Materia Medica Course on Shameless Remedies with Dr Manish Bhatia
Veterinary Homeopathy

Ask the Holistic Vet – February 2022


Ask the Holistic Vet – Dr. Deva Khalsa – February 2022

Dr. Deva Khalsa answers veterinary questions each month. Send your questions by the 7th of the month to [email protected] Please include as much detail as possible. This month she answers questions about chronic ear infections in a dog, a with a chronic cough, cats with allergies and IBD, a poodle with cataracts, a dog with cancer, an aggressive dog, a dog with progressively weak legs and vaccinations.

Dear Dr. Khalsa,
I have a German Shepard with chronic ear infections.  She is over 7 years old and has had ear infections on and off most of her life.  We use Surolan 30ml in her ears constantly!  She is always clawing at her ears, or shaking her head.  Last November, she developed an ear hematoma from all the shaking.  We finally had to break down and take her to a vet for it (because I am awful at determining remedies, and how often, but I’ve tried).

The medicine cleared up the hematoma and the ear infection went away for a month.  The medicine she was on caused incontinence.  She would randomly lose bladder control.  Someone recommended one-time use of cantharis and that seems to have helped…no accidents for over a week now!

But I can tell her ear infection is coming back.  She is starting to shake her head.   About her personality, she is a sweet girl with anxiety.  We are living with family, soon to be in our own home next week. I’m sure her anxiety is high because she knows boxes and suitcases mean we are leaving and she probably doesn’t realize she is going with us.  She is generally well behaved and sweet, but she has tried to rip open the back door, thinking we were leaving her because we have been moving around a lot.  Also, our baby is close to crawling, and she likes to keep away from her (maybe out of fear or she is afraid she may hurt the baby because she is bigger?) Money is getting better for us, so we plan to get her better dog food, but not sure the best thing to get to help with her ears.

Thank you for helping!
Crystal Kellough

Dr. Deva Khalsa:

Hi Crystal,
I am going to enclose two articles. One is about a dark yeast called Malassezia which causes most of the ear infections we see in dogs. Another is about this kind of ear infection.  The dog’s ear canal has a much longer vertical horizontal canal than humans.  To envision this, make your hand into a gun (thumb and forefinger) and turn it to the side. You can see easily to the cuticle of your nail.

Now bend your thumb. With an otoscope, one can see down to that bend. Below that bend we have the other half of the thumb and the upper part of the palm and it even goes into the forefinger area.  In fact, it is way more than likely that the infection your dog has – has never really gone away- it just goes up the drain and down the drain.

You look in after a treatment program and it looks good, but it is only to the cuticle on your nail.   I would get Zymox ear cleaner and clean the ears once a week, no matter what. This will clean out the crud so the medicine can get down into the ear.

Then get Zymox enzymatic ear solution which is all natural and non-toxic. Use this in both ears twice a day for 10 days of every month starting on the same date every month. Do this for 6 months…even if the ears look good. That’s because we can’t see way down deep and know when it will totally clear up.  Because of the length of your dog’s problem it will take at least 6 months of treatment, whether the top section of the ear looks good or not.

Dear Dr. Khalsa,
Pepe is an 18 year old cross Cairn and something larger.  He had a stroke 6 months ago and had a fantastic recovery with Glon 30C. In fact, his limp of 2 years has gone and his coat became glossy and stopped smelling (almost death like).

He has had a bad cough like a long-term smoker.  I took him to the vet and they said his lungs were clear and that he had an infection in his colon.  He was given a course of antibiotics.  The cough symptoms continued after the course was finished.

Over time I gave him many remedies: Dros 30c Pertussin 30c Spongia 30 which didn’t help and Ant Tar 30 seemed to make a difference. Stopped the cough but he developed excessive saliva.

I followed Antim. tart it with Phos 30 then 200 but he still has drooling.  But better than heaving hacking cough that was the early problem.

He vomits up white bubbly frothy saliva, drinks excessively and then vomits watery saliva. This drooling is better than when he was coughing and regurgitating his food.  Only has soft food cant tolerate kibble.  Good appetite still.

He walks about 1 hr a day with rests during.  Today he went twice!  Still swims in river.  Prefers to be outside sitting in the sun, wind rain and snow.

Demands affection for short time then prefers to sleep on his own.  Very independent.  His own dog.  Hearing and sight obviously not what they were, like early dementia, not sure always where we are ie other dogs and me. Sometimes brings me ball or toy in my face first thing so still playful.
Paula Wynburne   Lic Homeopath   –

Dr. Deva Khalsa

Hi Paula,
There are a few things that can be a problem. He may have a partial paralysis of his laryngeal pharangeal area, and he may have collapsing trachea. With collapsing trachea they usually cough just as they begin to move or when the velocity of the air flowing through the trachea changes.  The laryngeal pharangeal area has a flap that falls over the trachea when eating and falls over the esophagus when breathing.   It’s important that your local vet look at this. I would try Ipecac 6x in a vaporizer in the room where he sleeps all night. Of course, you just put the remedy in the water.

