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Veterinary Homeopathy

22nd Congress of Holistic Veterinary Medicine – English homeopathy lecture

The 22nd Congress of Holistic Veterinary Medicine will be held via Zoom on April 22nd and April 23rd. Detail are found in this article.

Date: Friday, 22nd of April 2022 09:00 h – 16:00 h (English parts, total until Saturday, 23nd of April 2022 15:30 h)

Location: on the internet via zoom or live in Nuremberg, Germany

In this year we have succeeded in attracting several top-class speakers for our congress. Dr. Lise Hansen from England will talk about the treatment of allergic skin diseases – her specialty. She will give us a brief insight into her unique method of treatment, which enables her to achieve impressive results. Few veterinarians can match her track record in this area of homeopathy. (lecture is in English)

Are we perhaps using too few  ‘animal’ remedies in the treatment of animals? This question will be addressed by internationally sought-after speakers Dr. Stefan Kohlrausch (lecture is in German), Dr. Marlene Jorgensen (lecture is in English) and Beatrice Milleder (lecture is in German). Their lectures will focus on ‘animal’ remedies. Whether bird remedies, spider remedies or snake remedies – for each of these groups the speakers can provide well-documented case studies that will certainly greatly expand our knowledge in this field. Often seen, rarely recognized – the rolling skin syndrome of the cat. What is it anyway? How can I tell if a cat is suffering from it? What are the treatment options, and what does homeopathy do here? These are questions which Dr. Brigitte Hentschel from Munich will deal with in detail in her lecture (in German).

All in all, once again a colorful program, with certainly something for every participant!

Price: full event: 460 €, only English parts: 210 € (discount for several memberships)

We have summarized all the information pertaining to the event on this page where it is possible to book only the English parts:

If you have any question, please contact the congress office: [email protected] or +49 7664 40363815

About the author

Alan V. Schmukler

Alan V. Schmukler is a homeopath, Chief Editor of Homeopathy for Everyone and author of ”Homeopathy An A to Z Home Handbook”, (also in French, German, Greek, Polish and Portuguese). He is Hpathy’s resident cartoonist and also produces Hpathy’s Tips & Secrets column and homeopathy Crossword puzzles each month. Alan is a recipient of the National Center for Homeopathy Martha Oelman Community Service Award. Visit Alan at his website: Here.

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