Skin – Calendula, Cyrtopodium, Petroleum
Mucus Membranes – Hydrastis, Sedum acre
Stomach – Condurango, Ornithogallum
Rectum – Hura, Ruta , Scrofularia
Liver – Cardus m., Chelidonium, Chinchona, Conium, Taraxacuum, Solidago
Pancreas – Senna
Kidneys – Berberis, Formica rufa, Sarsaparilla, Solidago
Drainage in Homoeopathy – Dr. E.A. Maury

Antimony Arsenicosum
Antimony Arsenicosum is indicated in pneumonia with loud rattling rales and a feeble heart action. It is therefore very useful with aged patients. Also useful in emphysema with excessive dyspnea.

Argentum nitricum in Gastritis
Argentum nitricum should not be overlooked in cases of chronic gastritis where neurasthenic* symptoms are prominent. (* Nervous exhaustion, chronic fatigue, loss of memory, aches and pains)
The Clinque of the Clinical Society of the Hahnemann Hospital of Chicago – Jan, 1899.

Avena Sativa
Avena sativa is pre-eminently an anti-neurotic, quieting the nervous system to a remarkable degree. Its special sphere of action seems to be upon the male sexual organs, regulating the functional irregularities of these parts. It is a most useful remedy in all cases of nervous exhaustion and general debility. Nervous palpitation of the heart, insomnia inability to keep the mind fixed upon any one subject, etc., more especially when any or all of these troubles is apparently due to nocturnal emissions, masturbation, over sexual intercourse and the like. For these disorders it is truly specific.
New Old and Forgotten Remedies – Ed. Dr. E.P. Anshutz

Cicuta Virosa May Save the Day
After swallowing a sharp piece of bone that injures the throat, the throat closes with danger of suffocation. The object may have been swallowed, but its passage triggers spasm. Cicuta is also useful for concussion followed by spasms , when Arnica doesn’t help.
Homeopathy – An A to Z Home Handbook – Alan V. Schmukler

Comparing Belladonna and Glonoin
Belladonna is worse bending the head backwards. Glonoin is better bending the head backwards. Both crave cold drinks, but Belladonna wants lemons. Glonoin loses his way in well known streets. Belladonna has striking, biting, spitting and kicking.

A Message for Chiropractors
The pain sometimes felt after spinal manipulations for subluxation, may be lessened or obviated by Ruta.
Homoeopathic Drug Pictures – Dr. M.L. Tyler
Thanks to Robin Sewell – Australia

Case Taking Form

Below is a case taking form based on one found in Dr. John H. Clarke’s The Prescriber. Some additions have been made. You can print this out and make copies for taking cases.

Name, Age, Occupation, Marital status, Address, tele, email.

Appearance: (Build – height- weight, hair color-quality, eye color etc.)

Note odor of body/breath if apparent

Medicines currently used

Patient’s history of illnesses / Family’s history of illness.

(Identify Miasms : Psoric, Sycotic, Syphilitic, Tubercular, Cancer)

Chief Complaint: Date of onset, sensation, location, modalities, concomitants.
Secondary complaint etc.

Modalities -Better or worse from:
Mind -What frightens, What angers (and how is it expressed or not) sensitivities, Weeping, Confidence, Most frequently experienced emotion etc.
Major traumas both physical and emotional
Appetite, Eating
Food Cravings, Aversions, Aggravations
Kidneys, Urine
Generative Organs
Neck, Back
Time (of aggr or amel)
Motion, Touch, etc.
Strange, Rare or Peculiar symptoms

About the author

Alan V. Schmukler

Alan V. Schmukler is a homeopath, Chief Editor of Homeopathy for Everyone and author of ”Homeopathy An A to Z Home Handbook”, (also in French, German, Greek, Polish and Portuguese). He is Hpathy’s resident cartoonist and also produces Hpathy’s Tips & Secrets column and homeopathy Crossword puzzles each month. Alan is a recipient of the National Center for Homeopathy Martha Oelman Community Service Award. Visit Alan at his website: Here.


  • This article TIPS AND SECRETS really good and it helps to recap our materia medica again, even help as a refresher of MM. Thanks for the article.

  • such tips are always valued and most welcome, as they are of great help to all those who practise homoeopathic healing.

  • It’s really helpful topic. it would be more helpful if you could cite some case report on drainage remedies in future. Can all the lesions on the skin be drained by the three remedies you have mentioned?.

  • The steps taken by and Dr. Alan in providing tips/experiences regarding homoeopathic treatment must be appreciated. Eexpecting more tips in coming days regarding “what not to do?/what should be avoided? while doing treatments.”

  • I read somewhere in the past that drainage is NOT true classical homeopathy. I don’t know anything about it so I cannot comment for or against it. Maybe someone can write something about it?
    As for the chiropractor tip, I will NEVER go to a chiropractor, my joints are way too precious to me to be put under so much stress…

  • I always read and pring out Tips and Secret. They are of tremedous help to me in my study. Thanks

  • The article TIPS AND SECRET isvery informative.No doubt it would serve as a permanent record for reference to homoeopathists.Thank you sir.

  • re: HELPLESSNESS rubric mentioned above: I have just yesterday had reason to re-prescribe Ars. for a patient whose blood pressure has risen due (according to my case-taking reasoning) to the stress she is experiencing around her husband’s forgetfulness/dementia: she is frustrated and unable to accept this unchangeable facet of his ageing. A deep sense of helplessness was at the centre of her case when I first took it 18 months ago, and Ars. cured her “undiagnosed” muscular condition. I did not actually use the rubric HELPLESSNESS in my original repertorization, but when I saw it in the above list, with ARS listed bold, I thought oh yes: I have just looked up the rubric in Synthesis and in my Isis (2005)program which uses Combined, and ARS is not listed. It is listed in Murphy. I always like to see which repertory is being used when rubrics and their remedies are referred to.

    Thanks. Sincerely, Genevieve

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