Dear Dr Khalsa,
My good friend Katalin gave me your details and told me that you had helped her dog. I was wondering if you could help my 9 year old cat who has developed itchy skin over the last few years. I have taken her to the vets and she’s had hydrocortisone injections, the first one two years ago which helped and 6 months ago which has made no difference. She rarely goes outside and has flea treatment (she had fleas in the past but not at the moment). Her fur has become patchy particularly around her lower spine. She eats well and seems content but I have little faith the regular vets can help her.
Thank you
Lorraine Mccarthy

 Dr. Deva Khalsa:

Allergies are an inappropriate reaction of the immune system.  The kid with a peanut allergy has an incorrect, inappropriate reaction to peanuts while all his friends are eating peanut snacks with no problem.  I am skilled in many holistic modialites and I always choose the one that actually cures to make it easy and fast. Check out the site   This therapy eliminates allergies. Then go onto my site and click the professional consult button to make an appointment with me.

Hi Dr. Khalsa.
I have an 8 year old cat with IBD (mainly chronic constipation and occasional vomiting). She sees a great homeopathic vet who had me test her stool through Animal Biome. After going through 7 or 8 bottles of their fecal transplant pills, I retested and her microbiome is significantly worse. Most concerning to me is that her previously high Clostridium has doubled even with giving S. Boulardii daily. Her Escherichia Shigella is very high as well. Animal Biome suggested that I move on to their Gut Maintenance pill, but that is not recommended for constipated animals and I had to stop it. I’m still giving the fecal transplant pills because I can tell she feels better on them. My cat also sees a Chinese medicine vet who has diagnosed her with a qi and yin deficiency with liver yang rising. She has been on 3 seeds combination and rehmannia 6 for about 6 weeks now. She is raw fed, is exempt from vaccines, and I don’t use chemicals on her. What should I do next?
Thank you

Dr. Deva Khalsa:

IBD is easy to treat. It is because there is a war going on in the gut with reactions to foods. These reactions can be food sensitivities, food intolerances, and bona fide allergies. Check out my Battlefield Gut article*  works great for this.  It is so spot on, that doing anything else is a waste of time.


Hello Dr. Khalsa,
I have two dogs, one a male miniature poodle and the other a female bichon. Both are rescues so their exact age is unknown  (maybe 8-10 years).  They both have cataracts. I’ve been using eye drops which have helped but I’m hoping homeopathy or something else might be a better option.
Thank you!
Patti Delvillan

 Dr. Deva Khalsa:

Hi Patti,
Sometimes the remedy Nat mur 6x twice a day for 2 months helps. There are also these very good drops from Switzerland that can work well.  Cataracts are sort of rare but nuclear sclerosis, which makes the lens foggy is very common. Has the vet diagnosed cataracts or do you just think there are cataracts?  Ethos Bright Eye drops are mentioned in this article I have written explaining cataracts.

Hello Dr. Khalsa,
I have four Hungarian Vizsla bitches, eldest aged 13, her daughter (7) and grand daughters (aged 18 months and 30 months). They are raw fed, not vaccinated, no chemical pest controls or wormers used.

The 30 month old dog is a concern.  She was a happy go lucky whelp and puppy until bitten by our older male dog full front on the face aged 16 weeks.  She became shy, anxious and fearful, so much so it was impossible to take her to training classes as she would completely shut down.  Little by little and with the younger sibling to jolly her along she became less shy and anxious.  Social distancing, where no one passes close or seems to walk directly towards us seemed to help her relax.

At the end of the first lockdown her behaviour broke down with aggression to other dogs when on lead and chasing cyclists and runners, even jumping up at other people.

She enjoys her food but remains lean (her mother puts weight on easily).  She prefers to be under a cover rather than on top of it and will settle in a crate either alone or with another dog.

I have given her adaptogen herbal mixes, probiotics and GABA supplements to no effect. (The thinking was to ensure the gut biome was good).  I also gave her milk to drink.

Any suggestions of remedies that might help would be very much appreciated.
Thank you
Eileen Sargeant

 Dr. Deva Khalsa:

Start with Natrum mur 6c at twice a day for a week and go right into Nat mur 30c three times a day for 10 days and finally follow with Nat mur 200c once a day for 14 days. Wait a week and start Lycopodium  200c twice a day for two to three weeks.

