Tips and Secrets

Tips & Secrets – October 2019

Tips and Secrets from the masters and important news. This column includes, the violence of Cuprum, temperature changes in Pulsatilla, Mygale lasiodora for uncomplicated cases of chorea and more.

Tips from Dr. James Tyler Kent

China: Periodicity: is regarded as the most important indication for China, but it is a mistake. Periodicity is the symptom upon which Quinine is given. China has periodicity, but in no greater degree than many other remedies

Cuprum: Cuprum is not passive in its business. Violence is manifested everywhere. Violence in its diarrhoea, in its vomiting, in its spasmodic action, strange and violent things in its mania and delirium. Hysterical cramps and hysterical attitudes may change in a night or in a day to St. Vitus’ dance, and go on with it as if nothing had happened. Such is the suddenness with which it changes its character. This is not generally known of Cuprum – this constant changing about.

Cyclamen : Aversion to motion, yet motion ameliorates her pain and uneasiness. Aversion to the open air, yet open air ameliorates some symptoms especially the coryza and cough. The marked dullness of the senses and special senses is a striking part of this picture.

Pulsatilla to Silica: After practicing a while you will be surprised to observe the Pendulum like-action between heat and cold in various complementary remedies. You take a patient who is hot-blooded, who is always suffering from the heat, from too much clothing and too warm a room, a patient that is tearful and sad, and may be a blonde. Why you say, I am trying to describe a Pulsatilla patient. Well, yes; anyone can see that. Puls. is a hot-blooded patient, but after using that remedy a while you notice that the patient goes to the other extreme and becomes chilly, and wants much clothing; the heat is taken out of the case. Sil. is the natural follower of Puls., and you would be astonished to know how often a patient leaving Puls. runs toward Sil.

Graphites: It cures cauliflower excrescence of the uterus; it has restrained the growth of cancer in the cervix uteri, when there was burning and putrid bloody discharge; in this it resembles Carbo an.

Phosphorus: If your patient while going through the confinement has had a hot head, an uncontrollable thirst for ice cold water, and after the confinement, everything has gone on in an orderly way, and the placenta has been delivered, and although you have no reason to expect such haemorrhage it comes on, Phosphorus will nearly always be the remedy.

Ipecac:  When the uterus is continuously oozing, but every little while the flow increases to a gush, and with every little gush of bright red blood the woman thinks she is going to faint, or there is gasping, and the quantity of the flow is not sufficient to account for such prostration, nausea, syncope, pallor, Ipecac. is the remedy.

Kalmia Latifolia:  He is incapacitated for mental work when in motion and even when sitting up, but, when lying upon his back perfectly quiet, making no motion, the mind works well and with clearness. With the slightest motion, however, even of the hand, on comes vertigo and confusion of mind.

Lycopodium:  The Lycopodium patient wakes up in the morning with sadness. There is sadness and gloom. The world may come to an end, or the whole family may die, or the house may burn up. There seems to be nothing cheering, the future looks black. After moving about a while, this passes off. This state precedes conditions of insanity, and finally a suicidal state comes, an aversion to life.

Lectures on Homoeopathic Materia Medica – James Tyler Kent,  M.D.

Dr. E.A Farrington  – Tips on Chorea

Mygale Lasiodora

Mygale lasiodora is one of our best remedies for uncomplicated cases of chorea (Homeopathy for Chorea).  The patient is apt to be low-spirited and depressed.    She has constant twitching of the muscles of the face.  The head is often jerked to one side, usually to the right.  There are also twitchings and jerkings of the muscles of one arm and leg

Agaricus is the most similar remedy to Mygale in chorea. Agaricus also has angular choreic movements.  But as a distinctive symptom, we have itching of the eyelids or of different parts of the body, as if they had been frost-bitten. The eyelids are in constant motion

Cimicifuga  racemosa is to be employed in chorea when the movements affect mostly the left side and when the disease is associated with myalgia or rheumatic ailments.

Tarentula is indicated in chorea affecting the right arm and right leg. The movements exist even at night.