Dear Dr. Khalsa,
I have a 13.5 y/o DSH feline, male, neutered who was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in May 2020 (initial diagnosis was pancreatitis-fPLI-34.8) Ultrasound and biopsy confirmed pancreatic mass with free fluid. Was started on Palladia 10 mgs every other day, pain meds and anti-emetics. Subsequent follow up visits/ultrasounds indicate he is responsive to treatment, mass remains stable, no free fluid noted via ultrasound. The vet, stated the disease is managed. His lab results have remained within normal range with the exception of a persistent elevated Precision PSL. In addition to the prescribed medications, he is on Pet Well being Life Gold drops, Essential oils applied topically (ordered from animalEO-Dr. M. Shelton-DVM. Kitty Boost, Liver Boost on a rotational basis.) Supplements-Omega 3 FA, Enzymes, CBD Hemp oil. He has been on a grain free, limited ingredient wet food diet for years-refuses raw diet. Homeopathic remedies NuxVomica 30C, Arnica 6C, Arsenicum Alba 30 C-given when he flares up. His weight in May 2020-4.70 kg. Today his weight is 3.85 kgs. Unfortunately-I believe he has dental disease, he was scheduled for his yearly dental exam/cleaning but had to be postponed twice due to the GI issues.

His quality of life remains positive-he still enjoys walking around the pool cage (he is strictly an indoor cat), enjoys laying in the sun, stalking lizards, watching birds. Appetite is fair-eats small amounts every 3-4 hrs. Elimination remains normal, does have constipation-give coconut oil, if not effective then give Lactulose/Miralax. Observation of his comfort level-he sleeps soundly, on his back which leads me to believe that he is comfortable.

Thank you in advance for your time and recommendations, I know his prognosis is grim.
Kindest regards,
Vilma Rosado

Dr. Deva Khalsa:

You’ve done very well and covered just about all bases.  I would add Double Helix Water where you dilute one bottle of it in a gallon of distilled water and syringe some in three times a day and keep going with this. It helps everything else work better and it has cured pancreatic cancer.

Respected Dr.
The rear legs of my pet female dog go weaker day by day. She cannot walk properly. Walks slowly with difficulty. The animal doctor says she being 10 year’s old becomes weaker by age. As per his advice vitamins etc. are being given, but no result. If legs are pressed, she feels no pain. Is she suffering gradual paralysis? Can you kindly prescribe some medicine for her? I shall be grateful to you.
Thank you
Prafulla Mohanty

Dr. Deva Khalsa:

Check her thyroid first. If it is low, giving thyroid medication can work a miracle. Of course, these meds are given for life.  I hope it is her thyroid as it is a very easy fix and after two weeks on medication you will see her legs getting stronger and then they will continue to get stronger and stronger over time. Of course, there are other things it can be, but checking this first is imperative. Also, this is a common reason

Hi Dr. Khalsa,
I have a 10 month old Pomchi female. When will she get her first menstruation? And should she get all the normal vaccinations?
Thank you
Arielle Giordano

Dr. Deva Khalsa:

Every breed and even within breeds have their own first heat cycle. The best way to get an accurate answer is to check with the breeder and find out how that works with her dogs.  One parvo and one distemper vaccination at 18 weeks of age lasts for life.  This is how I would do it. No yearly titers are needed.  If you want to take a blood titer test one year after these shots at 18 weeks for your own comfort you can do this.  One positive titer is all you need for life. This is from Dr. Ron Schulz, the best veterinary immunologist on earth!  Wait as long as you can for Rabies. It is a legal thing and it’s pretty hard to get away from it but if you can wait till 9 months that would be better.

Visit Dr. Khalsa at her website for information and consults:

Editor’s note: Dr. Khalsa’s new book was just released:

The Allergic Pet –Holistic Solutions to End the Allergy Epidemic in Our Dogs and Cats

Dr. Khalsa shows how to strengthen the immune systems of dogs and cats without invasive techniques or pharmaceutical drugs.

Available from:


The second edition of Dr. Khalsa’s Natural Dog is now available. It’s an exceptional book with information not offered in any similar work. I recommend it highly!

About the author

Deva Khalsa

Dr. Deva Khalsa V.M.D. is a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania, a Fellow and Professor of the British Institute of Homeopathy and has lectured both nationally and internationally. She is the co-author of ‘Healing Your Horse: Alternative Therapies’ and Dr. Khalsa’s Natural Dog‘. Her practice includes homeopathy acupuncture, Chinese Herbs, nutrition, N.A.E.T, J.M.T. and other modalities. Her philosophy is to use whatever it takes to restore health. Dr. Khalsa’s practice is in New Zealand but she consults by internet and phone with pet owners from the US, Canada, Australia, South Africa, New Zealand, Europe and the UK.


  • Please help my 12 year old “Sweet Puppy”Shitzu has a bulging neck disk which made him paralyzed in his legs until day 2 of Prednisone and Gabapentin. They say he will need surgery anyway, his other tests show he is healthy, what can I do to stop these toxic meds and treat with homeopathy?, I have been giving him Arnica. He is the love of my life

    • Hi Laurie,

      I’ll forward your question to Dr. Khalsa and her answer will appear her column in the April 18th issue of this journal. Please email me at [email protected] so I can also send you her answer.

      Alan V. Schmukler

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