Ignatia is called  for in chorea of emotional origin.

Zizia may be used in cases in which the choreic movements continue during sleep.

Stramonium chorea is characterized by the following symptoms:

Features continually changing; now he laughs and now appears Astonished. Tongue protruded rapidly, head thrown alternately backwards and  forwards, spasmodic twisting of the spine and whole body.

Thousands Protest 5G in Switzerland

Thousands of people turned out to protest 5G in Bern at the Swiss Parliament. The argue that the electromagnetic radiation from 5G poses unprecedented health and environmental risks.  Several Swiss cantons in Geneva, Vaud, Fribourg and Neuchatel managed to postpone 5G construction. The Swiss Federation of Doctors (FMH) has called for caution in applying the new technology.

5G protested in Australia

Protests against 5G took place in Melbourne, Perth, Brisbane and Hervey bay. The Group 5G Australia stated that 5G is “probably the greatest threat to humanity we have ever faced.”

Dr. Angie Colbeck on wireless radiation

Warning on cellphone radiation – Lawyer Jimmy Gonzalez (excellent)

Tips on Nausea and Cough – R. W. Nelson, M.D 


Ipecac:  Violent and continual, with vomiting of tenacious glairy mucus

Cocculus: Resembling sea-sickness, and on sitting up the objects seem to move up

Sepia:  Morning sickness with inclination to vomit when rinsing the mouth out:

Nausea and vomiting  

Cimicifuga:  From cerebral irritation

Strammonium: With flow of very saltish tasting saliva: Stramonium

Bryonia: And fainting from sitting up in bed


Belladonna: Dry, irritating and spasmodic

Rhus Tox: Terrible, as if it would tear something out of the chest. Putting the hand out of bed brings on the cough.

Laurocerasus: Arising from affection of the heart; gasping for breath when sitting up, and coughs when he lies down.

Antimonium Tart: Head thrown backwards, with great anxiety and prostration, forehead and whole body covered with perspiration, pulse feeble and accelerated, throat full of phlegm.

Colchicum: Dry, hacking, with burning and feeling of constriction across the chest.

Chelidonium: Loose rattling, constant tickling and desire to cough in the larynx.

Cuprum: Long continued paroxysms of convulsive cough with vomiting of frothy mucous, blue lips and face.

Nux. Vom:  Hard, dry, with sense of constriction around hypochondria, and great soreness of the abdomen.

Ignatia: Gets sleepy after every coughing spell.

Cocculus: Choking sensation in fauces, with irritation and dryness of the larynx and difficulty of breathing.

Sulphur: Dry, suppressed choking, in the evening before menstruation.

Lycopodium: Day and night, hectic fever, with expectoration of large quantities of pus.

Ferrum phos: With spitting of blood from fall or injury.

Kali hydroid: Dry hacking followed by copious green expectoration.

Hepar sulph:  Rattling, choking; when any part of the body gets cold must be covered up. Sensation as if hot water were trickling through the bronchia.

Drosera: Expectoration of yellow mucous, cough occurs on lying down, and in paroxysms, from one to three hours apart, lasting an hour.

Phosphorus: Tightness across the chest, with the sensation as if breathing through smoke; worse coming from the warm air into a cold room, with trembling of the whole body while coughing.

Cactus: Violent after midnight, causing vomiting and copious expectoration with palpitation of the heart.

A Clinical Assistant: Being An Index Of Diseases, Their Symptoms, And Homoeopathic Treatment   – R. W. Nelson, M.D., M.R.C.S.L. -Circa 1882

About the author

Alan V. Schmukler

Alan V. Schmukler is a homeopath, Chief Editor of Homeopathy for Everyone and author of ”Homeopathy An A to Z Home Handbook”, (also in French, German, Greek, Polish and Portuguese). He is Hpathy’s resident cartoonist and also produces Hpathy’s Tips & Secrets column and homeopathy Crossword puzzles each month. Alan is a recipient of the National Center for Homeopathy Martha Oelman Community Service Award. Visit Alan at his website: Here.

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